We know you’ve all got some Warriors-related questions you need answered. Who was Snowtuft? How many kits did Mousefur have? What did the original ThunderClan camp look like?
If so, this is the page to ask!
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i miss firestar’s leafpool’s pov,and jayfeather and hollyleaf,and lionblaze’s also!they were the best! i wish we got crowfeather’s pov in the 2nd arc instead of stormfur-he was boring 😛 . i am not a fan of any of the broken code,vision of shadow,dawn of the clan or starless clan protags.however,i am okay with the changing skies,cus they brought back some oldies-they are alright.i didn’t like brambleclaw or squirrelflight’s pov or feathertail’s or dovewing’s or ivypool’s…any thoughts?
I agree! I would love to have a Crowfeather pov! (Apart from Crowfeather’s trial)
Lol i am still clinging onto a theory that Mallowpaw told me and Jacki that Leafstar will die soon in CS and Crowfeather will be the new POV 😛
same. i am deeply disturbed by tawnypelt’s crazy feelings for crowfeather.it won’t happen.its:
a)too late for tawnypelt/she needs to find another cat.she’s know crowfeather for ages…this is like many years later…she’s had her kits and rowanclaw.it seems very unlikely she’ll switch clans again.
b)crowfeather is deputy. he has too many responsibilities.this whole thing will probably be very disgusted and shun tawnypelt.he’s had his fair share of broken heartedness.
i’m appalled i hope this whole thing will be doubt with. 😀
NOOOOOOO I’ve been zooming around BlogClan making these points so im gonna say them then write an article about it 🤪
1. Crowfeather deserves a ship that ends well
2. This could make Tawnypelt get over Rowanclaw at last we can’t be having her mope through the rest of her life
3. They are both quite old and have been through a lot together
Stormfur was pretty boring in hindsight, in comparison to the others 😛 Not a great brother, either. May I ask why you’re not a fan of Dawn of the Clans? /genq /lh
i don’t like the povs.skystar is very irritating.i feel gray wing is kind of boring and thunder is not very distinctive.it was too not like the clans…how do i explain this?
Agreed! We need a WindClan POVVVVV
For real, Stormfur’s POV was boring
never mind i put this comment in the wrong thing sorry!
no worries! c:
It’s alright :))
That’s okay!!! 💓 We’re still happy to chat with you :DD
aww ty!
haha real
Wait, why is Snowtuft in the DF? What did he do to deserve the DF? And did Snowtuft have a mate? And DID Mousefur have kits? I thought she didn’t. Did Mousefur have a mate?
All we know about Snowtuft’s past is that he was ShadowClan-born. Mousefur doesn’t have a mate or kits.
Mousefur never had kits (I headcanon her as aroace!) We don’t actually know why Snowtuft is in the Dark Forest; he was first shown in OotS probably to fill in the DF quota. But many (including me) would love to see a Snowtuft novella in the future :))
I don’t think we know why Snowtuft is in DF, but Mousefur didn’t have a mate, or kits.
Mousefur wanted to be a single pringle!
1. Snowtuft apparently did bad things in his time alive, as he recalled that he “wasn’t the nicest cat”.
2. Mousefur had neither a mate nor kits.
I don’t think we know why Snowtuft is in the DF or whether or not he had a mate!
Mousefur did not have a confirmed mate or kits!
For the warrior cats comp I made a story about Snowtuft’s past but it definetly isn’t canon 😀
I’d love to read it if you’re comfortable sharing!
Me too!! ^^
Mousefur did not have any mates or kits, and she never wanted too 🙂
Mousefur did not have a mate or kits, and as for the Snowtuft thingy, I’m afraid no one knows 😛
I have no clue, and Mousefur did not have a mate or kits. Some people say she never took a mate because she was in love with Redtail, who died, and some say she was aroace, so I have no idea.
We don’t know much about Snowtuft, except that he was born in ShadowClan
Mousefur had no kits
I don’t think that Snowtuft’s backstory is known yet other than that he was in ShadowClan, and Mousefur never had a mate/kits.
i am very distraught after reading the elders’ quest.leafstar is shocking.she basically undirectly killed one of her warriors who trusted-and then slept through his vigil.this whole tawnypelt’s horrible crush on crowfeather.he has enough responsibilities as is!he has been through enough and doesn’t need more nonsnse.moonpaw just can’t make up her mind.i am just glad jayfeather is still alive and well.i hope crowfeather gets his well deserved pov and this whole stupid crush thing is sorted out
I agree!
thats nice!
Wait Tawnypelt has a crush on Crowfeather? Isn’t she mates with Rowanclaw?
They are no longer together. Hence, with Rowanclaw’s blessing, Tawnypelt has become infatuated with Crowfeather.
Ohh I was gonna say
does any expert know if/where my articles are if they have been published?how do you know?
Questions like this would be better for the article submission page, where one of the article mods will see them and can reply /nm There’s typically a several-month delay between submitting an article and having it published though.
Search in the search bar whatever name you used to write your articles. If they aren’t there, that either means that they were deemed not suitable for publishing or that they are currently scheduled and awaiting posting. If you can’t find your article, head to “Submit Your Article” and ask Emberdawn and Birchfoot what became of it. Don’t be alarmed if your comment isn’t modded for a while- Embix and Birchfoot have been busy for a few weeks.
Head to the Submit Your Article page (linked down below) for more information on how articles work!! All your questions should be answered there, but if they aren’t, feel free to leave a question for Emberdawn or Birchfoot (the article mods) to answer!
Usually Embix will post a comment listing which articles are getting published this month.
This would be better for the Ask BlogTeam for Assistance page:)
It’s okay, we all make mistakes sometimes 🙂
You can search for them in a web browser :DD they normally get published after like, 4 months :DD
I have no idea
Hello everyone, I have been wondering, how did Jayclaw die and how did Frostpaw know that. Did Curlfeather listen to Frostpaw say her dreams and take advantage of that, or did Frostpaw really have a connection with Starclan? Didn’t it say in the book that she did not?
Jayclaw’s cause of death was never explained. I’m not sure if Frostpaw didn’t know how he died or never thought about it in A Starless Clan.
I second this ^^ (Unrelated, but I like the new quote in your name Mallow!)
I just binge-listened The Secret Of Us and that lyric really stuck with me, as did the whole bridge of us. 😛
I haven’t listened to that song before, but it sounds good!
I haven’t read ASC so I can’t answer this sorry 💔💔
No idea, I’m so far behind on the series :p
I’ve just gotten around to reading Thunder in Starless Clan and recognized a cat in the Cats at the Park. Back before the poll was going around I commented on the official warriorcats instagram with a story about my cat Molly, thinking it was probably going to be overlooked. But then Mollypaw was on the official poll, even though the name Wafflepaw was what was finally chosen. I know there’s probably no way to know, but can’t help but wonder now though if someone decided to slip Molly in the book anyway. Molly the character is tortishell like I described and only shows up a handful of times in company with Wafflepaw and Wasp. Just in case anyone is curious here’s a link to the post and thread (must be logged in to see all comments I guess) : https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpfzn8eMooG/?igsh=bDBkOXkxNjd2bDQ5
In Bluestar’s Prophecy, Hawkheart was said to be a medicine cat after he was a warrior or something but in Goosefeather’s Curse, Hawkheart was training to be a medicine cat since he was an apprentice?
It’s just one of those annoying inconsistencies like Dovewing’s eye color. As far as I know, the Bluestar’s Prophecy timeline is generally considered canon.
Good point. I guess the authors forgot about that.
Maybe he was a warrior apprentice before a medicine cat apprentice? Or it could just be inconsistency at its finest 😛
I think that it was specifically said that Hawkheart was made a medicine cat after being a full warrior, like Mudfur.
Ohh, I guess that makes more sense
I hate when that happens, but I’m pretty sure he was a warrior turned medicine cat.
I’m actually gonna lose my mind. I’m trying to log in with the account I JUST created and it’s saying stuff like “this aren’t valid credentials” or whatever. Can someone pls help me with why it’s doing this?
I would recommend asking the mods on the BlogTeam Den https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/blogteam-den/
Here’s my reply to Redfawn and Silv with my story
Sure, I’d love to share it but I don’t know how good it is, my writing was a little rusty
“I know how we can make ShadowClan stronger!” Snowtuft meowed to Mouseclaw, Snakepelt and Smokenose.
His followers gathered around him, eager to hear their leader’s plan.
“We’ll pretend that an enemy patrol killed Sunnytail, and I’ll avenge her death, before showing the clan her body. After that I’m sure Lilystar will appoint me and she’s so old, she’ll probably lose all her lives soon, and I’ll be the leader.
His blue eyes gleamed with a hunger for power, and ambition to be leader. His white pelt was covered in scars from battles he had leaped into, headfirst. He took in his three followers wondering which one would make the most fearsome deputy.
Mouseclaw was a small pale ginger she-cat with amber eyes but she was sneaky! She could close her eyes and still sneak up on a cat and attack them without them realizing. Those were traditional ShadowClan skills and would make the clan as formidable.
However, Snakepelt was the cleverest she-cat he had ever met. Her wiry form allowed her to ambush her enemies from the thinnest foliage or the tiniest gaps. Her black pelt blent in well with the undergrowth of ShadowClan territory.
Smokenose was the strongest of the three. He was a muscular dark brown tom with green eyes and the best fighting skills Snowtuft had ever seen, except his own.
“I’ll ask Sunnytail to take me on patrol, and as the deputy, she’s bound to agree. Then I’ll murder Sunnytail, and say she was killed by a fox, and spray her with fox-dung. I’d also better make the rogue border stink of fox!.”
Amazing plan, Snowtuft!” Mouseclaw congratulated him, her eyes shining.
“I know,” Snowtuft purred smugly, glancing at the she-cat.
“Who are you going to choose as your deputy?” asked Snakepelt.
Snowtuft thought for a moment.
“I’ll see which one of you is the most helpful,” he meowed, trying to sound confident and self-assured.
The trouble was, Snowtuft wasn’t sure.
While Mouseclaw was amazingly sneaky, she didn’t look like a traditional ShadowClan cat with her ginger fur and he needed someone who showcased obvious authority unlike her. Snakepelt was an obvious choice but she was clever and would undermine his authority. She might even plot to kill him! Smokenose was the strongest, and he looked like a ShadowClan cat but he was a clumsy mouse-brain, often making slip ups, and he was horrifying at sneaking, which was what ShadowClan was known for.
Suddenly, he spotted a light brown tail, peeking out from a bush. Silently, he crept to it but this cat, whoever it was, seemed intelligent. It ran away, leaving Snowtuft with nothing but leaves and a scent that he couldn’t recognize.
“Thistles and thorns!” cursed Snowtuft. “Somebody heard us!”
“What! Who?” Snakepelt asked.
“I don’t know! All I saw was a light brown tail!”
“Snowtuft, do you deny the fact, you were planning to murder Sunnytail?” asked Lilystar cooly, stepping out of the bushes, Sunnytail and Fallowheart by her side.
Is it good? I wrote about 8 more before finally entering this for the comp!
It’s great, but isn’t really suited for this page.
What terms do the Clans use for various joints? I know they’ve used “shoulder” and “hip” but have they ever used the terms “knee” “ankle” etc? I urgently need the information for my new fanfic 😛
I don’t think they have ever used those terms, no!! ^^ But I’ll let the actual experts step in and see if I’m right 😛
I know in Spottedleaf’s Heart, when Spottedleaf was running with Thistleclaw in the DF, it says she tripped over something and fell on her knee (don’t ask how that works) but it could probably just be bad writing 😛
spottedleaf’s heart was terribly written in a different way so i wouldn’t be surprised
They don’t use “knee” or “ankle”- I don’t even think they have substitutes. If this helps, they use “side” to mean their side and “flank” to mean the part of their side between their ribs and hip.
Like Silv said, I don’t think they have used those terms before. But since they’re considered part of a cat’s analogy, I think you’re allowed to use them 🙂
Hi, sorry if is too scientific, but a cat’s ankle is called a tarsus. Knee is known as “stifle joint.” However, you are free to use those terms in your fanfic, even if it is not mentioned in Warriors books!
I don’t know actually! I’m pretty sure they’ve never said knee or ankle
I’m pretty sure that at one point the word ‘hip’ was used to describe a dislocation? tbh I’m not sure though, sorry.
Is RavenBarley canon?
It hasn’t been confirmed in-universe, but it’s implied to be canon- the writers have stated this themselves! Vicky said that Ravenpaw and Barley love each other, and the graphic novel depicts Ravenpaw blushing while talking with Barley. So I would say yes 🙂
Mmm… Idk what I think, so I’m just asking the public.
Depends on what you call canon. The authors say they are mates, but no one actually said it in the books, although it is heavily suggerated.
I just have heard “canon” means “legit”
The two have only ever been called “very good friends” in the books. However, multiple members of the Erin team have said that they consider the pair to be partners. I’m not sure if you’d consider that canon or not.
That is just so weird to me, how the AUTHORS say it, but people don’t consider it canon.
I don’t consider it canon, since it’s not actually IN the book, and it’s just the interpretation of some of the authors (while some of them also may have a different interpretation, like with Dovewing’s eye color)
its heavily implied but not confirmed in-book so the authors can publish the books in other countries that don’t allow same-gender partners (As far as I know, feel free to correct me)
It’s kind of in-between. The romantic implications of their relationship heavily implied, especially in Ravenpaw’s Farewell, but Barley and Ravenpaw never really called themselves “mates”. The Warriors Wiki acknowledges this by listing them as “partners” in their “family” sections, instead of the normally-used “mates”.
I agree.
It’s not confirmed because the Erins don’t want Warriors to get banned in some countries, but it is HEAVILY implied that they’re mates.
yep! the warriors wiki lists them as partners and multiple authors have confirmed it
Who in the ever-loving StarClan are Sandstorm’s parents??
We don’t know. Vicky has said that Redtail and Brindleface are her parents, but that’s not shown on any official family tree or mentioned in the books.
not Brindleface, is it? i thought that she had her 1st litter during the 1st series? I’m not sure really.
I’m pretty sure Redtail is Sandstorm’s father, but I don’t know about her mother.
same id check the wiki
I believe it’s Brindleface
They were Redtail and Brindleface, but I believed that was retconned because that would make Ashfur and Squirrelflight related and tortoiseshell toms usually cannot have kits.
There is no confirmed answer, although the closest to it is Redtail and Brindleface, which was suggested by the authors a few years ago. This is weird but better than pretty much any other option. As Shrubpaw/song said, male tortoiseshells are usually infertile; however, Warriors tends to ignore cat genetics and I don’t see why this would be any different.