• How many stories are you usually in the middle of at a time?
    I am currently in the middle of four fanfics.

    Tallstar’s Love- an AU where Jake joins WindClan.
    Poisoned Honey- an AU where Honeyfern is evil.
    Squirrelflight’s Love- a SquirrelflightXJessy AU.
    Briarlight’s Heart- BriarlightXDovewing fanfic.
    And He Runs

    • Just Fang 😛 I’ve been in the middle book 1 of it for years. Although, I do have a couple of other ideas that I want to write, but I doubt I’ll get to them anytime soon.
      One is a sci-fi/post apocalyptic type book that would require some actual scientific research on my part before I could start, so that’s too much work for me to take on right now.
      The other is a much simpler premise, might end up being more novella length if I do ever write it, and is called Ghosts. It’s actually based on a dream I’ve had 😛 Basically, a kid’s family moves for his mom’s job. The kid is dismayed to discover that his new home is in a run down ghost town in the middle of nowhere, and even more so when he realizes that he and his family are the only people there with enough sense to not believe in ghosts…..aka, they just haven’t been in town long enough.
      While I have been making more progress lately, Fang is planned to have 4 main books and then some prequel books, and I highly doubt I’ll ever finish all those, especially since I’ve never planned on pursuing writing as an actual career. But, who knows, maybe someday 😛

      • The ideas you have sound interesting 🙃
        I’ll Be Complete

    • the forgotten loner,Mist- it’s going to be a six book series and Mist is the third book, its set in different WC clans, Rockclan,Hillclan,Leafclan,Mistclan and Moonclan(basically Starclan)
      The rebels- i’ve sort of abandoned this, its a story where there is only one warrior clan, Stormclan, previously Mossclan, that has an evil leader so some cats have to rebel.
      Unnamed-a story about dragons where there are 4 groups of dragons, Sky, Water,Fire and Earth.

  • Anyone got tips on world building??
    My story takes place on Earth, but Earth is actually much much much larger than humans know about. As in, you can fit the entire human world into the largest continent of the ‘real’ world.
    Because it’s so large, I’m struggling to get a good feel for individual cultures 😛 there’s also some interaction between the human and ‘real’ world, so while I definitly don’t want to entirely copy any existing cultures, I do feel like there should be at least a little tie in with neighboring human countries.
    Giant fake Earth aside, I’m just struggling to come up with unique and believable cultures, which makes the world feel pretty flat.

    • Most of my stories take place in a chicken sanctuary, and it’s usually pretty simple so I don’t have that much experience with more challenging world-building. 😛 I’ll try to think of a few things, though.

      For coming up with cultures, maybe start with making unique:

      • Clothing
      • Holidays and Traditions
      • Style of speech
      • Habits
      • Ways/order of doing things
      • Rules and principles

      And once you have ideas for some of those things it might be easier to come up with a bigger picture.

      Also, pay attention to the climate/terrain from where different groups are from, because the kind of setting they live in can affect their culture.

  • I realized I’m more experienced with writing chapter books/short stories than picture books. 😛
    And it’s not the illustrating that’s a challenge, either- I love drawing. It’s that every plot I come up with ends up developing into something way too complicated for a simple kids’ book.

    Basically, I’m trying to make a picture book to read to my new chickens, but so far it’s… challenging.

  • Here’s the third chapter of my Squirrelflight X Jessy fanfic. I feel like this chapter turned out especially well 🙃

    Squirrelflight and Jessy eventually went back to the camp, both carrying a decent amount of prey.

    Squirrelflight selected a thrush from the prey pile.

    “Want to share?” she asked.

    “Sure! I was getting hungry.” Jessy mewed.

    The two she-cats began to eat. After a little bit, Jessy broke the silence.

    “Squirrelflight? I have to ask you something.”

    “Yes?” asked Squirrelflight. Her heart pounded.

    “What would you say if I… asked you to come with me when I leave?” Jessy said. Her amber eyes were full of curiosity.

    “I…” Squirrelflight didn’t know what to say. Who would she choose? Jessy or Bramblestar? Which cat did she truly belong with? Was she willing to leave the Clan for Jessy?

    “I know it’s a hard question. But I had to ask. Squirrelflight, you’re probably my closest friend in ThunderClan, and I’d really miss you. But don’t feel pressured to come with me.” Jessy mewed.

    Squirrelflight whispered, “I want to. But I’m afraid.”

    “Afraid of what? You should always follow your heart.” Jessy urged.

    “I’m afraid of what Bramblestar would say. I don’t think he’d approve.” Squirrelflight confessed.

    Jessy’s normally warm amber gaze was now serious.

    “Who cares what Bramblestar says? You don’t need HIS permission to make YOUR own choice. Are you really happy with him, deep down? I know you aren’t mates anymore. But do you care for him?”

    Squirrelflight thought about Bramblestar when they’d first became mates… BrambleCLAW.

    He’d been kind. She had loved him. He had loved her.

    But after the truth came out about Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and Jayfeather… he changed.

    Squirrelflight’s mate was only JUST starting to warm up to her again. But he could still be cold, controlling, generally… not a cat she wanted to be with.

    He wasn’t the same cat. Deep down, she knew that she didn’t want to be with him.

    “Oh, Squirrelflight. I’m sorry.” Jessy whispered, understanding what Squirrelflight had not said.

    “I know that Bramblestar has let you down. But I will ALWAYS be here for you.” the brown kitty pet went on.

    Squirrelflight licked Jessy’s ear. “Thank you,” she said.

    She meant it with all of her heart.
    I’ll Be Complete

  • I was SO inspired to write last night, but I had to wait until this morning before I could write this ;(

    It’s a Harry Potter fanfic, 548 words long, kinda sad, involves WolfStar, and has major Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix spoilers!

    Here’s the story. Enjoy.

    [spoiler title=spoiler]He was gone. Gone, with no return.

    Lupin would never see him again. Sirius was dead, now and forever.

    I am the last Marauder, he suddenly realized. Because first James died, then Peter, then my dear Padfoot.

    Had it only been a few days since Sirius died?

    It seemed like so much longer. It seemed like he’d been gone for a year, but also like he’d only died an hour ago.

    Lupin had been doing his best to not freak out, but inside he was sobbing as much as Harry had when he watched Sirius… die.

    He’d comforted Harry as the boy sobbed into his shoulder, because his godfather COULDN’T be gone, it all had to be a mistake.

    It was no mistake.

    Sirius Black, also known as Padfoot, was no longer alive.

    It was hard for Lupin to even fathom. It had always seemed like Sirius would always be there.

    Until… he wasn’t.

    Lupin climbed the stairs to his and Sirius’s room- no, just HIS room now.

    He was aware that other members of the Order of the Phoenix were downstairs, discussing matters of the Order, but he just couldn’t face them right now. He was too heartbroken.

    Sighing, he sat on the edge of his bed.

    Why couldn’t it be me? Why did Sirius have to die? he thought.

    Lupin trembled as a tear rolled down his cheek.

    Padfoot, why did you have to die? he thought. I need you. Harry needs you. We all need you.

    Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

    “Come in.” Lupin murmured.

    It was Tonks, who was very pregnant. She had offered to be a surrogate mother for Sirius and Lupin… and she was pregnant with a child that Sirius would never see.

    “Remus, I’m so sorry.” she said.

    “Tonks. Sirius won’t see his child.” Remus choked out.

    “I know.” Tonks had a sad, wistful look in her eyes.

    “I just miss him. I miss his crazy ideas. I miss his friendship with James, who is also gone. I miss his affection. I miss Sirius so much it feels like part of me is missing.”

    Lupin was aware he was crying, but at this point he didn’t care, because he HAD to get these emotions out.

    Tonks sat down on the bed next to Lupin, putting her arm around him.

    She didn’t try to tell him, “It’s ok” or “Don’t be sad” or any crap like that which never helped the grieving.

    She just listened in silence as Lupin described his deep sadness, and exactly what about his dear Padfoot he was going to miss.

    She didn’t object when he cried into her shoulder, even though he was probably running her shirt.

    As Lupin dried his tears with a handkerchief, he realized just how much of a good friend Tonks was.
    He cared about her very much- as a friend, not romantically- and was happy to have her as a friend.

    “Thank you.” he said.

    Tonks smiled.

    She got up and opened the door. Right before leaving, she said, “Remus, Sirius was lucky to have you.”

    Lupin shakily smiled. “Thank you,” he said again.

    I will never forget you, Sirius, he silently promised- and it was a promise he would keep for the rest of his days.

    THE END[/spoiler]

    I couldn’t stop thinking about the idea for this last night- to the point where I had trouble sleeping due to Excited I Want To Write Vibes.
    I hope you guys like this. I hope this was worth losing sleep over 😜

    I’ll Be Complete

  • I’m thinking I should change something in my stories, because I just realized it’s a little weird/creepy.

    Ok, so I have this OC named Logpelt. He’s really great, and I love him. He’s a ThunderClan medicine cat.

    His mom is a ThunderClan medicine cat called Ivyclaw… and his dad is Breezeear, another ThunderClan medicine cat… who was Ivyclaw’s apprentice.

    The whole mentor-apprentice having an affair together sounds a tad creepy to me.

    I do like the idea of Logpelt being, well, forbidden by the warrior code.

    So I was thinking that ONE of his parents could be either Ivyclaw or Breezeear, but not BOTH, to avoid the creepiness.

    What do you guys think?
    WolfStar 4 Life

    • An idea, maybe one of them used to be a warrior but switched to become a medicine cat as an adult?
      The main issue I would have with it otherwise would be that I definitly don’t like having a mentor, who is supposed to help a young cat mature and guide them as they age into adulthood, become a love interest, because of the power dynamics and age gap and yeah kinda blech 😛
      However, if they were both adults when one became the other’s apprentice, they’re less of mentor/apprentice so much as just one person giving the other information. At that point, I wouldn’t have any problem with it 🙂

      Orrrrr second idea, what if they were around the same age, and just both really wanted to be med cats once they reached ‘paw age, so the medicine cat(s) at the time took them both as apprentices?

      But yes, I do think it would be good to do something to avoid the creepiness 😛

      • I like the idea there, of the apprentice being an adult warrior; it removes the uh…questionable connotations 😛

      • I like the them-both-being-adults idea! I think I will do that. 🙂
        WolfStar 4 Life

  • I also posted this on the fan fic page, but basically I’m getting a bit burned out on F.A.N.G. so I’m taking a break to just write something fun and easy 😛
    Who knows if I’ll finish it, but it’s basically a retelling of Bluestar’s Prophecy through Thrushpelt’s eyes.

    Also, I don’t remember much of what Starclan’s like, so I just made it up. Honestly, I imagine them all sitting in front of a giant TV, watching the clans go through life like its a movie. They ought to kick Goosefeather out for spoiling the ending.

    Thrushpelt’s Trust—Prolouge—
    “Are you sure you want to watch this?” 
    Thrushpelt twitched an ear in the direction of Oakheart, unable to turn his gaze away from the pool of water. “Bluestar’s faced troubles before, why should this be any different? She won’t be joining us today.” 
    “There’s a first time for everything, Thrushpelt,” said Oakheart, the Riverclan tom’s pelt brushing his own as he leaned closer to the pool. Thrushpelt shrugged, trying to keep his pelt smooth, wishing he believed his own words.
    It had been painful to watch his clan dissolve into chaos without him, each new member of Starclan hurting like a claw to the face. Who knew one over ambitious apprentice could have grown into such a menace? 
    “I will not let you destroy my clan!” Bluestat roared from the other side of the pool, and she launched herself at the dog that was holding the newest of her deputies, headbutting the beast hard in the flank. 
    “That’s showing them,” Brindleface hissed from Thrushpelt’s right. 
    “Let them feel your claws, sister!” Snowfur piped in, her white fur, spiked with agitation, clouded Thrushpelt’s peripheral vision as she shoved between him and Oakheart to get a better view. 
    “Better run, you mongrel, because she’s going to kick your rear!” Rosetail added, her voice rising up with the cheers of the other cats as the dog released Fireheart, spinning around to face Thunderclan’s leader. 
    “What’s wrong, can’t swim?” Silverstream whooped as the first dogs skidded off the cliffs.
    Thrushpelt couldn’t recall the last time there had been so many spectators for one fight. For some of them, like himself, they were here to watch their old acquaintance. Others, like Brindleface, were more invested. She’d been killed to give the monsters a taste for cat meat, so this was personal. When he’d shoved his way through the crowd, Thrushpelt had even earned the burning glare of Shadowstar, the founder of Shadowclan. 
    Thrushpelt tensed as the lead dog reached forwards, its jaws closing around the gray she-cat’s leg. The starry forest was suddenly filled with an heavy, deafening silence as the dog lost its grip on the clip, toppling over the edge with Bluestar in tow. 
    Thrushpelt met Oakheart’s gaze over Snowfur’s back, his own panic mirrored on the reddish brown tom’s face. He had tried to tell himself that this didn’t really matter, but his words felt hollow. She would be dead. Thunderclan would turn to Fireheart’s guidance, and the young cat would be responsible for the entirety of its future.
    And Bluestar would be in Starclan.
    With him.
    Thrushpelt couldn’t breath as he watched his former leader tumble into the waters, his stomach churning like the waves that swallowed her elegant head like a hungry beast.
    “Even the most powerful of flames can be destroyed by water,” Goosefeather murmured from somewhere in the crowd, his voice thunderous in the tense silence. 
    “What’s that supposed to mean?” a tiny voice asked from behind Thrushpelt. This time, he spun around, turning his back on the pool for the first time since the whole fiasco had started. 
    “Mosskit, I thought Graypool was watching you!” Oakheart yelped, shooting Thrushpelt a panicked glance. This was not something either of them wanted their daughter to watch. 
    “Little one, why don’t you finish your nap?” Thrushpelt asked, blinking at the kit. “We’ll fill you in afterwards, okay?” 
    “I can watch her,” Goosefeather replied, his blue eyes reflecting the light from the pool like two glowing moons. “I already know how this will end.” 
    Thrushpelt shivered, sneaking a glance back over his shoulder. Goosefeather’s mind had cleared up significantly since his death, but Thrushpelt still wasn’t sure he trusted the medicine cat to watch his kit. 
    Snowfur twitched her tail against his flank, then towards Mosskit. “I can do it,” she offered, her eyes still glued to the pool, desperately awaiting her sister’s fate. 
    Can you really? Thrushpelt wondered, following the white she-cat’s gaze. Bluestar was fighting the current, but it looked like she was losing the battle. Thrushpelt was having trouble glancing away for just a moment, and he couldn’t imagine what it would be like, if that was Tawnyspots or Dappletail or Rosetail in the water. 
    “No,” Mosskit snarled, the steel in her voice startling Thrushpelt, “I’m staying.” 
    “She’s running out of strength,” Moonflower murmured from the other side of the pool, drawing Thrushpelt’s attention back to Bluestar. If Mosskit wanted to stay, she could stay. Bluestar was her mother, after all. 
    They’d find out soon, whether or not this would be Bluestar’s final fight.
    Mosskit whimpered slightly as she caught sight of her mother’s limp form being tumbled against the stones of the riverbed. Thrushpelt reached his tail out towards her, planning on pulling her close, only to find his tail overlapping with those of Snowfur and Oakheart, who had been about to do the same. Without looking away, Thrushpelt shifted closer to his former clanmate, allowing Mosskit to nestle into her aunt’s fur while her fathers’ tails curled around her like a nest. 
     “Don’t give up!” Oakheart said, leaning forwards to dip his paw into the water. His eyes slid closed as his soul slipped through the barrier between Starclan and Bluestar. 
    Thrushpelt swallowed hard as Bluestar’s body twitched, her eyes flickering open once more. 
    “It’s like running through the forest. Let your paws do the work. Raise your chin. Let the water carry you up,” Oakheart whispered, his twitching paws sending tiny ripples through the pool as if he could swim for her.
    His words were reigniting her spirit, but her body was fading fast. Thrushpelt lifted his head as a sparkle floated off the surface of the pool, dancing above his head. Bluestar was dying. 
    “Don’t you want her to be with us?” Mosskit asked softly, resting her chin on Thrushpelt’s tail. It was worded so innocently, but Thrushpelt knew there was weight behind the question. His daughter had grown wise in death, maybe a little wiser than he would have liked. 
    “Of course,” he murmured back, “But her clan needs her as well.” That wasn’t the truth, but he wished it was. 
    “Our kits are waiting, you can’t leave them without saying good-bye,” Oakheart coaxed, the sparks flying from the water now, illuminating the tom’s silky brown fur with a gentle silver glow. 
    The Thunderclan deputy was dragging her out of the water now, and Thrushpelt’s focus sharpened at the sight of two familiar grey shapes. Mistyfoot and Stonefur, his kits. 
    He listened to them talk, their voices sounding far away as if they were underwater, even though the pool didn’t distort sound. 
    “We forgive you, Bluestar.”
    “We forgive you.” 
    Thrushpelt watched as Bluestar’s eyes closed one last time, the flurry of sparkles almost blinding as a shimmering cloud of them shot away from the pool. 
    The quiet was interrupted with the rustle of paws and the joyful shouts of the cats crowded about the pool. That was the odd thing about Starclan. They’d hope for one more breath for each dying cat, but once the last was gone, there was only room for celebration. 
    Thrushpelt followed slowly as the gathered cats swarmed around the glowing form, which was slowly shifting into the shape of a cat, revealing Bluestar, healthy and whole. Her pelt gleamed like a sliver of moon, her eyes warm and dancing with joy. 
    “Snowfur! Moonflower!” she cried, twining herself between her mother and sister, “It’s so good to see you again! And Oakheart,” she added with a purr, turning to her mate. 
    “Hi,” Oakheart replied, hanging back slightly. The former Riverclan deputy was looking almost bashful for once. 
    “Mom!” Mosskit squeaked, wriggling through fray. Thrushpelt’s heart caught in his throat as his daughter beamed up at her parents, her purr almost loud enough to shake the earth below his paws. “I forgive you too,” she added, echoing her littermates. 
    Then, the little grey and white kit glanced through the crowd, her eyes finding Thrushpelt. The question in her gaze was obvious. 
    “Thrushpelt?” Bluestar asked hesitantly, the smile on her face wavering with uncertainty. 
    There were no enemies in Starclan, Oakstar always said. Thrushpelt couldn’t think of any cats who still held onto their old grudges after death. Sure, there were awkward moments between Moonflower, Stormtail, and Dappletail, and Leopardfoot and Pinestar tended to avoid each other, but it was nothing a warm sunbeam or a good piece of prey couldn’t cure. 
    It was odd, the coldness in his gut that wouldn’t let him smile back at her. Thrushpelt had spent his whole life loving her, and now that she was reunited with him once again, he couldn’t bring himself to look at her. 
    Bluestar’s presence here would change everything. Mosskit would have a mother now, Oakheart would have a mate, and Snowfur would have a sister. 
    And he could have a friend. In theory, at least. At one point, Thrushpelt had believed that, overjoyed to have her trust and the opportunity to play a part in her kits’ lives. 
    Except she’d never trusted him, not really. 
    “Funny, those two cats looked oddly like our kits, didn’t they?” Thrushpelt said softly, his tone cold. “And Mosskit says she froze to death. But that can’t be it, can it?” he asked, his voice cracking like breaking ice. “You told the clan they were eaten by a fox. You told me they were eaten by a fox!” 
    “Thrushpelt…” Bluestar said again, but he shook his head, trying to get her voice out of his mind. 
    “Maybe our kits can forgive you,” Thrushpelt continued slowly, already beginning to turn away, “But I can’t.” 

  • I wrote a song about my characters and I’m pretty proud of it!

    [spoiler title=”Spoilered for mentions of emotional/verbal abuse”] This is about my chicken characters River and Sophia. It describes the part of my book where Sophia convinses River to leave her abusive owner.

    River: I have been rescued now apparently I am free..
    But that’s not at all what this feels like to me.
    I want to go back, want to leave the unknown.
    I know home wasn’t ideal but still I want to go home.

    Sophia: I understand but you’ll understand soon
    This is so much better, it will be good for you.
    You deserve to be here- where love can be true.
    You will fit in soon, and I will help you.

    River: I cared about him is what you can’t see.
    He wasn’t just someone- he was family.

    Sophia: I know this will hurt you but you need the truth-
    He never loved you
    But there are those who do.

    Sophia: You do not deserve to be abused.
    You need to be where you are loved- not used.

    River: I know that now but all these years I thought his love was true.
    I know it wasn’t, but what can I do?

    Sophia: You spend your chickhood in the shade unaware
    That those shadows were abuse- they were pain, they were fear.
    This has become your norm but no it’s never normal.

    River: I know what you’re saying and I can see why…
    But I can’t accept it, even if I try.

    Sophia: Such a sudden truth learned must be so painful and drowning…
    But it’s your chance for a new life- a good one without him.

    River: I can’t live without him, why can’t you see?
    He was my father, my friend, and everything in between.

    Sophia: You deserve better than someone who’s mean.
    A real owner cares and he loves- he does more than just own.

    River: I understand but I can’t bare to be alone.

    Sophia: Riv, you are not alone- you’re more loved than you know.
    I know you think you only had him but you deserve someone more.

    River: –

    Sophia: There are plenty of better fish in the sea
    You have our friends, you have Leafshade, you have Rain, you have me.

    River: I think I feel the same way that I felt about him.
    But I think that this time it’s real love I’m in.
    You’re all so kind I don’t know if I should go back…

    Sophia: You understand now. You’re on the right track.

    River: I didn’t know pain all these years I was numb
    But now I have waken up and I know I was wrong.

    Sophia: You’ve never felt kindness- no one could blame you.
    But now that you know these things you can start life anew.

    River: This pain is so new I don’t know what to do.
    I wanna go back to him-

    Sophia: But you gotta choose you.

    River: This realization is so foreign and new…
    Don’t want to know what I do…
    That I should listen to you.

    River: My friend was never what he seemed to be.

    Sophia: He wasn’t a true friend-

    River: I think he’s an enemy…

    River: His bad side was something I was reluctant to see…
    But he was never a good friend-
    And this is the end!

    River: I will open my eyes, so I can be free.
    I will start my new life- I’ll do it for me.

    Sophia: I’m proud of you, River- and I promise you’re free.

    River: I think this might be where I’m meant to be…

    Sophia: You have the courage and I know you’re strong
    I know you can do this- your life will now be real.
    The pain will end soon- you will heal.
    When you look around, you will see…
    You’re now really free.

    River: I was so reluctant to leave the abuse…
    But now that I did I know my joy will be true.
    Sophia, thank you, you have helped me see.

    River: I now know that this is where I want to be.
    The pain is not permanent… I know I will heal.
    I look around and beauty’s what I see.
    For the first time ever…
    I’m actually free.
    I want to be loved and I know now I’ll be.
    What is this happiness…
    I’m finally free!

    To be loved… [/spoiler]

    • I love Sophia’s kindness! River is lucky to have her as a friend.
      Fleur is amazing!

  • I have a new idea for a story that I might start writing. I usually write about chicken main characters, but this idea is about a human (chickens are still involved, though).

    The main character is a teenage girl who lives with her parents and their flock of backyard chickens.
    She is brave, passionate, caring, chicken-obsessed, and can be hot-headed whenever anyone speaks badly of chickens.
    Her chickens are her biggest interest- she would happily spend all day with them and they are her best friends. She understands them pretty well, too, and is good with them.
    However, she is not good with people and dislikes going to school as she is the least popular kid in her class.
    Her best friend is her favorite one of her chickens- a white leghorn. I made her a white leghorn because that’s the breed of my hen Pepe.

    So, I’ll probably still need to do a bit of planning, but this seems like it would be fun to write.

  • I wrote a story at two o’clock in the morning:
    Proof that I’m most inspired to write after midnight 😛

      “Fire, I’ve been thinking,” Fireblaze’s Mom said as Fireblaze took a seat on the couch, wondering what to expect, “You’ve been… working… a lot.”
     Fireblaze bristled at the way she said “work”, knowing all too well that Mom didn’t approve of the things Fireblaze considered work, which often included rebelling against teachers, protesting against rules, and pushing boundaries- but all for good causes! “Yes,” she clucked briskly, “Your point?”
      “You’ve been working too much in my opinion,” Mom’s voice was terse. “Which is why I’ve decided you need a vacation,” she added, brightening, as she held out a booklet, “You’re going to stay at a cabin for a few days.”
      Fireblaze tensed, not knowing whether to feel happy or enraged.
      Normally she would be delighted at such an opportunity- she was maybe even delighted this time but to stop her from working? This was an insult!
      “I’ll drop you off at the campsite tomorrow,” Mom said before Fireblaze had time to argue, “You can pick a friend to go with you.”
      Still unsure how to react, Fireblaze just groaned.

      Stretching, Fireblaze stepped out of the cabin and onto the wooden porch, surrounded by grass.
      Sophia followed her out- bright-eyed and lively.
      “You look cheerful,” Fireblaze huffed, her feathers itching to go back home as she remembered all her unfinished duties.
      “Um- yeah?” Sophia clucked briskly, “I’m in nature, I’m free, I have the whole day to just.. explore.” She studied Fireblaze with an intent, understanding look, “Why wouldn’t I be cheerful?”
      Fireblaze glanced around at the green woods. Sophia was right that this was an enjoyable place. It wasn’t that she didn’t like it here. In reality, she was torn. She wanted to enjoy being here- but how could she when there was so much she had to finish- there, at home?
      “My Mom picked the wrong time for this nice trip,” she clucked bitterly.
      “I get it,” Sophia smiled sympathetically. She gave Fireblaze a sidelong glance, “But now that you’re here you might as well enjoy it.”
      “It’s not like I can help worrying about what’s going on at home,” Fireblaze sighed, “How can I not worry- I’m needed there! My friends need me…” she glanced down at the boarded floor, “My work needs me.”
      “You worrying here won’t get any work done back at home,” Sophia said plainly. Fireblaze shuffled one foot, realizing she was probably right. “So I suggest you stop worrying and relax. True- that might not get your work done, either,” she added, “But at least it’s a lot more fun.”
      Although fun in nature did sound appealing, Fireblaze cast her a doubtful glance.
      “Oh, Fire- just enjoy!” Sophia coaxed, a smile on her beak as she looked around “Breathe!” Her cream feathers blew gently in the breeze as she closed her eyes and drew in a long breath. “Ah, the pines…” she murmured, then glanced back at Fireblaze. “Do you even know what pines smell like?”
      “Of course I know what pines smell like,” Fireblaze retorted, “I’m surrounded by nothing but them for miles!”
      “Yeah, but did you ever take the time to smell them?” Sophia pressed.
      “Of course I did,” Fireblaze mumbled as she took in the scent, surprised at its refreshing sharpness.
      The hens stood in silence for a minute, then a smile curled up Sophia’s beak and she placed her wing tip lightly on Fireblaze’s shoulder.
      “Tag,” she clucked quietly, her brown eyes shining as she met Fireblaze’s gaze with spirit and excitement, “You’re it!”
      “Hey!” Fireblaze leaped up, watching Sophia dash away through the tall grass.
      Forgetting her worries and doubts, the slender orange hen raced up the slope. Gusts of cool wind blew wildly at her face. As the lush forest surrounded her, she relaxed into the energy pulsing through her. She was fast. She was free. Her amber eyes narrowed in determination as the seriousness and concern that had weighed her down lifted and she pushed herself to run faster. Work could wait. Sophia… not as likely.
      A laugh escaped Fireblaze’s throat as she neared her friend and hurried to catch her.

    • aww i love this
      this really connects with my feelings about work sometimes!

    • This is great 🙂
      Clearly we have extremely different opinions as to what’s an appropriate activity to do at 2 AM, because I am most definitely sleeping then, and not writing :p

      Lupin is awesome!

  • Here’s a short story I wrote about Brightheart.

    Brightheart’s Forgiveness

    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

    Brightheart curled up in her nest. Had it only been earlier that day that she had been Lostface?
    Firestar had changed her name. He didn’t think the name Bluestar had given her suited her, and Brightheart agreed with him.

    Brightheart intertwined her tail with Cloudtail, purring softly. He was helping her with getting around while she was still growing used to have only one eye, and they were now mates.

    Still purring, Brightheart fell asleep almost immediately.

    When she opened her eye, she was in a grassy meadow.

    The scent of flowers filled her nose, and she sniffed the air.

    A blue-gray she-cat approached her.

    It was Bluestar.

    “Brightheart.” she meowed.

    “Hello, Bluestar,” mewed Brightheart. A pang of sadness filled her heart. Sometimes she couldn’t believe that Bluestar was dead. It seemed like she should still be alive and well!

    “I’m here for a reason. I came to apologize,” Bluestar said.

    “I’m assuming this is about… my former name?” Brightheart asked.

    “It is.” Bluestar’s blue eyes were pools of sadness.

    “I was wrong, Brightheart. I was terribly wrong to change your name. Nobody deserves a name like Lostface. I was angry at StarClan, but I never should have taken it out on you.” The blue-gray furred she-cat sighed, perhaps thinking of how much she regretted what she’d done.

    “Bluestar, you weren’t yourself. I know that you’re sorry,” Brightheart meowed.

    She stretched her tail out, about to put her ginger-and-white tail on Bluestar’s shoulder, but hesitated. What would her past leader think?

    Bluestar purred. “Thank you. You have a kind heart, Brightheart. Brightheart is the perfect name for you.”

    Brightheart purred as well. “I forgive you.” she said, and truly meant it.

    Then, slowly, the meadow and Bluestar both disappeared, and Brightheart found herself waking up.

    She snuggled up next to Cloudtail, who was still sleeping beside her, and thought of how lucky she was to have such a good life.


    Lupin is awesome!

  • I wrote about my character’s tragic backstory. She lived at a factory farm.
    I tried to make it sound as tragic and sad as I could since the conditions these hens live in are horrible in real life and I wanted to portray that in hopes that it’ll change peoples’ minds about how to farm chickens.

    My name is Light.
    I’m not sure what it means anymore, as all I have known is darkness and the eerie, dusty glow of the building I’m in, but it is my name nonetheless. I’m pretty sure I’m named after something good that I will never see.
    I am a chicken. A Leghorn chicken to be exact. Contrary to popular belief, I am a living being with feelings. Terrible, gloomy feelings- although I do believe I am probably capable of positive feelings, too. If only I knew what they felt like.
    At this point I no longer know who I am, but I can tell you who I want to be.
    I want to be friendly, if only I had friends. I want to be playful, but the space I am confined to is too small to play in. I want to be cheerful, but this barn holds nothing to be happy about. I want to be tame, but I know that the hands of the only people I know are not friendly, and will hurt and break me.
    As for what I am…
    I am lonely. I am sad. I am hurt. I have been broken, but am still not numb to the pain I go through daily.
    I am a battery hen.
    But really I’m just a regular hen. A hen who longs to be loved.

    The tight space I’m in, and that I’ve been in for as long as I can remember squeezes around me.
    Leaning in for a drink of bitter dirty water from my bowl, I stare down at my reflection.
    I am a sorry sight.
    My once smooth snow-white feathers are almost all gone, with only broken spines remaining.
    Bare spots cover my body, often causing me to shiver in the blow of the giant electric fans.
    The few feathers I have left are battered, torn, and stained with dirt and the blood from my wounds.
    My amber eyes are squinty and bleary from the polluted air around me.
    My comb, which drapes over the side of my face, is wilting. The conditions I’m in has turned it paper thin, and pale (almost white by now), with none of its former red color left on it, except for the stains of blood that come from me scraping it on the cage roof as I attempt to stand straight.
    Those are failed attempts. The cage is much too short to fully stand up in, and although my stiff legs scream to straighten, I have given up trying. I can only crouch.
    Every muscle in my body is stiff from constantly being in the same position, with no chance to stretch, for over a year.
    The wire floor that I stand on cuts into my feet.
    I breathe in short, shallow breaths, as the musty, stale air burns my lungs when I do, as well as stinging my eyes so much that they water.
    It echoes with uncountable screams of anguish coming from every direction, and my heart aches as I am reminded that I am not alone in my suffering.
    My stubby, broken beak throbs, never having fully healed from the time I was debeaked years ago- still as a young chick. I still remember that day- the blast of agonizing pain that shook my whole body as the tip of my sensitive beak was seared off with a burning blade. I was left with a deep open wound, which has since closed up- but my beak has been tender ever since and spontaneous pangs of pain often rush through it as if it is remembering being cut.
    Soreness in my bones makes me realize what an awkward, twisted position I’ve been standing in- with my neck turned to the side and one leg splayed out.
    Although I know a comfortable position is impossible here, I shift in an attempt to get at least somewhat less cramped.
    As I turn around I accidentally scrape my beak against one of the cage bars, reopening the old wound. A scarlet drop of blood is left behind on the bar.
    I hear the creak of a door in the distance as it swings open, and the people enter the building. The people who run this prison. The people who put me here.
    They come for the eggs- the only reason they keep us hens to begin with.
    I shrink back- I don’t trust them.
    Once in a while, when a hen stops laying, they grab her out of the cage with cruel, harsh hands and she is taken away. Never to be seen again. Never to breathe again. This is the end for her.
    I’ve seen it happen with my own eyes. It breaks my heart in two every time but there is nothing I can do to save my friend.
    Usually the people come to do two things- fill our feeders and collect our eggs.
    Today they only do the latter.
    By now I know what this means. They are starving us again.
    They want us to molt, lose all our feathers (which, there isn’t much to lose), and stop laying eggs for some time because of the lack of food, so that we lay larger eggs afterwords.
    Reaching into my feed tray, I peck up yesterday’s crumbs. I wince as the food touches my injured beak, but despite how painful eating is I force myself to continue while I still have the chance, as the lack of food may last anywhere from five to twenty one days.

    I sigh. I will go to bed now.
    As someone who never sees the sun I’m not sure if it’s day or night, but another day of struggling to tolerate the misery has me exhausted, and besides- there’s nothing better to do in this place.
    Stiffly, I settle down on the floor of my cage. The cold, hard floor hurts me as I lie down, struggling to get comfortable with the bars underneath me digging into my feathers.
    I’ve given up trying to tuck my head under my wing- my wings are spiky and bare, and don’t have nearly enough feathers left to hide my face.
    As uncomfortable as I am, I know it’s not likely that I can make my position any better, so I close my eyes and give way to darkness. Not that darkness isn’t what I see with my eyes open.
    I might as well try to go to sleep, although the buzz of the fans and the cries of the other chickens make it hard.
    When I’m asleep at least I’ll have a break from the misery. Maybe I’ll dream about light, and happiness, and all the other good things that I could never see with my own eyes.
    Lying there, I wonder. I wonder what joy feels like. I wonder what I’ve ever done to deserve this punishment… to deserve to live my whole life in jail. I wonder if the constant pain I’m in will ever ease, at least just a little.
    I wonder what this “light” I’m named after looks like and if it truly exists.

  • I started writing a fanfic where Turtle Tail survives!
    Here’s what I have written so far.

    Turtle Tail’s Love: An AU
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Turtle Tail ran. She had to find her kits! Her heart pounded. If Tom had hurt them…

    Pebble Heart. Owl Eyes. Sparrow Fur. They’d be kidnapped by Tom, their father, who had emotionally and physically abused Turtle Tail, and her kitty pet friend, Bumble.

    Turtle Tail had to find them. Her green eyes narrowed as she continued forward. She would NOT let Tom hurt them!

    Now she was in Tom’s Twoleg Place. She recognized his Twoleg’s den immediately, because she too, had lived there once.

    But the life of a kitty pet wasn’t the life for her. She belonged on the moor, with Gray Wing, a cat who actually loved her, unlike Tom.

    Turtle Tail was almost certain that Tom had never truly loved her. He’d only wanted to hurt her.

    Pushing the painfully memories aside, the tortoiseshell she-cat started walking toward the Twoleg den.

    She heard mewing. That had to be her kits. Were they hurt? Scared? She had to find out.

    Turtle Tail peered into the garage. She’d learned that a garage was where Twolegs kept their monsters when she was a kitty pet. Bumble had told her.

    Grief stabbed Turtle Tail’s heart. Bumble was dead, and she still missed her. She’d been a wonderful friend.

    But now was not the time to dwell on the past.

    She took a deep breath, and walked into the garage.

    Tom was talking to Pebble Heart, Owl Eyes, and Sparrow Fur.

    “You’ll love it here. You never need to hunt for your food, and you have endless comfort,” he coaxed.

    “But I miss Turtle Tail!” Sparrow Fur mewed, looking up at Tom.

    “You don’t need her,” argued Tom.

    “But she’s our mother! And Gray Wing is our father,” protested Owl Eyes.

    “No, he’s not. I am your father. Gray Wing doesn’t share your blood.” Tom’s eyes narrowed.

    “Gray Wing is more our father than you’ll ever be,” Pebble Heart mewed. “He loves us and Turtle Tail, unlike you.”

    Tom suddenly raised his paw, about to slash Pebble Heart across the cheek his claws.

    Turtle Tail leapt out of her hiding place, snarling, “Get away from my kit!”

    “Turtle Tail!” mewed Sparrow Fur happily, running up to her mother, her brothers by her side.

    “Oh, my kits.” Turtle Tail licked each kit on their head, then walked away, facing Tom.

    “I didn’t think you’d come, Turtle Tail. I never thought you’d be so stupid.” Tom said, irritation in his voice.

    “If you hurt them-“ Turtle Tail started to mew, her voice breaking. She started over. “If you hurt them, I will make sure you regret it.”

    Tom growled, “Really? You know you’re powerless to stop me. You know I can hurt you.”

    A memory flashed through Turtle Tail’s mind. Memories of Tom. Hurting her, abusing her, emotionally and physically.

    Her heart ached, thinking of these memories. Then she was filled with anger.

    Tom KNEW that thinking of these painful memories would distract Turtle Tail. He was trying to mess with her mind.

    Snarling, she slashed her claws across Tom’s cheek.

    Without warning, Tom leapt onto her, knocking her to the ground. Turtle Tail gasped.

    “Turtle Tail!” mewed Owl Eyes.

    “Run, kits! Get somewhere safe!” Turtle Tail yowled, jumping up and biting Tom’s ear.

    “But-“ Sparrow Fur started to meow, but Turtle Tail begged, “Please. I need to know that you’re safe.”

    Pebble Heart, Owl Eyes, and Sparrow Fur ran out of the garage. Now it was just Tom and Turtle Tail…
    Lost In The Woods

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