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[image description: calico cat sleeping in sunlight]
Note: BlogTeam discourages making short, spammy comments in quick succession, as this can make Tavern pages go past really quickly. Commenting for the sole purpose of taking over the purrs or just because can cause other comments to get buried. However, we still encourage you to share your thoughts and just chat away, of course, but making comments for the sake of making comments is discouraged 🙂
We also encourage people to avoid using special fonts in their display names, because it can cause screen readers (which read all of the text, emojis, and images on the screen out loud) to crash or make things impossible for people to understand (click here for an article about that). Screen readers are used by people with visual impairments and help make things more accessible for them, so let’s all do our part in keeping the blog a place that they can come visit and chat on without issue 🙂
HEY GUYS! So… I made a new clan for OceanClan! It’s called MossClan, and I’m putting you guys in it! I claimed a sps for the form and stuff! Just click my name or click this link and the chat page will be at the top!
Hello Sharky! Sorry for interrupting, but I’d appreciate if you’d tell me which sps you are claiming from me so that I know what sps are claimed and what are not. It’s also more convenient for me to manage my sps. Thanks!
So I thought I was aroace (asexual/aromantic) however, I wasn’t sure if I ever had any attraction. but then like two days ago I realized I’m an asexual FICTOromantic, which means I have (it’s not a lot either but anyways :D) romantic attraction to fictional characters, be it from books or movies and tv shows
so yeah >:DD
I can totally relate to having crushes on fictional characters 😭
ahhh Hello, My warriors and kits, my Therians and furries! I need help w/a Podcast name? I will be covering Therianthropy, Warriors and WoF! any name Ideas?
I’m sorry but you not mentioning apprentices when most of us are apprentices ;-;
OOP. OMG as an Parrentice that is Ironic I am sorry! I was slightly quoting a favorite podcast! sorry!
Hey everybody! How are you guys? :))
I’m doing well, just wrapped up my finals and I can say with full confidence that I did well on all of them! 😀
I’m good, thanks for asking! Congrats on your finals!
I’m great, thanks!
Yay, congrats with your finals! :DD
GUYS IM BAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCKCKKKKKKKKKKk missed ya (I was gone for like a couple days lol I’m lonely) how is everybody?
Welcome back! I’m good, hbu?
I’m good, Nightsong! How are u?
Hey Nightsong 🙂 I saw your message on Scratch!
I’m good! And welcome back!
welcome back! i just came back too lol.
i’m doing well, hbu?
Welcome back!!! I’m doin’ good, hbu?
Recent Purrs
🩶ospreysplash🖋️she/her🎶i feel the storm underneath my wings🪽 on Music Discussion Page
☄️”Dance alone to the beat of your heart”🐦🔥Redfawn🐦🔥(she/her)🔥Foampaw’s mentor!🔥”What’s life without a few dragons?”☄️ on The Sunning Patch
☄️”Dance alone to the beat of your heart”🐦🔥Redfawn🐦🔥(she/her)🔥Foampaw’s mentor!🔥”What’s life without a few dragons?”☄️ on Polls
☄️”Dance alone to the beat of your heart”🐦🔥Redfawn🐦🔥(she/her)🔥Foampaw’s mentor!🔥”What’s life without a few dragons?”☄️ on Pawsitivity Page
☄️”Dance alone to the beat of your heart”🐦🔥Redfawn🐦🔥(she/her)🔥Foampaw’s mentor!🔥”What’s life without a few dragons?”☄️ on BlogClan Tavern
Osp how dare you /j
whoops sorry 🙁
It’s a very thick Red sandwich bread with Osprey jam on it 😛
My favorite kind 😛
delicious 😛
ooh delicious
Dear fellow blogclanners: I am pleased to announce the release of my new album, The First Fifty Years, on MicroFest Records. https://microfestrecords.com/first-fifty-years/ It contains 13 original compositions, with a total running time of one hour and fifteen minutes, plus three “bonus tracks,” totaling over seventeen minutes. Samples from all the tracks are also available on the MF website.
The compositions on The First Fifty Years span the fifty years of my career(?) as a composer, from the early 1970s to the present. Absent is work from the period 1984–95, which is amply represented in my previous solo release, Uncommon Practice (1998). All compositions are in some form of just intonation. This collection contains both my compositions for acoustic instruments and those for virtual (software) instruments recorded in a digital audio workstation. The latter category typically involves intonational requirements beyond the means of current acoustic instruments and performers. As always, my goal was to create emotionally and intellectually satisfying music as I perceive it. The works are presented in chronological order.
[note to other mods: this announcement has been preapproved by Embix]
Ooooooooo this sounds really nice! Myself and my ears thank you for this!
many congrats on being able to release an album, whitewhiskers!!! that’s absolutely incredible and you should be very proud of yourself <3 I'll have to listen to it when I get the time! :DD
Wow Whitewhiskers, congratulations on fifty years! I have the record up and running on another tab, and yet I’ve only just started listening to it, it is very beautiful.
Wow, just wow. In a very positive way, I don’t have words. You definitely achieved your goals.
Congratulations again 🙂
Embix, is it okay that it shares Whitewhiskers’ irl name? I just wanted to check :3
Not Embix, but yes, if you look at the bottom of WhiteWhiskers’ comment you’ll see that this was pre-approved by Embix. 🙂 Given where WhiteWhiskers is in life, it was decided it’s safe for him to share this info!
ooooh thats super cool
That’s so cool! And congrats on releasing an album!
This is amazing WhiteWhiskers!! I’ll be sure to check it out :DD
Congratulations on the album release, Whitewhiskers! 🙂 I’ll be sure to check it out when I can; the combination of both acoustics and DAW samples in one album sound interesting, and seeing the history of your musical journey over the past fifty years compiled into a compilation album is like listening to a story of someone’s musical career, how they’ve improved their craft and adapted to new audio technology and digital tools, changing and adapting to this ever-evolving world while still staying true to yourself and the creative process. 🙂
congrats! I’ll listen to it soon 😛
ooh this is so cool!
Congratulations on releasing your album, WhiteWhiskers! Wow, what a lot of work this all shows. It’s something amazing to listen to an album that’s a collection of fifty years of music. I’ve been listening to it (so far my favorite is Song of the Apostate, although they’re all lovely) and I can’t wait to keep listening to it! Thanks for sharing this with us 🙂
Guys, Star is wild 💀🙏 (finished it today)
It really is
Yeah, I feel like after Splashtail’s death, the plot was awkwardly slow paced and boring to make time for Icewing to return from her mission.
It is! I can’t wait to read The Elders Quest I have it on hold at the library 😛
Repasta cause page flip
So I thought I was aroace (asexual/aromantic) however, I wasn’t sure if I ever had any attraction. but then like two days ago I realized I’m an asexual FICTOromantic, which means I have (it’s not a lot either but anyways :D) romantic attraction to fictional characters, be it from books or movies and tv shows
so yeah >:DD
Hello fellow fictoromantic!
yeeees henlo :3 (if anyone wants to know, this realization is bc Aaravos and Vox ✨existed✨)
edit: unrelated but the dragon quote in ur name reminds me of my favorite book, fourth wing! 😀
Omg yes Aaravos my child we love him
woohoo!! glad to hear that you’ve figured out your sexuality; it’s always such a great feeling 😀
(also I think I might be fictoromantic too haha 😛 )
EDIT: oh also would you care for some garlic bread with a side of conquering Denmark by chance
I don’t understand the reference but conquering Denmark sounds kinda neat, coming from a Swede /j
tbh I have no idea where the ‘conquering denmark’ joke started but essentially all of us aces are going to join forces and conquer denmark haha 😛
it’s an aroace thing 😛 (i think, some of my info is dated but eh)
its a joke because there are more asexuals than the population of denmark 😛
Gasp- another aro(spec)ace! We shall march on Denmark together when the time comes! /j
Congrats Lio!!
YAYYYY im glad you figured that out!
I can totally relate to having crushes on fictional characters 😭
Sounds cool!! :3
Ooh noice. It always feels great to figure out your sexuality.
gasp omg what it’s mine too!!
I just managed to break a knife trying to cut through some very thick butter.
wow I didn’t even know that was possible, good job 👏
eRm WhAt ThE sIgMa
That’s possible? 🤯
Cutting a knife with butter, nicee
that’s some thick butter… 😛
Cut knife using butter. My brain explode
Congrats 👏
wow, that’s practically magic
That sounds like something out of a cartoon, what?? 😭
omg it does-
it does fr
Most impressive 👏
Girl that’s impressive 😭😭😭
Hallo peeps! I already introduced myself on the Introduction’s Page, but I thought I’d say hi here too!
Hru guys doing?
hey, welcome to the blog raven!! i’m doing pretty good, hbu? 😀
Hi Ravenpaw! I’m doing well, just coming back to the blog.
Hi there! I’m good, hbu?
Welcome to the blog!! 😀
Hii!! I’m actually not that good atm, but anyways 😛 wbu???
Hi, welcome to the Blog! I’m good, hbu?
What do mentors n apprentices do here in Blogclan? I have literally no clue if I’d be meant to teach them something or what but I’d maybe like one? I am but a clueless bean.
you don’t particuarly need to teach them anything! it’s just a way to make friends, and a cute nod the warriors series 🙂
Ok, I said I would translate some bloggo names, so here they are!
In case you get confused why some of the names are so different, I translated act of the names two times, first into Spanish, then into Arabic.
Ivypaw -> Ivy legs
Finchpaw -> Bird’s leg
Sharklight -> shark light
Shadow That Drifts Over Mountains -> Shadow walking over the mountains
Lionpaw -> the lion’s mane
Shrubpaw -> green wood
Fawnglide -> Fawn Slip
Foampaw -> Foam leg
Skyshine -> Bright sky
Joyfire -> Fire of Happy
Wolfpaw -> Wolfbaugh
Cheetahflame -> Llama flames
Jackdawpaw -> The Raven
Bluepool-> The Green Island (how did it go from blue to green? I’m confused)
Flamepaw -> Farmer’s foot
Mistypaw -> Letter Writing
Redfawn -> Red cow
Also I couldn’t help translating mine, soooo
Mistysprout -> The Woman of the Butterfly
farmer’s foot 😭😭
omg another albus / scorpius shipper?? yasssss
Honestly, these aren’t even that bad.
I’m dying bc mine is Wolfbaugh 😂😂😂
Omgggg these are gold 😭😭😭
I do wear a lot of slippy socks… And I’m bad at ice skating…. Slip makes sense!
I turned into a cow😭Also how on earth did cheetah turn into llama??