The Hazelpage

The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.


[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]

Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.

Notice Board:
Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.


  • Hawkwhisker brought a new cat, a she-cat,”I’d like to welcome my leader, Moonstar of StudioClan, an extr- MOONSTAR WHAT IN THE NAME STARCLAN ARE YOU DOING!?” Hawkwhisker yelled as a portal opened up, “Uh, Saving Undertale for the 12345465786442nd time?” Moonstar mewed. “Sometimes I can’t believe you’re only 12.” Hawkwhisker meowed as Moonstar walked through the portal. “Well, that was weird.” Said a random cat.

  • “A new page? But the last one was so fun!” mewed Silver. “Oh well!” She jumped down to the floor. “The floor isn’t lava anymore!”
    She clapped her paws and made a platter of food appear. “Everyone on here eats too much unhealthy stuff!” she mewed. “Now, we have food that is healthy and anyone can eat because it is magical and awesome! It tastes really good, too!”
    Silver grabbed a bowl of stir fry and rice, put some soy sauce on it, and started eating. When she got weird looks, she snapped, “It tastes good and we’ve all been eating cookies and cupcakes for the last few days!”

    • “Ight, Imma make the floor lava and ice cream. And burn the food.” Hawkwhisker mewed while burning the food and making the floor lava. “And I learned to fly. Finally, the wind can tug at my fur, and I can catch a hawk.” the speech was interrupted by some cat jumping into the lava, then continued, “But I chose to make this hard for you. I don’t know why. Hey, wanna hear some spoopy stories?”

      Yes= Read spoiler box
      No= Don’t read spoiler box

      [spoiler title=”Spoopy story”] I’m running, running, running. I have no idea where I am. I’m being chased. Wishfeather is chasing me to the border, the rouge border, but who’s that cream tom? A rouge? No…He’s dead, he must be from StarClan! “Welcome, Rainspirit. Why did you choose the life of a Medicine Cat when you wanted a mate? Wishfeather wouldn’t have to do this if you were a BrackenClan Warrior.” I stumbled. Wishfeather was going to kill me. He wasn’t a StarClan cat, he was a Dark Forest cat. Oh why did I agree to Wishfeather’s meeting? I thought she was my friend. The edge of the cliff behind me, Wishfeather waiting to push. “Rainspirit, oh Rainspirit. If you didn’t take him, you wouldn’t have to die!” As her paws nudged me, I began to fall, to my doom. As I walked to StarClan, I saw Wishfeather talking to him. Her mate, Grassfang, and poisoned him. At least they would walk together in StarClan, seeing Wishfeather in The Place of no Stars.

      -Inspired by Minktail!! [/spoiler]

      • Silver clapped her paws and the lava/ice cream disappeared, the cat who fell in the lava appeared back on their stool, and the food wasn’t burned anymore. “The lava was last page!” she mewed. “This page doesn’t have any lava!”

  • “NOOO MY EGG AND BURRITO FIGHT GOT BURIED IN THE OTHER PAGE,” wailed Silvy, as she threw eggs into the air.

  • “Here is the first riddle in my scavenger hunt!” Lil announced waving the link on a green flag.
    “I am welcome in the summer but dreaded in the winter
    You can pass me, but you can’t outrun me
    I am invisible yet you know I am there
    I can be heard but not seen except for in the trees
    What am I?” She questioned. “And remember to put your answer in a spoiler box! If you get it right I’ll give you the hint to get you to the next page.”

  • Shimmer takes a firework canon and points it towards an audience that appeared out of thin air. Don’t ask where or how she the canon. You don’t want to know. Somecat in the background shouts, “Duhn, duhn, duuuuhhhn!” While Shimmer cackles maniacally.

      • Silvy happened to run right toward the corner where Shimmers is hiding. Shimmers pushed her away shouting, “THIS IS MY HIDING SPOT! FIND SOMEWHERE ELSE!”

          • Shimmers succeeded in pushing SIlvy to a different corner. “Mwahahaha!” she yowled triumphantly. “I am the ruler of this corner! It is now called Shimmersville!”

            P.S. It’s supposed to be Shimmers. (Like Shimmer + the s of storm.) Just wanted to let you know! 😀

            • “AhHHhhHhHhHHHhHhhhHHhh!” Silvy bellows in panic and clings on Shimmer for dear life, refusing to let go with her super strength.

              • “You’re clinging to the one with the cannon?” Shimmers asked in confusion. “That doesn’t seem very wise.” Shimmers watched as Silvy realized that she was clinging to the wrong Shimmerpaw.

                • “No, I’m clinging on to you!” Silvy laughed, “How can I magically teleport to the wrong Shimmpaw when I’m right next to you?” She hung on tight to Shimmerstorm.

                • “Well, get off of me!” Shimmers-Without-the-Cannon cried. Then, she realized that she could just clap her paws and Silvy would be somewhere else. Shimmers-Without-the-Cannon gleefully clapped her paws and Silvy’s tight grasp loosened and she was thrown across the Hazelpage into another corner. Several cushions appeared just before Silvy landed, and she landed on them with a floomph! “Ahh,” Shimmers-Without-the-Cannon mewed, “peace and QUIET!” That last part was a roar.

                • Shimmers sat down on her pillows and quietly plotted her revenge. “Hmm…,” she mewed. “Oh! I know!” She jumped up and snatched one of the pillows up from where she’d been sitting. Shimmers dashed across the room and bopped Silvy with it. “PILLOW FIGHT!” she roared.

                • “As much as I love pillow fights,” Silvy mewed promptly, “I can’t give up this corner. And didn’t you say you’d take revenge on the next page?”

                • “I have changed my mind!” Shimmers roared. She thwapped Silvy out of the corner and took it for herself. “Mine! All mine!” she mewed, as she dashed into the corner.
                  When Shimmers saw Silvy dashing back to reclaim her corner, she quickly grabbed a large cabinet full of candy and used it to barricade her corner. There wasn’t a single page big enough for anyone to squeeze through.

                • Silvy promptly pushed the cabinet out of the way and squeezed in the corner with Shimmers then pushed her out.

    • Captain leaps onto the piano, banging on the keys dramatically, while chaos happened in the background. She ducks from time to time, trying not to get hit in the head and get a concussion due to everything flying.

      • “YOU!!!!!” Shimmers (the one that doesn’t have a cannon) roared. “YOU WILL REGRET HARMING THAT PIANO!!!!!” Shimmers leaped out of her corner, forgetting the danger of Shimmer-With-Cannon and charging toward Captain. She shover her off of the piano. Then, Shimmers-Without-Cannon set a tray of sweets in front of Captain and put a force field around it.
        “Consider yourself forgiven if you get past that without harming any instruments!” she mewed.
        Captain poked at the forcefield, trying to get the mouth-watering treats out, but her paw hit thin air.
        “Your solution is simple and involves promising not to harm instruments!” Shimmers-Without-Cannon mewed.

          • “Fine,” Shimmers-Without-Cannon sighed and gave in, making the force field disappear, “but this is playing the piano!” Shimmers-Without-Cannon started playing a very complicated piece of music.
            Captain stared at her in shock.
            “Oh,” Shimmers-Without-Cannon mewed. “I can’t do this in real life. It’s just Hazelpagey magic!” Captain nodded in understanding. Then, she shoved Shimmers-Without-Cannon away from the piano and used the same magic to play an even more complicated piece.

            • “That’s good, that’s good. But let me try something.” She meowed. She grabbed one of the sweets from the tray that was formerly inside of a force field and rolled up her sleeves. “I can this one Rush E. Enjoy…”

              *extreme piano playing intensifies*

              After she finished the difficult piece, she stood up from the piano bench and bowed. Not waiting for any applause, she started playing Never Gonna Give You Up. Seemingly focused on the outside, she was roaring with laughter within.

          • Shimmer-With-A-Canon pointed the canon at Silvy. “Give me your bread or I will let Shimmers-Without-A-Canon know that you have stolen back the corner…” Shimmer-With-A-Canon said calmly and quietly.

          • Your corner?!” Shimmers hissed. She clapped her paws and Silvy zoomed across the room again onto another pie of pillows and Shimmers dashed to the corner before Silvy. “Mine! ALL MINE!” Shimmers cried with delight.

            • ‘Why are you the only one with magic?” Silvy muttered sadly. “NO MORE MAGIC!” she wailed, “IT’S NOT FAIR BECAUSE YOUR THE ONLY ONE WITH MAGIC!” Silvy waved her hands and all the magic disappeared. Then she leaped at Snimmers-Without-A-Canon again and sat comfortably in the corner as Shimmerstorm was flung across the room and landed on some pillows.

              • Shimmers tried clapping her paws to do something, but nothing happened. “Good thing anything happening on previous pages won’t affect the next page!” she mewed, frustrated. “Also, anyone can have magic! They just have to use their imagination! That’s what the Hazelpage is all about! IMAGINATION!”
                As she didn’t have magic on her side anymore, Shimmers simply hissed at Silvy and ran to another corner (that was much more comfortable, btw). “This isn’t over, Silvy!” she hissed. “Next page, that corner is mine!”

                • “NOT FOR LONG!” Shimmers hissed. She grabbed her pillows again and started an all-out Pillow War. Shimmers dashed across the room and bopped Silvy with the pillow, then dodged away before Silvy could retaliate.

      • “NOOOOOOOOO!” Silvy watched horrified as Hawkwhisker and Shimmer-With-A-Canon blew up, as they were right next to the canon.

      • Shimmer-With-A-Canon immediately put out the fuse. “No.” She mewed. “If the canon goes off, you will… blow up the entire world!!?”

          • “Jokes on you, I only put pies in the canon!” Shimmer-With-A-Canon shouts, and inevitably starts a pie throwing war.

            • Shimmers sighed sadly. “If someone—” she glared pointedly at Silvy “—hadn’t made the magic disappear for the rest of this page, I could make the pies go away. Instead, I am resigned to making hiding under tables.” She ducked as large a cream pie sailed under her table, but over her head and splattered, some unsuspecting cat in the face. The cat huddled in a ball and whimpered.
              Shimmers draped a few blankets over the group of tables she was hiding under. “At least the sides are sheltered now,” she muttered. A pie came sailing through the blankets, losing momentum as it hit the soft fabric. It slid to a stop at her feet, and she purred with delight. “It’s cherry! Yay!”
              It was a small pie, about the size of a dessert plate, and Shimmers gobbled it down quickly.
              Shimmers lay another blanket on the floor and arranged her pillows on it. When another cat in hiding zoomed in a stole her blanket and pillows, she poked her head out and saw where they were headed. She looked around and spotted a convenient jar of black paint with a brush in it nearby.
              Shimmers grabbed it, painted some stripes under her eyes, and dashed out into the Pie War to retrieve her survival supplies.

              • Shimmer-Who-Has-Pie-Now grabbed Shimmers’s survival supplies. “You mean these supplies?!” She shouts, before chucking a pie that hits Shimmers right in the face.

                • Shimmers hissed with frustration and skidded to a stop. She shook her head, and the blueberry pie sprayed off, hitting an unfortunate cat hiding under a table. “Hmm…,” she mewed, looking around.
                  Shimmers spotted a route on top of the tables and darted across it. When she came to the end of the row, she was above and behind with Shimmer-Who-Has-Pie-Now.
                  Shimmers grabbed her stuff, but instead of taking it to her hiding place, she wacked all of the pies out the window, where no one could get them.
                  “Ahh, peace!” she mewed, curling up on her pillow, which had somehow escaped the wrath of the pies.

                • Shimmer-Who-Has-Pie-Now snuck up behind Shimmers, grabbed a pie out of thin air, and slammed it down on her pillow. “I guess your pillow didn’t escape the wrath of the pies.” She said cheekily before disappearing into a portal to Who-Knows-Whereia.

                • “Sorry, but I don’t like coffee.” Shimmer smiles. “We could get a pie together!” She says, pulling another pie out of thin air.

                • “You can’t pull the pie out of thin air! Magic was disabled for this post!” Shimmers pointed out.

                • “Well, I reabled it. And yes, I know that’s not a word.” Shimmer says, throwing the pie in Shimmers’s face.

    • Shimmers clapped her paws helpfully and turned back time. She dashed across the room stole the firecracker and promptly threw it out the window.

      • “NOOOOO, WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO RUIN THE FUN?” Silvy wailed, as Shimmers hit her with yet another pillow.

        • Shimmers sighed “Fineeeeeeeee, I’ll cause some chaos.” She clapped her paws distractedly, hoping to make some cupcakes cats could fight over or something. Instead, several cupcakes appeared over Silvy’s head and fell with a Splat! onto her.

            • “Huh,” Shimmers said. “And I thought I’d get a scolding!” She made another batch of cupcakes appear and started eating some.

  • “Mary had a little sprinkle,
    Little sprinkle, little sprinkle,
    Mary had a little sprinkle,
    That was sitting on some fire!

    And cuz it was an amazing sprinkle,
    Amazing sprinkle, amazing sprinkle
    And cuz it was an amazing sprinkle,
    Mary believed she was higher!

    It followed her to the Clan some days,
    Clan some days, Clan some days,
    It followed her to the clan some days
    but once it took a turn,

    The poor little sprinkle caught on fire,
    Caught on fire, caught on fire
    The poor little sprinkle caught on fire,
    So she let it burn
    Smokeypaw bowed and hopped off of the counter to find that nobody had even paid attention. “Ah well,” she shrugged her shoulders, “I bet I’ll make it to the top 40 songs yet!”

  • Bam! Boom! Kapow!

    “Miss me much?”

    After what seemed like eons, a flashy figure wearing rainbow boas and a sleek tuxedo-dress saunters up to the counter, face flushed happily. “Mods! I remember you! And look, it’s my karaoke bar!” He sighs, dropping some coins (with his own face printed on them) into the tip jar. “Ah, it’s good to be back.”

  • “I’m back my precious burnt cookiesss,” Frost yelled, walking into the Hazelpage. She grabbed her phone. “hello? Is this McDonalds? May I order a happy meal. But without the meal? Uh hello?”

    • “NO THIS IS NOT MCDONALDS,” Silvy talked loudly over the phone, “I THINK YOU HAVE THE WRONG NUMBER.”

      • “NO, YOU HAVE THE WRONG NUMBER!!” Shimmer shouts because she somehow got on the call as well.

    • Rose somehow also picked up the phone. “Sorry, ma’am, but this is a McSadnalds. We only serve Sad Meals here.”

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