Welcome to the BlogTeam Den!
Looking for the rules? Check out BlogClan’s Code of Conduct!

Art by the amazing Eggsnake (Medicine Cat 2023-25). Looking for more purrsonas? Click here for a document with all BlogTeam purrsonas!
Got any blog-related questions? Or have you simply come to remind yourself of who the mods are? This is where they lurk…
And so, BlogTeam would like to formally introduce themselves! Who are BlogTeam, you may ask? BlogTeam are a collection of volunteers who keep the blog running by moderating comments to make sure they’re blog-friendly and deal with any other issues that may come up on the blog 🙂 Time to meet them!
Roles: Head Moderator, Article Editor
Pronouns: She/her
Hello! I’m a Chinese-Canadian university graduate and one of the Article Editors in BlogTeam. I love photography, reading, and writing!
Roles: Article Editor
Pronouns: They/them
Hey everyone! I’m Birchy and I help Emb schedule articles for the blog. I’m a university student in the humanities and in my free time, I love writing, reading, drawing, video games, and theatre!
Roles: Allegiances Tsar, Clanniversary Tsar, TSGN Tsar
Pronouns: Any (Surprise me!)
Hello! I’m an American high school student and work the BlogClan Allegiances alongside Goldi. In this capacity, I work on updates for the Allegiances and manage the Senior Warrior campaigns. I make Clanniversary posts as well, and head the TSGN project. I exist somewhere within the bounds of time and space and consider my cats to be a main focal point of my life. I spend my free time reading books, working on my first novel, and improving my art style.
Roles: Allegiances Tsar, Art Tsar
Pronouns: They/them
Heya! I’m Goldi. I’m the former Medicine Cat of BlogClan. I’m an American university student and an Allegiances Editor on BlogClan, which means I manage the official Allegiances and Senior Warrior campaigns! I am also the Art Tsar, which means I upload artwork submitted by BlogClanners to Flickr. I’ve been on the Blog since February of 2016 and every moment since has been amazing. During my spare time, I like to draw, do gymnastics, and hang out with my pets.
Roles: BitS Editor
Pronouns: He/xe/it + other neopronouns
Hello ! I’m a British university student who’s been on the Blog since 2017 and I’m the BitS editor here! I’m passionate about educating people on the LGBTQ+ community, and I love talking about warrior cats. Some of my other interests include Minecraft youtube (Hermitcraft and Life series), the Persona games (especially 3 and 5!), Star Wars, Dungeons and Dragons, and Doctor Who.
Roles: Birthday Calendar Manager, Contests Host
Pronouns: she/they
Hiya! I’m Aquila, a British secondary school student. I’ve been here since September 2019 and have adored my time on the Blog so far! 😀 As part of my role on BlogTeam, I update the calendar with the birthdays of all the members who submit their birthday, and run bi-monthly contests on the Blog – you can probably see a contests post pinned to the front page right now. Outside of the Blog, I enjoy playing musical instruments, learning languages, reading, and spending time with my lovely cat, Honey. ❤️
Roles: TSGN Editor
Pronouns: she/her
Hi! I’m Pine, one of the Trailing Stars Graphic Novel editors 😀 I’m an Asian-American college student and I’ve been part of the blog since March 2019! In my free time, I enjoy drawing, dancing, and journalling. Feel free to chat with me anytime – I especially love talking about Pokemon, dance, video games, and books!
Roles: Clanniversary Manager, Blog Monthly Author
Pronouns: she/her
hiya! I’m Lil, an American high school student, and I oversee Clanniversaries here on the Blog, and I also write for The Blog Monthly! I’ve been around since November of 2020, and I’ve loved every bit of it. I primarily run The Blog Monthly at this point and send it out whenever my time allows. Outside of the Blog, I keep very busy with theater, poetry, singing, being a full time student, and hanging out with my cat, Stormy <3
Roles: General Moderator
Pronouns: she/her
Hello there! I’m Snowy, an American sophomore student, and I look over the Blog in a general way, moderating comments and providing help. Some interests of mine include animation, singing, writing, and music. I’ve been on the Blog since October 2016 and it’s changed my life in such a wonderful way. I hope you enjoy it here as much as I do! 🙂
Roles: General Moderator
Pronouns: she/her
Hi! I’m Osprey, and I’m a general mod here, and an Australian high school student. I am in charge of running The Rotation, one of the games on here. I’ve been on the Blog since July of 2021, but it has felt so much longer, and I love being here. Besides being a Blog moderator, I spend time drawing, playing percussion and looking at animal behaviour!
Roles: General Moderator
Pronouns: she/her
Hi! I’m Moon, a general moderator here and a Chinese-American high school student. I take on the more general, day-to-day roles of moderating comments and filling in for others if need be. I also run the official NTA! I joined the blog in November, 2017. I love Pokemon and figure skating, and in my free time I enjoy horseback riding, drawing, and writing!
Roles: TSGN Editor
Pronouns: she/it
HELLO HELLOOO I’m Liv!! I’m a junior in high school, I’ve been on the blog since May 2015, and I help do Trailing Stars Graphic Novel things :DD I have a pet chinchilla named Sol and a pitbull/lab mix named Boo and they are very lovely <33 I love to draw animals, write stories, and listen to tunes!!! feel free to start up a convo with me whenever about whatever, I love to talk to people :))
Feel free to ask BlogTeam any questions below! Want some help on the blog? We’ve got your back!
If you’re looking for your Warriors questions answered, you probably want to head to our Ask the Experts page instead!
Sometimes, the blog is not available and not every BlogClanner can hear from BlogTeam through the wiki or through Discord. That’s why we’ve started a mailing list that BlogClanners can sign up for in case of emergencies! If the blog is down, the mailing list will be used to update BlogClanners on its status and the effort to resolve the issue.
The email you submit will not be revealed to other people who have signed up for the mailing list, nor will you see other people’s emails. By signing up for the mailing list, you consent to BlogTeam sending you emails that contain updates about the blog if the blog is not available.
Hey blog team! I had a question. what’s a plat mate?
it’s basically just a close friendship 🙂 similar to the mentor-apprentice relaitonship, it’s just a part of the warriors series that’s been altered as a way to make friends. you definitely don’t need one though, and they aren’t recognised on the allegiances
Hi Mods:
An announcement I posted on the Tavern appears to have gone to SPAM (maybe twice?) Could you please retrieve one copy? Thanks.
Actually, Mods, could you please delete both my comments in SPAM and my unmodded comment on the Pawsitivity page, because I MISSPELLED THE TITLE OF MY OWN ALBUM! TWICE! (talk about cringe!). I will edit and repost. Thanks.
Wait you have an album?????????
Hi dodos, a lot of the old comments I made yesterday didn’t get moderated. Is it because you didn’t see them? I remember I made a comment in the please introduce yourself page, a few on the BlogClan tavern, and I believe some on the elders den and the sunning patch. Please tell me if I’m posting comments too quickly or anything like that 😛
they probably just got buried in modding! i’ll try and mod them tdy 😀
Thanks osp!
OK, so I resubmitted my edited announcement. Again, the copy I posted on the Pawsitivity page went through, but the one I posted on the Tavern vanished. Mysteries of the SPAM Monster.
Would you please retrieve the copy on the Tavern? Thanks.
done! the spam monster has been hungry recently it seems, a lot of comments are ending up in spam lol
Hey, mods! Sorry for bothering ya, but it’s the middle of January and I think my display name is overdue for a change. Is there any way you could change it to what I have below? Thank you in advance 🙂
🎶 “Clarinets of every size and trumpeters who’d improvise a full octave higher than the score!” 🎼 Running for Senior Warrior 🎺 (Falconstorm [Captain]) 🎵
Thank you, Osp!
Mods can you change my Username to: WinterFrost ( Winnie ) She/her I watch LACKADAISY!!! >:3 ” I could go and read your mind! think about your dumb face all the time!🎵”
Thanks osp!
Hey Mods!
I think most of my comments went to spam.(i kept making comments too fast)
Would you mind fishing them out?
have they been fished out?
Can y’all please edit my comment on the fanfiction page and change “Chapter #3” to “Chapter #2”?
hi moddodos!
could you please change my display name to:
☁︎ lemonkit/dusk ☀︎ formerly firekit/feather ♥︎ “pacing the rocks, staring out at the midnight sea” ★
(yes i am changing my purrsona 😛 )
I love that name Fifi! Will you go by a different nickname now, or still fifi? Like how Magpiepaw still goes by Sil sometimes
tysm! you can still call me by my old nicknames, but you can also call me lem, lemz, lemmy, etc. jacki is calling me lifi XD
hey mods, i just wanted to check with yall on something. i made a comment on an sps (nutpaw’s art requests) in reply to joyfire, and it was modded but then i checked and it was gone, which im assuming it got deleted. i just wanted to check and make sure it wasnt taken the wrong way. (which is why it may have gotten deleted). if it sounded rude or something i promise i didn’t mean for it to, it was just something that was weighing on my heart that i needed to say.
It’s been mod edited. Not sure if someone approved it with the edits or if it’s still pending, but it’s been edited. Please reflect carefully on what’s been written.
I don’t think it was a ‘rude’ comment, in that it clearly was not written with the intention of breaking a social boundary or insulting someone; however, the actual content of the message is hurtful, even though I know that wasn’t your intention. Hopefully this all makes sense
okay, thanks birchy. could you help me understand how it could have been hurtful? i promise it wasn’t my intention. 🙂
I would recommend reading the mod edit 🙂
hello moddos! can you change my name to:
Crystalpaw/mist I Crystal Piercing the Clouded Mist I Clickity! I “A villain is just a victim whose story has never been told” I “Well… Technically… ” I Looking for a plat mate (odd request I know)
hello moddos! can someone please check the date of my first comment? thanks!
12th of october 2024