
Hi guys! I hope you’re having a lovely day! This is just a quick post to announce that Rotation helper applications are reopening! If you’re interested in hosting part of the Rotation for Game 6, this is the...
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Fallowpaw takes some warrior names literally.
JadePaw lists their favourite and least favourite characters from the series.
Can I claim this page?
This is now used for RockClan RP (WIP)
Everyone! I’ve sorta given up on trying to legitimately get secret pages so this is for putting my art requests on.
Here’s the link, Swiftpaw! Sorry if it looks a little crowded, I kinda made it a mini drawing (hope the link works!)
The link works! (Hooray!)
That’s amazing! If I ever get a wiki page, do I have permission to upload it?
100%! The links only sometimes work on my end 🙁
Hey Swift!How r u doin?
Good, schools easing in, plus it’s a long weekend for us! You?
I’m doin’ good mostly.Although imma have to give my foster cat back to his real owners who are back from vacation and I’ve really gotten attached to him so it’s bitterrsweet.
Good to know that you’re doing good!
Same for you! My IRL friend actually fosters cats too- she even gave two to my teacher lol but her father’s banned her from fostering cats till the next term: I think he’s gotten sick of cats everywhere!
Oh cool.
I also have another idea:
A fan base of Twix lovers, like the Apprentice Army, and we seek to destroy any other candy that comes between us and our beloved Twix!
Yesssssssss.I’ll claim a secret page for that,but I can’t link it since I’m not logged in.
If we’re starting it,you and I should be either the leader or deputy.
Best idea I’ve heard in years….
I know right?! You can be leader if you want: for some reason I like deputy more!
Cool.I recently claimed a secret page.I can’t link it but it’s on page 156 of BlogTeam Den in reply to my secret page comment by Osprey.That can be the main TwixClan page.
Cool, I’ll check it!
How r u doin?
Great! Do you think the CandyClan wars will be recorded in Blogclan history forever?
Pretty sure they will.But I have t checked the Hazelpage in a while so imma go do that now to make sure our brother Violetpaw isn’t being a backstabber(he’s medcat for both clans and he’s adopted by Harmonysong/Lightning)
Yassss you’re back I missed you
Hey bestie!How r u doing?
I made TwixClan a wiki page!
We really need to revive TwixClan lol