• Cedarbrook:
      Cedarbrook padded out of the warriors den,the cold air making her fluff out her fur. She saw that the fresh-kill pile was low,and decided to go hunting. “I’m going on a hunting patrol,would anyone like to come?” she asked,looking around at her clanmates.

        • Bluepaw-
          “So will I!” The tom mewed,hopping up from where he was laying.

          Cedarbrook nodded,flicking her tail to the two cats as she padded out of camp. They padded through the forest,hoping to scent prey. None was found,but they still kept walking.

          • Shalefur had followed Cedarbrook, Bluepaw, and Dustbrook on the patrol. As they continued to walk, he grew frustrated with the lack of prey they were finding. He gave one last look in front of him before snapping,

            “This whole hunting patrol was a waste of time!”

            he kicked a branch with all of his might, pent-up anger in every movement. He looked ridiculous to any bystanders – a grown warrior beating on a branch while his patrol watched on.

              • “Just about as soon as pigs fly.” Shalefur muttered back to his clanmate. He pushed on through the brush, soon a cold wind whipped through his fur. He glanced up to the sky.
                It seemed a storm was gathering, from the looks of the clouds.

                • Bluepaw-
                  Bluepaw tilted his head at Shalefur,”We can always come back later if we don’t find anything.” Just as he said those words,the first raindrop hit his pelt. “I think we should get home.” Cedarbrook commented. The tom nodded,blinking as water fell into his eyes.

                • Rain spatted against their pelts, coming down harshly. Shalefur cursed aloud and turned.

                  “I knew we shouldn’t have gone out-”

                  A crack of lightning split the sky, causing the tortoiseshell to yelp. He began to run; the rain was so blinding at this point, he could barely see where he was going.

                • Bluepaw-
                  Bluepaw trotted to catch up with Shalefur,”It’s ok,we’re not that far from camp.”

                  Cedarbrook stared at Shalefur,a bit annoyed. The tom always found something to complain about. “I’ll come back later when it stops raining.” she said. A loud rumble of thunder spread through the air. “Well,if it stops raining.”

                • A bolt of lighting hit a dead tree, lighting it on fire “Everyone get to camp! We have to get everyone to the river!” Dustcreek yelled as the fire kept spreading

                • Sparktail-
                  Sparktail stretched and stepped out of the warriors den… only to be soaked by rain. uhg, she thought, I hate the rain.

                • Shalefur skidded into camp along with the patrol.

                  “Everyone, get out!” he screeched. He grabbed Sparktail and tossed her to the entrance, following by escorting some of the queens and elders out. Everyone was in a panic as the fire grew closer to the camp.

                • Dustcreek picked up Hailkit by the scruff
                  “Hey! Put me down” Hailkit whined
                  “Stop squirming” ordered Dustcreek, “is everyone out of camp?” asked Dustcreek setting Hailkit down

                • “Everyone’s out!” he yelled over the commotion.
                  As the cats ran out, the fire edged closer- until it eventually reached a thin tree inside of the camp. Shalefur turned to follow after them… but the unmistakeable sound of a kit crying stopped him.

                  Blossomkit and Snipkit were caught behind a fallen branch, fire dangerously close to them.

                • Dustcreek glanced behind him only to relieze Shalefur wasn’t with them Dustcreek handed Hailkit to Brindlegaze, “Where are you going?” Brindlegaze asked distressed
                  “I have to get Shalefur” Dustcreek said
                  Dustcreek turned toward the fire “Shalefur!” he called, “Where are you?” He spotted Shalefur “What are you doing?” he asked, just then he noticed the kits “We have to get them” he said starting to walk towards them

                • Shalefur pushed him away, panicked.
                  “The fire’s too close, you’ll get burned!”

                  The tabby kits wailed, the heat right at their backs. The only thing protecting them from burning was the branch. Shalefur inhaled before calling out,

                  “Snipkit, Blossomkit, you need to jump!”

                  Snipkit, the braver of the kits, inched forwards before taking a leap towards the warriors.

                • Dustcreek stretched his neck forward catching Snipkit in his jaws “Can you get Blossemkit?” he asked not wanting to set Snipkit on the hot ground, he gasped as the fire inched closer to them “We have to hurry!” he said

                • He reached for the kit, trying to grasp him. Blossomkit screeched and backed away from the warrior in terror.

                  “We don’t have time for this!” he yelled; the warrior was frustrated and panicked from the spreading fire. He lunged out and tried to grab Blossomkit but the kit seemed to find a space… it slipped underneath the branch and ran off towards the burning forest.

                  Shalefur tried to chase after the kit, but the fire blocked his way. “What do we do?”

                • Dustcreek glanced around wildly, looking for a spot to go after Blossemkit. “What can we do?” he asked, just then a tree fell, making a way to follow Blossemkit “You go after Blossemkit. I have to get Snipkit away from the fire” he said hearing Snipkit cough, “I’ll come look for you after I make sure Snipkit is okay.” Dustcreek dashed off into the forest

                • Shalefur balanced on the fallen tree- flames lapped at the sides as he pushed past. He leapt down, taking a look back at Snipkit and Dustcreek; there was no way out now, only the way Blossomkit had gone. He steeled himself and ran along the trail the kit had taken.

                  As he ran he spotted tabby fur in a bush. He turned and dug into it, finding the kit huddled up.

                  “Blossomkit?” he rasped, throat burning. The kit gave no response. It’s eyes were closed. Shalefur pulled it out, trying to check if it was alive.

                  He gave a quiet wail as he realized Blossomkit wasn’t breathing. He looked around, realizing the flames were closing in around them. Shalefur grabbed the kit and scaled a tree, a last resort. He huddled at one of the highest branches and hoped the flames wouldn’t reach them.

                • Dustcreek ran trying to catch up with the other cats, “Sparktail!” he cried seeing the other cats, “I need your help!”

                • Bluepaw-
                  Bluepaw’s eyes were wide with panic,he saw Shalefur clinging to a branch,a kit dangling from his jaws. “S-Shalefur! We need to help him! He and Blossomkit are stuck!”

                  Cedarbrook lunged away from a crackling flame,both smoke and rain blinding her. “We need to get the queens and elders to the river! Give me Snipkit,I’ll come back once they’re safe!”

                • Shalefur wheezed as he continued to breath in the smoke. The flames were growing higher, threatening to reach him and Blossomkit. He looked down and spotted the cats.

                  “I’m going to toss Blossomkit to you!” he yowled in desperation. “There’s no way down for us!”

                  The little kit in his jaws was still limp, but he prepared to pass it down to someone below. His entire body trembled.

                • Bluepaw-
                  Bluepaw glanced from Cedarbrook to Shalefur,getting as close to the burning tree as possible without getting hurt. The heat made his skin crawl,but he couldn’t back away. “I-I’ll catch them! Just be careful!”

                  Cedarbrook gritted her teeth when her clanmate didn’t respond. “Dustcreek! We need to move now. Give me Snipkit and I’ll take everyone to the river.”

                • Shalefur pawed at the tree in fear before taking a deep breath. He swung Blossomkit in his jaws, bracing himself before tossing the kit down to Bluepaw. The fire crackled on a tree next to him, threatening to spread to his branch. Shalefur lunged backwards with a yelp.

                • Dust creek handed Snipkit to Cederbrook, coughing as the smoke filled his lungs

                • Dustcreek turned to Sparktail, “Sparktail, we have to get everyone to the river. I’ll get Shalefur” he said trying not let his voice shake.

                • Snipkit reached out, as if looking for her brother. She wailed when she realized he wasn’t there. The familiar warmth of Blossomkit may never be felt again… and even at such a young age, the kit felt pangs of sadness run through her. She continued to cry loudly as she was carried on to the river.

                • Dustcreek looked up at Shalefur, “Can you spot a way down?” he yelled trying to be louder than the crackling fire

                • He looked down, there seemed to be absolutely no way out. As he stood, he knew he couldn’t let himself and Dustcreek breath in the smoke any longer.

                  “I’ll just have to make a way down.” he grunted, bracing himself. He ignored any warnings and leapt down, landing straight into a patch of fire. He rolled over with an ear-shattering screech, the fur on his haunches catching fire.

                • Dustcreek darted over, shoving Shalefur into the dirt once the fire was out he let Shalefur get up, “We have to get to the river” he said, trying to figure out which way to go, “are you okay?” he asked sniffing Shalefur

                • The smell of burnt skin and fur filled the air, Shalefur winced at the pain on his side.

                  “I’m fine,” he said quickly. “And we should take this way.”

                  He pointed his tail towards a faint dirt trail before darting along it. His side ached as he tried to keep up with Dustcreek, it was only a matter of time before they got to the river.

                • Dustcreek slowed down, his sides heaving from the effort of running, “I need to take a break” he said, struggling to breath through the smoke.

                • Cedarbrook-
                  Cedarbrook hushed the kit gently,trying to calm her. It didn’t work,but she didn’t have time to stop. The river came into sight,and the she-cat breathed a sigh of relief,only to cough again as smoke filled her lungs.

                  Bluepaw caught Blossomkit in his jaws,confused as to why the small kit wasn’t crying or struggling anymore. Then it hit him,Blossomkit wasn’t breathing. No,no,no,no,no! The tom blinked back tears as he ran to catch up with Cedarbrook,trying not to whimper at his revelation. Blossomkit was gone,and he didn’t now how many of his clanmates would meet the same fate.

                • “We don’t have the time!” Shalefur looked behind him, the flames flickering dangerously close to the surrounding flames. He helped Dustcreek limp to the river, giving a sigh of relief as he saw the rest of his clan. He saw someone curled around Snipkit, as if comforting the small kit.

                • “Dustcreek!” Brindlegaze cried when she saw him, “Are you okay?” she asked starting to get out of the river

                • Cedarbrook-
                  Cedarbrook was wrapped around the two kits,trying desperately to keep Snipkit calm and wake Blossomkit up. “They can’t be dead,they can’t be…” she murmured to herself,barely acknowledging Bluepaw as he collapsed next to her.

                  Bluepaw laid Blossomkit next her their sibling before half sitting half falling down next to Cedarbrook. His throat burned from inhaling smoke,and his eyes watered as the soot and ash in the air met them. His legs felt too weak to hold him up,and he kept swallowing down bile that rose and threatened to make him vomit. The tom stared at Blossomkit, hoping beyond hope that they would start breathing again,that the whole situation was an awful dream.

                • Snipkit nuzzled into Cedarbrook, eyes swollen shut from the smoke and ash. Blossomkit laid motionless beside her and she rolled over, pawing at him weakly. She gave a tiny, heart-wrenching wail.

                  The medicine cat had tried to save Blossomkit, pushing on his chest and pawing out soot from his mouth. But it was no use. The kit was gone, and outside a thunderous roar of lightning and fire raged. The earth seemed to mourn for the lost life of the kit.

                  Shalefur trembled as he watched the medicine cat shake her head, placing Blossomkit’s body down. He turned around, lashing out at a tree. He clawed at it blindly through the red he saw, tearing down chunks of bark and sap in rage. Blossomkit’s death was all his fault, and for that he bled. Bled from the opening wounds and from his tearing claws. He dug into the tree until it was a mangled mess of twigs; as if it would lessen the pain he felt.

                • Dustcreek padded over to Shalefur, “Its not your fault” he said trying to comfort him, “your clan needs you strong” he said looking around at the cats in shock around them

                • “Leave me alone!” he spun around, hissing at the warrior. “It’s all my fault.”

                  He gritted his teeth in anger, and to keep from lashing out at the tom.

                • Dustcreek laid his tail on Shalefur, not flinching “Its not your fault” he said firmly, “its mine, I shouldn’t have left you to find Blossemkit. I knew there wasn’t much hope, I’m sorry”

                • Shalefur looked around the sparse group of cats. It felt as if everyone’s eyes had focused solely on him, making his fur burn with shame and his jaw clench. They seemed to close in on him, whispered amongst themselves until it suffocated him. Coward. Anger issues. Kit killer.

                  “You know Snipkit has no family now?” his voice rasped in his throat.

                • Brindlegaze walked over, “All of us will help her” she said “we’ll all be her family.”

                • He looked away, a lump in his throat. He didn’t deserve the support of his clan mates. His anger had given way to a hollow feeling, one that left no room for anything else.

                  “She cried for her brother. Her home is destroyed. What kind of life is this for a kit to live?”

                • Brindlegaze’s hazel eyes seemed to harden, “Not just Snipkit’s home was destroyed,” she snapped “I grew up there, all of the cats here lost their home.”

                  Dustcreek put his tail on Brindlegaze’s shoulder, as if trying to calm her “Snipkit needs to be taken care of” he said to Shalefur, “where else can she go?” he questioned.

                  Brindlegaze turned away from the two toms, walking over to Hailkit, fury lighting her eyes “Why are toms so difficult?” she muttered, cleaning Hailkit

                • “Maybe Brindlegaze can care for her.” he muttered, ears still flat from the queen’s words. His eyes cast around the camp- there didn’t seem to be many other cats who could do the job. He knew he wouldn’t be able to.

                • “Brindlegaze won’t be able to take care of Snipkit” Dustcreek said, “Hailkit is almost a apprentice, one of the other queens will have to care for her”

  • This is the character creation for my maned wolf roleplay! Please ignore all comments above this one. Please reply to THIS comment with your character 🙂
    Here’s the form:

    Rank(leader, advisor, mother, normal):

    Here’s my character as an example:
    Name: Lorka
    Gender/pronouns: female/she-her
    Appearance: dark ginger maned wolf with white paws and black streak down her back. She has intelligent green eyes
    Personality: quiet, intelligent, smart-aleck sometimes, sarcastic, kind, gentle, good leader
    Rank(leader, advisor, mother, normal): leader
    Age: 40 large circles (3 years, 4 months)
    Family: Hardy (father; deceased)
    Other: n/a

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