• Game 1:
    Everyone’s favorite… Name That Apprentice!
    This round will be fire themed (after Firestar), but let me know if you have any suggestions for future rounds.
    1.) Don’t copy someone else’s name(s). If you see that you accidentally have (it happens to the best of us, don’t worry), reply to your original comment to change the name(s).
    2.) Only one entry per person, please.
    3.) Be creative and have fun! Don’t worry if a suffix is canon or not, as long as it’s not TOO crazy I will accept it.
    4.) Winners will be announced in a few days. (Maybe around July 13-14?) I will then create the leaderboard and post Game 2.

    Five apprentices have passed their assessments and proven themselves to be true warriors of StormClan. Stormstar needs your help to decide what their names should be! (She’s a busy leader, you know.) They are:

    Good luck!!! 😀

  • Winners:
    Firestorm by Sunfur!
    Flamedawn by Brightpaw!
    Scorchfang by Snowpaw/lily!
    Blazedusk by Lilyshine!
    Burningflame by Shatteredmask!

    Game 2:
    Describe That Cat! (for lack of a better name)
    1.) Choose one (or more) of the new warriors to describe in the craziest way possible. Firestorm has rainbow fur? Scorchfang can only speak in rhymes? Be as weird and funny as you want.
    2.) You can create your own prophecy/backstory about why the cat has this odd feature, but don’t use ideas from the books. For example, Blazedusk can’t walk in other cats’ dreams.
    3.) Only one crazy trait for each cat… Stormstar will be too overwhelmed if Flamedawn can speak to Twolegs, instantly know where every cat in the Clan is, AND has glow-in-the-dark eyes.
    4. Winners will be announced in a few days, around July 17-18. The leaderboard will be updated and I will post Game 3.

    All five cats are thrilled to have their new warrior names. But Stormstar still needs your help! She’s noticed something odd about these new warriors… unique characteristics that haven’t been seen in other cats. They are:

    Good luck 😉

    1st place (Deputy): Sunfur, Brightpaw, Snowpaw/lily, Lilyshine, Shatteredmask ~ 1 point each
    2nd place (Senior Warrior): N/A
    3rd place (New Warrior): N/A
    4th place (Apprentice): N/A
    5th place (Kit): N/A

    • flamedawn can create a clone every moon. Stormstar’s clan has grown stronger with all the new flamedawn’s but it is hard to find the real one!

      Flamedawn was born a normal kit. when he was a young apprentice an old dead cat and another cat far away cat his age met in a dream. The ghost told them that they have powers, flamepaw’s was visit the dead. But there was one rule, flamedawn couldn’t visit more than once a moon. One day, flamepaw’s,mother died and flamepaw visited her. One day, he got teased by apprentices from the other clans at a gathering. He was so upset he visited his mother even though it has been less than a moon some he last visited. He got punished by never being able to use his power again. Flamepaw,,now flamedawn tried to visit his mother again but found that part of him got stuck in the afterlife and there were now two flamedawn’s. He now knows how to repeat the process and great unlimited versions of himself.

    • Firestorm: Firestorm was a kit that wanted to become a leader more then average all the other kits didn’t want to become the leader and placed themselves as loyal warriors and the queens encouraged it so she spent her entire kit and apprenticeship with everyone telling her she should be leader and then wen she became a warrior all the sudden nobody cared about her wish after all it was just
      A silly kit dream and it became a thirst on being bowed down to then the clans got a prophecy saying flames will fall on all the clans a moon after that she started a empire because of her desire to rule and conquered two whole clans before being defeated

  • Firestorm has a strange color of ginger and orange fur
    A backstory for Firestorm is Firestorm was born in the twoleg place after a while he got bored of getting taken care of so he decided to leave. After a while he ran into a group of cats “is he a rouge”asked one.of the cats “of course he is he is way too thin to be a kittypet”replied one of the.others Firestorm after a little fight he ended up.living with the clans
    One.trait for Firestorm is that he can sing in cat.and twoleg laungluge (I definitely didn’t spell that right

  • Winners:
    Brightpaw, Jetkit, and Sunfur, you were the only ones who entered, so you each get +1 point.

    Game 3:
    Name That Apprentice (again)
    1.) Don’t copy someone else’s name(s). If you see that you accidentally have (it happens to the best of us, don’t worry), reply to your original comment to change the name(s).
    2.) Only one entry per person, please.
    3.) Be creative and have fun! Don’t worry if a suffix is canon or not, as long as it’s not TOO crazy I will accept it.
    4.) Winners will be announced in a few days. (Maybe around August 3-4?) I will then create the leaderboard and post Game 4.

    This time the theme is Water
    Five apprentices have passed their assessments and proven themselves to be true warriors of StormClan. Stormstar needs your help to decide what their names should be! (She’s a busy leader, you know.) They are:

    Good luck! 🙂
    1st place (Deputy): Sunfur, Brightpaw, ~ 2 points each
    2nd place (Senior Warrior): Snowpaw/lily, Lilyshine, Shatteredmask, Jetkit ~ 1 point each
    3rd place (New Warrior): N/A
    4th place (Apprentice): N/A
    5th place (Kit): N/A

  • Waterpaw – Watershine
    Seapaw – Seapelt
    Oceanpaw – Oceanglitter
    Lakepaw – Lakefur ( is that canon)
    Puddlepaw – Puddlestream

  • Winners:
    Waterlily by Lilykit/frost!
    Seamist by Heatherpaw!
    Oceanbreeze by Rainsong!
    Lakedrizzle by Brightpaw!
    Puddlestone by Icepelt!

    Game 4: Drawing Contest:
    1.) Create an artpiece using an art website (or with paper and art supplies, if you prefer) and draw your favorite canon Warriors cat.
    2.) When you are finished, reply to this comment with your creation (you can put a link to your drawing if you want or upload it any way that works for you) and tell me who the cat you drew is.
    3.) Be as creative as you want! You don’t have to draw the character EXACTLY how the Erins described them, especially if it’s a character like Dovewing who can magically change eye color. I’m not judging your art by how well it matches the description in the books.
    4.) Don’t copy anyone else’s art. It’s okay to have the same favorite character as someone else but if they have already uploaded their drawing, please don’t steal their artistic ideas (like if they draw Firestar wearing a top hat don’t draw him in a similar hat).
    5.) I will try to announce the winners in about a week, but that could change if you need more time, so just let me know.

    1st place drawing gets 3 points, 2nd place gets 2 points, and 3rd place gets 1 point.
    1st place (Deputy): Brightpaw ~ 3 points
    2nd place (Senior Warrior): Sunfur, Heatherpaw (formerly Lilyshine)
    3rd place (New Warrior): Snowpaw/lily (Lil), Shatteredmask, Jetkit, Lilykit/frost, Rainsong, Icepelt
    4th place (Apprentice): N/A
    5th place (Kit): N/A

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