Guess what? Today marks Shimmz’ second year on the blog! Gather around, folks, as we celebrate this lovely member of our community!🎉

Shimmz, I think I speak for the blog when I say you’re fantastic. Thank you for sticking around for two whole years! You’ve been busy with art, writing both articles and your own stories, roleplaying, and just generally being a joy to have around. It’s always grand to see you around and get to chat with you, and it’s genuinely been a blast roleplaying together and getting to learn about your characters. Thank you for being your wonderful, creative self. Also, rumor has it you’re running for senior warrior- get those couches in, folks!

Behold, your acrostic poem!
You are an awesome person and there are no adjectives starting with Y that are worthy of describing your fabulous existence 😛

Shimmz, ol’ buddy ol’ pal, would you let me take a few bites of your cake? I hope the answer’s yes, cuz I may or may not have helped myself already….I mean, uh, the spam monster did it, because the spam monster definitely eats and I would never steal cake C: Anyway, enjoy!
How’s it feel to have been around for two whole years, Shimmz? Do you have any favorite blog memories or stories you want to share? What’re you looking forward to in the years to come?

WHOOOOO happy belated Clanniversary, Shimmz!! It’s been so much fun to hang out with you more, our chats are always cool and entertaining! 😀 <333
HAPPY CLANNIVERSARY SHIMMZ MY BUDDY!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 I’ve loved chatting with ya on all our servers, and it’s been so fun to roleplay with you these past months! Congrats on your second year, dude!
YAYYYY THANK YOU ALLL also ty for the cookies drifter !!
thats such a cool cake yippee also yes ofc u can have some flame c:
yes go vouch for me chatfor my favorite blog memories, ive gotta go with chatting with people on discord its so fun and i love our discussions (special shoutout to snowy, silvs, glac, riv and the nexus gang i love yall) <333 and for years to come im mostly looking forward to meeting more slaytastic ppl :p and also becoming a warrior which is in less than 2 months screaming crying
this was so amazing to read omgggggg i remember being a lil baby 6th grader stumbling upon an article about smudge it feels like so long ago ahhhh
Seconded, our talks are so much fun, and I love you too <333 /p