• 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

      I don’t know ;-;
      I added Rainpaw(claw) and Mudpaw(mask) 🙂

  • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

    So, what happens next? The writing seems to have stopped 🙂
    Any suggestions everyone?

  • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

    Hey everyone! I was thinking about Mudmask and Whitefire’s backstories. Whitefire….Mmmm. Any suggestions?
    I’m wondering if Mudmask resents the others to have been named warriors before him. Maybe that’s how he ends up in the dark forest, and grows evil after that? Anyway, I wonder if any apprentices could tease him for it, and get into trouble, maybe? Palebreeze could stick up for him, but he only sees her as an opportunity, a shield. He has no interest in her. Then she becomes deputy and he tries to grow close to her.

  • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

    Hey everyone! Random idea:
    How about Mintsky being half-Clan? (She’s SkyClan’s medicine cat on Rising Stars). Maybe her name was requested to reassure everyone she was a SkyClan cat. Just a suggestion 🙂
    Also, we could develop on Redbird’s scars. Attacked? Battle? Snowpaw-like (Shining Shadows) situation? Former rogue? Bad leader? Mmmmm.
    Also, Hillrunner is pretty physically similar to Palestar. Maybe she’s her daughter or perhaps Whitefire’s daughter (aka Brightbreeze’s sister). Mmmmm.
    Sunscar, elder from ThunderClan I added “Sunkit” into the allegiances :D! We could definetely develop on him. Mate? Kits? How did he lose his eye? How did he react?
    Thanks + what do you think?

  • Hey, guys? I’m having trouble here, trying to pick up pieces of where Rising Fury is and fit them up with Palestar’s Fate and Rising Stars. Do you think Rising Fury should be after Rising Stars? I think so, let’s keep writing!

    (sorry, I lost the page too, better bookmark it now)

  • 💮🌸Skye🌸💮 [Skypaw//Skymist//Misty Moon On A Fareway Sky//Has two fanfics going on! Check out Shinign Shadows and my newest: Shadowed Path!] says:

    Reply to this if you haven’t lost the page…
    Any ideas? The writing seems to have stopped

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