The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
Just curious, why is this page called the “Hazelpage” 😛?
Because it’s created by Josh 😛
jIsHwA dId It AgAiN
Cloudy sat down and smiled. “May I have hot chocolate please, Embix?”
Blackie glanced around the room and started to groom himself.
May I please have a room? I don’t really have any money but will 721 cups of coffee work for a room for 2 weeks?
yep, those cups should last about two weeks 😛
“That’s your opinion.” Icy said while drinking an unreasonably large cup of coffee.
Minktail steps into the tavern cautiously, shaking her pale brown fur and shutting the door on the raging storm of code behind her. She looked around and walked over to the counter, leaping up onto one of the stools.
“Er, hello! I’m new here. Can I get a…” she scanned the menu for a moment before deciding. “A CSS Cola, please,” she said, placing 12px on the counter in front of her.
Hiiii mink! I have one! Here *hands Mink a CSS Cola*
Blackie realised that there were still chicken tendies on the ground. He gobbled a bunch up in his mouth. “MWAAAAHAHAAHAAHA! I SHALL STEAL THEE CHICKEN TENDIESFMEKKFSLKSKD!!”
Pebble stares at Blackie scarfing down the chicken on the ground. She stares and blinks.
……… :[
“….help yourself….”
Snowy grabbed her share, but once she realized Pebble had nothing, she pushed Pebble towards what was supposed to be hers.
Enjoy yourself!
“Hey!” Yelled blackie
“Oof” says Pebble, shoved in front of a pile of chicken. She looks down at it. “Thanks!”
Cloudy rushed to Pebble, because no one is allowed to be bored in the Hazelpage.
“Hey Pebble, would you like to do art trade? Or just chat? Or drink some hot chocolate together?”
Cloudy stopped for s moment to think. “Or perhaps look at pictures of cute cats?”
YES :O All those things!
At once?😛
Maybe art trade with some hot chocolate first? 😀
“HOT CHOCOLATE!” announces Peb, holding aloft two steaming mugs of the delicious chocolate drink. She hands the blue one to Cloudy and keeps the yellow one for herself. She takes a sip. It was as thick as a melted Hershey’s chocolate bar.
I need to make a comment.
A CSS Cola please! *holds out pixels*
Wren looked at Snowy. “CUT, CUT, CUT! YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE DYING!” sge yelled, pulling over a pale gray cat with feathered wings. The species was rare and wild around here, but Wren had managed to tame one. It looked normal for its species, apart from the bright green glow and bright green gas around her. The bird-cat wanted patiently for her act.
I already got CPR… can I please enjoy my sugary drink?
Wait, wait, wait…. isn’t that slavery?
Wren frowned. “Uh, no. She has a great life.” The bird-cat purred and rubbed against her leg affectionately, proving the point. “She is supposed to heal you.” The pale gray bird-cat stopped and stood with her eyes closed, murmuring softly. Suddenly, a faint, dull, green ball formed from the tip of one wing, a few feathers drifting off, and on the other was another ball just the same, except it was violet, not green. The balls rose slowly, becoming more solid, brighter, and bigger, until they took up about half the Hazelpage. The bird-cat opened her eyes calmly, looking at Snowy. “She can heal anyone, making them healthier and happier than ever before, but it hurts a lot to the one she is using the balls on,” Wren explained, making herself heard.
“WhAt ArE tHoSe?” Dappy said, pointing at the magic orbs. “ArE tHoSe YoUr CrOcS?”
Thanks, but I already was given CPR.
Thanks, but I already was given CPR.
Stay away from Snowy! Those things must hurt! Yelled Blackie but no one heard him
Wren pouted. “You just ate my phoenix. Now I’m offering you a great chance. To you not realize how much I am forgiving you for that?” She snorted and motioned to her pet, who flicked her ear. The green ball deformed into many different streams that swirled around each other. The violet ball did the same. All the different groups of magic swirled so fast they were just a blur. After a while they slowed, now just one stream of green and purple. It dashed around the Hazelpage until coming to a halt in front of Snowy. Just then, Wren realized the room was dark; if the magic hadn’t been there, it would be pitch black. The stream of magic divided up again, but instead of going into many groups again, it turned to smoke. The green and purple gas formed images – of two lions fighting to the death, of grass holding on with its roots for its life while howling wind tried to rip it free from the earth, of stormy waves crashing against rocks, of a forest burning down to ash in a raging fire, and of the ground splitting open right underneath and falling endlessly into the pit. They were so powerful, they felt real, as if they were actually there, not the Hazelpage. As the last one dissolved, they shot inside Snow’s chest, coming out after a moment in a stream of electric blue. The magic flew through the window, leaving a trail of shining blue dust behind. Wren rushed to Snowy. “How do you feel? Out of the thirteen other times I’ve seen this, it went just like but with different images, and all thirteen were better than ever.”
Snowy yeets herself out of a 3rd story window.
Snowy came back to life and ran out of the hazelpage, never to be seen again.
Jk, Snowy had a seizure.
Wren shrugged, waiting for Snowy to end his seizure.
“Wrong gender!” Snowy snapped before continuing HER seizure
(I am not mad though)
… no comment…
“Hello!!!” Cloudy screams at the newcomer.
“Nice to meet you!!” She adds happily
“Hiya!” exclaims Peb in a friendly way, still drinking her hot chocolate. “Want me to make you a cup of hot chocolate?”
I need to comment again
Snowy continued having seizures
Wren sighed. She took out Moth Flight’s Vision from inside her cloak and started reading chapter nine.
Craziness here 😛 Am I the only one in my sane mind? 😹
back @ it again at krispy kreme *knocks down nearest sign*
Moon bursted in with a big grin across her muzzle.