[image description: a black cat with light eyes stretches and looks at the viewer while laying on a brown-white-and-green carpet]
Hey, BlogClan! It’s Viper, Moon, and Lil here! 😀 Do you have a creative streak? Love making gifts for your friends?
Now you will be able to send gifts, such as purrsona drawings, art, messages, etc, and they will be inserted into the recipient’s Clanniversary or Birthday Post.
All gifts must be sent in at least one week before a Clanniversary or Birthday. This ensures that there is enough time to insert your gift into the post. 🙂
You can send Clanniversary gifts to Lil, the Clanniversary Tsar, using this form:
You can send Birthday gifts to Viper and Moon, the Birthday Tsars, using the form below:
We can’t wait to see all your awesome gifts!!
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