• Ok, so how will we start? Icepaw?

  • Nice! This is where we will plan the Palestar’s End SE for Rising Stars!

    Host/Moderator: Icepaw! (me)

    Co-writers: Amberpaw, Skypaw, and Sandbreeze

    • Ok, so, I think we’ll start with the Prologue won’t we?
      Do you guys think the Prologue should be Palestar’s death scene? Is the cat she forgot Thrushflight? If yes, could she have any kinship bound or relationship with Thrushflight, or whichever dead cat she forgot?
      Do you guys have any ideas for any other scenes we could use for the Prologue?
      Is she kin/mates to Breezewhistle? Is she kin to Thistlepaw? And to Rabbitpounce? And to Ryestar? And to Hillrunner? Who is she kin to? Does she have a mate? Fogkit is Brightbreeze’s kit, according to the Prologue of Rising Stars. Could Brightbreeze be related to palestar somehow? How about Hollyberry? And Oliveleaf? And any other cats who have relevant appearances on the story? Who else?
      Palestar is shown to be very soothing. Did she learn that with someone? Did she have an experience when she was young in which she needed to be soothing?
      What was Palestar’s warrior name? What can we work with that? (for example, if Palestar was named Palesky, maybe she had kin named Sky- or -sky and got named after then. Or maybe she was half SkyClan. Or Paleriver, the same thing. There are lots of names, and we can deduce soemthing from each, even such thing as Palefur [she could have been named after someone]) If you haven’t yet decided, you could use htis dictionary, it’s great: https://www.deviantart.com/sparkythewingedcat/art/Warrior-Cats-Name-Dictionary-Eclipse-Version-885395376
      Those are a few concepts we could start with! Good luck everyone!

      • Woah, one question at a time. I think we should have Palestar’s death scene as the prologue, since it happened in Bluestar’s Prophecy and it went real well like that. I forgot who Thrushflight is. Brightbreeze can be related to Palestar, maybe her sister. Oliveleaf would be a great one, since I feel like one of Palestar’ siblings should be a med cat. Palestar could’ve learned her soothing nature from her mother, which is most common, or grandmother or a elder that she had a great relationship. Maybe Palestar didn’t have a great relationship with her mother, and so she became very close to an elder/warrior and was heartbroken when she/he died. Palesky would be great, or Paleleap, maybe a suffix that has to do with her soothing nature, like…Palepool.

        • Thrushflight was the medicine cat before Oliveleaf ^^ Good ideas

      • Answers to questions:

        1: I don’t think we should start with her death. But I like the idea for other SE’s!
        2: Yes, the cat she “forgot” is Thrushflight.
        3: She is not kin with Breezewhistle, Thistlepaw, Raabbitpounce, Ryestar, but Hillrunner is her sister from another litter. (more kin to come)
        4: Yes, she has a mate, Mudmask. A tom who is kind, and caring, but I’m thinking something happens that turns him abusive. (dark forest maybe)
        5: Brightbreeze is Palestar’s niece.
        6: Runningfoot was Palestar’s son. She had only one litter, and Runningfoot was one of her kits, along with two more.
        7: Palestar learned to be soothing from her mother. (no name yet)
        8: Here are some ideas: Palefeather, Palebreeze, Paleflight, and Palewing.

      • 9: Some ideas for the prologue: (Prophecy) Palestar leaping through flames trying to burn her, rain pushing the flames back, but the water soaks the ground to make mud, that keeps her stuck until she dies. MEANING, NOT IN PROLOGUE: I’m thinking, Maybe she has a brother named Whitefire. They train and love each-other like siblings do, until Pale___ notices Whitefire starting to act strange. In the middle of the night, her brother tries to kill her, but a warrior named Rainclaw saves her and kills Whitefire. Pale___ is devastated, but she eventually forgives Rainclaw. Slowly but surely, Rainclaw suddenly dies, devastating Pale___ for the second time in the row. Now the deputy, Pale___ becomes mates with a kind cat named Mudmask. Mudmask is a white warrior with a few brown patches, and a brown “mask” on his face. They fall in love, and have two kits, (names not decided yet) and Pale___ feels love for the first time in a long, long time. Mudmask starts training in the dark forest… and kills a few cats before he is exiled. Pale___ has to explain to her kits, now apprentices, what happened. Soon after becoming Palestar, she finds a rogue on the border. Mudmask. He tries to kill her, and succeeds in bringing her down two lives before he is put to rest. Good prophecy?

    • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

      Sorry but you can’t. This is claimed and in use. ;w;

    • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

      Yay! ^w^

  • I’m really sorry I haven’t been on here before! I forgot to reload the page and I thought that my comment hadn’t been modded I’m so stupid
    I just remembered that I can’t edit it rn because I’m on my phone, tho. Sounds so good so far!

  • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

    Okay everyone I had a few ideas!
    Brightbreeze is Palestar’s niece, right? And Palestar’s brother is evil and named Whitefire. Which leaves a LOT of material.
    So, I had this idea:
    Brightpaw(breeze) is an apprentice by the time her father tries to kill her aunt. When he is discovered, her mother thinks she’ll end up just like him and grows distant, so Palestar becomes her acting mother. This would be super cool + would add more drama and emotions to Brightbreeze’s death. AND Brightbreeze, Palebreeze. I think we could make it so that Brightbreeze is going to be named Brightfire or Bright[her mother’s suffix/prefix] or even something else (Brightpelt, Brightflower, anything) and requests the name Brightbreeze after Palestar. I think her real mother could have died little before, and she was going to be named after he, but requests Brightbreeze instead. That would work kinda like Whiteclaw on Leopardstar’s Honor: A character who died right in the beggining, but has a close friendship/relationship with a more important character.
    Aaaand random thing, but can Rainclaw be a she-cat? It’s just me, but I think it would be cool if a she-cat killed Mudmask instead of another tom, if it was a tom Palestar would not only be the only victim and the one that was being protected…But the only she-cat. Yeah, just me and all, but please?

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