The Hazelpage

The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.


[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]

Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.

Notice Board:
Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.


  • Springkit cackles. ¨MUAHAHAHAAHA I HAVE MADE A MACHINE TO FINISH ALL YOUR HOMEWORK! but the catch is, whoever can steal mycookie and win the contest will win it!Bewear though, for i am armed with vipers arson power, Silvys hynotising Banana Power, and a flamethrower and a rocketthrower stolenfrom Topazkit!¨

  • Aquila sat down at a table and wondered how to make a summoning Maple ritual. Her pen tapped against the wood in the master’s drum beat as she thought that Aelin and Redblaze would be good at planning this…

    • “you need three donuts, a magic wand, a black hat, and a deck of playing cards
      and a flamethrower, cant forget that! C:” Viper said, glancing at a mysterious cauldron.

      • “Why thank you, mysterious Viper!” Aquila smiles, wondering how on earth she was going to get all those ingredients, “You wouldn’t happen to have a spare flamethrower by any chance?”

        • Viper randomly produced a hefty flamethrower, seemingly from thin air. “Why, yes, I do!” she exclaimed. “Cursed? No, it’s not cursed, I promise!”

            • Suspenseful music played and Viper smiled sinisterly as all the lights went out for a moment, then flickered back on. “Nope! Not cursed at all! You take it!” she said, punting the flamethrower into Silvy’s arms before dashing away and out the door.

              • “Oh thank you!” Silvy cried as Viper ran away. The flamethrower threatened to explode as it burst into flames, singing some of Silvy’s fur off as she hurried to somewhere.

          • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

            Tigershine appears and steals the flamethrower. It causes Scourge to appear. ¨Yep it´s cursed. Now run¨

      • You can’t forget three cursed cookies, an octopus, an italian baguette and a random purple potion!” Silvy added, shaking her head.

          • “Ahhh yes. Three cursed porble cookies. Just what we need for the ritual,” Silvy meowed.

  • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

    Ravenfrost burst in.
    ¨Wait, why am I here? I´m not even real,¨ she said.
    Tigershine burst in.
    ¨Because I summoned you to the living!¨ she yowled.
    ¨Wait, you can do that?¨
    ¨No, but Elizabeth can!¨ Tigershine opened her hand to unveil a small lego she-cat with glowing blue eyes.
    ¨Hello.¨ said Elizabeth.
    Ravenfrost´s eyes widened. ¨Wait, you can talk?¨
    ¨Yes. I can. Now if you´l excuse me… I´m leaving.¨
    Elizabeth disappeared.
    ¨Wait! Elizabeth, come back!¨ Tigershine yowled. Several cats gave her funny looks.
    She turned to Ravenfrost. ¨Welp… I guess you´re stuck here now…¨
    A cat exactly the same as Ravenfrost, except with yellow-green eyes, trotted in.
    ¨Wait… what?¨ Ravenfrost said, confused. ¨There are two of me?¨
    ¨No, silly! This is Stormblaze. Say hello, Stormi! She´s my cat. You´re based off her. You may notice, the only thing you don´t share is the river-blue eyes and level of fighting skills. Sorry Stormfloof, but Ravenfrost fights better than you.¨
    Stormi purred.
    Ravenfrost fainted.
    Stormi purred more.
    ¨Aw, my little lovebug!¨ Tigershine said, smiling and petting Stormstormstormstorm with her tail.
    ¨Uhhhhhhh…….¨ said someone in the corner.

  • Shimmer sits proudly behind a small shop with a sign that reads, “Free ‘Books'”.

    • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

      Tigershine is confused on what a shop is (an actual shop, or an online term?) but takes a book anyway. It´s that one book she needs in the warrior cats series that´s next. She doesn´t know what it´s called. It´s A Vision Of Shadows 2 in her mind.

    • “Oooooh!” squeals Silver as she hops over. “What do you have?! What do you have?! I love books!” She stares harder at the sign. “Wait…,” she mews. “Is there a difference between books and ‘books‘?” she asks suspiciously.

      • Viper smiles ominously, holding a crate labelled books. The crate makes a snarling sound, which ae covers up with a cough. “No difference at all!”

          • Viper says nothing, though she covers the crate with a blanket. The blanket has been torn to shreds already, and looks as though it’s been used many times by whatever lives in the crate. Viper smiles sinisterly.

        • “Ummmmmm…” mews Silver. “I think I’ll stick to the library…” Silver runs away to the corner to listen to Aru Shah and the Song of Death in her headphones.

      • “Oh are they cursed books?” Silvy asked brightly, “I really want them now.”

        • “Hmm, I can’t seem to remember.” Shimmer says, hiding a sign of some sort behind her back.

          • “Hand over the sign, Shimmer!” growled Silver. “I need to know if they are cursed! Books are some of my favorite things!” Someone suddenly started humming “My Favorite Things” from The Sound of Music. “Ugh… Now I’ll have that song stuck in my head all day!” she wailed.

  • Dove sat down in a chair. “Who wants corn?” She asked, picking up random cobs of corn from no where. “I hAvE lOtS oF iT”

    • “Hey!” Silvy protested, “What about cookies? Cookies are much more better!”

        • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

          Tigershine pulls a corn ear from her ear where it had somehow gotten lodged. ¨Mmph!¨ she calls as she digs in. ¨Tastes like corn. I wonder why.¨

          • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

            Ravenfrost gives her a weird look.

        • “Woah,” mews Silver. “Everycat just calm down now!” She catches a cob of corn in her mouth. “Hmm…,” she mumbles around it, “I did want corn on the cob.” She trots over to the door that leads to the kitchen. “Hello? Can you cook this for me?”

    • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

      ¨YeS cOrN pLeAsE¨ says Tigershine

    • “I’ll only eat your corn if it’s porble, purple or cursed,” Silvy said stubbornly, chomping on an ice cube.

      • “Chomping ice cubes huts your teeth!” scolds Silver. She snatches her container of ice cubes out of her paws.

  • “SQUERBLE! why is this called the hazelpage? its more of a chaos page. IVE BEEN EATING AIR MY WHOLE LIFE IM SORRY I KNOW IM ON A DIET” Scorchie drops to the floor and starts crying and then throws a potato at Viper and Springkit “You can fight over my super legendary apple potato i wont need it. THE POLICE ARE COMING FOR ME! IM AN AIR EATER! AHHHHHHHHHHHH” does circles on the floor and someone throws a wine bottle at me “NO ALCOHOL!”

    • “Chaospage, good name,” Silvy muttered, edging closer to the legendary apple potato. Then, out of the blue she snatched the legendary fruit thing and started running away with her sonic shoes, throwing cursed potions behind her.

      • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

        ¨Ummm…… should we be worried about this?¨ says Tigershine, examining a cursed potion.

    • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

      Why squerble to you too.

  • Flame stumbles sleepily into the Hazelpage, rubbing at her eyes. “Who ever thought it would be a good idea to start a Thrushpelt fanfic at 12 o clock last night had bees in their brain,” they mumbled, then paused. “Oh wait, that was me.”
    She glanced around the Hazelpage, noting that chaos, as usual, appeared to be present in large quantities.

    • “Those bees in your brain are bees of creativity!” Cheetah shouted. “Be thankful for them!”

    • “The best ideas are created when you’re sleepy,” Silvy informed everyone, “Especially at midnight.”

    • “Wait,” Silvy mewed suddenly, “Since when did 12 o’clock at “night” exist?”

    • “If you must sleep though,” mews Silver, “feel free to do so on those comfy pillows over there!” She waves her tail toward the reading fort she had made in the corner. “I made it for reading, but if you are in need, you may use it!” Flame dashes over to the fort and ducks inside.
      “Ooh, cozy!” she mews sticking her head back out. “It is like magically 10 times bigger than the outside in here!”
      “Yes,” meowed Silver happily, “It took forever to make, but I finally finished all of the guest bedrooms!”

  • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

    ¨Uh guys? Is it just me or is the Hazelpage moving?¨ Tigershine asks.
    The Hazelpage has sprouted chicken legs and is running. Purple cookie crumbs and cats fly everywhere.
    ¨Uhhhhhhhh…. this doesn´t seem right…¨ says Ravenfrost.
    ¨Yes.¨ replies Tigershine. ¨But this is the Hazelpage. Nothing is ever right here. It is only upside down and backwords front. So this is normal.¨
    ¨We´re literally in a walking chicken cottage, Tigershine.¨ says Stormblaze.
    ¨Wait, you can talk?!¨ exclaim the other two. Up until this point, Stormblaze has never spoken.
    ¨Yes, I can talk, and I think you are both lame.¨
    ¨Uhh, well, thanks, me-clone, I guess?¨ Ravenfrost says.
    ¨Technically, you are my clone.¨ Says Stormblaze. ¨Also, my name is not Raven, or Squirrelbird, Or Stormi, or whatever you call me. I refuse to be called anything other than Chixklovana.¨
    ¨Well, I guess I´m Raven? I like my rogue name better….¨ replies Ravenfrost.
    ¨Hold up, stop the train. What are we even talking about again?¨ says Tigershine.

    • “That’s illegal!” Cheetah pointed her finger accusingly at Cinda. “You need a license to give away free food here.”

      • “No we don’t!” Silvy protested, “Free burritos are always welcome! Here have a porble cookie!”

      • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

        ¨You do??¨ Tigershine asked. ¨And are they magic burritos?¨

      • “I agree!” yowled Silver. “Didn’t anyone tell you that food here is 12 pixels unless you have a license!?” She stalked over to her mansion-fort in the corner.
        “If you need to get a license,” Silver growled, “this… is… the… cat… to… talk… to!” she exclaimed, dragging a cat out by their tail.
        “I will NOT give a license to some stand on the street, Silver!” exclaimed the cat angrily.
        “Yes, you will!” Silver hissed, sitting on his tail. “I’m staying here until you do!”
        “Fine, fine,” sighed the cat, turning around, “What are you giving— Ooh burritos!” he produced a piece of paper from thin air and scribbled furiously with a pen from a nearby table. “Here is your permission! Now! 100 burritos, please!”
        Cinda handed over the burritos and snatched the paper. “Yay! Now I can have an official burrito stand!” she mewed, giddily.

    • sunnie quietly padded up to cinda’s burrito counter.
      “may i pls have a buwwito?” sunnie makes her puppy dog (kitty cat?) eyes at cinda because she wants a burrito.

      • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:


  • “Hello, cats of the Hazelpage!” cried Silver from on top of a tall stool. “I have built us an extension to the Hazelpage!” she waved her tail toward a large fort-like structure in the corner. It was made of pillows blankets and unused chairs.
    “You may scoff– you know what? I’m done with the fancy language! Anyway, I used my special magic to make it a 20 bedroom mansion!” Silver yowled. “It even has a pool!”
    “You’re lying!” shouted one cat.
    “Yeah!” yowled another.
    “Go and see for yourselves if you must!” she meowed. Several cats pushed through the entrance of the fort/mansion.
    Silver dashed through after them to see their reactions to her creation. The cats that had entered were staring around at the soaring pillow/blanket/stool walls in awe.
    One cat played in the fountain in the center of the entrance hall.
    Silver yowled to get their attention. “You can find maps over there!” she pointed toward a stack in the corner. “DON’T GET THEM WET!” she hissed at the cat who had been splashing in the fountain.
    It had taken her forever to map out the whole place, but she had figured cats would get lost if she didn’t. “If you need me, I can usually be found at the library or the pool!”

    • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

      Ravenfrost gasped in wonder. ¨This is better than walking in the forest!¨ she cried out. Her call echoed on the stools.
      Stormi sighed. ¨You´re all idiots. Is it really safe to be walking in a pillow fort? Does it have support beams?¨
      ¨Shut up, Stormi! This is the BlogClan Chaospage! And the fort is magic! ¨ called Tigershine, striding around. ¨Is there a roleplay section? Ravenfrost, c´mon!¨
      Ravenfrost sighed and went with her. Stormi decided to go explore. She eventually found the storymaking section, where Ravenfrost and Tigershine were. Tigershine was telling Ravenfrost that when she went on patrol, she should gather juniper berries. She should also catch two voles and meet Boulderheart by the border to share one before she went back to camp. The two of them leapt into a comment on BlogClan and disappeared. Stormi followed them. She came across a rich forest full of beautiful things she had never seen. Ravenfrost and Boulderheart were twining tails and brushing pelts. Ravenfrost told him Mistpaw´s new mentor was Tigertrust. Boulderheart apoligized for killing Birdbirch in the last battle. Ravenfrost forgave him and offered a vole. Stormi left.

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