Welcome, prospective candidates!
We’re super excited to see your applications and hope to see you at the hustings! 😀
If you don’t have any campaigning material, don’t fret! The only thing needed for these elections is you; the candidate!
Applications for the position are open from July 1st to 23:59 UTC on July 4th (click here to convert to your local time).
On the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th of July, we will hold hustings. Each day, we will create a new post and hand the comments section over to a few candidates (who we’ll identify in the post itself). In the comments section, members of BlogClan can ask questions, and you are able to make speeches and prove your case to be BlogClan’s next Deputy. Importantly, if you are not one of the candidates mentioned in the post of the day, please avoid answering questions! All candidates will get their turn by the end of the hustings period, don’t worry.
Remember, a Deputy’s duty is as follows:
- Like the Medicine Cat, the deputy will welcome the new members of BlogClan.
- They help out members with any problems or difficulties around the blog.
- They are generally a friendly person anyone can approach for help and guidance. They are a role model for the Blog.
And finally, the rules and requirements for running!
- Candidates have been on and active on the Blog for at least 1 (one) year.
- Candidates must have commented at least once in the past month.
- Can only run for 1 (one) of the two positions.
If this still appeals to you, below is the application form! Be sure to read the information carefully and answer the questions honestly and accurately.
Along with that, applications for Election posters are open! Click here for that. Please fill this application out if you are applying for Deputy.
Good luck to all of you!
If you have any questions, ask in the comments below!
Wait applications are closes already???
I checked the time conversion, it says still two hours…
It might be counting up instead of down! That means it’s been at least two hours since the applications closed ^^