• Me is happy.

    Why is Me happy, you ask?

    Me is happy because it is finally officially one month away from his borfday.

    *does happy dance*

  • Ummmm hey Whirly would you be as kind to link me my ref sheet I kinda lost the link 😓

    • Also NEVER forget thanksgiving for me that’s more important than Christmas because I get to see my family from Michigan for a week while Christmas break I have to go away from my family to my dad. I don’t like him or his girl friend so I don’t have a very good Christmas but I’m guessing you do. Anyway what the heck am I talking about? 😂 have a good day

      • Oh crap. Sorry Bounce, I didn’t know. I hope your Thanksgiving is good then. And I hope your Christmas is better this year

  • Hello everyone! After talking over the feedback we were given with Stormi, the other overlords have asked me to announce some of the changes we will be implementing!

    1. We will begin having weekly positive challenges! These will be announced whenever we get a chance, so please be patient if it doesn’t follow a strict schedule! This weeks is: say “Hi” to one person you haven’t talked to before!

    2. We will be implementing monthly gatherings to discuss how things are going within the Apprentice Army, and brainstorm new events. These will begin on the Monday of the last week within every month. We won’t necessarily announce it everytime, so feel free to begin the discussion without an overlord starting it off! The Gatherings will last all week long.

    3. We haven’t been able to come up with a solution to the communication differences between Discord and the Blog, so we are hoping the Gatherings (mentioned above) will help close the communication gap!

    4. As of now, we are looking for someone to volunteer to be the Apprentice Army’s Marketing Agent! That’s a complicated title, that basically boils down to: You will be in charge of coming up with ideas for advertising and sharing them with Stormi, Dawny, Nilla, Mounty, or myself for us to talk about; creating advertisement artwork (once we get some volunteers, we will come up for a timeline on the art piece); and encouraging people to join the Army/talking about it, etc. If you would like to volunteer for this job, respond to this comment letting us know! Applications will be open through December 8th!

    As always, thank you all for being so patient and understanding with us! We appreciate all of you so much! If you have any other feedback for us, just let us know!

    • i could be marketing agent! can i have more info on the job, like what i will do if i get the position? thanks <3

    • Awesome! I would love to be the App Army Marketing Agent! I have a feeling I already talk about the army a lot and now it has a purpose! While the art part would be difficult for me I’m sure someone else within the army wouldn’t mind helping me out! Bloss out!

      • Hello, Bloss! Stormi and I chatted about those who displayed interest, and we determined that you were the best fit! You’ve been a member of the Army since the beginning, and you definitely deserve a more unique rank! We will leave the art piece open to volunteers (we’ll probably check in about it once a month or so), and you can handle the rest!

        To get more specific about duties, they’d be things like:
        -Hyping up Stormi’s posts on the Allegiances Page
        -If we have an event we are planning, mention it a few times on the Tavern and try to answer questions
        -On the “Say Hi” page, if you see an Apprentice, tell them about the Army and give them a link to this page.

        If you have anything else you’d like to add to your job description, just let us know! <333

    • tip: they tend to leave a speedy trail on the recent purrs C:

    • I’ll list the speddy (yes i said speddy) moddos that i’ve caught here:

      Embix (Warriors Article Page)
      Birchfoot (Warriors Article Page)
      Vip (The Rotation)
      Goldenfawn (Ask Blogteam for Assistance)
      Cheetahspark (Ask Blogteam for Assistance)

  • Hi, Lilybreeze, I remember in a writing contest a few months ago you posted your story in a google doc? May I please know how you did that so you didn’t give away any personal information with it? I’ve been trying (and failing) to do that 😅

    • If you are in google docs and you go to share, change the share setting to “anyone with link” and put them on view. then you just copy the link! as long as there aren’t any comments from you on there, and you aren’t on the doc at the same time as someone else, it’ll be safe.

  • Hey Stormi & Dawny! I recently got Discord and was wondering what the invite code was? Thank you!

    My User: Flintpaw/blaze#6495

  • I hope everyone is having a wonderful day today!
    Here is the challenge of the week: Ask someone their favorite color

    • I haven’t worked up the courage to ask a stranger yet. I nearly asked my dentist but changed my mind because that’s the way I am and he was poking around in my mouth so yeah
      However I know my parents favorite color; green 🙂

  • Hey y’all! Don’t forget that December is repost month! You have to send in an extra form to the allegiances to stay on them!

    • Alrighty then, I’ll just do mine here 😉

      Purrsona: Black tom with fiery ginger spots and ice-blue eyes
      Current role: Flintpaw the Plongeur (sous chef apprentice)

      • Actually it’s not for the apprentice army but for the whole blog (I don’t know if the app army leaders want to do it tho *Dawny, Emb, Storms, Lil that means y’all*)

        • I don’t think so! Stormi updated the allegiances today, I can post a copy on here for everyone, tho!

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