Official art from Skylanders

Skylanders as Warrior Cats (part 3): Spyro’s Adventure by Jackdawpaw

Jackdawpaw gives more purrsonas to Skylanders characters.

Official art from Skylanders
Official art from Skylanders

Hello lovely BlogClanners! Guess who’s back with another Skylander article 😌 me, Jacks! And yes, we’re still on game 1!
Let’s begin!

Official art from Skylanders
Official art from Skylanders

1. Double Trouble
So, this is the classic tiki-tiki type, and he would probably be a medicine-cat… a rather weird one, probably. First I thought his suffix would be ‘shadow, because he can make clones of himself, and y’know, they’re sort of like his shadows, but I changed my mind to ‘mask, cuz yea he has a mask. As for the prefix… hmm… how about something magic? Magicmask is too straightforward, and I used Charm’ for Spyro… how about Mojomask? It sounds really weird, but Double Trouble is weird, so yeah. Mojomask is a pale brown tabby tom with orange, white, and black splotches, cause as I already said, Double Trouble is WEIRD.

Official art from Skylanders
Official art from Skylanders

2. Drill Sergeant
Okay, so, I don’t know much about this guy’s personality, but I know he’s an Arkeyan robot, and I’m pretty sure he was found by Terrafin. Since he’s a robot, I’m going to assume he doesn’t have much of a personality, so I’m just gonna go straight with the looks. His prefix should be Drill’, cause if you take a look at his arms, they’re drills, and as for his suffix… ‘sergeant /j no but really I’m thinking maybe Drillglare? Cause idk his eyes are shining or something? Nah, that’s lame… let’s go with Rumbleglare! I know, I changed the prefix, but Drill’ was just too basic. So, Rumbleglare is a golden tom with glowing yellow eyes and darker paws, ears, and tail-tip. :3

Official art from Skylanders
Official art from Skylanders

3. Hex (and her skull)
Fun fact, Hex is an elf! This poor girl has a rough time making friends, I know, but at least she has her little skull, Skull. If you ask me, they’re a great team 😀 Since she can be associated with a lot of words, this shouldn’t be very hard. But since I don’t want to be totally boring and say Skullsoul or Nightbone or something like that, I’m gonna start with using the suffix ‘smoke cause that feels a little more unique and a little less obvious, hehe. As for the prefix… how about Soulsmoke? Sounds like a villain, I know, but yeah I’m calling her Soulsmoke, and she’s a black she-cat with ice-blue eyes. And I’m making Skull Skullpaw/bone cause he’s literally just a skull, lol, and he’s a white tom with veeeeeeeeery pale gray markings and green eyes.

Official art from Skylanders
Official art from Skylanders

4. Camo
Aka fruit boi! He should definitely have a fruity prefix… why not just use Fruit’? Then we can use either ‘smash or ‘strike as suffix… I think I’m going with Fruitsmash. Nah, never mind, Fruitstrike is better. No, I’m changing back to Fruitsmash. (Lol I’m so indecisive) That wasn’t so hard. His purr, tho… I’m making him a pale ginger tabby tom with brown paws and very intense green eyes.

Official art from Skylanders
Official art from Skylanders

5. Dino-Rang
Soo, if you ask me, Dino-Rang’s prefix is pretty obvious: Lizard’. And, to add a suffix, how about Lizardblade? Doesn’t sound great, I must admit, but it’s fine. He’s a small, dark brown tabby tom with ragged fur and yellow eyes.

Official art from Skylanders
Official art from Skylanders

6. Sonic Boom
This girl is what a Warriors fan would call a queen! (Aka she makes babies.) (Very aggressive babies.) Anyways, I still don’t think the classic queen suffix ‘flower would fit her personality; she’s just too cool. I think her suffix should be ‘wind, cause she likes to blow her opponents to death, and her prefix… How about Eagle’? It’s pretty cool, just like her, and it really expresses her fierce personality, so yeah, Eaglewind it is, and she’s a very dark gray, almost black, she-cat with yellow eyes! Oh, and as a bonus: I’m naming her babies Falconkit, Strikekit, and Screechkit, and they all have same purrs as their mother!

Official art from Skylanders
Official art from Skylanders

7. Ignitor
Let’s see, what firey prefixes have I already used… I used Lava’ for Eruptor, and Flame’ for Sunburn (darn it :P) I can’t use Fire’, that’s too… you know what I mean, you can’t just use the prefix Fire’ however you want. *Googles synonyms* BLAZE, GUYS! How didn’t I think of that, lol? Anyways, as for his suffix, I’m going to use… hmm… maybe ‘swoop? Cause, idk, he sweeps his sword and it goes like “swoop” and yeah? Okay, so, Blazeswoop is a ginger tabby tom with blue eyes!

Official art from Skylanders
Official art from Skylanders

8. Wham-Shell
This might me my imagination, lol, but isn’t Wham-Shell like the only water Skylander who isn’t blue? Please tell me if I’m wrong 😛 Okay, so his suffix should probably be his own animal species… what is he, really? A crab? *Googles* I… think he is? Or maybe he’s a lobster or whatever, anyways, I’m using the prefix Crab’. And for the suffix, I’m thinking maybe ‘strike here as well? Crabstrike? Yeah, why not. So, Crabstrike is a russet tom with yellow eyes – no, yellow-blue heterochromia, I need to have some fun too!

I think that’s all for this article, thanks for reading! I’ll come back in another day or week with part 4! Jackdawpaw out!

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