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[image description: calico cat sleeping in sunlight]
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We just had some action in our house 😛
So basically the people next door were throwing a party and the girl who arranged it all (our neighbor) had pretty much lost control, and there were some fighting and throwing soda around in the stairwell and trying to break into the house and stuff but we chased them away haha, and my mom is gonna have a talk with that girl’s father
How are yall doing??
Oh my god?? 😭
I’m doing good, thanks 😛 My life hasn’t been quite as eventful 😛
yo what?? 😭😭 are you ok?
im doing ok! just finished my finals :))
woa :O
Good! hbu?
That must have been stressful
♬Jackdawpaw!♬or Jackdaw, Jacki, Jacks💎she/her🎤”Cause I thought that WALL-E could still find love with an empty soul”🖤 on Polls
♬Jackdawpaw!♬or Jackdaw, Jacki, Jacks💎she/her🎤”Cause I thought that WALL-E could still find love with an empty soul”🖤 on Polls
♬Jackdawpaw!♬or Jackdaw, Jacki, Jacks💎she/her🎤”Cause I thought that WALL-E could still find love with an empty soul”🖤 on Polls
♬Jackdawpaw!♬or Jackdaw, Jacki, Jacks💎she/her🎤”Cause I thought that WALL-E could still find love with an empty soul”🖤 on Polls
♬Jackdawpaw!♬or Jackdaw, Jacki, Jacks💎she/her🎤”Cause I thought that WALL-E could still find love with an empty soul”🖤 on BlogClan Tavern
ello whats up everyone
Omg hiii Jade!! Hru :DD
Writing a bunch of stuff I’m never going to use for a fantasy novel I’m probably never going to write + listening to random youtube songs, how about you?
Not much 😛 Hru?
finals are finally over!! im gonna try to be more active now lol :p
but its also raining here rn!! i never get any rain in my area, and i love the atmosphere of rain so im happy ab that :))
what was the best part of your week??
I love rain too!! Woohoo!
The best part of my week was just chilling and enjoying the last of my holiday :))) what about you?
Yasss welcome back Cloudy!! I agree rain is awesomeeee
The best part of my week was defo playing soccer with my best friend!! :DD
You’re welcome to come to Britain and steal some of our rain, we have more than enough to share! /hj
why are they called doughnuts theyre not shaped like nuts at all they dont look like nuts why are they called dough nuts..
I have a wild theory that the doughnut holes actually came before the donut and those are shaped more like nuts than actual modern doughnuts
Actually, when I was younger I watched an video on why they’re called that 😀
It’s because back then, doughnuts… didn’t have holes…
The holes in today’s doughnuts are only there so the doughnut can be fully cooked quicker I think <3
It’s 08:11 in the morning, don’t make me think 😭
you’re on blogtime? luckyy 😭
They’re doughbagels from now on
good question
Wait whyyyy 😭
This question needs to go straight to philosophers to be figured out…
True… how about we call them sweet bagels? The normal bagels can be called savoury bagels. But wait, what about the jam doughnuts and the other kinds of doughnuts that don’t have holes? Should we call them sweet doughballs? I don’t know. 😛
WHO HERE LIKES THE GREATEST SHOWMAN?? I haven’t watched it in a while but I’m listening to the playlist and it is AMAZINGG!!!! I can’t stop listening to Tightrope, The other side, and From Now On!! But Rewrite the Stars and A Million Dreams are also really good 🙂 What’re your favourites if you’ve watched it?
HELP HOW DO I GET ON THE RECENT PURRS 😭 I was on it twiceeee and never againn-
I love the Greatest Showman!! 😀
To get on the recent purrs your comments have to be recently modded by a dodo 🙂
AHh DUDE I love that movie!! The Other Side is top-notch but honestly all the songs are incredible
Idk how to get on the recent purrs but THE GREATEST SHOWMAN IS THE BESTT!!! I watched it all the time when I was little 😛
Funny story: my brother used to call The Greatest Showman the Greatest Snowman 😂
Sameeee 😭
I LOVE THE SONGS, rewrite the stars is one of my favorites!!!
I like a Million Dreams and the Other Side has always been my favorite (:
okay okay don’t kill me but I actually don’t like the greatest showman😭 like the songs were okay but that was about it, the overall plot was just kinda boring and it just wasn’t my thing ig 😛
>:( 🔪🔪🔪 /j
the one time where we disagree
Oooooo I love that movie!
GAH YOU JUST REMINDED ME I HAVE TO GO WATCH THE GREATEST SHOWMAN ASAP! (My theater & dance club is doing a dance to one of the songs)
It sounds really good! I’ve never watched it, though 😛
Love that movie but I haven’t watched it in forever!
Never watched it but I wanna soon!
Yeah I’ve listened to it! It’s really good!
Try listening to the Dear Evan Hansen soundtrack, I’m pretty sure it’s the same songwriters 🙂
I loved Rewrite the stars and From now on as well 😀
I like all of the songs lol
speedy dodo?
I was gone for like max a week or two lol but i was on rotation and a couple replies soo uhh i wasnt really inactive tbh 😛
WOW i really gotta change my display… i just dont wanna cause i love it idk lol 😭 gonna start making a new one soon tho lol
How is everyones day going??
I’m doing well, how are you?
Happy to see you again! I’m doing good, how about you?
Omg welcome back Bowflo!! (Approved nickname?? :DD) how have you been >:D
I’m good, hbu?
New quote in my name time!
I love it! Where’s it from?
It’s from “Nobody”, by The Crane Wives! I’d recommend listening to it, it’s a really neat song!
Awesome!! :DD
Cool! What’s it from?
“Nobody”, by The Crane Wives!
Hi y’all :3 as i type i am currently shopping!!! I found some plushies that were so cute and cheap i had to buy them aaaaaaa one is a cute octopus ice cream cone plushie and the other is a french fry sloth plushie 😛 I’m also buying supplies to make bracelets!!! I love wasting my money on stuff I’ll never need
except the plushies i need those so badly/lhAnyways how are y’all :DD sorry for my slight inactivity, I’ve been busy!
Awww the plushies sound so cute and I love making bracelets :DDD
I’m good!! <3 you?
Also, how is the sanrio themed room going? I heard you talking about it on the tavern! 😀
I’m good, thanks ^^
it’s going great so far! I bought a bunch of posters and i drew decorations for my room :3
Sounds amazing!
Yall I’m experiencing Livingston happiness
I just ordered a Livingston t-shirt
I think I’ll be getting a signed Livingston CD
Brainstorm dropped two days ago
I’m going to his concert in 21 days
He’s dropping 6 new songs in March
I’M HAPPYYYYYY✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
yall I got in a car crash on Friday, it was crazyyyyyy, everyones okay though, just stressful lol
I’m glad you weren’t hurt. That must have been really scary.
I hope you’re okay! I’ve been in one before too
dang thats crazy hope ur ok
Wow :0 I’m glad you’re ok!!
I’m glad everyone’s okay, that must have been really scary.
oh my gosh that sounds so scary! I’m glad no one got hurt though <3 /gen
OOF Bloss.
I was in a car crash once, I was going to a strings workshop and we were in the middle of a motorway, and my mum had to drive all the way there even though the workshop was literally right across the motorway 😭
I hit my head on the seat, felt dizzy for the rest of the day in the workshop but yeah, car crashes are stressful
Anyways hope you’re ok!!
Also if you see this Bloss, click my name and one of those links will go to our mentor/app chat page 🙂
That sounds terrible, I’m glad you weren’t hurt <3
I’m so sorry that happened!! I’m glad everyone is okay <3
Oh gosh 😮 Glad you’re safe!
I’m so sorry, that must have been so shocking. I’m glad everyone’s okay. <3
dude it was terrifying, and it was my first time out with someone not related to me too (my sister’s best friend), but hey everyones okay and thats the important thing