
Hi guys! I hope you’re having a lovely day! This is just a quick post to announce that Rotation helper applications are reopening! If you’re interested in hosting part of the Rotation for Game 6, this is the...
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Autumnrose shares their opinion on Mapleshade.
Woohoo! Would you look at that – it’s the fantabulous Fernmist’s first ever BlogClan clanniversary! Congratulations on this wonderful achievement, Ferny. This post is all about celebrating you on your...
Onyxpaw gives warrior names to more kits and apprentices.
Claimed for OSPREYMIST!!!
Ohhhh yes claim 🍐🍐🍐🐱🐱🐱
I’m gonna be hosting my own little mini contests! 1st contest rules coming soon!
(Can I please say that I found this sps BY MYSELF and didn’t use Wills’ store… 😮)
The First Contests!
Art Contest
Draw your Blogclan OC wearing food! Whether that’s a beautiful pear hat like the delightful picture above or a slice of toast around it’s muzzle, you choose!
Writing Contest
Write a short story (no more than 1000 words) about your Blogclan OC meeting a character from the books! Whether Squirtpaw wants to introduce Jayfeather to coffee or Spidercloud rebels against Berrynose alongside Bristlefrost, the possibilities are endless! Remember, no more than 1000 words! You can write your entry on a justpasteit or Google doc, whatever works for you!
Poetry Contest
Write a four line poem about the relationship between Leafpool, Lionblaze, Hollyleaf and Jayfeather! This can be any format, it doesn’t even have to rhyme!
Deadline for all contests: 10th of April, which means you have about a month! Good luck!
OOh fun! I’m gonna do the poem about Leafpool, Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, and Jayfeather!!
Leafpool’s inner conflict
I only tried to protect them
Wouldn’t any mother do the same
And now all three of them hate me
Yet I will continue to love them as my kits
I’m not the best at poetry😅 but I think this one is actually kind of good.
Lovely 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Can u do all?
yes 🙂
Poetry Contest entry:
Was it a mistake
To love one outside boundaries
Was it a mistake
For now we are seperate
This is about both her kits and Crowfeather (the most obvious is Crowfeather) but for the kits, she loved them when they were out of bounds because Squirrelflight was their mother and she couldn’t show affection and the kits and her are seperate as they were mad at each other and grew apart.
Art Contest Entry:
Me being frustrated by the banana peel on my head and trying to get it off.
Can I put my poem here or in a Google doc?
whatever works for you 🙂
Poem contest entry:
Warm gaze filled with lies
Gentle words that turn into
Fangs sharp like a snake
Lovely 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Art contest entry: https://justpaste.it/f5doc
Love it 👏👏👏👏
My poem: (Jayfeather’s POV)
She lied to us.
She had us with Crowfeather, she really did that.
But I don’t know…
Is she really such a bad cat?
She is my mother and my mentor.
She always did anything for me.
It will take time to forgive her.
But it will all be right between us, we need to stick together, because the three, that are we.
Yay, I’m the first one who some sort of ryhmed!
I really like the poem, but the contest was for a four line poem, so if you could alter that slightly it would be great 🙂
Oh, just take the first four lines then!
for the art contest: https://freeimage.host/i/JjTu39S
My characters I use for my fanfic; the always-fun and silly Cherrypaw laughing at prickly Featherclaw for wearing a fruit hat
XD 😛
May I enter the contest?
Of course! No need to ask 🙂
I am the first writing entry!
hi fallow! i’m sorry to cut out the link, but i can’t allow it to be modded since you used your personal email, which contains your real name, to create the document. is it possible for you to paste the story onto a text hoster such as https://justpaste.it/ ?
Here’s the justpasteit version!
the link isn’t working for me :/ also, since it was still on a onedrive doc, i removed the link – could you maybe try putting the justpasteit link directly into a comment?
I hope this one will do it! (Sorry that I’m so bad at technical stuff😿)
yes, it works!
😂😂😂 Help me…
I’m so happy that you’re laughing!!!!!!
You can remove the thing of no writing entries now, btw!
Poetry contest!
how I love my three powers
but do they love me back?
for they were wounded
by my secret
Contest Winners!
Art Contest
The winner is… Smokepaw/dusk, who’s entry you can see here! https://freeimage.host/i/img-4245.JwmtnS9
Well done, everyone, this was particularly hard because they were all so good!
Writing Contest
This was by far the most difficult round to judge because we had SO many entries! Eventually, one stood out from the millions of others… Fallowpaw’s!! Congratulations! It was hilarious 😂😂😂 You can read it here! https://justpaste.it/e3605
Poetry Contest
Okay, this was actually the hardest round to judge. But eventually, I decided. The winner is…
Hollypaw with:
Warm gaze filled with lies
Gentle words that turn into
Fangs sharp like a snake.
It’s very metaphorical and I love it!
Our three winners have three prizes to choose from:
A short fanfiction about any cat they want (canon, noncanon)
A drawing of their purr (it won’t be very good though 😛)
An SPS of a particular animal/thing.
Prizewinners please reply to this comment with the details of what you want to claim as your prize! Sorry to everyone who didn’t win, it was very hard to judge! See you all again next time!
Aaaaaaah, I won!!!!!! I’m soooooooo happy you liked it! There were SO many writing entries😉 For my price, I would like an SPS of a fallow, because it would be nice to do a roleplay of FallowClan there! Tysm for my price, Sorrels!
Can I have the purr drawing? I’d like it to be a headshot with a purple background, and I’d like her to be smiling, very happy 😀 https://www.pixilart.com/photo/new-ref-d-2ab6d79475377f7?c_id=168671547
Omg! Thank u! Sorry for the late reply!
For my prize, can I pls have a sps of a wolf with like galaxy vibes?
Good job, Smokepaw, Fallowpaw, Hollypaw, and everyone else who entered! I just now realized that everyone who entered was an apprentice (except Coonkit)
Tysm, Morningpaw! Also, Sorrels, when will the next mini-contests be?
The Second Contests!
Art Contest
Draw several OC’s completing a famous scene from the books!
Writing Contest
Write a short story (no more than 1000 words) including the words:
• Owl
• Shadow
• Meadow
Remember, no more than 1000 words!
Poetry Contest
Write a haiku (5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables) describing Brightheart! This can be any part of her life, and I’m really looking forward to see how you interpret this brief!
Deadline for all contests: 28th May! Good luck!
Oh, and the previous winners’ prizes will be given out in a later post!
Swift is dead, dogs fault.
Does Cloudtail love me?
I think he still will.
Hey Cherry, the second line is 7 syllables!
Poetry contest entry:
Am I beautiful?
Am I truly worth what they
did for me? Am I?
Cloudtail says I am.
But inside me…I’m not sure
I’m so ugly now
But maybe I’ll learn
To accept myself and be
Beautiful, as me.
Sorry, but would you mind making it one haiku?
Beautiful? Me? Ha!
But Cloudtail believes in me
Maybe I’m worth it
Brightheart’s life
Dogs- pack, pack, kill, kill
I am Brightheart, not Lostface
Cloudtail loves me still
My poem:
Wounded by the dogs
But I know what I am now
Not Lostface, Brightheart
I’ve never felt lost
this is such a nightmare
being so different
i scream silently
the world broke my shallow heart
is faith really lost?
Poetry contest entry:
Scarred face, mismatched eyes
The ugly monster stares back,
My heart drowned in terror.
hey since this is a haiku the first line has to be 5 syllables, the second has to be 7, and the last has to be 5 again!
Oh oopsie! I didn’t count correctly!
New version (pls ignore old one):
Scarred face, mismatched eyes
The ugly monster stares back
My heart drowned in hate
Scarred for life by dogs
I’m still Brightheart not Lostface
The nightmares’ over
My writing:
Writing contest entry: https://justpaste.it/epjw9
I love this so much!
Art contest: It shows the cover of Dawn and is when the cats arrive at the lake:
(swiftpaw’s POV)
Starclan took me away
I watch as brightpaw suffers
she never deserved this
For the poetry contest:
Brightpaw, not Lostface
I try and convince myself
Am I beautiful?
( Cloudtail’s POV )
The pretty lostface
That cat was not hopeful
But he felt it, love