Moonshade (1)

Hi guys! I hope you’re having a lovely day! This is just a quick post to announce that Rotation helper applications are reopening! If you’re interested in hosting part of the Rotation for Game 6, this is the...
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Pigeonpaw argues why Longtail should’ve been chosen as deputy over Graystripe.
Jackdawpaw and Icefoot have a debate over Raggedstar and Yellowfang’s relationship.
I have exciting news, my friends! Today is Honeyjade’s first clanniversary! Let’s celebrate the fact that this wonderful member of our community has been around for a whole year! Image description: a grey...
Idk what to use this for lol
This is hearby used to chat with me if you find it 🙂
Starting a rotation!
Here are the games we will play: feel free to suggest!
Name That Tribe Cat
In this game, I give you a warrior Moonshade 😛 , you would have to change it to a tribe name, eg. Moon Half-Cloaked in Shade
Name That Purrsona
In this game, I give you a purrsona and you have to give a warrior name to that purrsona. For example, if I give you the purrsona black she-cat with silver stripes, you would give it a name, eg. Blackstripe
Purrsona That Name
I give you a warrior name, and you have to come up with a purrsona for that name. For example, I give you the name Firestorm, and you give it a purrsona, eg. a small ginger tom with leaf green eyes.
Name That Clan
In this game, I give you a prompt, and you have to name a clan after it! For example, if I give you the prompt “Type of gemstone,” you could come up with the name DiamondClan!
Name That Prefix
I give you a suffix, and give it a prefix. For example, I give you the suffix -moon, and you add a prefix to it, eg. Lostmoon.
Personality & Description
I give you a warrior name, and you need to come up with a personality and a description for each warrior cat.
Guess That Cat
In this game, I will give you three clues about a cat, and you have to guess the cat based on the clues.
Emoji Codebreaker
I will provide you with a pair of emojis, and you must guess who the pair of emojis is representing, eg. 🦁❤ → Lionheart.
Name That Warrior
In this game, I give you a tribe name, and you must create a warrior name based on that tribe name. For example, if I give you the tribe name, Stream where Otters Swim, you would change it to a warrior name Otterstream.
Name That Initial
I will provide you with a set of initials, and you will come up with a warrior name based on them. For example, if I give you the initials AB, you would come up with a warrior name, such as Acornbounce.
Name That Apprentice
Given a set of apprentice names, you must act as leader and give those apprentices Warrior names! For example, give the name Dark, you could come up with the warrior name Darkgaze.
Mate That Cat or Give Them Kits
I will give you a cat’s name, purrsona and personality, and you come up with a mate for them, including their name, purrsona, and personality. Give Them Kits means I give you two mates and their purrs, and you give them a litter!
Round 1!
None yet 🙂
First Challenge:
Name That Initial! (NTI)
MB and BM
IP and PI
FQ and QF
Good luck!
MaroonBlood and BlinkMoth
InkPelt and PearSnow
FeatherQuail and QuetzalBush
Mothblaze and Bloommuzzle
Ivypounce and Puddleice
Fernquake and Quietfeather
Moonbeam and Bouncemuzzle
Irispounce and Peach-ivy
Fawnquail and Quillfern
Mothbloom or Beemeadow
Ivypond or Peregrine-ibis
Flutterquack or Quickflick
Maplebounce and Berrymoor
Iciclepool and Parsleyice
Fawnquiver and Quailflgiht
Mist berry
Blue mountain
Martenbramble (oc) + Buzzmoth (oc)
Ixorapetal (oc) + Polarice (oc)
Frostedquake + Quartzflake
Minkburr and Brightmoon
Indigopurr and Paleice
Foxquake and Quinceflash
Mistberry by Amberpaw/leaf!
Buzzmoth by Midnightmoon!
Irispounce by Frostpaw/moon!
Pearsnow by Flamedove!
Fawnquiver by Frogstorm!
Quartzflake by Midnightmoon!
3 pts:
2 pts: Midnightmoon
1 pt: Frostpaw/moon, Frogstorm, Flamedove, Amberpaw/leaf
New Round:
Purrsona That Name!
Theme: Winners of Last Round!
Adding personality and background can give more depth if you would like to add that 🙂
*Pearsnow, not Palesnow!*
Mistberry – silver she-cat with piercing blue eyes, a bright pink nose, and long fluffy fur. Personality- mysterious and absent-minded.
Buzzmoth – pale brown tom with white underbelly, tail tip, and chest, yellow eyes and short, fine fur. personality- Loyal and a bit short-tempered.
Irispounce – golden tabby she-cat with purple- blue eyes. Personality- vain and a bit selfish, but always does what’s right.
Pearsnow- pale grey tabby she-cat with a snow-white stripe along her spine and yellow-green eyes. Personality- kind and motherly.
Fawnquiver- young chocolate-brown tom with orange eyes, very light brown spots and long legs. Personality- nervous and shy.
Mistberry – silver she-cat with piercing blue eyes, a bright pink nose, and long fluffy fur. Personality- mysterious and absent-minded.
Buzzmoth – pale brown tom with white underbelly, tail tip, and chest, yellow eyes and short, fine fur. personality- Loyal and a bit short-tempered.
Irispounce – golden tabby she-cat with purple- blue eyes. Personality- vain and a bit selfish, but always does what’s right.
Pearsnow- pale grey tabby she-cat with a snow-white stripe along her spine and yellow-green eyes. Personality- kind and motherly.
Fawnquiver- young chocolate-brown tom with orange eyes, very light brown spots and long legs. Personality- nervous and shy.
Quartzflake – beautiful albino she-cat with one blue eye and one gold eye. Personality- cunning and clever.
Sorry! Ignore the first comment!
That’s fine! c:
Mistberry – small grayish-white she-cat with pale blue eyes. She has white flecks on her sides.
Buzzmoth – busy white and black patterned she-cat with amber eyes (this is my oc)
Irispounce – loud and long-legged yellow tom with dark forest green eyes. He has brown patches and a long snout.
Pearsnow – cream she-cat with bright green eyes and white patches. She has one white patch on her eye and a big fluffy tail with a white tail tip.
Fawnquiver – small and spiky-furred black she-cat with dark blue eyes and a small amount of white flecks on her back side
Quartzflake – white she-cat with bright blue eyes and black speckles
Mistberry: speckled gray she-cat with dark blue eyes and a fluffy tail. Personality: serious but also kind and light-hearted around kits.
Buzzmoth: light brown tabby tom with pale yellow eyes and darker marking on his tail and face. Personality: polite but nervous, especially around the other clans.
Irispounce: Mottle blue-gray she-cat with piercing green eyes and a small purple flower tucked behind her ear. Personality: Creative and energetic, likes to hang out with the apprentices.
Pearsnow: Cream tom with brown stripes down his back, pale green eyes and white paws. Fierce and brave in battle, protective of the kits and apprentices
Fawnquiver: lilac she-cat with amber eyes and darker splotches. Personality: Quiet and reserved, shy even when chatting with her clanmates
Quartzflake: Calico tom with blue eyes and black paws and an orange splotch over his left eye. Personality: Extroverted, a trickster sometimes, likes to tease his clanmates and make jokes
Mistberry-Pretty cream she-cat with lilac fur, beautiful green eyes, and a plumy tail. She loves kits and has a lot of them herself. She’s always the first to teach kits a lesson or send a cat to the medicine den. She isn’t very good at fighting but has a good place as a permanent nursery helper.
Buzzmoth-Nosy golden she-cat with pale green eyes and cream underbelly, paws, and tail, and a white ear. She loves gossip and knows a lot of secrets that she gets at gatherings, and is always a good source for information if you want some gossip. And maybe a good source for getting in trouble too.
Irispounce-Bubbly sweet-smelling she-cat with white long fur and lavender splotches, and dark green eyes. She gets distracted easily, and usually the distraction is pretty flowers. She loves to roll in them, eat them, line them along her nest. Cats thinks she’s weird, but she just loves flowers.
Palesnow-Fawn colored tom with white paws and ears. His dark blue eyes have a suspicious gaze, and always jumps to conclusions about a cat based on their appearance. He blames innocent cats for murder, snaps at kits, and launches random attacks on Clans because he always thinks he knows everything.
Fawnquiver-Skinny sand-colored she-cat with white spots, a stout body, and light blue eyes. She’s very quiet and has a small voice, and believes that everyone is going to kill her. She used to be a kittypet, but her mother forced her into the Clans so she could get inside information about them so the kittypets could launch an attack. Fawnquiver got too nervous to get much information, so when the attack came the kittypets lost, her mother abandoned her, and now she’s stuck with the Clans.
Quartzflake-Dark orange tom with brown eyes and white dapples. He’s outgoing and loud, and loves to give badger rides to kits. He volunteers for the most dangerous patrols and is the strongest at battles. Everyone thinks he’s perfect, but he hides a secret: He killed his whole family to get what he wanted. Perfect on the outside, but cold and evil on the insde.
Mistberry – silver colorpoint-tabby she-cat with blue-green eyes and a fluffy, plumy tail
Buzzmoth – tall, fluffy golden tom-cat with a long tabby tail and hazel eyes
Irispounce – sleek colorpoint she-cat with piercing violet blue eyes
Palesniow – pale gray she-cat with white belly and paws, gray eyes
Fawnquiver – creaam colorpoint-tabby she-cat with a crooked paw, a long, plumy tail and pale amber eyes
Quartzflake – silvery white she-cat with a long, thick tail and silvery-blue eyes
I’ll do the backgrounds and personalities later 😀
Mistyberry- mottled pale bue-gray she-cat with bright green eyes
Buzzmoth- ginger-and-white tabby tom with shredded ears, golden eyes
Irispounce- jet-black she-cat with a flash on white on her side and purple eyes
Pearsnow- pale ginger tabby tom with white dapples, pale green eyes
Fawnquiver- fawn-colored tabby she-cat with white splotches and tufted ears, orange eyes
Quartzflake- lilac-colored she-cat with darker flecks and dull gray eyes
Mistberry – silver she-cat with piercing blue eyes, a bright pink nose, and long fluffy fur. Personality- mysterious and absent-minded by Icepaw/tuft!
Buzzmoth-Nosy golden she-cat with pale green eyes and cream underbelly, paws, and tail, and a white ear. She loves gossip and knows a lot of secrets that she gets at gatherings, and is always a good source for information if you want some gossip. And maybe a good source for getting in trouble too by Sandbreeze!
Irispounce- jet-black she-cat with a flash on white on her side and purple eyes by Northfeather!
Pearsnow: Cream tom with brown stripes down his back, pale green eyes and white paws. Fierce and brave in battle, protective of the kits and apprentices by Roslet!
Fawnquiver- young chocolate-brown tom with orange eyes, very light brown spots and long legs. Personality- nervous and shy by Icepaw/tuft!
Quartzflake – silvery white she-cat with a long, thick tail and silvery-blue eyes by Skypaw!
3 pts: Midnightmoon
2 pts: Icepaw/tuft
1 pt: Frostpaw/moon, Frogstorm, Roselet, Sandbreeze, Flamedove, Skypaw, Northfeather, Amberpaw/leaf
New Round:
Good luck!
Bumblestripe x Dovewing-Shattered Love
Tigerstar x Goldenflower-Did you Ever Love Me by Deborah something
Moonflower x Sunstar-Umm I’ll put in replies
Bluestar x Oakheart-My heart will go on
BumblexDove – Close To You by the Carpenters
TigerxGolden – Bad Romance by Lady Gaga
MoonxSun- Uptown Girl by Billy Joel
BluexOak – Eternal Flame by the Bangles
I have no use for this c: