The internet is a storm of URLs, wi-fi and strings of dangerous code, whirling and thundering. Out in the wilderness you can only survive so long unaided, but in here, behind the mellow yellow windows, a safe and comforting place awaits. This place is a respite from the internet; the fire crackles invitingly and alluring rainbow-coloured drinks are poured into glasses. Exciting chatter fills the rooms from tables bustling with friends, eating from trays of warm, rustic carum bread and hearty stews. Gentle music comes from the band in the background.
[image description: a busy tavern lit by orange light]
Come in, chat away, have a great time! The old location may have been overrun by the Codekind, but this new building has three-meter thick walls, three floors and turret bedrooms to rest in at the top! We’ve returned, free from the battles of the secret pages! A safe micro-community of equality and no judgement. Hang up your HTML-reflective suit at the door and settle in with a drink and a meal.
Notice Board: Free candy in the bowl on the counter! What types of candy are there? Yes.
“runnin around hazelpage w a wild pack of lesbians” juni announced
Thistleshark walks into the hazelpage after many months , They walk to the counter and say ” can I have a root beer please ?”
“Sure!” Emberdawn chirped, turning around to grab a mug. She turned a tap and filled the mug with the drink before handing it to Thistleshark. “Enjoy!”
Thistle took the rootbeer . ” Thanks Embix ” they said
“Is there any hot chocolate?”, meowed Eagie.
She rubbed her cold paws together, trying to warm them up.
Emberdawn nodded, making a cup for her. “Here you go!”
“Thank you”, Eagie mewed, taking the warm mug.
It instantly warmed her cold paws.
She sipped the drink, sighing with happiness at its delicious sweetness.
Shadey shivered from the cold outside. “Can someone please close the door?” He chattered.
“I’d also love a hot chocolate!” His eyes brightened at the words of the drink.
Iceflower threw herself off the counter, tripping on her heeled boots, and gave the oak door a shove that resulted in a sickening crack. “Lucy! Hot chocolate! Extra cream! Comprende?” She called to the kitchen. She could go make it herself, but she didn’t fancy the walk back. She gave Shadey a smile, teeth sticky with toffee. “The Long-Tailed Lemur will be out shortly.”
Fawny shoved open the door and stumbled inside, quickly shutting it behind her before the storm of snow could get inside.
“Wow it’s quite the blizzard outside!” She yelped. “I’ve finally made it to the Hazelpage after many months of traveling, and now I can relax for once.” Fawny let out a sigh of relief. She trotted over to the crackling fireplace, shaking the melting flakes off of her pelt. The floor felt smooth and warm on her flank as Fawny rested by the fire.
we welcome you, weary traveller
Fawny bows her head in thanks.
hiiiii! Says blackie ‘have some cookieeeees!!!” Says blackie shoving cookies to fawny
She reluctantly takes one of the cookies from the very energetic Blackie. The cookie is chocolate chip, which is always delicious, so Fawny takes a few slow bites, relishing it’s warmth.
“Thanks, I needed that” Fawny purrs after finishing the cookie.
willow pops up and yeets cake at everyone
Fawny dodges the flying chunks of cake.
no thats illeagal willow screames in rage
Aaaaaaah screams blackkkit
Peb gets a nice big present in the face.
The cakes slides off and drops to the ground with a splaat, her fiery eyes wide as frosting masks her face and hair. Her face suddenly hardens with determination. She licks the frosting around her lips and whips out her trusty stick from behind a lounge chair.
As cake flies, she spins the stick in her two front paws, slicing or blocking all the flying cakes in midair. “TaKe ThAt, AgGrEsSiVe cAkE!!” she shrieks, slicing a piece with her stick as it flew for her face.
*willow pressed the yeet eggs button*
Peb dove behind a chair.
“My hot chocolate!”, Eagie wailed, as a mixture of cakes and eggs splashed into it.
just before she did it she looked at the destruction she caused
“oops” she said
After blossy took the candy, she walked away and sat at the counter. “One frappicino please, Embix!” She was cold despite sitting at the fire.
Emberdawn made the drink and gave it to Blossy. “Enjoy!”
“Thanks!” Blossy replied happily, sipping on the coffee
Eihwaz hid under a table, attempting not to panic. She failed. She curled up into a fetal position and began hyperventilating. Every little noise seemed ten times louder and more dangerous at the moment.
“Eihwaz, do you want to go into a room to calm down?” Emberdawn asked gently.
I think she needs CPR. Says blackie unhelpfuly SOMEONE CALLLLLL 911 yells blackie.
Blackie also presses yeet pies button to fight willow
“Yes. No. Maybe. I dunno.” She responded. She seemed very overwhelmed by the chaos unfolding around her.
“it’s always like this,” Emberdawn said, nodding at the chaos. She handed Eihwaz a room key. “Take a break to recuperate. The chaos will still be here for us to try and comprehend later. Be glad that you’re not stuck in this room 24/7 like I am.”
Fawny glanced at Emberdawn. “Hey could I please have a room too? These people keep throwing food at at my face, I swear they must be from the insanity realm or something.” Fawny sighed tiredly. She ruffled her fur in slight annoyance as the sound of splattering eggs continued in the background.
Emberdawn handed Fawny a key as well.
At the mention of the insanity realm, Shadow jumped. How does she know about it? she thought.
Nahhhh she probably made it up. There was no way she could know…
She continued yeeting memes.
“Thanks. I kinda forgot how crazy it was here,” Eihwaz said. She walked into a room, left the door open, and promptly collapsed on a bed, where she lay unmoving but still conscious.
Hello I am new here,” Moky shouted hoping to get someone’s attraction, “What are we meant to do here,”
“Hi!”, shouted Eagie, running over to Monkey.
“We sort of RP, and have fun!”, she mewed, hot chocolate spilt all over her golden fur and sticking up in weird clumps.
‘Hello, Monkey!’ Ivypaw rushed to Monkey’s side. Her eyes were bright and her fur had pieces of egg and cake stuck on it. ‘Sorry about all the mess here. It’s a roleplaying area and it’s lots of fun!’
“HI!” shouted Peb. “WELCOME!”
“Hey Emby, can I have an ice latte? Are you also aloud to dump your drinks on people?” Monkey said kindly.
“Yes and no.” She said, making the drink and handing it to Monkey.
Peb backed away.
Snowy realized her stay was up. and being worried sick as the den in Blogclan has cats sleeping on top of each other. She began to clean up and fix what was broken.
“Hey, could I stay for a month or so? You don’t have to pay me.”
“Didn’t I already tell you?” Emberdawn smiled. “You can stay if you work and we’ll take the boarding fee from what we would’ve paid you.”
Peb punched the ‘YEET CUPCAKES’ button to battle Willow.
your on says willow as she yeets pancakes at her
Everyone was yeeting…
Yeeting, yeeting, yeeting.
Instead of pushing a button, she grabbed uh something and YEETED it.
“yEeT!1!” she screamed across the room. SHE WOULD RECLAIM HER TITLE OF YEET MASTER. “BOW DOWN TO ME PEASANTS” she screeched as loud as heck (ow her throat was dead tho) and object that was large in proportion designed to be yeeted was pulled out of somewhere not visible to the human eye by Shadow. (
“it’s YEET time,” she said ominously and began to yeet it into the air, ready to crush the pathetic humans in the room.
“Any last words? Go ahead and try to stop me if you like,” she said with a seriously creepy smile on her face.
“Yes,” Emberdawn said, tone flat and expression evidently not happy. “Put it down or I kick you out of the building.”
Well dangit she was considering yeeting it anyway but she didn’t want to be stuck outside in the code again. Plus she got to cause at least a LITTLE chaos here.
“fine” she yeeted it back into wherever the heck it came from and sat back under the table she was at (she didn’t break the chairs there before or anything) and waited for everyone to stop staring at her. ah shoot
Flamecloud pokes her head through the door, wondering what is causing the large quantities of noise emitting from the building. She watches the scene before her for a moment, then slowly backs out of the building, closing the door quietly behind her.
“What on earth….” she murmured to herself, then began to sneak quietly away, hoping none of the yeeters had noticed her.
heyyy says willow hold an egg
join the force
Peb gaped.
NO I SHALL NOT says willow yeeting more foods
“Hey Embix? Do I still have my key? I’ll even pay for it, just get me out of this mess. Oh, and some macaroons delivered to my door would be nice.”
Emberdawn checked a log behind the counter. “Yep! The macaroons will be up within 10 minutes!” She called, making a note for the chef.
Pineblossom poked her head out her door. “So…the macaroons?”
“Look down!” Emberdawn called. There, by Pineblossom’s door, was a box of macaroons.
“JUST LIKE MAGIC” She ran away and disappeared into her room with the macaroons.