• Four Clans. Four cats to save us. One to destroy us.
    CloudClan lives in the hills
    OceanClan lives by the coast and fishes there.
    FlameClan lives in a hot area with little to no shelter
    NightClan lives in the shadows of the trees

    They Gather in a sandy hollow with a big rock in the middle of the four Clans’ territories, and the Moontree is by the CloudClan-NightClan border, and all cats have safe passage there.

    The villain is a rogue trying to turn the Clans against each other. One of the Four has a power like Yellowfang’s, one is the strongest and fastest cat in the Clans, one can understand Twolegs, and one can speak to the stars even away from the Moontree

    Here’s the form:
    BlogClan name:
    Character name:
    Personality (Optional):
    Clan (CloudClan, OceanClan, FlameClan, NightClan, or StarClan):
    Are you one of the necessary characters mentioned below? If so, which character?
    We’ll start when we have a villain, four StarClan cats, all leaders, the Four, and their mentors, ONE OF WHOM IS A MEDICINE CAT!

    Here’s me!
    BlogClan name: Sandpaw
    Character name: Heronpaw
    Purrsona: Black-and-white she-cat with a fluffy tail and bright green eyes
    Personality (Optional):
    Clan (CloudClan, OceanClan, FlameClan, NightClan, or StarClan): OceanClan
    Rank: Apprentice
    Are you one of the necessary characters mentioned below? If so, which character? The one who can understand Twolegs

    BlogClan name: Sandpaw
    Character name: Oceanstar
    Purrsona: Blue-gray she-cat with white splotches and eyes the orange of the sky at dawn
    Personality (Optional):
    Clan (CloudClan, OceanClan, FlameClan, NightClan, or StarClan): StarClan
    Rank: Former leader
    Are you one of the necessary characters mentioned below? If so, which character?
    Delivers the message to Heronpaw

    BlogClan name: Sandpaw
    Character name: Oakleaf
    Purrsona: Small, dark brown tabby she-cat with pale blue eyes.
    Personality (Optional):
    Clan (CloudClan, OceanClan, FlameClan, NightClan, or StarClan): FlameClan
    Rank: Medicine cat (This means that the one of the Four who speaks to the stars is FlameClan)
    Are you one of the necessary characters mentioned below? If so, which character?
    The FlameClan mentor

    • ☃️ Shrubpaw/song is waiting for December ☃️ || ❄️ She/her ❄️ || 🧊 “There are tests, and then there are tests.” – Mr. Benedict 🧊 || 💙 #Lookingformentor<3 💙 says:

      BlogClan name: Shrubpaw/song
      Character name: Elmpaw
      Purrsona: Dilute calico she-cat with dark amber eyes
      Personality (Optional): Talkative, outgoing, energetic
      Clan (CloudClan, OceanClan, FlameClan, NightClan, or StarClan): FlameClan
      Rank: Medicine Cat Apprentice
      Are you one of the necessary characters mentioned below? If so, which character? Oakleaf’s apprentice, the one who can speak to the stars even when away from the Moontree

    • Onyxpaw/Call me Onyx/She/Her/I'm going to make you wish that I stayed gone!/soon to be gone/be back in fall says:

      BlogClan name: Onyxpaw
      Character name: Onyxstone
      Purrsona: Small black,white and orange tom with amber eyes, protruding fangs and tufted ears
      Personality (Optional): Can be snarky and/or mean/cruel, underneath all is concern for clan. Great with kits and patient.
      Clan (CloudClan, OceanClan, FlameClan, NightClan, or StarClan):Cloudclan
      Rank: Warrior.
      Needed cats; Can I understand twolegs?
      This seems fun!

        • Onyxpaw/Call me Onyx/She/Her/I'm going to make you wish that I stayed gone!/soon to be gone/be back in fall says:

          any of the four still open?

          • ☃️ Shrubpaw/song is waiting for December ☃️ || ❄️ She/her ❄️ || 🧊 “There are tests, and then there are tests.” – Mr. Benedict 🧊 || 💙 #Lookingformentor<3 💙 says:

            I’m not Sandpaw but the only power available the strongest and fastest cat in the Clans (If Ryry is accepted)

          • Onyxpaw/Call me Onyx/She/Her/I'm going to make you wish that I stayed gone!/soon to be gone/be back in fall says:

            I’m also entirely happy to play the villain, I’d just drop the ‘stone’ part

    • Here’s the form:
      BlogClan name:
      Character name: Sparklepaw
      Purrsona: Small ginger-tabby she-cat with stinging tile blue eyes and a white front paw
      Personality (Optional): Energetic, selfish, seems to be happy all the time but is actually very pessimistic, resentful, isn’t happy with her Clan and wants to change it
      Clan (CloudClan, OceanClan, FlameClan, NightClan, or StarClan): NightClan
      Rank: Warrior apprentice
      Are you one of the necessary characters mentioned below? If so, which character? the one who has powers like Yellowfang
      We’ll start when we have a villain, four StarClan cats, all leaders, the Four, and their mentors, ONE OF WHOM IS A MEDICINE CAT!

    • BlogClan name: Rosepaw/heart
      Character name: Ashpaw
      Purrsona: Black she-cat with white spots
      Personality (Optional): Energetic, happy, positive
      Clan (CloudClan, OceanClan, FlameClan, NightClan, or StarClan): OceanClan
      Rank: apprentice
      Are you one of the necessary characters mentioned below? If so, which character? -The one who is super strong

      BlogClan name: Rosepaw/heart
      Character name: goldenthroat
      Purrsona: golden she-cat with orange spots
      Personality (Optional): fierce, brave, loyal
      Clan (CloudClan, OceanClan, FlameClan, NightClan, or StarClan): StarClan
      Rank: warrior
      Are you one of the necessary characters mentioned below? If so, which character? -cat who delivers the OceanClan prophecy

      BlogClan name: Rosepaw/heart
      Character name: Miststar
      Purrsona: long furred gray she-cat with blue eyes
      Personality (Optional): calm, tranquil
      Clan (CloudClan, OceanClan, FlameClan, NightClan, or StarClan): OceanClan
      Rank: leader
      Are you one of the necessary characters mentioned below? If so, which character? -OceanClan leader

    • BlogClan name: Bloompetal
      Character name: Pebblepaw
      Purrsona: Light gray she-cat with darker flecks around her back, legs, and muzzle, blue eyes
      Personality (Optional): Somewhat suspicious of outsiders, protective of friends, tries to seem more mature and sensible than she is, a little naive, easy to fool if she trusts you (harder if she does not), much more cheerful with friends/if her guard is down, gets a little embarrassed by it, somewhat brash
      Clan (CloudClan, OceanClan, FlameClan, NightClan, or StarClan): FlameClan
      Are you one of the necessary characters mentioned below? No (all the chosen cats are taken, correct? Perhaps I could play a Stormfur-like friend of one of the cats for this one, probably for Elmpaw because we’re in the same clan?)

      BlogClan name: Bloompetal
      Character name: Flyswirl
      Purrsona: dark brown tabby she-cat with swirling black stripes, brown eyes
      Personality (Optional): Strict out of a fear of failure, uptight, large amounts of self-doubt, desperate to prove herself to the clan, follows the rules to the letter, wants to do her best and help but does not know how
      Clan (CloudClan, OceanClan, FlameClan, NightClan, or StarClan): NightClan
      Rank: Warrior
      Are you one of the necessary characters mentioned below? Yes, NightClan mentor (Sparklepaw’s?)

      May make a third character if there’s a role that needs to be filled (feel free to ask), but for now let’s just see these two

    • BlogClan name: Bluekit/Ivykit/Mistkit
      Character name: Tawnypaw to become Tawnyflower
      Purrsona: Beautiful tawny she-cat with black paws and tail and ear tips. Green eyes.
      Personality: Quite hostile to strangers, but warm to close friends. Doesn’t want a mate (but will get one in the end), and thinks the warrior code very important, (though she will break it many times) but thinks sometimes the rules should be bent. Hates being told what to do, even the leader, and challenges every cat she doesn’t think is right. Of course, with big stuff, not like who gets the prey between the apps. Ambitious, but will never kill or hurt somebody in order to do that. Just naturally by talent.
      Clan : NightClan
      Rank: Apprentice
      Are you one of the necessary characters mentioned below? If so, which character? No, but I would like to be one of the four’s mates, if possible, a tom please. He should be kind and not killing, not mean to me and from another Clan. A good personality pleasy

      BlogClan name: Bluekit/Ivykit/Mistkit
      Character name: Dovepaw
      Purrsona: Grey she-cat
      Personality: nice and calm, but has opinions too, so she expresses them but most of the times not too forcefully.
      Clan : CloudClan
      Rank: Apprentice
      Are you one of the necessary characters mentioned below? If so, which character? No, I am not. But I will die as an app, so I will be the first victim of the villain. 🙂

  • ☃️ Shrubpaw/song is waiting for December ☃️ || ❄️ She/her ❄️ || 🧊 “There are tests, and then there are tests.” 🧊 || 💙 Apprentice to the SURPURRIER Olivenose! 💙 says:

    Does anyone wanna start roleplaying? It doesn’t matter if you’re not in FlameClan, it can be a border roleplay <33

  • You have until 12/10 to create characters. We have pretty much everyone we need, but I’d appreciate if someone could deliver the prophecy to the other Clans. Anyone can join late.

    • BlogClan name: Bloompetal
      Character name: Brightwillow
      Purrsona: White she-cat with small tabby patches on her head and body, light green eyes
      Personality (Optional): Calm, soft spoken, generic dead medicine cat stuff, afflicted with general StarClan vagueness, wishes she could do more to guide her clanmates, feels a little crushed under the weight of the prophecy but tries to hide it
      Clan (CloudClan, OceanClan, FlameClan, NightClan, or StarClan): StarClan
      Rank: Former medicine cat
      Are you one of the necessary characters mentioned below? If so, which character? One who delivers the prophecy to FlameClan (Elmpaw)
      Up to Sandpaw if they want her to be Oakleaf’s former mentor or just a long-dead medicine cat, but she could be
      If you want I can make another character to deliver the prophecy to split up more of the work, but as it’s my third one I’ll just stick to this right now.

  • BlogClan name: Flamefang
    Character name: Starlingtail
    Purrsona: Light brown pelt and a thin frame, with pale blue eyes and a long tail
    Personality (Optional): Good sense of humor, bubbly, kind
    Clan (CloudClan, OceanClan, FlameClan, NightClan, or StarClan): OceanClan
    Rank: Warrior
    Are you one of the necessary characters mentioned below? If so, which character? Mentor to Ashpaw (the strongest and fastest)

    BlogClan name: Flamefang
    Character name: Shadowleaf
    Purrsona: Pure black pelt with the exception of white belly and chest fur, and kind green eyes
    Personality (Optional): Kind and caring and cheerfull
    Clan (CloudClan, OceanClan, FlameClan, NightClan, or StarClan): OceanClan
    Rank: Med cat
    Are you one of the necessary characters mentioned below? If so, which character? No

  • BlogClan name: Mintpaw
    Character name: Marigoldsong
    Purrsona: Golden main coon she-cat with green and gold heterochromia eyes
    Personality (Optional): Calm, kind, secretly has claustrophobia.
    Clan (CloudClan, OceanClan, FlameClan, NightClan, or StarClan):
    Rank: Medicine cat
    Are you one of the necessary characters mentioned below? If so, which character?