Name Generators

Looking for other games? Check out the games page, the official NTA game, the official Rotation game, the names page, and the roleplay discussion page!

Have you made a warrior name generator? Then, this is the page to share it on. Have fun!


[image description: a painting of a black cat with a blue collar sitting in front of a turquoise house, a red house, and a yellow-orange house and surrounded by blossoming trees. a signature in black is beside the left tree’s trunk]

Note: Please refrain from using real names in generators! We like to protect the privacy of our users 🙂


Recent Purrs

  • Flowerpaw/seed 🍙 🧬 🧼 she/her 🍙 🧬 🧼 Seedo, Seven 🍙 🧬 🧼"Disguise ourselves as grass! Disguise ourselves as shrubs! DISGUISE OURSELVES AS ELEPHANTS THAT'S IT LET'S DO IT." - Swordtail on Please Introduce Yourself!
  • Flowerpaw/seed 🍙 🧬 🧼 she/her 🍙 🧬 🧼 Seedo, Seven 🍙 🧬 🧼"Disguise ourselves as grass! Disguise ourselves as shrubs! DISGUISE OURSELVES AS ELEPHANTS THAT'S IT LET'S DO IT." - Swordtail on Please Introduce Yourself!
  • Flowerpaw/seed 🍙 🧬 🧼 she/her 🍙 🧬 🧼 Seedo, Seven 🍙 🧬 🧼"Disguise ourselves as grass! Disguise ourselves as shrubs! DISGUISE OURSELVES AS ELEPHANTS THAT'S IT LET'S DO IT." - Swordtail on The Hug Page
  • Flowerpaw/seed 🍙 🧬 🧼 she/her 🍙 🧬 🧼 Seedo, Seven 🍙 🧬 🧼"Disguise ourselves as grass! Disguise ourselves as shrubs! DISGUISE OURSELVES AS ELEPHANTS THAT'S IT LET'S DO IT." - Swordtail on Polls
  • Flowerpaw/seed 🍙 🧬 🧼 she/her 🍙 🧬 🧼 Seedo, Seven 🍙 🧬 🧼"Disguise ourselves as grass! Disguise ourselves as shrubs! DISGUISE OURSELVES AS ELEPHANTS THAT'S IT LET'S DO IT." - Swordtail on Polls

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