The Hug Page

The Hug Page is here. Because, whoever we are, we still need hugs. This is still the best place to come if you’re feeling sad and need a hug from BlogClan…

Fading Echoes

[image description: gif of a brown bear sitting down and raising its arms with a smile and blushing cheeks. “FREE BEAR HUGS” is written at the top with a red arrow pointing down at the bear.]

(Sh! This is a new Hug Page. You can find the old one here)

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Click for hotlines
Sexual assault US: 1-800-656-4673
National runaway hotlines US: 1-800-786-2929 (call), Text 66008 (text)
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No Panic UK (Charity that offers support for panic attacks and OCD): 0844 967 4848
Beat UK (For eating disorders): 0808 801 0677 (adults) or 0808 801 0711 (for under-18s)
LGBT Foundation UK Helpline: 0345 3 30 30 30
Switchboard LGBT+ UK Helpline: 0300 330 0630
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Victim Support UK: 0808 168 9111
Runaway Helpline UK: 116 000 (Phone or Text)

International suicide hotlines
Some countries have multiple hotlines. Those numbers have been separated by semi-colons and clarification on region and/or organization has been put in parentheses where applicable.
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If you know other hotlines that provide support that are not on this list, feel free to contact a BlogTeam member to add it to this list.

Regarding replies that mention or are about religion: Generally, religion should be avoided when replying to other people to give them hugs, such as stating that you will be praying for them. However, exceptions will be made if the person asking for hugs is asking for prayers from people who practice the same religion as them or if they are open about what religion they practice. Otherwise, people who do not practice the same religion or do not practice any religion should steer clear of providing religion-related comfort if they don’t know if another BlogClanner practices a specific religion.

A note from BlogTeam: From now on, we will no longer moderate comments on the Hug Page that go into specific detail about events. Instead, commenters will post in a vague manner, such as “I’m having a bad day, I could really use some hugs”, and other BlogClanners are welcome to provide comfort and support. This change is not because of any specific event or person, but because it is extremely difficult to mitigate questionable comments and determine what parts of certain comments are suitable to moderate, as well as making sure that replies with advice are in no way harmful to the original poster or others. If you ever feel like you need advice about a serious situation, you are welcome to reach out to BlogTeam, because your health and safety is our top priority. However, no one on BlogTeam is or has ever been a mental health professional in any way, and all we can do is provide advice. We implore you to always reach out to a trusted adult or hotline (listed above) about a situation that worries you. You are still welcome to come to the Hug Page if you need any hugs or comfort from your BlogClan peers, but the cause of your distress can no longer be explained——no matter the situation. Thank you so much for understanding <3



  • No. My world. Over. My cousins might have to move to Canada because of their race. The mass extinction coming closer. Climate change, global warming, the biggest problems today, and America one of the biggest contributors. Now we have a president who doesn’t even believe in them. It’s all going to happen in these four years. The worst years of my life. The world is doomed. He now has nuclear weapons. The book I was righting about the worst case scenario with mass extinction is coming true, thanks to him. I wanted that to be fiction. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • So, I know I dump my problems onto you guys way too often, but I need some advice.

    I was upset after PE and he wanted to know what was wrong. I wasn’t speaking because I was still upset. He got ticked and started saying stuff like, “Oh, you hate me!” “You’re mad at me, huh?” and “Fine then, just ignore me, jeez everyone hates me!” I got ticked that he started acting like that so I yelled at him and stormed off. It’s been almost a week now and I’m still not talking to him. At first I was going to, but then he started telling people I hate him. I got really angry at this because I’m one of those people who irl pretends I don’t care what people say or think about me, but I really do. I thought it would make people think I’m a bad person.

    I’m not too mad at him now, but I’m too proud to break the silence and talk to him. I’m just trying to see how long I can keep this up I guess. He keeps talking to me, even though I ignore him, which I know is wrong, but I’m still a little mad I guess. I’m not even sure I want to be his friend anymore. It’s not that he’s a bad person, but our opinions and personalities are really different and I feel like I always have to change myself around him.

    And this brings me to another thing. I have several different personalities. Around certain people, I change the way I act, pretend I have different opinions, talk about different stuff, and even change the tone of my voice. I’ve never done that before, but I feel like if I don’t, the different atmosphere’s will start choking me. At this point, I’m not even sure which personality is me.

    I’m always so scared that people aren’t going to like me. Some of my friends are good people. Some of my friends are bad people. Some of my friends are people who are if-y. Like the guy I’m fighting with. He’s a nice person, but his morals aren’t always in the right place. He does a lot of stuff or says a lot of stuff that I always feel obligated to do or say. I don’t like that feeling. It’s not like he’s always pressuring me to do stuff all the time or does it to hurt me, he just wants to do something with me and he only does it sometimes. He acts like it’s not even wrong, when some of it is kind of gross and really bad. And I always feel if he does it I have to, or he’ll be unhappy. It’s weird, but I can never say no to someone who asks something of me, at least when it’s one of my friends. I don’t want to make anyone unhappy. I just can’t. I’m always trying to hard to make people like me and make sure people aren’t upset.

    Maybe that’s why, in a way, I don’t want to make-up with him. For once, I’m not trying hard to make someone happy at the cost of my own happiness. But his upset face and hurt voice makes me feel guilty. I just don’t know what to do.

    I’m sorry to put all this on you guys. I just don’t know how to deal with any of this right now.

    • I haven’t been here very long and I’m not officially in the clan but what your going through is a tough situation. In fact I’m in a fix myself where I don’t know which is the right choice. This is my opinion and you may choose to listen to someone else but I suggest that you talk to your friend and resolve the issue together. Hugs 🤗

        • Aw, that really sucks Silver 🙁 Maybe you could try to make your friend feel better and acknowledge that you were wrong(Unless you don’t want to) Just go with whatt you think will help solve the problem. I dealt with the problem of always worrying about what other people thought too. Although you may think everyone’s judging you, everyone’s worrying about what you think of them. (That was a bit confusing 😛 ) Anyways, you are perfect just the way you are. I hope things get better! *hugs* <3

          • I tried to apologize, but I was so angry at him for the way he was reacting towards me. We’re really no longer friends, and while I always feel a bit of regret that we’re on such bad terms, I’m slightly relieved that I’m no longer in that relationship. Don’t worry, that part wasn’t confusing! Thanks.

        • Thanks. 🙂 I did try to resolve it, but it didn’t actually work out, like I told Dapplepaw. I guess we just never really were friends. And I’m scared to talk to my parents…. but thanks anyway!

    • That really stinks, Silver. I’m sorry 🙁

      I do the same thing you do – changing the way I act around certain people, saying certain things around them. Last year it became a huge problem for me. I had no good friends because they always expected me to do certain things, and when I crumpled into pieces of stress and depression, they couldn’t understand why because it was so ‘unlike me’.

      My advice is this: find friends you’re comfortable with. People you’re not trying to impress all the time, or do to please. We’re both people-pleasers, so I definitely see where you’re coming from. Find somebody who’s also going to be honest with you. But not honest in a rude way, like honest in a they-love-you-and-want-you-to-do-well way. For some people, it’s their parents. For me, it’s a close friend.

      It’s not as easy as everybody thinks, just being yourself. It’s hard and a long process and you’re going to lose some friends. But you have to realize that those friends are not the people that are going to help you in the end. Don’t think for a second, “if I had just stayed the way I was around them, we’d still be friends and they’d still like me”. You are telling yourself lies. Because what it comes down to is that was who they were all along, and now that you’ve shown them your true colors (usually this is meant in a ‘u r a rebel’ way but ur colors are bright and happy and silvery and shiny and stuff not rebellious), they’re going to start showing theirs (dark flighty-friend colors).

      Now for jeffery mc brush (the guy you keep talking about, sorry i have now named him jeffery mc brush). He sounds like overall, a good person. I had a friend, let’s call him diesel guy. He was a good person like jeffery, but he did a lot of rly stupid morally-wrong things (in my point of view). He would talk about horrible, inappropriate things, and was never really a good example. Ever. (Just to give an idea, he would draw Saw death traps on his driveway with chalk. This was when we were eight. Then we all went running to my mom and showed her our death traps. Long story short, diesel guy got grounded for a week.)

      If you feel something Jeffery mc brush is doing is wrong, say so. You can come right out and say it, or just say that you’re not comfortable doing that. Say no as many times as he asks. Let him know that you won’t be pushed into doing something. And if he cares (from what you’ve said, I think he does) he’ll stop pressuring.

      And if he doesn’t listen, end things with him. Just tell him straight-out that you don’t appreciate him pressuring you into buying a brush (just an example) and so you’re not gonna do it. Or if you don’t wanna do that, just spend time apart from him. Make excuses. You’ve run out of peanut butter. Your cat had some fur fall out. It sounds mean, but that’s the way to go (for me) if you don’t wanna just end things. It avoids less gossip and he won’t be as offended.

      So there’s my advice.

      Yay. woo. woooooo

      also if i said something wrong or something that doesn’t make sense pls disregard it bc i am an egg and i say weird things and im supposed to be doing school rn so


      • Thank you. It’s really is hard to be myself, I guess. I tried, I really did, but I kept switching back to what my closest friend (she’s the only one who knows about all my personalities and who I use them on) calls, “The bubbly, shy, sweet, ad very fake one you use around people you aren’t close to” I tried talking to him, but I couldn’t go to me. I just kept using that one. The things he did were hurtful. He openly mocked my religion (not mean, but the kind of passing remark a kid who’s never watched the election would say about their political view.) and he often pressured me to do stuff that went against my religion but went with his. I was scared to do that, so I never did. But sometimes he would, um, write gross stuff and would pressure me to read it. Or read ones he liked. I really did think that despite that, he cared about me. But he didn’t. Today, he called me a certain word we may not use on Blogclan, called me an attention-seeker, called me a fake (which was true), told me I was manipulative and only used people, was self-centered, and thought the world revolved around me. It hurt me. My friend said if I said sorry, he would and we could be friends again. I tried apologizing, but he just scowled at me, so I told him I don’t want to be friends anymore. Did I do the right thing?

      • Again, I had a friend like that who only liked me for myself but they are gone. I have friends in school but they dont talk to me much and i feel like I need to please them because they are so funny and im just not.

  • Hello! Recently my friends have been leaving me out and I don’t know what to do. During lunch, I won’t even talk and no one notices. If I do say anything, then everyone just talks over and I feel ignored. Also they have inside jokes and my friends talk about meeting up for sleepovers and hanging out without inviting me when I’m right there. Sorry for ranting 🙁

    • Oh no! I’ve been through this exact same thing, and I know what it feels like. Don’t be sorry for ranting, we’re all here for you.
      I know it’s SUPER awkward, but letting them know what you’re feeling can make a pretty big difference. Just interrupt them and ask them what they’re playing at, or if you’re trying to be more subtle, casually bring it up. If your friends ignore you, then they’re most likely not your genuine friends.
      Have your friends been ignoring you completely, like you don’t exist, or do they just not share their jokes with you? If they’re pretending you’ve never been friends with them, maybe try slowly easing into another group of friends and easing out of your current one. If they downright ask you why you’re not being with them, you can tell them what you’ve been feeling.
      Asking a trusted person, such as your parents or siblings, could really help too. They may give tips on how to behave in a situation like this. When this situation happened to me, I talked to my mom and she had a meeting with my “friend”‘s mom, which basically cleared up the fact that we weren’t friends anymore. It’s a lot easier now not talking to her because she knows that ever since she started ignoring me I don’t want much to do with her. This could happen with you, too. If they understand what exactly you’re going through, your situation might become better to deal with.
      I hope things get better soon, Breezey, and that this advice helps! *hugs* <3

    • I am so so so sorry that this is happening to you. 🙁 They definitely do not sound like good friends anymore. It seems to me that they are deliberately saying these things in front of you to make you feel badly. You deserve so much better than that, and I hope that either they shape up or you can find someone new to hang out with. Try telling them how you feel, and if they don’t bother to listen, then that is their loss. I know it makes you sad (it’s happened to me too), but moving might be the best thing that you can do for yourself right now. *huggles*

    • I’m sorry. *huggles* I know how that feels. Why don’t you try talking to one of your friends about it, perhaps the one you’re closest with?

    • Trust me, I know how you feel! My advice would be to branch out, and try to find at least one really amazing friend. I know it can be hard at times, but I’m sure the perfect friend is waiting out there somewhere. *HUGS*

    • I’m so sorry! If they’re doing that then you need to talk to them and ask why they’re ignoring you, and if they don’t have a good reason then obviously they’re not good friends and you shouldn’t hang out with them. I hope this helps.

  • I need to rant, because I am disgusted and heart broken, terrified, and feel depressed about all of this. 😞

    I hate the outcome if this election! Someone from my extended family may have run away or killed themself because of this, innocent people will be deported, my best friend will not live here, some people I know will be deported, some of the people I love and am related to have betrayed me by voting for such a vulgar slug! Women’s rights will be stolen, white males will be the only people with power. Civil wars could take the country under. This could cause wars, maybe even WWIII. My baby sister could be deported! I feel betrayed and disgusted. I’ve cried already twice! Crimes will increase greatly. People from my families religion will be murdered! If I go to temple, who says I don’t see something terrible? Who says something terrible doesn’t happen to me? I have cried for every person I don’t know who I am sure doesn’t have a snowball’s chance. I wish this never happened! My own family has turned their backs on me and so many people of the country.
    The government is like a boulder held by a string above my head right now, and as soon as that piece if filth Donald Trump sets foot on it, I feel like it’ll come smashing down and killing everyone who isn’t for that scum.
    I’m scared for my family, myself, and the country in general! I wish this was all a horrible nightmare! I wanted Clinton and I got Trump, the abomination that should never have existed! I know it sounds harsh, and I’m sorry but this is too much right now…
    It isn’t just this but every bad thing from my past feels like it’s about to break the dam I’ve built and just break me to tiny pieces. I just wish that this never happened. I keep saying it, I know, but it’s just what I feel like I need to say right now. This feels like to end of the world…
    I am so sorry to everyone experiencing this, and really it isn’t fair to anyone. I want every Trump supporter to know how terrible everything will be, and I hope they regret it!
    I never want to see Karl again. But I have to. He is visiting in two weeks… I can’t do anything. I know he’ll talk to me. He said he wants to talk about the election, AND I WILL. I’LL TELL HIM HOW WRONG HE WAS! AND I DON’T CARE IF I AM GROUNDED, HE DESERVES IT! I hate him and I never want to see him again he betrayed us and I hope he regrets it. I can’t forgive his flaws any longer, he’s been a lying cheapskate who’s stolen from us and done verbal abuse. I hate him more than I have ever hated any single person.
    This is the worst day of my life I think…
    My head is pounding so I think I’m done… :””'(

    • Awww *Huggles* yeah, my cousins might have to leave America. I’m sorry and I know you feel betrayed for those who voted for him. I’m sorry.

    • I’m not saying that Trump is a good person, or that he will be a good president. But remember that anything he tries to do has to go through the House and Senate, and even though they are both majority republican, they aren’t going to let him strip anyone of their rights. He has very extreme views, but I doubt that anyone in the Legislative Branch has such extreme views. Believe me, Donald Trump does not have nearly as much power as he seems to think he has. Heck, he’ll get impeached the moment he tries to discriminate anyone. America has had crappy presidents before, and we’ll just have to deal with another one. As for the wars, that most likely won’t happen since only congress can declare war, so Donald Trump can’t really cause any conflict unless he provokes it. Even though he’s an idiot, I doubt he’d be dumb enough to do that.
      On a final note, please don’t hate Trump supporters. Even though I don’t agree with their views, that doesn’t make them bad people. My Grandpa supported him because he thought Hilary was corrupt. (And he watched the news a lot and I don’t think whatever station he was watching was completely legitimate, so his judgement was probably a bit skewed.) Nobody else in my family supported Trump, but that doesn’t make my Grandpa a bad person, as he thought that he was doing the right thing. And my Grandpa is not racist and doesn’t want anyone to lose their rights. Although I’m not saying that there aren’t bad people who support him, that doesn’t mean that there weren’t good people supporting him.

      I have no idea who Karl is, but if he really is a person who’s stolen from you and committed verbal abuse, you should tell someone.
      (I’m very sorry if this came out harsh. I’m very stressed at the moment as well, so I might not be thinking 100% clearly despite my efforts to stay calm)

    • I’m am incredibly sorry this is happening to you. Trump is an awful, awful person, and doesn’t deserve to be president. I hope everything is OK for you and your family *hugs*

    • I know. My heart is broken right now. For the last two mornings I’ve woken up — remembered the horror of election day — and been in utter disbelief again. I’ve also heard so many stories since yesterday. People’s hijab being ripped off. Racial slurs thrown around. Swastikas painted on walls. Sexual harassment. Appalling actions. I’m moderating a twitter account that documents it all (I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw a video from York Tech, a school I’m familiar with and friends attend, where students paraded through the hallway with white supremacy signs.) This is a tragic time, and history won’t look kindly on it. (I’ve wondered if this will be the end of democracy and the rise of a fascist government too. I’m crossing my fingers and hoping to high heaven there isn’t a war.) If you don’t mind me asking, what happened to your family member? If they’re in any kind of serious emotional distress, please link them to a suicidal hotline/online chat room. There are many great websites online where they — or anyone here — can talk to someone and receive support. *hugs* You can always email me too: [email protected]. I’ll be your friend!!! 🙂 Stay strong! The only way we can lose is if we stop fighting. Now’s the time to stand up for equality and not allow any intolerance, however subtle.

  • I am so horrified and in shock. This feels like a nightmare. (I’m talking, of course, about the election.) As kits, we are comforted by our parents, told that it will be over by the time we become an apprentice. And we believe them. As warriors, we tell ourselves that it will be over by the time the kits are apprenticed, and that we have lived under terrible leaders before. But as an apprentice, we are in the middle. We are expected to comfort ourselves and tell ourselves that it will be all right, even though we have no reason to believe so. We think that we are so old. Going on patrols, training to fight… we brag to the kits and wonder what our warrior names will be. But we still have a bit of that kit at heart. The kit that wishes to be comforted, though we’d never admit it. And our parents are still here to comfort us, although we don’t show that we need it, now. But we will all survive to be warriors. We may go our separate ways… full-time queen, medicine cat apprentice, patrols every morning, hunting for most of the fresh-kill on the pile, even deputy and leader one day. Some of us may make it to elder. But we all have this in common. We were all frightened, lonely, temporarily insane apprentices.
    Also, there is a madman as President come January.

  • Gah, they’re so mean! Her opinion is her opinion. They don’t have to agree with her opinion, but they shouldn’t harass her for it either. I think maybe you should talk to an adult about this, especially if it’s effecting something like her self-esteem or if it’s hurting her. Try letting her know you’re her friend, you don’t care about political views, and just be there for her. I’m sorry she has to go through this. *hugs*

  • Guys I’m literally dead. I had a group project and the person I was working with hasn’t filled out information that I can’t fill out myself, and the presentation is due today. We haven’t been able to rehearse the project, and the entire script is in Spanish. Best of all? This project is worth 100 points. I doubt I’ll do well on it. RIP my Spanish grade. I’m hoping that maybe we won’t have time for all the presentations but my class is super small so that probably won’t happen.

    • Aww, I’m sorry. 🙁 I know how you feel and it’s not fun. Maybe you could tell the teacher what has been going on and tell her your partner hasn’t done anything. Good luck! *hugs* <3

      • As of now I’ve already presented. It went better then I expected but I don’t think I’ll get a very good grade. I’m lucky that my school is divided into semesters so I still have until January to make up the grade. I’ll see if I can do something to get extra credit later.

        • Aww I’m so sorry Lake! Maybe you should explain to the teacher what happened? I hope your grade is better than you expected <3

    • Aaaaaaw, I’m sorry. *huggles* I know I’m late and stuff for saying this, but best of luck! 🙂 I hope everything went well. Hopefully you’re able to make up your grade like you told Breezey!

    • I’m sorry! You should confront your partner before the presentation and go over it and stuff. If he or she doesn’t want to you force him or her cause your partner might not care, but you do.

  • That’s terrible. 🙁 There’s not really much you can do, except wait for it all to blow over. Like Silver said, just let her know that you have her back. *huggles* <3

  • People in elementary and middle school who support Trump are (most likely) following their parents’ example. Not that they can’t have an independent thought, just that it’s easier for them to be imprinted on and repeat whatever they hear. Therefore, I am saddened about your friend’s predicament. It’s not right for her to be bullied. I’d contact the principle and teachers immediately to make it stop. While I understand why her classmates might be upset with her opinion, and they have a right not to respect it or drop all communication with her, they should not be mean. That is wrong and exactly what the opposition is promoting: hate and intolerance towards others. 🙁

  • This isn’t really a problem anyone can solve but I’m really ill 🙁 my throats feels like it has a basketball in it