BlogClan Tavern, The First Premises

Welcome to the all new, all-singing, all-dancing BlogClan Tavern! Put your feet up, pour yourself a pint of your favourite ale and start chatting.

df0bf6a58ae5b149bad728359d63b4cc[image description: five dark kittens sit on a chair while looking at a lit fireplace]


  • The feeling when you:

    -watch the Tony awards only for Hamilton
    -drown out the guy speaking if you think someone from Hamilton should win that award by screaming their name
    -scream every time they show even a single (sometimes accidental) shot of someone
    -keep mistaking the play awards for the musical ones and screaming at the TV and then realizing that it was play, not musical, and screaming at the TV again for Hamilton people

    I’m so obsessed 😛

  • So far I’ve met three strays over here that I’ve taken a liking to. 😛

    One of them is a large, muscular, pale ginger tabby tom with pale, yellow-green eyes. He’s a fighter, as you can tell by the many scratches around his face. He’s pretty much fearless, as he isn’t afraid of humans the way the rest of the strays are. He’s always begging for food, even when he isn’t hungry. He’s not afraid to get close to us humans, and doesn’t mind us touching him.

    The other is a small, dainty little she-cat. I think she’s the ginger one’s mate, because they’re always with each other. She’s a beautiful ticked gray-brown and white she-cat with large, green eyes, darker fur along her spine and tail, white paws, and a white chest/belly. She’ll go near you and let you touch her, but only if she knows/trusts you. She doesn’t beg as much as the ginger one, but since they’re always together, whenever he begs, she gets something out of it too. She’s elegant and dainty, always cleaning herself and giving her food a long sniff before she eats it.

    The other one is a ferocious yet fearful gray-brown tabby she-cat with brilliant hazel eyes and white paws. She’s a mother to five beautiful little kits, and they live at the side of the house, in an old shed. She’s scared of us humans and hisses whenever we make a move that she sees as threatening to either her or her kits. But even though she’s terrified of us, she knows we’re her only means of getting food, so she sometimes comes and begs from us. She’ll hiss ferociously, then meow repeatedly, getting close to me, rubbing against the wall and looking up at me in hopes of something to eat. I feel bad for her, as she’s so visibly nervous, but she’s a great mother who’s more than capable of looking after herself and her kits.

    Anyway, I’ve been trying to think of names for them. I don’t want to keep calling them “the yellow cat” “the brown cat” and “the mom”, but I can’t think of anything. Anyone have any suggestions? Thank you! ❤️

    • I don’t know, but maybe Dexter for the tom, Pepper for the first she-cat, and Hazel for the last one?

    • Ginger, Yellow, Yarrow?

      Tiny, Sugar, Trust, Justice, Stripe, Lily? Maybe she’s the next one’s sister, and the next one is the Ginger one’s mate, and she and the ginger one are trying to help her. 😛

      Hazel, Snow(y), White, Greyson, Brownie, Hope, Sweet(ie)?

      Hope that helped 🙂

    • Hmm. I’d say Hazel for the mother cat, Queen/Princess (I think Queen tbh but they both work) or Snow(y) for the white cat, and Flame for the yellow cat 🙂

    • I wish I had some good names for them, but I really don’t! I’m bad at thinking of names. 🙁
      Maybe give them warrior names? Or names that are just one word, like Leaf, Petal, Rocky, or any of the other prefixes. Idk! XD

    • Well, do you want normal cat names or warrior cat names? For warrior cat names, I’m thinking Fierceclaw, Ferndapple/Ivyfrost, and I don’t know about the last one. I’d have to give normal names a bit more thought as well. 😛

    • Aww, they sound great! Maybe Sun for the ginger one, Leaves for the mother, and Patches for the brown cat?

    • How about Warrior for the tom, Dainty for the she-cat, and Nerva for the mom? I based Nerva off of Nerve, which is like Nervous, which is the mom’s personality.

    • Yellow – Sunny, Marmalade, Cheese, Goldfish

      Brown – Eleanor, Wing, Dapple, Galaxy

      Mom – Milky Way, Spark, Songbird, Wind

      Hope this helps! These cats sound so adorable and cute!

    • Sound really cute. I’d say (in order of your list) Copper (sounds rugged and strong like copper), Queenie (for her beauty and relationship with Copper), and Shade (for different shades of her personality. Plus, as some peeps know, it’s also my fave prefix/suffix. 😀 ). Good luck choosing names for them. 🙂

    • Flame
      Pepper, Lily, Fawn, Flower or Stream maybe?
      Clover, Hazel, Briar or Bird?
      that wasn’t much help :p

    • Ginger tom: Macho?
      Dainty little she-cat: Fern or Dawn?
      Mama: Splash?

      Hope this helps you!!! They sound adorable!

  • So, today I was looking at some breeders and shelters online that have rabbits because we might get one soon. 😀 Originally, we were definitely not going to get one from the shelter because those are usually mixed and not showable, but I found a shelter nearby with a lot of rabbits really cheap. Right now we’re looking into it and even though I can’t show one if I get one there, they’re still really cute and I’m okay with it. Besides, half of them are strays which I think is just really sad and I’d rather help the abandoned ones than get another show rabbit. 😛

  • Okay! What I want to see in the future of warriors:
    NETTLExALDER if you do not agree don’t be a hater. 🙁 I’m just a poor fan who loves forbidden couples. LeafxCrow! OakxBlue! GreyxSilver! TigerxDove! (FIRST EVER THUNDERCLAN AND SHADOWCLAN COUPLE!!! I THINK) JayxHalf! (kinda sorta…) LionxHeather! NETTLExALDER!!!! NETTLExALDER 4 EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *laughs historically and walks off*

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