Today is Blossomrose’s third clanniversary!! Cheers to three awesome years on the blog, Bloss, and congrats on sticking with us so long! It’s been wonderful to have you around!

I hope you’ve enjoyed your time on the blog as much as we’ve loved having you around! Over the three years, you’ve participated in many thoughtful discussions about Pokémon, music, and books, and you were also one of the original members of the Apprentice Army! It’s always lovely to see your kind, friendly face (well, profile picture) around the blog. Thank you for being your wonderful self!

Here’s your acrostic poem! :]

Here’s a tasty looking cake for you! To make sure it wasn’t poisoned, I may have had to take a few bites out of it…sorry about that, but on the plus side, it’s not poisonous. Probably.
Well, Bloss, have you had a good time on the blog? How has it changed during your years in the community? What’re some of your favorite blog memories?

Happy clanniversary Bloss! <3
Happy Clanniversary Blossomrose!!!
Yessss happy clanniversary Bloss!!!
Happy clanniversary Blossomrose!!
Happy Canniversary Bloss!!!!!
Happy clanniversary Bloss!!!!:D
Happy Clanny Blossomrose!
AWWWWWW FLAME, this is so stinking cute oh my gosh! I cannot believe ive been here on the blog three years! Everyone on this little corner of the internet is amazing, and so kind, and im infinitely lucky to have found a place here. Thank you for the poem! and thank you all for the clanniversary wishes! You made my day! ilyyyy <3