Name Generators

Have you made a warrior name generator? Then, this is the page to share it on. Have fun!


[image description: painting of a black cat with a red collar sitting on a hill underneath a tree and in front of the sun. a signature in pink is in the bottom right]

Note: Please refrain from using real names in generators! We like to protect the privacy of our users 🙂


  • The ultimate power of three name generator

    First letter of first name (prefix):
    A- Spark
    B- Fire
    C- Poppy
    D- Fire
    E- Night
    F- Bird
    G- Quail
    H- Cinder
    I- Berry
    J- Ivy
    K- Honey
    L- Dove
    M- Lion
    N- Holly
    O- Gleam
    P- Jay
    Q- One
    R- Tall
    S- Bramble
    T- Rabbit
    U- Hare
    V- Shine
    W- Thistle
    X- Fallen
    Y- Broken
    Z- Bee

    Last letter of first name (suffix)
    A- feather
    B- whisker
    C- song
    D- flight
    E- tail
    F- nose
    G- fern
    H- heart
    I- pool
    J- thistle
    K- thorn
    L- blaze
    M- leaf
    N- claw
    O- pounce
    P- leap
    Q- pelt
    R- eye
    S- fur
    T- berry
    U- face
    V- fang
    W- belly
    X- speckle
    Y- wing
    Z- bird

    Month of birth (rank)
    January- leader
    February- Medicine cat/healer
    March- senior warrior/prey hunter
    April- kit
    May- apprentice/to be
    June- Medicine cat apprentice/healer to be
    July- warrior/prey hunter
    August- deputy
    September- elder
    October- prisoner
    November- queen/kit mother
    December- mentor

    Favourite colour (Clan)
    Red- BloodClan
    Brown- ThunderClan
    Grey- SkyClan
    Black- ShadowClan
    Silver- RiverClan
    RaInBoW- StarClan
    Purple- Dark Forest
    Pink- The Kin
    Green- Kittypet
    Orange- Loner
    Yellow- Rogue
    Other/idk- The Tribe (change name (i.e.: Golden leaf = Golden Leaf That Falls Off Tree)

    Male- tom
    Female- she-cat

    Favourite number (power, weakness)
    1- foreseeing future, gets angered easily
    2- speed, horrible voice
    3- can predict future, blind
    4- invincible in battle, disloyal
    5- can read minds, grumpy
    6- wisdom of ages, nosy
    7- powerful hearing, stumpy tail
    8- can speak fox, deaf
    9- can see StarClan cats not via a dream, crazy
    10- can fell what others are feeling, hates kittypets

    Date of birth (description)
    1- ginger
    2- black
    3- grey with darker flecks
    5- dark ginger
    6- grey tabby
    7- black and white
    8- silver tabby
    9- mottled brown
    10- white tabby
    11- dusky brown
    12- albino
    13- ginger and black
    14- grey and black
    15- grey and brown
    16- white with black paws and underbelly
    17- brown with black ear
    18- tan tabby
    19- huge brown tabby
    20- white with ginger patches
    21- ginger with black paws
    22- black with white paws
    23- white with black paws
    24- brown tabby with white underbelly and paws
    25- dark ginger with brown patches
    26- fluffy and white
    27- black with white spots
    28- white with grey patches
    29- huge and grey
    30- huge and white
    31- silvery blue

    I am Bramblefeather, the deputy of ThunderClan, a brown tabby she-cat with a white underbelly and paws. My power is to feel what others are felling, but I HATE kittypets.

    • Bramblefeather/Feather Stuck in Bramble (lol my tribe names are amazing arent they), kit of the Tribe, an albino she-cat with powerful hearing and a stumpy tail!

    • Shineclaw, a fluffy, white nursing kittypet who is invincible in battle but also disloyal 😛 Nice generator! 😀

    • I’m Spark That Flies from Clashing Claws/Sparkclaw (Woah, great Tribe name and WHAT HAPPENED TO BLUE), a blind Tribe kit that can foresee the future. I am a huge brown tabby she-cat.

    • Ivy that Hangs from Cliff and hit your Face (Ivyface), a gray-and-brown she-cat, healer to-be of the Tribe of Rushing Water. (Blue?)I can read minds but grumpy.

    • Bramblefur, a prisoner (oh well aint that nice) of SkyClan (where my boy blue at) and a huge white tom who’s invincible in battle but disloyal. Cool generator 😀

    • Honeytail,a prisoner of the Dark Forest, she is a tan tabby she-cat, she has wisdom of ages, but is nosy. 😛 Amazing generator!

    • Leap of Agile Lion (Lionleap), healer to be of the Tribe of Rushing Water (blue), a white she-cat with ginger patches who is invincible in battle but is disloyal.

    • Sparkfeather, the deputy of the kittypets. 😛 I can read minds, but I’m grumpy. I am a brown tabby she-cat with white underbelly and paws

      (oh my gosh I think we have the same birthday! 😀 )
      Nice generator! 😀

    • Poppytail, a gray medicine she-cat with darker flecks of SkyClan or WindClan, who has powerful hearing and also stumpy tail!

    • I’m Hollyblaze (LOL Hollyleaf and Lionblaze :P) a tortoiseshell she-cat with bright green eyes, who is one of the mentors in the Dark Forest, and is invincible in battle, but disloyal.

    • Great StarClan!!
      Quailwing, prisoner of SkyClan, she-cat, can see StarClan cats not via a dream, crazy, huge and grey XD

    • I’m Nightfeather or Nighttail (I go by a nickname), the medicine cat of the Dark Forest/RiverClan. I can see StarClan cats without dreaming, but I’m also crazy. I am a ginger she-cat with black paws.

    • This is soooooo wrong!lol! I am Berryfeather, a black and grey she cat. My rank is deputy, but I’m a kitty pet. I can feel what others are feeling, and I hate kitty pets. I’m a kitty pet, and I hate kittypets! Lol!😂

    • Honey That Drips From Feather,(Honeyfeather) Healer, a dusky brown cat, blind but can see the future,

  • Here a little generator cause I like tribe names

    First part of name = Favorite big cat
    Lion = Oak
    Leopard = Leaf
    Tiger = Ivy
    Cheetah = Red
    Jaguar = Frost
    Other/one I’m forgetting = Fern

    Second part of name = Favorite coulor
    Red = ember
    Orange = blaze
    Yellow = flame
    Green = shine
    Blue = night
    Violet = sky
    Pink = dawn
    Other = leaf (if Leaf is first part, choose claw)

    Give your two parts to me and I’ll make them a tribe name!
    If you want to make it yourself, that’s fine!

  • So I made this cool generator. It works best on pencil and paper, and it kills time and it’s super fun! So you make a T-chart, then you put Prefixes on the top on the left side and Suffixes on the right side. Then do the prefixes and suffixes randomly, I usually add a theme to the prefixes. Ex:
    Prefixes Suffixes
    Stream leap
    Brook. bubble
    Creek fern
    River. bird
    Reed. song

    The pick one in the middle-ish that you like (such as Creekbubble) and write it down in a separate sheet of paper or wherever. Then, Stream- can go with -leap or -fern. I will choose Streamfern. Next, Brook- goes with -leap or -bird. I choose Brookleap. Get the idea? Awesome! It’s super fun.

  • Favorite BlogClan ship- Prefix
    Flo X Birchy- Rose
    Flo X Flam- Spark
    Frosty X Daisy- Flame
    Breezy X Owl- Ice
    Owl X Icy- Tawny
    Wollow X Lup- Shade
    Fern X Cyp- Dawn
    Shiv X Fallen- Leaf
    Other/what/idk/other reaction- Cloud

    Favorite Color- Suffix
    Green- squirrel
    Blue- mouse
    Purple- fox
    Orange- badger
    Red- chicken
    Pink- claw
    Other/idk- tail

    Gender- Favorite Firestar ship
    don’t have one- she-cat
    Fire X Sand- she-cat
    Fire X Spotted- tom
    Fire X Cinder- tom
    Other- tom

    Clan- Favorite Wings of Fire Ebook or Legend
    Prisoners- ThunderClan
    Assassin- ShadowClan
    Deserter- RiverClan
    Runaway- WindClan
    Darkstalker- SkyClan
    Don’t read Wings of Fire- ThunderClan

    I am Leafsquirrel, a she-cat of SkyClan! 😀

  • i haven’t done a generator for a while so this might turn out bad!!!×340.jpg

    That is a…

    Dog – Red
    Cat – Blue
    Owl (vouch for owl (owlwater) nowwwww) – Leopard
    barry b benson – Snail
    Tht – Soot
    idk – Ivy
    You clearly are not making any sense at all. – Yarrow
    dab the cobwebs into the wound – Silver
    foos – Sleek

    That is a…

    thing – jay
    KYOOT!!! – leaf (GLOATY!!!)
    The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start. -brook
    I lost my sanity because of this – runner
    Barry B. Benten – fall
    Barry B. Benson – stripe
    me – light
    A bee – flight

    What are these towering?

    Cat – ThunderClan
    birch tht towers over cat!11!! XD – SkyClan
    Grass – WindClan
    barry b. benson – ShadowClan
    the juan de fuca plate – RiverClan
    I’m never going to do this generator again – unknown
    idk 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 – sparkleFur’s clan (i never fully memorized the name :’) )

    im not sorry for making you go through this

  • Day of birth
    1.Dusk 26. Leaf
    2.Cloud 27. Raven
    3.Ivy 28. Red
    4.Acorn 29. Fawn
    5. Lily 30. Hazel
    6. Briar 31.Dove
    7. Golden
    8. Moon
    9. Birch
    10. Owl
    11. Blue
    13, Storm
    16. Willow
    17, Blizzard
    18. Ebony
    19. Dawn
    20. Wave
    21. Dapple
    23. Beach
    24. Clover
    25. Bracken

    Now choose a three digit number.
    Pick the any of the numbers and that is what you look like.
    2 tabby
    3 gray
    4 light brown
    5 speckled
    6 calico
    7 brown
    8 silver tabby
    9 black

    Now, take the third letter of your middle name. If you don’t have one, do your last name.
    A: fur L:heart W: pelt
    B:flight M: sky X:cloud
    C:pool N:claw Y :tail
    D:flower O: feather Z:fern
    E: wing P:face
    F:nose Q:shade
    G:fall R:stripe
    H: blaze S:leaf
    I:eye T:fire
    J:fur U:dapple
    K:breeze V:nose

    Favorite activity
    Climbing: SkyClan
    Walking: ThunderClan
    Fighting: ShadowClan
    Running: WindClan
    Grumbling: Rouge
    Texting: Kittypet
    Reading: Tribe of Rushing water (If so, see below)
    Choose one that makes sense
    “Prefix” where sunlight shines
    “Prefix” that sings at dusk
    “Prefix” that chases clouds
    “Prefix” Where bird sits
    “Prefix” that shines on water
    “Prefix” of loud sound
    “Prefix” that speckles leaf
    “Prefix” that chases the moon

    So that is all.

  • This is my first generator! I hope you like! 🙂

    The Middle letter of your name. If you have two middle letters, then then do the one on the left! (This is the first part of your Warrior name!)

    A= Orange
    B= Eucalyptus
    C= Lynx
    D= Fog
    E= Bounce
    F= Grass
    G= Lemon
    H= Geode
    I= Pecan
    J= Scarlet
    K= Wood
    L= Swan
    M= Core
    N= Ray
    O= Tan
    P= Cactus
    Q= Grove
    R= Stalagmite
    S= Palm
    T= Grape
    W= Quail
    X= Coal
    Y= Patch
    Z= Emerald

    Now for the next part of your name. This is a weird one. Your fav subject in school!

    English= eye

    Math= fur

    Science= tail

    History= leaf

    P.E= wind

    other= feather

    Idk= storm

    Home schooled= flight

    Hope you enjoyed my awful first generator! If there are any problems, tell me. Feel free to give me advice, I’m all new to this. What is the name you got?

    Favorite main series book (Prefix):
    The Dragonet Prophecy – Mud
    The Lost Heir – Splash
    The Hidden Kingdom – Leaf
    The Dark Secret – Night
    The Brightest Night – Sun
    Moon Rising – Moon
    Winter Turning – Ice
    Escaping Peril – Fire
    Talons of Power – Ripple
    I don’t read Wings of Fire – Storm

    Favorite Jade Winglet dragon (Suffix):
    Moon – shine
    Winter – storm (if you got Storm as your prefix, use claw)
    Carnelian – cloud
    Umber – dawn
    Turtle – flame
    Qibli – dusk
    Kinkajou – drop
    I don’t read Wings of Fire: foot

    I’m Iceshine. 😀

    This is unlike all those warriors generators out there. Why? Because it’s a story! And guess what? We’re not starting with your name. That’s right! Every story needs a good prologue. So….

    Mother’s prefix: Your favorite warrior’s prefix(if you don’t have a favorite warrior, choose a random one of your favorites). (Ex. Ivypool would be Ivy for prefix)
    Mother’s suffix: You least favorite suffix(if you don’t have a favorite suffix, choose a random favorite of your’s). (Ex. -song is a favorite suffix of mine, so song is for my suffix)

    Main trait: Last letter of your mom’s real first name
    A-M: kind
    N-T: firm
    U-Z: thoughtful

    Father’s prefix: Your favorite leader’s prefix(Ex. Mistystar would be Misty for prefix. In some cases this would be too feminime, others not so…)
    Father’s suffix: Your least favorite leader’s warrior suffix(Hmm…..tie between Oakstar, Tigerstar, and Brokenstar….well, we do’t know Oakstar’s warrior name, so he’s out…I’ll use Tigerstar/Tigerclaw, because Mistyclaw is more masculine than Mistytail.)

    Main trait: Last latter of your dad’s real last name
    A-M: brash
    N-T: loving
    U-Z: funny

    CLAN: The element that represents you best
    Air – WindClan
    Earth – ThunderClan
    Water – RiverClan
    Fire – ShadowClan

    You can play around and decide looks, as well as add in personality traits. Here’s my stuff:
    Ivysong – silver-and-white she-cat with black features and sharp green eyes. Firm, smart, sharp, caring inside, one of the best hunters and trackers in Clan.
    Mistyclaw – thick-furred gray tabby tom with one blue-gray paw and yellow eyes. Loving, short-tempered, will fight fiercely for what he believes in, quick to fight, funny.
    My Clan is RiverClan. Yay!

    The story that accompanies this can be found on the fanfiction page under the author, “Sky” AKA me! It will be titled “Warrior Cats Generator Story.” It should be posted around EST morning.

    • Mapleflight is my thoughtful mother, and Sunheart is my loving father. And I am from RiverClan.
      Great generator!

    • Featherstream, a kind she-cat
      Blueclaw, a loving tom

    • Mother: Squirrelfrost, a firm she-cat.
      Father: Mistytail, a loving tom.
      They are in RiverClan.

      This is very creative! I love it! 😀

    • Hollyheart is a kind mother and Fireclaw is a funny father. Thunder
      Story form :
      Deep inside ThunderClan territory, we are blessed with the arrival of a new kit in the Clan. This small, caring she-kit, Cinderkit, is the daughter of Hollheart, a kind black she-cat with white speckles and green eyes, and Fireclaw, a funny ginger tom with black speckles and green eyes. Cinderkit is a ginger she-kit with black speckles and bright green eyes. Hopefully she develops character from her parents, becoming the kind and funny cats they are.

    • Willowstorm is my mom, she’s firm.

      My dad is Blueheart, he’s brash.

      We’re Riverclan 😀

    • Graycreek, a kind she-cat and and Brambletail, a loving tom. I’m from ThunderClan. 🙂 Nice generator!

    • Sandflower, my kind and intelligent mother, is a golden tabby she-cat with rippling pale brown stripes and dark blue eyes.

      Grayeye, my brash and bold father, is a large dark brown tom with gray blue eyes and thin sleek fur.

      We are all of RiverClan. Great generator!

    • M: Grayrose, kind
      F: Tigerclaw (lol), loving

      Clan: ShadowClan!

    • My mother is Hollyshine, she is a black and white she-cat with leaf green eyes. She is also very kind. My father is Fireclaw, a flame colored tom with amber eyes. He is kinda brash. I am Sandpaw, a ginger tabby tom with amber eyes (I know they are rare) and I am in RiverClan.

    • Mother: Feathersnow, a kind mother. Father: Shadowwhisker: A loving father and I am from either Riverclam or Windclan

  • Ok so this is my first one I hope it is good!!!

    Favorite OUAT Character (if you don’t watch the show favorite Fairy Tale) -Prefix

    Emma: Hawk
    Snow White: Bright
    Charming: Flame
    Regina/ Evil Queen: Dark
    Henry: Dusk
    Zelena/ Wicked With of the West: Wild
    Robin Hood: Robin (very creative right)??
    Belle: Leaf
    Rumplestiltskin: Jagged
    Other: Poppy

    Ok now favorite Transformers Prime character -Suffix

    Optimus Prime: storm
    Bumblebee: heart
    Bulkhead; leaf (if Prefix choose stem)
    Arcee: claw
    Ratchet: seed
    Smokescreen: wing
    Raf: feather
    Miko: blaze
    Jack: pool
    Other/Don’t watch it: tree

    Favorite Ninja Turtle -Clan

    Raph: Shadowclan
    Mikey: Riverclan
    Donnie: Windclan
    Leo: Thunderclan
    Master Splinter: Skyclan
    April: Tribe of Rushing Water (adjust name as needed)
    Casey: Dark Forest Starclan or Tribe of Endless Hunting (Pick second favorite for before death)

    Appearance: Favorite Color

    Blue: Black with blue eyes and a white tipped tail and ears
    Red: Cream with green eyes and white chest
    Purple: Blue-gray with black tip of tail and amber eyes
    Green: White with green eyes and black paws
    Black: Black and white with brown spotted paws and blue eyes
    White: Dark brown and amber eyes
    Yellow: Dark ginger with white patches and blue eyes
    Orange: Tortoiseshell with amber eyes
    Other: Light gray with dark flecks and green eyes


    1: Rogue
    3:Queen/Kit-Mother/Worried Father
    5:Hoseplace/Barn Cat
    8:Senior Warrior/Cave Guard
    11:Medicine Cat/Healer
    12:Apprentice of Your Choice/To-be

    Ok I believe that is all!!! So in case you are wondering I am a she-cat named Darkstar (heart) Leader of Thunderclan. Black with blue eyes and white tipped tail and ears

  • Ok so this is my first one I hope it is good!!! (FIXED)

    Favorite OUAT Character (if you don’t watch the show favorite Fairy Tale) -Prefix

    Emma: Hawk
    Snow White: Bright
    Charming: Flame
    Regina/ Evil Queen: Dark
    Henry: Dusk
    Zelena/ Wicked With of the West: Wild
    Robin Hood: Robin (very creative right)??
    Belle: Leaf
    Rumplestiltskin: Jagged
    Other: Poppy

    Ok now favorite Transformers Prime character -Suffix

    Optimus Prime: storm
    Bumblebee: heart
    Bulkhead; leaf (if Prefix choose stem)
    Arcee: claw
    Ratchet: seed
    Smokescreen: wing
    Raf: feather
    Miko: blaze
    Jack: pool
    Other/Don’t watch it: tree

    Favorite Ninja Turtle -Clan

    Raph: Shadowclan
    Mikey: Riverclan
    Donnie: Windclan
    Leo: Thunderclan
    Master Splinter: Skyclan
    April: Tribe of Rushing Water (adjust name as needed)
    Casey: Starclan or Tribe of Endless Hunting (Pick second favorite for before death)
    Other/Don’t watch it: Dark Forest (Pick Clan for Before Death)

    Appearance: Favorite Color

    Blue: Black with blue eyes and a white tipped tail and ears
    Red: Cream with green eyes and white chest
    Purple: Blue-gray with black tip of tail and amber eyes
    Green: White with green eyes and black paws
    Black: Black and white with brown spotted paws and blue eyes
    White: Dark brown and amber eyes
    Yellow: Dark ginger with white patches and blue eyes
    Orange: Tortoiseshell with amber eyes
    Other: Light gray with dark flecks and green eyes

    Rank: Close your eyes and pick a number between 1 and 12

    1: Rogue
    3:Queen/Kit-Mother/Worried Father
    5:Hoseplace/Barn Cat
    8:Senior Warrior/Cave Guard
    11:Medicine Cat/Healer
    12:Apprentice of Your Choice/To-be

    Ok I believe that is all!!! So in case you are wondering I am a she-cat named Darkstar (heart) Leader of Thunderclan. Black with blue eyes and white tipped tail and ears

  • I decided to bring in different fandoms ^_^ It’s a bit of a long one so stick with me!

    Prefix: Your favorite Percy Jackson character (if you haven’t read the series you should, but base your opinion on the attributes listed beside them)
    Percy Jackson, loyal, brave, and strong = River
    Annabeth Chase, wise, intelligent, strategic = Owl
    Thalia Grace, swift, graceful, authoritative = Wolf
    Piper McLean, beautiful, intimidating, persevering = Shimmer
    Jason Grace, powerful, natural leader, rule follower = Lightning
    Leo Valdez, funny, hardworking, good with machines = Blazing
    Reyna Ramirez-Arellano, headstrong, calm, strong praetor = Swift
    Frank Zhang, kind, gentle, protective = Badger
    Nico di Angelo, moody, sometimes dark, but caring = Shadow
    Zoe Nightshade, serene, old fashioned, graceful = Bright
    Luke Castellan, quick, resourceful, witty = Turn
    Octavian, evil, cunning, slippery = Snake
    Bianca di Angelo, quiet, brave, loving = Hawk
    Calypso, witty, kind, observant = Sun
    One of the Gods = Thunder
    Some other one that I Didn’t Think Of = Sparrow

    Suffix: Your favorite Hunger Games character (if you haven’t read the series you should, but refer to the description)
    Katniss Everdeen, brave = flame
    Peeta Mellark, caring = whisper
    Johanna Mason, ruthless = thorn
    Haymitch Abernathy, alcoholic = step
    Effie Trinket, poised = shine
    Primrose Everdeen, selfless = flower
    Finnick O’dair, charming but dangerous = briar
    Other = pelt

    Fur Color: Your favorite Harry Potter character (if you haven’t read then you should, but refer to the description)
    Harry Potter, courageous = russet
    Ron Weasley, determined = ginger
    Hermione Granger, intelligent and quick witted = bluish gray
    Draco Malfoy, slippery and mean = tortoiseshell
    Sirius Black, selfless = black
    Remus Lupin, sensible = golden
    Severus Snape, secretly loyal = brown
    Voldemort, cold and ruthless = white
    Albus Dumbledore, wise = gray
    Sybil Trelawney, gifted = silver
    Other = light brown

    Markings: Your favorite Divergent character (if you haven’t read you should, but refer to the description)
    Tris, dauntless = no markings
    Four, strong = black stripes
    Christina, honest = white stripes
    Will, funny = white paws
    Al, anxious = black paws
    Peter, arrogant = black patches
    Jeanine, misguided = white patches
    Caleb, torn = black tipped tail
    Natalie Prior, selfless = white chest and belly
    Andrew Prior, sacrificing = white ears
    Uriah, carefree = white patch around one eye
    Zeke, protective = white tipped tail
    Other = white muzzle

    Eye Color: Your favorite Warriors cat leader ^_^ (I should not have to describe cause I assume you’ve read Warriors)
    Firestar = bright green
    Bramblestar = amber
    Bluestar = dark green
    Tigerstar = light brown
    Mistystar = light blue
    Tallstar = yellow
    Onestar = orange
    Blackstar = dark yellow
    Other = deep blue

    PART 1 (Good Quality): Favorite Clan
    ThunderClan = strong and brave
    RiverClan = determined and persevering
    WindClan = swift and caring
    ShadowClan = clever and sneaky
    SkyClan = daring and curious
    BloodClan = headstrong and outspoken
    All of them = adaptable and patient
    None of them = levelheaded and calm

    PART 2 (Flaw): favorite Dark Forest cat
    Tigerstar = stubborn
    Brokenstar = ignorant
    Hawkfrost = jumps to conclusions
    Thistleclaw = short temper
    Darkstripe = short patience
    All of them = selfish
    None of them = isolated
    Other = plain evil XD

    Clan: Ummm running out of stuff. Uh…. I’m gonna be generic with this one, what color is your hair?
    Red/Orange = ThunderClan
    Brown = WindClan
    Black = ShadowClan
    Ombre = RiverClan
    Mix of Colors = SkyClan
    Dyed = Rogue
    Other = Kittypet

    Gender: What’s your real gender I guess XD

    Female = She-cat
    Male = Tom
    Other = Other

    Well that’s it for my Warriors generator! Sorry it didn’t include the Tribe. I hope you enjoyed, and please try it out so I can see how it goes! Thanks!

    Mine’s Owlwhisper: a bluish gray she-cat with no markings; bright green eyes; swift and caring but jumps to conclusions; from SkyClan

    • Owlflame of ShadowClan, a black and golden she-cat with a white chest and belly with light blue eyes. She is determined and persevering but she is PLAIN EVIL! (Mapleshade)
      I like this!

    • Owlpelt, a brown she-cat with a white muzzle and dark green eyes, strong and brave, but plain evil (Mapleshade), of WindClan.

    • Owlflower of Windclan, a golden she-cat with white paws adn green eyes, determined and persevering but isolated
      Beside Warriors, I’ve only read HP and Divergent 😛

    • Sparrowpelt, a black-and-golden she-cat with a white muzzle and dark green eyes. A determined and persevering but plain evil (where’s Mapleshade?) ShadowClan cat.

    • Hawkwhisper, a blueish gray she-cat with white stripes and either amber or light blue eyes. She’s determined and persevering, but stubborn. She’s from SkyClan. (My hair is light brown/dark blonde with dyed streaks of pink, orange, and purple)

    • Riverflame-a light brown she-cat of WindClan with white paws, bright green, amber and deep blue eyes (Firestar, Bramblestar, Leopardstar and Rowanstar). Determined and persevering, but jumps to conclusions.

    • Blazingwhisper (haven’t read Percy Jackson, I chose a random one :P), a tortoiseshell she-cat with a white muzzle (I watched divergent like once and only liked one guy and I cant remember his name 😛 ), a kittypet with dark yellow eyes. I’m clever and sneaky but jumps to conclusions 🙂

    • Owlflower, a blue-gray she-cat with white stripes and light blue eyes. Persevering and determined, but plain evil(I LOVE MAPLESHADE). I am from ShadowClan and am a she-cat

    • Wolfflower, a silver she-cat with a white tipped tail and light blue eyes. She is determined and persevering, but jumps to conclusions. Originally WindClan, but became a rouge. (Brown hair with dyed blonde highlights)
      This is good!

    • Owlflame, a bluish-gray she-cat with a white-tipped tail and amber eyes. She’s a ShadowClan cat who’s strong and brave but jumps to conclusions. Nice generator! 🙂

    • Swiftflower, a black she-cat with white ears and yellow eyes, adaptable and patient, however can jump to conclusions too quickly. from WindClan.

    • Owlflower or Owlflame (can’t choose, I love Primrose and Katniss) a blueish gray she-cat with white stripes and deep blue eyes. She is clever and sneaky with a short patience and from Windclan. (I really love this generator, but where is Gale for the hunger games?)

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