Please Introduce Yourself! (Retired)

Hello and welcome!

We hope you’ve already seen the New Member’s Page and learned a little bit about BlogClan. We’re delighted to welcome you to a site Kate Cary created to celebrate Warriors and its readers.

Please introduce yourself in a comment on this page. Tell us something about yourself or your purrsona. We prefer to use warrior names here. We hope that’s okay with you!

We’re looking forward to getting to know you!


  • HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m back! As many of you know, I had to leave the blog, but I’m trying to come back. Here’s some Dappy facts for all you new people:
    reads a lot (like, A LOT)
    loves Percy Jackson, Warriors, Red Queen, Keepers of the Lost Cities, Magnus Chase, Trials of Apollo, the Kane Chronicles, Wings of Fire, Harry Potter, and many other book series
    Draws (poorly)
    Plays the violin, flute, ukulele, ocarina, and piano
    Goes by they/them pronouns (or he/him[or she/her{it depends}])
    Very gay
    Makes dad jokes (you have been warned)
    wears a winter jacket most of the time
    Hosts a show called Dappy Pulled a Stupid (it’s coming back!)

  • Hello! I’m Vixenstalk, Some thing about me:
    Also likes Percy Jackson, LOVES Warrior Cats.
    Wanting her article to be POSTED (hint, hint).
    If gets teased, will get ANGRY.
    Very friendly and protective.
    Awesome to be here!!

  • Hello! I am Pearkit. (Duh. It says so next to my profile picture)
    Here are some facts about me:
    1) I am a girl
    2) I am currently in 5th grade
    3) I am 10
    4) My favorite colors are black, purple, silver, and red.
    5) I am the middle child.
    6) I speak Chinese.
    7) I love art.
    8) I play the piano.
    9) I play tennis.

    [Mod edit: this comment has been edited to remove some personal information 🙂 Always practice internet safety, kids!]

  • Introducing Me

    Okay, let’s do this people!
    Hi there, both old and new members! I’m Loneheart, (or Loney, if it is easier for you.) Please allow me to tell you about lord over myself!
    Hogwarts House
    I’m a Proud Slytherin
    According to Wizarding World my Patronus is an Eagle Owl. According to me, my Patronus is a Domestic Cat.
    You decide whose judgment you trust more 😉
    Zodiac Sign
    Personality Type
    INFJ-A Advocate
    Personality Description
    I’m a mix between compassionate and edgy, which baisically means that I can say the sweetest thing, then a few secants later be all-”I’d like to confirm that I just don’t care” But don’t worry, I keep my inner-Jayfeather in check Socially I’m not the best with people, and I’m a little shy, possibly anisocial., and it takes me a while to trust people. Once I do though, I’m fun, and definetly full of things to say.
    I crave my independance the way I crave my Cherry Ice Cream (ALOT), and I tend to be very competitive, and get offended a little too easily, especially when I’m treated like a ”little sister”, or when I feel like something I wrote was ignored, or passed up for another persons work. Buuut, you don’t have to worry about that because I’ve learned to manage all of that-at least on BlogClan.
    Finally, I’m very thoughful, a deep thinker, extremely courageous, a fighter, and passionate about the things I love.
    Your Faults Madame?
    Ooof. Just ooof. As I mentioned above I get offended easily, and I must be on top, or I feel way down low. Okay, I might have more pride then I should aside from that, err…I have major mood swings and quickly go from ”lalala, i’m so happy” to to ”depressed, self-piteous-angel demon” to ”i-vant-to-kill-you” rather quickly.
    Does that count?
    Then end of answer.
    Leader Or Follower?
    I’d say I’m a mix between a leader and a follower. Or, I should say, I’m like Grey-Wing-a supporting, deputy kind of leader, because even though people tend to look up to me for guidance and leadership, I’d rather leave that job to others.
    Which Cannon Medicine Cat Do You Look Up To?
    Jayfeather. No more needs to be said there.
    Which Warrior Cat Do You Think Your Like?
    Briarlight, because like her I have a disability of sorts (MS), and I don’t let it stop me from living. Other then her I’d have to say Squirrelflight, Leafpool, and just a smidge Jayfeather. (We people with ”hindrances have gotta have an attitude ya know?)
    Ship, Kill & Marry The Four
    Mkay. Hollyleaf, girl, let’s ship you with Fallen Leaves, Lionblaze and Dovewing, I’ll just murder you two hateful things, and Jayfeather… ummmmm…uhhhhhh…I’ll marry you 😳 😳
    Favorite Warriors?
    I love Hollyleaf always and forever…in fact Hollyleaf’s my top favorite Warrior. Other then that I adore my Jayfeath (who doesn’t honestly?), Ivypool (I can’t bring myself to hate her), and I tend to love some hated, controversial Warriors such as Hawkfrost, Sol, Clear-sky, Starflower, and One-eye.
    Favorite food?
    I am a Pastavore and will eat any kind of Pasta. However, I especially adore my Pasta with Alfredo Sauce. And Chinese noodles from Asian Fusion (a resteraunt)? Simply devine! I also love me some Burritos, and Pizza is my life force.
    How Did You Discover Warriors?
    I’ve known about Warriors for a while, since it’s easy to find you peoples amazing fanart online (BlogClan fanart has that cool ”epic-manga-ancient-” feel which first attracted me to Warrior Cats). However it was my Writing Teacher, whom I’ll call Riversong who noted that my writing was similar to Warrior Cats and suggested I read the books. So I begged, and begged my parents to get me the first series, and they did. It was love at first read. In a matter of weeks I’d read (and re-read several times) the entire Warriors cats series up to Omen Of The Stars.
    I read A Vision Of Shadows & Borken Code, and Dawn Of The Clans much later. I’ve also read all the Super Editions, Mangas, Novellas, and Feild Guides…yeah, I’m a true Warriors junkie.
    Favorite Sciences
    No! How dare you make me choose!…Ahem, anyhow, I love all science but I tend to favor Astronomy , Astrophysics, Cosmology, Particle Physics, and Chemistry.
    Favorite Show/Movie
    Movie-wise I love anything Marvel, or DC. (I don’t think I need to explain myself there.)My fave show would have to be Voltron Legendary Defenders, because I enjoy the humor, the lessons, and the characters, and Pokemon. Pokemon always has that…postive, magical vibe that makes me feel a little better about the world. Does that make since to anyone?
    Any favorite books besides Warriors?
    The Kane Chronicles, The Accidental Hero Trilogy (which you might not have read before), and Lord Of The Rings.
    Speaking Of Kane Chronicle, Which God Would You Say, Is Most Likely To Choose You For His Host?
    Uhhhh….Ummmmmm Isis Set actually
    How Did You Find BlogClan?
    Permit me to be mysterious and say that BlogClan found me 😉
    And that wraps it up folks!

  • Hi! you can call me Snakefur, I am deputy of Rootclan and I have a mate from a diffrent clan, Rainleaf of Snowclan.

  • Everything you need to know about me:

    ~ I’m a HUGE warriors fan
    ~ I write warriors fanfiction at under the name “Silver Speaker”
    ~ I’m very chatty
    ~ I have 3 cats I actually named after my favorite warriors! – RAVEN / JAY / IVY
    ~ I’ve read every warriors book including mangas, super editions and novellas
    ~ My favorite warrior is IVYPOOL!!! :3

  • Hi! I’m Falconpaw, and here are some things you need to know about me.
    -i’m 12
    -my favourite character is Lionblaze
    -my best friend is Quietpaw
    -I love BlogClan!

  • hello! I’m maplewhisker and I use they/them pronouns. I love music and writing. I’ve been a warriors fan since 2013. my favorite characters are crookedstar, tallstar, sandstorm, leafpool, jayfeather, sorreltail, and a lot more. the first arc is my favorite but the second one is dear to me as well.
    may starclan light your path!

    • the orange cat is the default avatar. If you changed your avatar through gravatar, make sure you’re using the same email as your gravatar account, and also that you’ve marked your profile picture as rated G. After that, you should be okay, though it might take a little while for your avatar to change here

  • Hiya! I’m Frostwing, and I’m honestly just hyped to be around people like me and to talk about warriors without someone judging me for being 22 years old. 😛

  • Hello new and old members alike! I’m Pineblossom, but you can just call me Pine 🙂 I’ve been on the blog for almost a year, and I’ve loved every second on here. I enjoy drawing, calligraphy, and creating OCs, and you’ll often find me in a lot of different places but mostly the Tavern! Here, I’ve compiled a collection of tips and coding lessons (now complete with pictures!) to help you navigate BlogClan!

    Ground rules:
    – Make sure there isn’t a space between the coding and your text unless it is the link code (you’ll see what I mean)
    – For emoticons, make sure there is always a space before and after the code. In the lesson, I’ll be putting a space for the same reason above 🙂
    – Type it exactly as I do otherwise it won’t work that sounded like a threat
    Alright, let’s begin!

    ITALICS: <i>this will be italicized</i> it looks like this
    BOLD: <b>this will be bolded</b> it looks like this
    STRIKETHROUGH: <strike>this would be strikethroughed</strike> it looks like this
    CODE LIKE WORDS: <code>this would look code-y</code> it looks like this
    LINK: <a href=“your link here”>you would then click here for the link</a>
    What it looks like: Click here for a cute kitty
    QUOTE: <blockquote>your quote here</blockquote>

    blockquote looks like this

    FAKE LINK: <a>words blah blah</a> it looks like this

    For emoticons, do not put a space between the two symbols 🙂
    🙂 Emoji- : )
    😀 Emoji- : D
    😛 Emoji- : P
    🙁 Emoji- : (
    😉 Emoji- ; )

    Some other notes about BlogClan:
    – BlogClan is kept safe and fun by a group of moderators called Blogteam. They moderate (check) your comments so that no one uses inappropriate words and also so that sensitive topics that might upset other people are kept to a minimum and have a warning before the comment. Our current mods are Goldenfawn (often called Goldi), Birchfoot (Birchy), Cheetahspark (Cheetah, Cheeto), Rainshine (Rainie), Winterwhisper (Wint, Winter, Win), Viperfrost (Viper), Kat, Jayfrost (Jayie), Iceflower (Icy), Emberdawn (Embix, Ember, Emb), and of course, Kate herself (Cakestar) (why did I just put everyone’s nicknames 😛 ). They’ll definitely be able to answer your questions best of all! Currently, you can’t become a mod, but applications open up every once in a while if the team needs any help. Check out the Ask Blogteam Page for more info on the mods!

    – The current deputy and medicine cat of BlogClan are Icy and Embix. Their jobs are to keep the blog going smoothly, sorting out disputes, and welcoming new members like you might be! Elections are held every two years, and one was held last year, so you can not have one of those positions right now 🙂 Try running in 2021!

    – On BlogClan, you can have mentors/apprentices just like in the books. Your ranking is based on your age/grade in school:
    Elementary School, 1st grade-5th grade, ages 6-12 – Kit
    Middle School, 6th grade-8th grade, ages 11/12-13/14 – Apprentice
    High School/College, 9th grade-the end of school, ages 13/14 to whenever you get out of school 😛 – Warrior
    Out of school – Elder
    You do not have to have a mentor or apprentice, they are just for fun (and minor bragging rights 😛 ). If you would like to look for one, head on over to the Allegiances Chat Page and ask to be on Cheetah’s list of available mentors and apprentices! A good method to find someone is making a list of your interests and hobbies 😉 Don’t be afraid to ask anyone on the list if they want to be your mentor/apprentice. Good luck if you are looking!

    – “A Purrsona is a cat character that represents yourself in some way, just in case any new members didn’t know. It’s like what you would look like and what your name would be if you were a cat in the Warriors world.” Thank you Plume for this addition!

    – Secret pages are what they sound like, “secret pages” (they aren’t openly linked) that you can access and find with secret methods (hint: try clicking on some pictures!). Once you find one that has not been claimed or used, you can claim it by posting a comment on it saying “Claimed!”. Make sure you check that no one else has claimed it before you. If it hasn’t been used for more than a year (my general rule of thumb) you can claim it too. Once you claim it, you can pretty much use it for anything! Lots of people use them for roleplaying, fanfiction, and games.If you want a secret page, ask me! I can give up to 5 in a themed set, but please have a ready use for them!

    – On many places such as the official Name That Apprentice! and the Tavern, you have to press the blue reply button right below the main comment so that it is clear that you are replying to that person’s comment. It also keeps the pages from getting cluttered, as a new page is made every ten comments (not counting replies). The reply button is in the bottom left corner of every comment until reply chains get too long.

    — Live Chat is a really cool thing, it’s that (currently) blue box (but MWAHAHA it won’t be blue for long since I can change it soon thanks rainie 😛 ) that you may see on the sides of pages (on large screens) or at the bottom (for small screens). You can create an account by putting in your desired name that you want people to see in the name box, clicking “Profile” in the bottom right corner and making an account. Live Chat is also moderated by Blogteam for the same reasons.

    — One very important thing to remember is that all pages have descriptions on the top of the page! If you are unsure what a page is for, read the description and if you have any more questions, you can ask 🙂

    — Finally, Kate Cary is a very busy person. I know that you all are big Warriors fans, and that you might have questions, but she doesn’t have time to answer them all. The mods will then fill in, or, if you have any questions about already published Warriors content, you can ask it on the Ask Jaysnow or Ask Blogteam page 🙂

    Yep, that’s all I can think of right now for BlogClan! Of course, there’s much more, but it’s always more fun to find it on your own 😛 Have fun exploring! I hope this helped 😀 Anyone can add on to this in the replies, as well as test the codes!

  • Hi! I’m new here. Here are some facts about me:

    1. I’ve been been reading Warriors for a long time (since 3rd grade).
    2. I found out about Blogclan a year ago, and finally have an account.
    3. I am also a Ravenclaw.
    4. My name is Sunwhisker, but you can call me Sunny if you want.
    5. I am a boy.
    6. Some of my favorite book series are Keeper of the Lost Cities, Warriors, Harry Potter, Beyonders, Five Kingdoms, Percy Jackson, Magnus Chase, Heroes of Olympus, and Wings of Fire.
    7. I LOVE to read.
    8. I’m trying to learn Japanese, Spanish, Mandarin, and Arabic.
    9. I love Medicine Cats.
    10. My top 10 list of cats are:

    10: Crookedstar
    9: Nightstar
    8: Leafpool
    7: Mapleshade (I know that she’s evil, but I feel bad for her)
    6: River Ripple
    5: Shadowsight
    4: Jayfeather
    3: Mothflight
    2: Rootspring

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