• Repost because we got to a new page.

    This page will be used for my writing contest! You can enter up to four prompts. The deadline will be my birthday, February 20th, and the word minimum to maximum is 400-4,500 words (if it’s 400, please post in the comments! Anything above, in BlogClan 2 Wikia) Here will be the rewards.

    1st place winner: a story from me about their favorite ship and a drawing of their favorite cat, possibly a secret page
    2nd place winner: a drawing from me of their favorite cat
    3rd place winner: a drawing from me of their favorite creature that’s not a cat (ex. Midnight, Pip, etc.)

    Here are the prompts:
    -Feathertail and Crowfeather have kits
    -Squirrelflight was Bluestar’s reincarnation
    -Tigerstar 1’s dead siblings give him a lecture about the horrible things he did
    -Hawkfrost survived
    -Ashfoot’s backstory
    -Brightheart and Cloudtail have a second litter
    -The Three were Ivypool, Hollyleaf, and Jayfeather
    -Ravenpaw and Barley journey to the lake
    -Daisy becomes leader of ThunderClan
    -Cinderheart was evil

    Good luck and have fun!

  • Streampaw is so glad she decided not to leave BlogClan! She's excited to celebrate her birthday! (🌊Streampaw/lark🌊) says:


    Thanks for entering! Your stories were all so amazing and well-written. I loved each and every one of them! Your writing is excellent.

    The winners will be announced soon! A week or two after that, you can expect your prizes. Soon after that, I’ll hold another contest! Thanks again.😁

  • Streampaw just re-watched Hamilton! Angelica!❤ Eliza!💙 Peggy!💛 The Schuyler Sisters!💖 (Streampaw/lark, she/her) says:



    Everyone, your stories were amazing! You are excellent writers.

    Mountainpaw, the story about Feathertail and Crowfeather having kits was so sweet! You portrayed each character really well and the emotions were incredible.

    Brackenclaw, all three of your stories were awesome! The one about Crowlight and Feathertail was so dynamic and expressive, Cinderheart’s evil plans were malevolent and truly scary, and Briarlight’s relationship with Jayfeather is beautiful.

    Floofpaw, your story was hilarious and Bluestar is so sly and funny. I like how smart and cute Nightkit and Mistkit are!

    Drizzlepaw/drop, I really liked yours! It was so funny! How Tigerstar’s siblings call him a “dude” is just too funny. Your story about Ashfoot totally felt like a Super Edition and I loved it!

    Faithpaw, Ashfoot was portrayed so well! So were the voices of StarClan. Even though your story isn’t canon, I’m liking Ashfoot so much now because of her maturity and intelligence and compassion to step down, against her “destiny”.

    MoonTabby, we all miss you and I know you’re gone but I’m still showing this. I love your stories – Feathertail and Crowfeather naming the kits after the journeying kits is so cute! And Hawkfrost is scary… I’m imagining what he would do next.

    Frogpaw, your writing style is amazing and Jayfeather’s story is so heartbreaking… probably one of the saddest submissions here! But it’s so great!

  • Streampaw just re-watched Hamilton! Angelica!❤ Eliza!💙 Peggy!💛 The Schuyler Sisters!💖 (Streampaw/lark, she/her) says:


    Winners Announced!

    Echopaw, your stories were awesome! Squirrelflight being a reincarnation is one of my favorite (and most unique) prompts, and you nailed it with her seeing things! Daisy’s lives were spot-on and she’s so amazing.

    Creationkit, your entry about Tigerstar and his siblings was chilling! Poor Mistkit’s death was so sad! Your writing is cool.

    Jaymoon, Hawkfrost recruiting the rogues seems just like him to do! Firestar’s death was very hard to read, I couldn’t bear to watch him die! The battle scene is terrific.

    Loonsong, your story about Crowpaw and Feathertail is adorable, and so is their two litters! I Ooh, Hawkfrost… it seems just like him to take advantage of another cat like that.

  • Streampaw just re-watched Hamilton! Angelica!❤ Eliza!💙 Peggy!💛 The Schuyler Sisters!💖 (Streampaw/lark, she/her) says:


    Winners Announced!

    I loved each and every one of your stories! Here are the winners:

    In 3rd place… drumroll, please… is….

    Echopaw/heart for their amazing story about Daisy receiving nine lives! Thanks for entering, Echo! 😃

    In 2nd place… drumroll, please… is…

    Frogpaw/storm for their terrific tale of Jayfeather and Briarlight! Thanks for entering, Froggy! 😄

    And in 1st place… drumroll, please… is…

    Mountainpaw for their creative chronicle about Feathertail and Crowfeather having kits! Thanks for entering, Mounty! 😁

    It was so hard to choose the winners; your stories were all so great! Thank you all for entering and sharing your brilliant works of writing! Congratulations to the winners!

    See the comment after this for prizes.

  • Streampaw just re-watched Hamilton! Angelica!❤ Eliza!💙 Peggy!💛 The Schuyler Sisters!💖 (Streampaw/lark, she/her) says:

    PRIZES! (4)

    (Sorry about the mod everyone, I didn’t mean to blockquote that whole thing)

    Echopaw/heart: your prize can be a drawing from me of any animal you want, not just from Warriors. Or I can draw your purrsona.

    Frogpaw/storm: your prize can be a drawing from me of any Warriors character, whether your favorite or just a cat you’d like me to draw! Or I can draw your purrsona.

    Mountinpaw: your prize can be a drawing from me of any Warriors character, whether your favorite or just a cat you’d like me to draw! Or I can draw your purrsona. For the story, just tell me any semi-canon, non-canon, or canon ship you want me to write about for you!

    Here is your secret page: (I already used it a bit for a roleplay that’s closed now but it has the least comments on it out of all my secret pages)


    Here’s the form if you want me to draw your purrsona:

    BlogClan Name:
    Ref Sheet: (say none if you don’t have one)
    Fur Length: (the options are fluffy, medium/average, short, or super fluffy)
    Background Color:
    Anything Else?:

    Reply to this to get your prizes!

    • Thanks, streampaw! 😀 I’m glad you liked my stories!
      Could you draw my purrsona?

      BlogClan Name: Echopaw/heart
      Purrsona: long-haired ginger tabby with light blue eyes, a white chest and muzzle, a scar on her muzzle and fluffy tail
      Ref Sheet: (say none if you don’t have one) none
      Fur Length: (the options are fluffy, medium/average, short, or super fluffy) fluffy
      Background Color: cyan
      Acessories: none
      Anything Else?: tyy 🙂

      • Streampaw just re-watched Hamilton! Angelica!❤ Eliza!💙 Peggy!💛 The Schuyler Sisters!💖 (Streampaw/lark, she/her) says:

        Yep! 😃

    • Thank you, Streampaw! I would like it if you could draw my purrsona! 😀

      BlogClan Name: Frogpaw/storm
      Purrsona: Long furred brown tabby she-cat with emerald green eyes and a long tail
      Ref Sheet: https://freeimage.host/i/frogpawstorm-reference-sheet.YlrUCP
      Fur Length: (the options are fluffy, medium/average, short, or super fluffy) Fluffy
      Background Color: Light green
      Acessories: A lilypad tucked loosely behind one ear, small green lily pad earrings, and a small black watch on front right leg
      Anything Else?: Nope, thank you so much! <33

  • 🌊✨💖 Elegant Lark Soaring Over Shining Stream. Feather x Crow forever! 🌊✨💖 (Streampaw/lark, she/her) says:

    I finally finished doing everyone’s prizes! Sorry it took so long, I went through a very unorganized period and lost my sketchbook and colored pencils more than once. I also had some trouble with my freeimage account, so I’m truly sorry! My sincerest apologies! Anyways, I hope you like the art! (Sorry if the images are a bit blurry as this is IRL art and I had to take pictures of my sketchbook pages)

    Echopaw: https://freeimage.host/i/hzlIUu
    Mountainpaw: https://freeimage.host/i/hzViLx
    Frogpaw: https://freeimage.host/i/hzVPXj

  • 🌸​💡​Poppypaw/light♑​"Follow your heart but take your brain with you"🌟🌅​🌻​🍾(he/him) ​✨​🎉​⚡​Brick, Poppy, Poppylight, whatever you want!💙​🪻​🪻​🪻Need mentor :P​ says:

    Claimed from Shrubpaw’s SPS shop!

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