Please Introduce Yourself! (Retired)

Hello and welcome!

We hope you’ve already seen the New Member’s Page and learned a little bit about BlogClan. We’re delighted to welcome you to a site Kate Cary created to celebrate Warriors and its readers.

Please introduce yourself in a comment on this page. Tell us something about yourself or your purrsona. We prefer to use warrior names here. We hope that’s okay with you!

We’re looking forward to getting to know you!


  • Hold on…I need to test and make sure my profile picture is working by posting anther comment. Also I had a thing to add: I love Dovewing! I know tons of people hate her but I don’t care, I love her anyway.

  • Hi there, my name is Jaywhisker! I love warriors and I’m very happy to join BlogClan! My favorite character is Crookedstar (he might be a very minor character, but Crookedstar’s Promise is awesome)!

    • Hi Jaywhisker!
      I’m Sorrelpaw, a BlogClan apprentice. You can call me Sorzi 😀

      I like Crookedstar, too!

    • Hello! Welcome to BlogClan, Jaywhisker! I’m Goldenfawn, but you can call me Goldi, Goldie, or whatever you want! 😀 I love Crookedstar too! 😀

    • Howdy Jaywhisker! I love your warrior name! 😀 My name is Fallenpaw, but you can call me Fallen, Fall, or Fally. 🙂 I love Crookedstar, too! What makes him your favorite? 😀 If you have any questions, I’d be more than happy to help you out! I hope to see you around, and welcome to the Blog! 😀

    • Hey Jaywhisker! Welcome to BlogClan 😀 😀 I’m Shiverfur, but you can call me Shivy 🙂 . I like Crookedstar too, he was wonderful in Crookedstar’s Promise 🙂
      Hope to see you around 🙂

    • Hi Jay! Welcome to BlogClan! I’m Frostpaw, but you can call me Frosty, Frost, or whatever you prefer! Hope you enjoy it here 😀

      If you’re confused about anything, you can always ask me 😀

      Crookedstar’s awesome 😀

  • Ello, I’m Palepaw, I’m shy at first meeting new people, I’ve been reading Warriors for three years now, and I really love enjoy drawing the cats. I want to be an author, illustrator, animator, WHATEVER that includes drawing! I’ve been working on a fan fic for quite a while now. And I’ve got one of my friends helping me with it. I’ll probably soon become a Warrior now, I’ve named myself after one of the characters in my fan fic. Anyway, my favorite characters is Spottedleaf, Ravenpaw and Graystripe. I don’t know why, but I just seem to love them so much!

    • Hey Palepaw! It’s great to have you! My name is Fallenpaw, but you can call me Fallen, Fall, or Fally. 🙂 Do you draw other things? 🙂 Will you be posting your Fanfic on here? If you have any questions, I’d be more than happy to help you out. 🙂 Welcome to BlogClan! 😀

    • Hello Palepaw!!!! I bet your drawings are really good!!! I suck at it!!! I’m writing a FanFic as well!!! What is your about??? I love all those characters as well!!!

    • Welcome to BlogClan, Palepaw! I’m Goldenfawn, but you can call me Goldi, Goldie, or whatever you want! 🙂 I love drawing too! 😀

    • Hello, Palepaw!! Welcome to BlogClan!!
      I’m Sorrelpaw, a BlogClan apprentice, but please call me Sorzi 😀
      I like Ravenpaw too 😉

    • Hey Palepaw 🙂 I’m Flowerstream, but everyone calls me Flo, and it’s great to meet you! Feel free to come to me if you have any questions, and I hope to see you around <3
      I'm rubbish at drawing 😛 I wish I could get into it but my stick figures look like random squiggles soooo...

    • Welcome, Palepaw! I’m shy as well meeting new people (At least in real life). I also like to draw too! Anyways, I hope you enjoy being on BlogClan!

    • Hello, Palepaw! I’m Witchheart, but you can call me Witch! Welcome to Blogclan! You can draw? That’s so cool! I stink at drawing. Maybe you could send in some fan art or post your fanfiction sometime? I’d love to read it! I love Spottedleaf, Ravenpaw, and Graystripe too! 😀

    • Hi Pale! Welcome to BlogClan! I’m Frostpaw, but you can call me Frosty, Frost, or whatever you prefer! Hope you enjoy it here 😀

      If you’re confused about anything, you can always ask me 😀

      Can I see the fanfic? I’m sure it’s great 🙂

    • Hello Palepaw! I’m Grayfeather, and I’m also new here! That’s so cool, that you draw! And congrats on soon becoming a Warrior. I hope to see your warrior name when you’re ready! Welcome to Blogclan!

  • Hello! I am Amberpool, I love reading, writing, and drawing. I’ve been reading warrior cats for almost 4 years!
    My favorite characters are Twigpaw, Ravenpaw, Barley, Mapleshade, and Hawkfrost!
    I guess you can call me Amber, or my favorite nickname is Twiggy (After Twigpaw)

    • Hey Amber! Welcome to BlogClan 🙂 I’m Flowerstream, but you can call me Flo. It’s really nice to meet you, feel free to come to me if you have any questions ^^ I’m always around to chat 😀

      Oooh Ravenpaw and Barley, I love them! (I also definitely definitely ship them they’re the best)

    • Hello! Welcome to BlogClan, Amber! I’m Goldenfawn, but you can call me Goldi, Goldie, or whatever you want! 😀

    • Hi Amberpool! Those are all great characters. 🙂

      I’m Winterpaw, but you can call me Win or Winter or something else, it doesn’t matter. 🙂

    • Hello Amberpool!! I love the name!! I considered it for my FanFIc… But I went with Amberbreeze instead!! I hope you enjoy BlogClan! And stay with us for moons to come! 😀

    • Hello and welcome! I’m Birchfoot, but feel free to call me Birch or Birchy 🙂

      I also love a lot of those characters 😀

    • Hi Amber! Welcome to BlogClan! I’m Frostpaw, but you can call me Frosty, Frost, or whatever you prefer! Hope you enjoy it here 😀

      If you’re confused about anything, you can always ask me 😀

    • Hi Amberpool! I love your name, by the way! I’m Fallenpaw, but you can call me Fallen, Fall, or Fally. 🙂 If you have any questions, I’d love to answer them. I hope to see you around! Welcome to BlogClan! 😀

  • Hi! My name is Grayfeather, and I have been coming to BlogClan for years, but I have finally decided to become an official part of the community. Warriors has been the most amazing thing in my life for the last eight-nine years when I read The Sight as my first Warriors book. This series has meant so much to me throughout the years, and I love escaping to this wonderful world full of fabulous characters and great storylines. I am a very hardcore Dawn of the Clans fan, although Alderheart has captivated my attention lately because he is so much like me. My favorite characters are Thunder, Squirrelflight, and Alderheart. My favorite warriors book is Bluestar’s Prophecy. I am an even more hardcore fan of Ariana Grande who I had the greatest pleasure of meeting back in March. And I am just so happy to finally have the time to be on the blog for real!

    • Hey, Grayfeather! Welcome to BlogClan 😀 I’m Birchfoot, but you can call me Birch or Birchy if you want

      The Sight was my first Warriors book, too, and Power of Three is one of my favourite arcs (but I do need to reread Dawn of the Clans). Alderheart is also one of my favourite characters 🙂

    • Hello! Welcome to BlogClan, Greyfeather! I’m Goldenfawn, but you can call me Goldi, Goldie, or whatever you want! <3

    • Hi Grayfeather!!! I love Squirrelflight as well!!! (Haven’t met the others yet 😉 ) I haven’t read Bluestar’s Prophecy yet. (Best for last!) But Bluestar is my favorite character so I am so excited to read it!! If I could ever hurry up with the other like 20 books… 😛

    • Hai, Grayfeather! 😀 I’m Fallenpaw, but you can call me Fall, Fallen, or Fally. 🙂 It’s a pleasure to meet you! 😀 I love Squirrelflight and Alderheart, too! 🙂 If you have any questions, I’d be more than happy to answer them. Welcome to BlogClan, and I hope to see you around! 😀

  • Hi I Am Dark Shadow on Water or Hoetzendsocks or Winterkeep
    I started reading in a third grade math lesson after reading throne of jade and pick up the book moonrise and sorta stole it from her and my favourite book is Firestar Journey and my favourite ship is Firestorm (Firestar and Sandstorm)
    I am Part of the 13 army and in the 13th company squad O in my head
    I like history, warriors (duh) , d and d , strategy games like Panzer General and chess and Love Chocolate and the color blue
    I wish to leave my mind prison and be a writer or gamemaker
    You can find me in a library

    • Hello! Nice to meet you, Dark! 😀 ❤
      I hope you have lots of fun on BlogClan! (This place is full of wonderful people and things!) Do you write any Warriors fanfiction? 🙂 (I totally ship FirexSand too! 😉 )

    • Hi Dark Shadow on Water! (Nice name, by the way! 🙂 ) I’m Fallenpaw, but you can call me Fallen, Fall, or Fally. 🙂 Nice to meet you! If you have any questions, I’d be more than happy to answer them. I hope to see around, and welcome to BlogClan! 😀

    • Welcome to BlogClan, Dark! I love strategy games, Warriors and of course, chocolate, too!! 😉 See you around! 😀

    • Nice to meet you!!! I’m so happy you could join us!!! I love Firestar and Sandstorm too!! 😀

    • Hi Dark, Welcome to BlogClan! I’m Frostpaw, but you can call me Frosty, Frost, or whatever you want. Hope you have fun here! If you have any questions, ask me 😀

      I like history and warriors (never knew that 😉 ), and blue too 😛

      (ps are you from Germany? My dad was born in Germany 😀 )

    • Hey Dark! Welcome to the blog! 😀 I’m Shiverfur, but most people call me Shiv or Shivy 🙂 I like strategy games, chocolate, warriors (duh 😛 ) and the colour blue too! If you have any questions about anything, the wonderful people here will be more than happy to answer 😀 Hope you enjoy it here!! 😀

    • Welcome to BlogClan! 🙂 I like any games with a strategic aspect in them, too. Makes playing them more interesting and you have to think more about your choices, especially in RPGs.

    • Hi! I’m Birchfoot, but feel free to call me Birch/Birchy/whatever! Welcome to BlogClan 🙂

      I also love Dungeons and Dragons! I haven’t played super recently, but my friend and I are (slowly) making our way through a game 😛

    • Hi Darky! Nice and creative name you have there! How are you? Here at BlogClan you can make many friends, talk about your problems, chat, write blogs, fanfiction, and you came just in time for the summer gathering that’s coming up! 😉 Hope to see you around

    • Hello Dark Shadow!I was on the blog for one whole year and i know you will have a great time here!People on BlogClan are very kind and i know you are too!Welcome to BlogClan!I am LionPaw but you can call me LionSky or Sky.See ya around!

    • Hi! Nice to meet you, Dark! I’m usually found in libraries too! and don’t worry, i have, and always will ship firexsand

  • Hello, newcomers! I’m Lily That Shines Like Dawn, or, Dawnlily, and I suppose this is a welcome post 😛
    I’ve been on BlogClan for nine months, but I’ve been stalking it longer 😛 .
    I love Hamilton, reading, writing, softball, volleyball, drawing, and food 😀

    I have Discord, and a wiki account all for BlogClan!
    Welcome to blogclan! Enjoy your time and uhh.. Help us make memes

  • Hi! My name is Flameshimmer(obviously.) I am really excited when I found this website, even more excited when I started reading Warriors. I love love love(times 1,000,000,000) this series. My favorite subjects are reading, writing, math and art. Libraries are my favorite place be, since I am always finding new books to read! My favorite colors are blue and violet, while my favorite animal is a cat. My favorite couple is Micah x Moth Flight

    • Welcome to BlagClan Flameshimmer!! I love those subjects as well!! (Well I like writing… I don’t like LEARNING GRAMMAR) I’m pretty good at math that’s why I like it. 😛 I like Art but I can’t really draw… but still… and reading is obvious. 😛 (I love the library too!) I love blue and violet as well!! They are so pretty!! I love cats as well!! What’s your favorite breed of cat? I haven’t met Micah and Moth Flight yet. But hopefully I will soon. 😛

    • Hello Flameshimmer! 😀 You can call me Witchheart or Witch! I love Warriors too! 😀 I love reading, writing, math, and art too! (Even though I stink at drawing) I LOVE LIBRARIES!!!! I love blue and violet too! Cats are awesome! I haven’t read about Moth Flight yet but I’ll keep an eye out!

    • Hey Flame! I’m Shiverfur, but you can call me Shivy or Shiv or whatever you want 😀 Welcome to the blog! I like those subjects kinda too, though my favourite is Physics 🙂 I love libraries too, though the libraries on my area are being closed down cause of the dumb government >:c . Do you have your own cat? I don’t because of my doggies 😛 I hope you enjoy it here at BlogClan!! 😀

    • Hey Flame! I’m Birchfoot and welcome to BlogClan 🙂

      I like English and art a lot, too. I find that some types of math are fun and some are the worst things I have ever encountered 😛

      I love libraries and cats too!

    • Hoi Flame I love the libraries and reading and blue too.I just joined too and it is cool
      See you around
      Pss do you have milk

    • Hi Flame, welcome to BlogClan! I’m Frostpaw, but you can call me Frosty, Frost, or whatever you like. Hope you enjoy your stay here! 😀

      I love cats, libraries, blue and violet too 😛

    • Hi Flameshimmer! 😀 I’m Fallenpaw, but you can call me Fallen, Fall, or Fally. I love your name, and the image it creates! 😀 What’s your favorite thing to do in art? What do you like to write about? What genres do you like reading? I hope I can get to know you soon! 🙂 If you have any questions about the Blog, I would be more than happy to help you out! I hope to see you around, and welcome to BlogClan! 😀

    • Hello! Welcome to BlogClan, Flameshimmer! I’m Goldenfawn, but you can call me Goldi if you want! I love your name! 😀

  • Hello! My name is Echobreeze, but you can call me Echo or Breezy for short. I love Warriors of course and many other fandoms. I love art and reading. My three favorite cats are Hollyleaf Mosskit and Leafstar. My three favorite Tom’s are Graystripe, Tallstar and Ravenpaw. So many favorites! I love Firestar x Sandstorm or Sandstar. I also love Mosskit x Snowkit. And Hollyleaf x Fallen Leaves or Fallen Holly. I hope I can be a great member of Blogclan. Hmm.. Blogclan just might be my new favorite clan. Other than River clan because River clan is pretty cool. Sorry for the long comment. Here’s you’re 🍕.

    • A little bit extra that I forgot to add. My favorite color is blue, white or black. Or teal! I love cookies, chocolate and fruits. Nom nom nom! Echobreeze: Ahem! I’m still here! Me: Oh sorry… Well Echobreeze is… Well she looks like Feathertail. Or Millie for that matter. She is a silver tabby she-cat with a white underbelly, paws, tail tip, and muzzle *cough cough* white overload *cough cough* with blue\greenish eyes. She is the medicine cat of Dawnclan. And in Dawnclan, Spottedclan, Moonclan, and Streamclan, the warrior code says medicine cats can have a mate and\or kits. Ahem. Her mate is the deputy Fireclaw and her kits are Hollykit, Nightkit and Stonekit. Her apprentice is Snowfall. Her sister is Featherclaw who is a queen with three healthy kits named Badgerkit, Silverkit, and Fernkit. Her brother Grayfall is a warrior with a mate named Skyclaw. They have no kits. Also, 🍕. Bye! 🙂

    • Hi Echo, welcome to BlogClan! I’m Frostpaw, but you can call me Frosty, Frost, or anything you like. Hope you enjoy it here! 😀 I like all those cats too 😛

    • Hi Echo! I really like your warrior name! 🙂 I’m Fallenpaw, but you can call me Fallen, Fall, or Fally. I love Hollyleaf, too! 😀 What’s your favorite thing about her? I love Fallen Holly, too. 😀 RiverClan and BlogClan are the greatest Clans. 😉 If you have any questions about anything on the Blog, I would be more than happy to help you out! I hope to see you around, and welcome to the Blog! 😀

      • My favorite thing about Hollyleaf is even though she is half clan, didn’t mean to kill Ashfur and is not one of the three, she still is a great Hunter and fighter for her clan. Why did she have to die…. Ahem! Have a wonderful day Fallenpaw! I like your warrior name as well. It’s really cool! May Starclan or Blogclan light your path Fallenpaw! 🙂

    • Hello! Welcome to BlogClan, Echo! I’m Goldenfawn, but feel free to call me Goldi if you want! 😀 I love art and reading too! 😀

      • Cool Goldi! If you have a favorite type of art of book type, could I please know what type? I would love to know what you like! My favorite type of book is well… Any really! My favorite type of art is… Warrior cats I guess! I love drawing warrior cats and dogs. May Blogclan light your path Goldi! Nice name!

    • Hey, Echobreeze! I’m Fawnpaw! I ship those too, and every member of BlogClan is a great one. I disagree with you on the riverclan statement, but i’m sure we can still be friends lol

  • Hello, hello! I am here to tell you, yes, you, about the BlogClan 2 Wikia! If you’re already on the wiki, this doesn’t really apply to you, but otherwise, please continue reading!

    The BlogClan 2 Wikia (but I’ll be calling it the wiki from here on) is a BlogClan site where you can chat, roleplay, add fanfic, and make a fursona page. It’s a bit easier to use than the blog, because you can make pages and comments don’t have to be moderated. It’s still safe, and we have extra mods to make sure everything is monitored and goes smoothly as noodle soup. Wikia is a bigger site that allows you to make wikis for anything, and it’s the same platform the Warriors Wiki uses. You can use your Warriors Wiki account there if you have one, and it works similarly to the Warriors Wiki. We’re not as strict, though.

    We use the pages for three main things: Info, Fursonas, and Fanfic. We have pages about BlogClan itself and BlogClan’s pages and posts, and those serve as info and a guide to others. We also have fursona pages, where you make a page for yourself. You can describe yourself, your personality, what you’ve done on the blog and wiki, etc. Fanfiction pages are where you post a fanfic, and it’s much more organized than the fanfiction page here because everything’s on one page and it’s easy to use and read.

    I made a guide for everything on the wiki, based off my long welcome I give everyone. Anyone can edit and add to it, or leave suggestions or questions in the comments. That can be found here: If you’re wondering how to make a fursona page, look here:

    To create an account, click on the ‘My Account’ and then ‘Register’. This will prompt you to create an account. You can also use the wiki anonymously, though this doesn’t let you go on chat, one of the favorite features on the wiki.

    The wiki link can be found below, and we’re always hoping for new members to join!

  • Hi there all new members! Have a great time exploring the Blog and taking part in E V E R Y T H I N G 🙂

    Just to let you know, you can do emojis on BlogClan by doing this:

    🙂 = a colon ( which is this : ) and a bracket facing the colon like this ) with no spaces in between

    😀 = a colon and a capital D with no spaces in between

    😛 = a colon and a capital P with no spaces in between

    😉 = a semi-colon (which is this ; ) and a bracket facing the semi-colon with no spaces in between

    😮 = a colon with a lowercase o with no spaces in between

    🙁 = a colon with a bracket facing away from the colon with no spaces in between

    But of course if you have a device that allows you to do more than these emojis you can do them as well.

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