BlogClan Tavern, Triple Trouble

It’s New Tavern Time!cute_animal_kitty_cat_desktop_background_23

[image description: a light brown tabby cat with blue eyes lays on its side while licking its front left paw]

Welcome to BlogClan Tavern 3.

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  • “Let there now be a moment of silence as we sink into our memories of our fallen friend, Edit Time…”

    *Sinks into my memories*

    There was one time when I made 2 typos on one post… I think it was my second post here on BlogClan… I saw the typing errors a second after I clicked ‘Post Comment’ and I got frantic.
    AHHH NOO! thought I, I made so many mistakes! I’m dead!!!! Help! And in my nervousness I scrolled down until I found my post— there it was, with its two typos!!
    And, to my delight, I saw there was a button that I could Click to Edit. And so I did. I edited my post, removed all the typos and saved it. “Thank you,” I breathed to Edit Time, relieved and thankful. Edit Time merely nodded and grunted. “I saved your life this once, don’t make me save you again.

  • I just gave my pet cat a warrior ceremony 😛
    It went something like this:

    “I, Sorrelstar, leader of PetClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look upon this apprentice. She has trained semi-hard to learn the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in my turn. Stop fidgeting please, Gingerpaw… Gingerpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and protect your Clan even at the cost of your life? Please say something? Talk, meow, purr, growl hiss? No? Okay. I’ll assume you agreed just for the sake of the ceremony… So, um… Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior name. Gingerpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Gingerleaf. StarClan honors your curiousity and good habit of making dirt in the litter box instead of on the bed, and we welcome you as a full member of PetClan.”


    Kate on Tigerheart’s Shadow Spoiler Page
    Fallenpaw (Fallenshadows) on Food Discussion Page
    Fallenpaw (Fallenshadows) on Food Discussion Page
    Fallenpaw (Fallenshadows) on Food Discussion Page
    Fallenpaw (Fallenshadows) on Food Discussion Page

    So close, yet so far-

    • It was actually this before 😛

      Fallenpaw (Fallenshadows) on Food Discussion Page
      Fallenpaw (Fallenshadows) on Food Discussion Page
      Fallenpaw (Fallenshadows) on Food Discussion Page
      Fallenpaw (Fallenshadows) on Food Discussion Page
      Fallenpaw (Fallenshadows) on Wings Of Fire Discussion Page

  • “The Examination for the Astronomy and Astrophysics Olympiad (SLAAO) will
    be based on the following syllabus.
    1. Basic Astrophysics
    Celestial Mechanics Kepler’s Laws, Newton’s Laws of Gravitation, Electromagnetic Theory &
    Quantum Physics Electromagnetic spectrum, Radiation Laws, Blackbody radiation, Doppler effect;
    Thermodynamics Thermodynamic equilibrium, Ideal gas, Energy transfer; Spectroscopy and Atomic
    Physics Absorption, Emission, Scattering, Spectra of Celestial objects, Line formations; Nuclear
    Physics Basic concepts
    2. Coordinates and Times
    Celestial Sphere Spherical trigonometry, Celestial coordinates, Equinox and Solstice, Circumpolar
    stars, Constellations and Zodiac; Concept of Time Solar time, Sidereal time, Julian date, Heliocentric
    Julian date, Time zone, Universal Time, Local Mean Time
    3. Solar System
    The Sun Solar structure, Solar surface activities, Solar rotation, Solar radiation and Solar constant,
    Solar neutrinos, Sun-Earth relations, Role of magnetic fields, Solar wind; The Solar System Earth-
    Moon System, Formation of the Solar System, Structure and components of the Solar System,
    Structure and orbits of the Solar System objects, Sidereal and Synodic periods
    Phenomena Tides, Seasons, Eclipses, Aurorae, Meteor Showers
    4. Stars
    Stellar Properties Distance determination, Radiation, Luminosity and magnitude, Color indices and
    temperature, Determination of radii and masses, Stellar motion, Stellar variabilities; Stellar Interior
    and Atmospheres Stellar nucleosynthesis, Energy transportation, stellar atmospheres and spectra;
    Stellar Evolution Stellar formation, Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, Pre-Main Sequence, Main
    Sequence, Post-Main Sequence stars, End states of stars
    5. Stellar Systems
    Binary Star Systems Classification, Mass determination in binary star systems, Light and radial
    velocity curves of eclipsing binary systems, Doppler shifts in binary systems; Star Clusters
    Classification and Structure ; Milky Way Galaxy Structure and composition, Rotation, Interstellar
    medium; Normal and Active Galaxies Classification, Distance determination ; Accretion Processes
    Basic concepts
    6. Cosmology
    Elementary Cosmology Cluster of galaxies, Dark matter, Gravitational lenses, Hubble’s Law, Big
    Bang, Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
    7. Instrumentation and Space Technologies
    Multi-wavelength Astronomy; Observations in radio, microwave, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-ray,
    and gamma-ray wavelength bands, Earth’s atmospheric effects; Instrumentation and Space
    Technologies Ground- and space-based telescopes and detectors (e.g. charge-coupled devices,
    photometers, spectrographs), Magnification, resolving and light-gathering powers of telescopes”

    yikes I had better start studying then 😛
    after midyear exams though

      • It isn’t that hard 😛 we’re allowed to use calculators in the exam, which is a huge relief, and reading through the Grade 6-11 Science textbooks can do quite fine, plus reading up on astronomy and taking quizzes

      • yes
        “The Examination for the Astronomy and Astrophysics Olympiad (SLAAO) will
        be based on the following syllabus.
        1. Basic Astrophysics
        Celestial Mechanics Kepler’s Laws, Newton’s Laws of Gravitation, Electromagnetic Theory &
        Quantum Physics Electromagnetic spectrum, Radiation Laws, Blackbody radiation, Doppler effect;
        Thermodynamics Thermodynamic equilibrium, Ideal gas, Energy transfer; Spectroscopy and Atomic
        Physics Absorption, Emission, Scattering, Spectra of Celestial objects, Line formations; Nuclear
        Physics Basic concepts
        2. Coordinates and Times
        Celestial Sphere Spherical trigonometry, Celestial coordinates, Equinox and Solstice, Circumpolar
        stars, Constellations and Zodiac; Concept of Time Solar time, Sidereal time, Julian date, Heliocentric
        Julian date, Time zone, Universal Time, Local Mean Time
        3. Solar System
        The Sun Solar structure, Solar surface activities, Solar rotation, Solar radiation and Solar constant,
        Solar neutrinos, Sun-Earth relations, Role of magnetic fields, Solar wind; The Solar System Earth-
        Moon System, Formation of the Solar System, Structure and components of the Solar System,
        Structure and orbits of the Solar System objects, Sidereal and Synodic periods
        Phenomena Tides, Seasons, Eclipses, Aurorae, Meteor Showers
        4. Stars
        Stellar Properties Distance determination, Radiation, Luminosity and magnitude, Color indices and
        temperature, Determination of radii and masses, Stellar motion, Stellar variabilities; Stellar Interior
        and Atmospheres Stellar nucleosynthesis, Energy transportation, stellar atmospheres and spectra;
        Stellar Evolution Stellar formation, Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, Pre-Main Sequence, Main
        Sequence, Post-Main Sequence stars, End states of stars
        5. Stellar Systems
        Binary Star Systems Classification, Mass determination in binary star systems, Light and radial
        velocity curves of eclipsing binary systems, Doppler shifts in binary systems; Star Clusters
        Classification and Structure ; Milky Way Galaxy Structure and composition, Rotation, Interstellar
        medium; Normal and Active Galaxies Classification, Distance determination ; Accretion Processes
        Basic concepts
        6. Cosmology
        Elementary Cosmology Cluster of galaxies, Dark matter, Gravitational lenses, Hubble’s Law, Big
        Bang, Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
        7. Instrumentation and Space Technologies
        Multi-wavelength Astronomy; Observations in radio, microwave, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-ray,
        and gamma-ray wavelength bands, Earth’s atmospheric effects; Instrumentation and Space
        Technologies Ground- and space-based telescopes and detectors (e.g. charge-coupled devices,
        photometers, spectrographs), Magnification, resolving and light-gathering powers of telescopes”

        yikes I had better start studying then 😛
        after midyear exams though

      • Move to Sri Lanka then 😛 if Britain has a national olympiad for selecting students for the the international one, go ahead and try

        • They do but it’s for college students 😞

          Also if u need help with with the constellations and the zodiac then ask me!
          I recently did a science presentation on them so I know my stuff🌌

    • Woooowww!!! I’m super interested in astronomy myself. Where’d you sign up for this? 😀

      • It’s the exam info for the Sri Lanka Junior Astronomy/Astrophysics Olympiad 😛 Currently, the applications for 2017 haven’t been opened, but I’m still studying because it’s hard 😛 (this year is my second time)

      • 😛 I doubt you’d like having some questions on the English paper in Tamil

  • OWCH
    I just like burned my throat with hot oatmeal because it was so hot that I was slightly shocked and I couldn’t swallow it and then I grabbed milk and swallowed it…. now my throat slightly hurts and I have to go clean my friend’s 3 cats litterboxes because they’re out of town 😛

  • I’m listening to Hamilton while doing math homework because it seems to be the only thing that makes doing math in the summer not miserable 😛

  • i am trying to escape the spam lad
    i wonder if this comment will work
    if it doesn’t, i’ll go mad
    and the spam monster will go berserk.
    its really quite annoying
    to deal with this,
    But I’ll always have Discord,
    And the wiki,
    And it takes some of the pain away.

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