This form is only for members who are currenly listed on the allegiances. If you have not yet gotten your name on the allegiances, or you have been on the list previously, but have been removed from the list, please use the Main Form.
We will only use your data to update BlogClan’s Allegiances or to contact you regarding BlogClan and the Allegiances.
This is where you fill in the name that you are currently listed under on the allegiances.
This section is required, because if you are changing your name, I need to know what your old one is so I know who on the list I’m changing. And if you are changing your description, I still need to know that name of whose description I’m changing.
New Warrior Name (if applicable)
Only fill out this section if you are planning to change the name you appear under on the allegiances. If so, fill out that name here.
Old Description
This is where you fill out the description that your purrsona appears under on the allegiances.
This section is required to be filled out. Even if you are just changing your name, there may be multiple members on the allegiances with the same name. If your name is Silverpaw and you are changing it to Leopardpaw, there may be four Silverpaws on the allegiances, so I need to know which Silverpaw I should be renaming Leopardpaw. The one with the white fur and blue eyes, or the one with the black fur and gray eyes? That’s why this section is required, even if you aren’t changing your description.
New Description (if applicable)
Only fill out this section if you are planning to change the description you appear under on the allegiances. If so, fill out that description here.
Recent Purrs