[back to back, Ivypool looks up in the Dark Forest while Dovewing glances at her from a day-lit forest]

Ivypool and Dovewing – The dilemma by AcaciaShine

AcaciaShine discusses the sisters from Omen of the Stars.

[back to back, Ivypool looks up in the Dark Forest while Dovewing glances at her from a day-lit forest]
Art by roseshards
[back to back, Ivypool looks up in the Dark Forest while Dovewing glances at her from a day-lit forest]

Hey there, I’m the one and only Acacia that Shines with Hope and Kindness, but you can call me AcaciaShine…Acacia…or Axy… but never mind that, we’re here to focus on…*Drum Roll* Ivypool and Dovewing! Hold on to your seats Ivy and/or Dove lovers/haters, this might give you a whole new opinion!
Dovewing and Ivypool will be shown through personalities, Pros, and Cons. Nothing more. Dovewing is:
Empathetic: Dovewing often shows deep empathy, especially towards her Clanmates and family. She cares deeply about their well-being and struggles with the burden of her special abilities.
Loyal: Despite her complicated relationships, Dovewing remains loyal to her Clan and strives to do what she believes is right. (Which can sometimes be a bad thing for her…)
Sensitive: She is quite sensitive and can be affected by the opinions and actions of others, which sometimes leads to self-doubt for her.
Brave: Dovewing demonstrates bravery in many situations, especially when it comes to protecting her loved ones and fulfilling her duties.
Conflicted: She often feels torn between her duties and her personal desires, particularly in her relationships with Tigerheart, Bumblestripe, and her sister, Ivypool.
Resilient: Despite facing numerous challenges and losses, Dovewing shows resilience and continues to fight for what she believes in.
Indecisive: Dovewing often struggles with making decisions, especially when it comes to her relationships and her duties.
Whiny: At times, she can come across as whiny, particularly when she feels overwhelmed by her responsibilities and the expectations placed on her.
Clingy: She can be overly dependent on others for emotional support, which sometimes leads to tension in her relationships.
Insensitive: Dovewing can be insensitive to the feelings of others, especially when she is focused on her own problems.
Reckless: She tends to act impulsively without fully considering the consequences of her actions.
Does this show you anything Ivy haters? Did you just now realize things Dove lovers? Now it’s time to tell you more about Ivypool…
Ivypool is:
Bravery: She shows immense courage, especially when she risks her life to spy on the Dark Forest.
Loyalty: Ivypool remains steadfastly loyal to ThunderClan and her loved ones, even when faced with difficult choices.
Resilience: She endures numerous challenges and hardships but always finds a way to persevere.
Intelligence: Ivypool is quick-thinking and strategic, often using her wits to navigate complex situations.
Compassion: Despite her tough exterior, she cares deeply for her Clanmates and family.
Jealousy: Early in the series, Ivypool struggles with feelings of jealousy towards her sister, Dovewing, which leads her to make some questionable decisions.
Stubbornness: She can be quite headstrong, sometimes refusing to listen to others or consider alternative viewpoints.
Insecurity: Ivypool often feels overshadowed by her sister and doubts her own worth, which can affect her actions and decisions.
Impulsiveness: At times, she acts on impulse without fully thinking through the consequences, which can put herself and others in danger.
Distrust: Due to her experiences in the Dark Forest, she can be overly suspicious and slow to trust others.
Can some of you Dove lovers now see what’s going on? And even the Ivy lovers, too. I love both of the characters so much! I think both of them are unique and are special, every bit of them. So I’m an IvyDove lover! What are you?
Thank you all for reading. Hope you have an awesome rest of your day/night. -Axy

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