Please Introduce Yourself! (Retired)

Hello and welcome!

We hope you’ve already seen the New Member’s Page and learned a little bit about BlogClan. We’re delighted to welcome you to a site Kate Cary created to celebrate Warriors and its readers.

Please introduce yourself in a comment on this page. Tell us something about yourself or your purrsona. We prefer to use warrior names here. We hope that’s okay with you!

We’re looking forward to getting to know you!


  • Hello, i’m moonstar! i’m the very future leader of shadowclan, and i’m glad to say that i am not a bad leader. it is glad to meet all these cats from different clans who actually like me!

  • Hiya all you new people! I’m Blazepaw, just call me Blaz.
    I’m mostly on Discord, so you can find me there! Just don’t be rude or disrespectful on the blog, and you probably already know that! P.S. My best friends on the blog are Panther, Flame, Hazel, Breezy, Icy, Birchy, Embix, and Sunny

  • hEYa nEw MemBeRs! W’eRE AlL maD HErE! 😛
    So hey! My name is Fernfrost, but you can call me Ferny. Welcome to BlogClan, an amazing place to hang out, post articles, and… stuff… about your FAVORITE series! I’ve been a member for about half a year, and let me tell you… it’s amazing. Have fun! Here are some tips.

    For blog posts:
    Use proper grammar! If you don’t it can make people not understand what you’re trying to say!
    Try to be kind yet straightforward. Don’t bash a certain person or character disrespectfully as someone else may like them. What to do: (Some people may like Leafpool, but I don’t. Here’s why.) What not to do: (Leafpool is the worst character and anyone who thinks she’s cool is trash.)
    Please, PLEASE keep it ON TOPIC. This is a blog about Warriors, not about Youtubers you like. Doing this will result in your post being rejected.

    For Name Ideas:
    If you like someone’s names they made, don’t claim them as your own. They’re theirs. If you aren’t aware of it, they’ll most likely contact you.
    Keep the names APPROPRIATE. This is for pre – teens and teens. I’m pretty sure they wont like you cursing.

    Good luck in the world of BlogClan! Have fun!

    – Ferny

  • I’ve got to catch up on the welcoming 😛
    Hello, all new members, and welcome to BlogClan! 😀 I’m Drizzleflash, Drizzle for short, and I’ve been a member of BlogClan for about seven months. Here are some tips to help you find your way around. 🙂
    We’ve got several different discussion pages; some are related to Warriors and some aren’t. You can find all our discussion pages here. Got something random to say? 😛 Something you really want to share with the rest of the community? Head over to the Tavern, where off-topic conversation is always welcome.
    You can even share all the beautiful warrior names you’ve created, on this page! There are pages where you can share fanfiction as well. And of course, you can submit articles and fanart, which will be posted by our moderators on the front page of the Blog! 😀 Keep in mind that your article may take some time to be published. We also have Spoiler Pages for discussing specific Warriors books. Please take a look at BlogClan’s Spoiler Policy before proceeding. 🙂
    Are you a mentorless apprentice, or an apprenticeless mentor? Look for a mentor/apprentice on the Allegiances Chat Page! Oh, and having a mentor/apprentice is just for show; it isn’t necessary. It does look cool on the Allegiances, though. 😛 The BlogClan allegiances are based upon your school grade, and are updated at the beginning of every month by our deputy, Jayfrost.
    There are also several games on BlogClan which you can participate in! Check out the Warriors Games Page or the NTA(Name That Apprentice!) page.
    Want to have a chat? Sometimes moderators open BlogClan Live Chat, with real-time messaging. On Blog pages, you can reply to others’ comments by clicking on the little blue reply button at the bottom of their comments. However, comments are moderated before they appear, so what you comment won’t show up instantly. 🙂
    Having read all that (or not 😛 ), get out there and explore! 😀 BlogClan is an extremely caring, supportive community and I hope you enjoy your time here, and most importantly, have fun! 😀

  • Hi there! Let me introduce myself, I’m Otterpaw (you can call me Ottie for short, if you would like to) and it will be really helpful if you guys can help me look for a warrior name! I’m a girl and I have finished all the warrior books, and I am reading Tigerheart’s Shadow right now!

    I’m a light brown she-cat with stripes and amber eyes

    I have been stalking BlogClan for about a year now, and I am so exited to join the clan!

    • Hi there Ottie! I’m Brightwing, and welcome to this amazing Blog! I hope you have a wonderful time here, and as for your warrior name, here are a few suggestions:


      Hope this helped! Head to the Warriors Name page to ask for more suggestions!

    • Hello, Ottie! <3 We're excited to have you here! I'm Willow Beside Small Stream, but you can call me Wil or Willa! ^^ I've been here for a year, and I absolutely love the community, I'm sure you will too! If you need any help, feel free to ask me things!
      Hmm, Maybe Otterrose? Otterdawn / Otterdusk? Or Ottersun? Hope those helped! 😛
      Which is your favorite warrior cats book? 😀 Mine might be Bluestar's Prophecy. 😛

    • Welcom Ottie! I’m Blueheart, but you can call me Blue! 😀 I love your fursona!

      How about:


    • Hello, Ottie! I love your name, it’s very unique! 😀 I’m Icy, and I’d love to get to know you better! 🙂 If you have any questions or problems, I would love to help out. 😀 A year, huh? Well, we’re very excited to have you! 😀

    • Hi Ottie I love your name I’m Maplepaw or Mapledrift but you can call me Maple
      Who is your favourite warrior cats character?

      • Thanks! I like your name too, Maple! I have a lot of favourite characters, but I REALLY like Squirrelflight, Ivypool and Violetpaw. It’s funny because my sister’s favourite characters are Leafpool, Dovewing and Twigpaw

    • Welcome to BlogClan, Ottie! I’m Mintpaw/Mintfeather and you can call me Minty. Tigerheart’s Shadow is really good! GO over to the Tigerheart’s Shadow spoiler page to talk about it! I like your fursona.

      I’m bad at coming up with warrior names, but how about:

      I think that we’ll get along really well. I’d love to chat with you sometime, like on the Tavern! That’s where I’m most active. I hope to see you around the Blog!

    • Hi Ottie! Welcome to BlogClan! I’m Stoatpaw, but call me Stoat, Stoaty, or Stoatie.
      Maybe Otterspark, Ottersplash, Otterleap, or Ottersnow?

    • Hello Otterpaw! I love your name! (my suggestions are Otterflower, Otterflash, Otterspark, and Otterfeather 🙂 ) I’m Dewpaw, but you can call me Dew or Dewy. Have a great time here! 😀

    • Hi Ottie, welcome to BlogClan! I’m Frostpaw, but you can call me Frosty, Frost, or whatever you like. Hope you have fun here 😀

  • Hi! I’m not really sure why I chose this username, maybe I though it was funny, it’s sort of an inside joke that only I know. I think I came here once as Petalheart, but I stopped coming because I never really got the hang of this website, and deleted my account. Now someone else is Petalheart.

    I have always wanted to get into a fandom onto the internet, I am a filthy Homestuck (please don’t come at me with your pitchforks and torches!). But I’m a pre-teen, and I can’t really take part in fandom conversations and discussions. So I guess this is the perfect place for that!

    I really want to get into this community again. It seems great.

  • Hiya, my name is Fireleap! I am currently reading Hawkwing’s Journey but I have a few more books to get through before I’m all caught up. Anyways, I’ve heard a lot about BlogClan and I’m excited to join!

    • Thank you all so much for the warm welcomes!

      (Also I was looking through a lot of these and noticed some people put descriptions, so I figured I might as well. I’m a long legged, thick furred, ginger she-cat with a white belly, muzzle, tail tip, and paws with warm amber eyes.)

    • Hi, Fireleap! Welcome to BlogClan! I’m Mintpaw/Mintfeather and you can call me Minty. I like your name! Hawkwing’s Journey is a great book. Do you like it so far? I did. 🙂 I hope to see you around the Blog!

    • Again, thank you all so much! So far I am loving BlogClan. It’s an amazing site filled with such amazing people! So far Hawkwing’s Journey is amazing and I highly recomend it.

    • Hello Fireleap! (love your name, very unique!)
      I’m Dewpaw, but you can call me Dew or Dewy 🙂
      I hope you like it here, and if you have any questions, I’m always around! 😀

    • Hi Fire, welcome to BlogClan! I’m Frostpaw, but you can call me Frosty, Frost, or whatever you like. Hope you have fun here 😀

  • Hello! My name is Briarleaf! I’m new here if you couldn’t tell lol. I love warriors but haven’t read all the books yet because a couple years ago I got bored of them and stopped reading while I was on long shadows. I’ve only come back a couple months ago and am on night whispers now! My favorite cats are, tallstar, ravenpaw, briarlight, (who was the I inspiration for my name! :D) mistystar, littlecloud, and a lot more that would take me a long time to write!
    I hope to make some friends here!
    Also,I’m sorry if I seem distant, I’m very shy oops.
    My cat Briarleaf is a dark brown tabby she-cat with yellow eyes. I also have another oc called Rania. (She was a kittypet) who is a dark brown she-cat.

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