The Hug Page is here. Because, whoever we are, we still need hugs. This is still the best place to come if you’re feeling sad and need a hug from BlogClan…
[image description: gif of a brown bear sitting down and raising its arms with a smile and blushing cheeks. “FREE BEAR HUGS” is written at the top with a red arrow pointing down at the bear.]
(Sh! This is a new Hug Page. You can find the old one here)
If you feel unsafe in your situation, please call one of the following hotlines or talk to an adult that you trust:
National runaway hotlines US: 1-800-786-2929 (call), Text 66008 (text)
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No Panic UK (Charity that offers support for panic attacks and OCD): 0844 967 4848
Beat UK (For eating disorders): 0808 801 0677 (adults) or 0808 801 0711 (for under-18s)
LGBT Foundation UK Helpline: 0345 3 30 30 30
Switchboard LGBT+ UK Helpline: 0300 330 0630
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International suicide hotlines
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Regarding replies that mention or are about religion: Generally, religion should be avoided when replying to other people to give them hugs, such as stating that you will be praying for them. However, exceptions will be made if the person asking for hugs is asking for prayers from people who practice the same religion as them or if they are open about what religion they practice. Otherwise, people who do not practice the same religion or do not practice any religion should steer clear of providing religion-related comfort if they don’t know if another BlogClanner practices a specific religion.
A note from BlogTeam: From now on, we will no longer moderate comments on the Hug Page that go into specific detail about events. Instead, commenters will post in a vague manner, such as “I’m having a bad day, I could really use some hugs”, and other BlogClanners are welcome to provide comfort and support. This change is not because of any specific event or person, but because it is extremely difficult to mitigate questionable comments and determine what parts of certain comments are suitable to moderate, as well as making sure that replies with advice are in no way harmful to the original poster or others. If you ever feel like you need advice about a serious situation, you are welcome to reach out to BlogTeam, because your health and safety is our top priority. However, no one on BlogTeam is or has ever been a mental health professional in any way, and all we can do is provide advice. We implore you to always reach out to a trusted adult or hotline (listed above) about a situation that worries you. You are still welcome to come to the Hug Page if you need any hugs or comfort from your BlogClan peers, but the cause of your distress can no longer be explained——no matter the situation. Thank you so much for understanding <3
Needlepaw, Larkpaw, and Nightpaw are literally the worst people in the world. I’m not joking. I’m not going to go into detail but I NEED to get new friends. The problem is, they’re the only other girls in my class. The boys are nice, and there’s one boy, Hawkpaw, who is AWESOME, shares tons of interests with me, and is just awesome, but if I start hanging out with him I feel like everyone’s going to think I have a crush on him, which I don’t. Also we aren’t that close and it might be weird if suddenly I’m always hanging out with him, and I’m terrible at social interaction anyway. Idk, I’m just horrible at this stuff, with Needlepaw, Nightpaw, and Larkpaw AND with Hawkpaw 🙁 I really want to escape Needlepaw, Nightpaw, and Larkpaw because of how mean they are to me but I just don’t know how…AND I also feel like if I break off from the friendship they are going to be SO mad at me and get worse…AAAARRRGHHHHHH I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!! Hugs/advice?
*hugs* *hugs* *hugs* *hugs* *hugs a million times*
Thanks Piney <3
*hugsssssss* *huggossssss*
They don’t sound like good friends at all, Holly. I’d dump them if they’re constantly being mean to you and putting you down. I had an ex-friend who was very similar to what you’ve been describing, and she was always very jealous and toxic towards me. I cut her off last year and it’s one of the best decisions I ever made. Having fake friends is never a good thing. I’m so sorry Holly 🙁 </3
I’d say hang out with Hawkpaw! He seems really nice and would probably love to talk to you! One of my friends in AP history is a guy and we share soooo many common interests! I’m also not the best at socializing irl either (I have more friends on here then irl lol) In middle school when you’re a ‘paw it can seem awkward to talk to people of the opposite gender and people always assume you’re dating if you talk to guys, but in the grand scheme of things it’s not a big deal. You don’t have to date him if you don’t want to! Don’t limit your friendships to just girls, especially if the girls in your class aren’t good friends. <3333333
Thank you so much Breezy <3
*hugs* *hugs* *hugs*
I’m sorry Holls 🙁 Maybe ask advice for from an adult you trust? But remember your mental health and happiness matters and I’m sure it’ll make you feel so much better to escape those toxic people. You could explain your situation to Hawkpaw and then later, ask if you could please hang out with him for a little?
*Hugs* 🫂🫂🫂
Thank you Silv <3
It does appear like you’re in a sticky situation. It’s hard when you don’t really want to make friends with boys (trust me, I’ve been there), but Hawkpaw seems like a nice person. If Nightpaw, Larkpaw, and Needlepaw are the only girls in your class, try in other classes or other grades?
For advice on the Hawkpaw thing, make it clear that you and he aren’t dating (well, if that’s true of course 😏) and when you’re talking for the first time, make eye contact and don’t be too nervous. Take a few deep breaths if you need to. If Hawkpaw is a good person/wants to be your friend, he’ll be pretty chill about it. If he isn’t, you might want to find other friends.
This is a situation I’m not very familiar with because my class is 90% girls, but I hope this helps 💖
*more hugs*
Thank you so much Lili <3
*huggles* I’d recommend just hanging out with Hawkpaw! I know it’s awkward hanging out with someone of the opposite gender, and it absolutely sucks when people think you’re a couple/like each other, but I have some truly wonderful friends who are male! One of them has been one of my very best friends since the second grade, and in the fifth grade some of my classmates did ship us or think we liked each other or were in a romantic relationship. Both of us let them know that we weren’t in a relationship like that, we were both just friends (I did like him in the 3rd grade though, but by then I was over it 😛 ) and they stopped (well, then they started shipping my female friend and him and then me and my female friend but I think you get what I’m trying to say 😛 ). As for your female friends, I’d just gently tell them that you’d rather spend a little less time with them and hopefully they’ll eventually understand 😀 *more hugs* Ilysm Holsie <33
Thank you so much Flam <3
*enough hugs to last you an eternity*
I know it might be difficult, but maybe try talking to them? If this won’t help or might be too difficult for you, just start distancing yourself from them to protect your mental health and feelings. I have friends of the opposite gender, and even though it might seem weird, it’s totally normal. Social anxiety is terrible, but I know you can do this!
– Violet ❤️
Thank you so much Vi <3
Thanks Dapples <3
*hugs* *hugs* *hugs*
Thanks Mossy <3
Hey Holly! This sounds like a lot, I’m sorry. 🙁 *hugs*
I think cutting them off is a good idea. Just ignore them, but don’t exactly be kind back to them — I know it works in fairy tales but in real life (and I’m sure you know this) bullies don’t respond to kindness. If you don’t react to anything they say, or somehow throw it back at them, they’ll eventually leave you alone because they realize you’re not an easy target and “not worth it”. I guarantee, with girls like this, they don’t like creating work for themselves.
As for Hawkpaw, just talk to him! If people think you have a crush on him, that’s not really your problem — people can think what they like, but if it’s not true, then just say it’s not. They may not believe you, but it’s not their business anyway. Some of my closest friends are guys; it’s good to have diversity!
Possibly try to find friends in clubs / extracurriculars / other outside-of-school activities so you can get some more girl friends (if you want them). You’re not limited to just the ones in your class!
Hope this helped. Hang in there, it gets better. <333
Can I have a bit of a pick-me-up? Things are just really crazy at the moment between school kicking my tail, driver’s ed (which takes over my whole life), and social anxiety. Also I might not be able to see my dad before Christmas due to personal reasons and it’s causing a massive rift between me and the rest of my family. 🙁
I could just use a bit of a boost.
*enough hugs to last you an eternity*
That sounds like a terrible situation to be in! I couldn’t imagine not being able to see my family for Christmas. Remember that you’ve made it this far and haven’t died of exhaustion. We believe in you!
– Violet ❤️
*hugsss* *hugs*
I’m sorry Bree! Life can be annoying and overwhelming sometimes. I would suggest taking a little time to relax and reminding yourself that soon Christmas break will be here and you’ll have a lot more free time on your hands. And think of all the fun things you can do once you get your driver’s licence! Maybe call your dad and chat to him over call if you can’t see him in person?
*hugs* <33
If you’re looking for a boost, I have a few fun songs for you that always make me feel upbeat! Hair In The Air (Trolls: The Beat Goes On Theme), LA Devotee (Panic! At The Disco) and Classic (MKTO)
Hope it gets better, sending lots of holiday spirit and hugs <33
I’ve been wondering… What do you guys think of me?
I hate being sick. I probably used an entire tissue box by now but I’m still sick. I don’t like it and when I was younger I would probably only catch colds 3 or 4 times a year. Now, I caught 2 this semester.
Any hugs?
I’m so sorry Dawnsy. I get how you feel… I normally don’t get sick very often either but I got super sick last September and was out of school for a whole week and a half. I’m really sorry, I don’t have much advice but just try to get some sleep and drink lots of liquids <33333 Hope this kinda helped <3333
*enough hugs to last you an eternity*
I’ve experienced that before but with my allergies. Yes, allergies. I don’t get sick often, but my allergies have a personal problem with me. I’ve had days where I haven’t had a moment’s rest from sneezing. Chin up, and remember there’ll be an end to this.
– Violet ❤️
Hugsssssss I know being sick is hard, make sure you get lots of rest and drink lots of water!
*hugssss* *hugs*
Being sick is the a absolute worst. 🙁 Remember to rest and drink plenty of water. I hope you feel better soon <3
*hugs* <33
Hey, guys. Today was pretty enjoyable until after school. I’m in my school’s band, and we were going to play for a local college basketball game. I have friends in the band, but most of them have better friends, and I feel pushed to the side a lot. To top the night off, two of my best friends were arguing in a GC with me and a couple of others, and then each texted me individually, asking whether or not they were in the wrong. I’ve had to juggle between them a lot in the past several months, and I’m tired of being stuck in the crossfire. I don’t really have anyone to talk to this about, but coming to the Blog always makes my day better. Hugs?
*hugs* *hugs* *hugs*
I’m sorry about band. 🙁 It hurts to feel brushed aside.
Maybe tell both of them you don’t want to be involved with this argument? They can’t be mad at you for saying that!
*hugs* <33
I’m in band too! If you’d like to make more friends and branch out since they have other people to talk to, chat with others in the band! Or maybe just talk to them more and even talk to the “better friends” if you can.
As for the crossfire thing, just tell them politely you’d rather not get involved if you don’t want to deal with it. You don’t have to help them, it’s their problem, not yours. Just let them sort it out.
*hugs* <33
So, yesterday my brother asked my mum if she can put the Christmas decorations up. She said yes, and when we returned from school me and my brother had a big argument, and I accidentally broke his Christmas decoration. Now, I understand that it’s ok to be upset, but he literally punched me. Like, what? And, when we got inside he said that the Christmas decorations that my mum had spent most of her day putting up were bad, and he was the one who had asked her to put them up. When I told him to stop being rude, he punched me again and demanded that the Christmas lights be turned. And just because he felt like it, WE had to turn off all of them. This has happened lots of times before, and I’m just really frustrated because he acts like a complete jerk sometimes. I know that he’s a little kid, it’s just that he is really spoiled and acts like he is the most important person in the world, when actually everyone is equal.
Hugs and/or advice?
*hugs* *hugs* *hugs* *hugs*
That is NOT okay. It is never alright for someone to hit another person (let alone do it 2 times) and it doesn’t matter that’s he little, if this behaviour isn’t reprimanded he might continue to do it. I would suggest telling your mum about this and reminding her it won’t do any good to let your brother get away with this.
I’m so sorry this happened to you. 🙁
repost bc it caught the bottom of the page
so there’s this guy :/
i like him a lot, but i know he doesn’t like me (and i know who he likes), and from what i’ve heard of him he’s kind of a fortnite kid. (we haven’t talked much, he’s in science with me and pulls all the girls because he’s hot)
anyway, i dont want to like someone i know almost nothing about, and i don’t want to like someone who doesn’t like me. but every time i make up my mind that i am done with him, i see him in science the next morning and im back right where i started.
any tips for forgetting crushes?
also, this is an add-on:
recently ive been feeling really empty. sure i’ve gotten over my body image issues, but it feels like everyone is really annoyed at me for some reason. i left my old friend group that ive been with for 2 years-i outgrew them ig cuz all of the sudden they were super annoying to me. ive joined a group that i like and i think they like me too, but somehow when we’re all standing in a circle talking, the rest of the circle ends up moving away from me and creating another circle a few feet away. i feel really left out all the time. and my current situation with that guy hasn’t made it any better. so, i’ve been kinda depressed for the last few days.
As someone who has gone over many crushes, let me tell you one thing. There are plenty of fish in the sea, which sounds cheesy, and is cheesy, but you know what I mean. There will always be another guy or girl out there, and one day you’ll find the perfect one for you. Try not to dwell too much on this guy- start thinking of him as merely a friend, and not as a love interest. In a few weeks, or even days, you’ll be forgetting that you ever liked him.
Some tips I recommend for forgetting crushes are taking some time off and just kinda blocking them out.
Also, I’m so sorry you’ve been feeling that way, I can relate. If you ever need anyone to talk/vent to, I’m here 🙂
*hugs* *hugs* *hugs* 🫂🫂
There are a lot of people out there and trust me, someone else will come along that will be way better for you than this guy. I would suggest trying to change the way you think of the guy, like Blazey said, focus on him more as a friend and less as a love interest.
As for the friend group, maybe talk to them about his you feel? Either all together, or individually.
(cw: poor health of a pet)
Jimmy is dying and I can’t save him. He got infected with a columnaris fungal infection as well as popeye, and he’s slowly dying. One of these days, I’m going to wake up and find him dead. I can’t do anything, and i feel helpless. I also have severe trypophobia, so it’s getting hard to even look at him. I feel like a terrible fish owner. I did everything I could to prepare for my first fish, (2 months of research) and now he’s going to die within 5 months.
I could just really use some hugs right now.
*hugggss* <3333 We're here for you if you need it, Riv. *hugggs*
You’re not a bad fish owner, Riv, it’s not that- fish just have a lot of health issues that they can get, some that are not very preventable, in my experience with fish I’ve learned that they’re sadly fragile when it comes to these things.
You clearly care about him and that’s what matters. You can tell him you love him too- it doesn’t seem like they would but I’ve heard that fish can actually hear us talk to them through the tank.
I’ll pray for you and Jimm. <3
I’m really sorry Riv. I can promise you that you aren’t a bad fish owner! Fish can sometimes have a lot of health issues that aren’t always noticeable. You can do everything right and still have them have problems. It has nothing to do with you. It’s quite obvious that you love him and care about Jimmy.
*hugsssss* I’ll pray for you and Jimmy if you’d like.
*hugs* *hugs* *hugs* 🫂🫂
There are a lot of people out there and trust me, someone else will come along that will be way better for you than this guy. I would suggest trying to change the way you think of the guy, like Blazey said, focus on him more as a friend and less as a love interest.
As for the friend group, maybe talk to them about his you feel? Either all together, or individually.
*hugggssss* *hugs* 🫂🫂🫂
I am so, so sorry Riv. I can’t imagine what you are going through. You are not a bad fish owner; this sort of stuff happens and you did everything you could. You love Jimmy so much and cared for him as well as you could. Tell Jimmy just how much you love him and make him comfortable. He doesn’t blame you Rivs and you shouldn’t blame yourself 💖
Can I please rant to somebody? 🙁
Of course Breezy <3 my chatting secret page is always here, and if you have Pixilart or Scratch we could use that too <3 we love you so much Breezo and are always here for you.
Ofc, you have my blog email and Roblox, and i have a few sps if you’d prefer 🙂 <3
If you ever want to rant, Breezo, my email [email protected] is always open 🙂
*hugs* *hugs* *hugs*
You can always rant to me, Bree <3
my email’s [email protected], we could chat on google docs if you want!
Ughhhh I’m so tired of this. I have a piano concert tomorrow and my teacher is stressing me out SOOO MUCH. I played for like 5 hours today and my dad said I didn’t play enough. I’ve been sitting in front of the piano for so long that I’m basically numb, but my back aches so bad and my hands… don’t get me started on my hands :’). I’ve been replaying the same song over and OVER and OVER again. I’m sick of it. I played for an hour straight and then my teacher had to find some random fault that no one actually CARES about. Then that happened again for FOUR TIMES. I had to record my playing for like 20 times before getting it alright ONCE. My cher made me record like 5 times -_-
Hugs/advice, pls? Thanks, much appreciated <3
I would suggest telling your dad about how overworked you are and how you want to do piano a little less so you don’t lose interest in it.
Oh no! That must HURT. You don’t deserve this, especially during the holidays! THATS A TIME FOR YOU TO RELAX NOT GET EVEN MORE OVERWORKED!
If you need anything, you can chat with me in the google docs <3 Just remember I'm always here for you if you need a listening ear. I hope this gets better soon!
Hey Sil, don't stress! I know piano concerts are annoying(firsthand experience lol) and that practicing for long periods of time is extremely boring. One time I had to practice- Sarabande in D Minor, I think it was- for like half a day and I can safely say that I now hate George Frideric Handel with a burning passion. As for recording pieces, one tip would be to look through the entire piece once- don’t play anything, just look through it. And then play. This significantly helps me, and it might for you as well. Anyways, more hugs <333 and remember that it will always get better.
I hate life :’>
The friend drama and stuff has been really getting to me lately, and I’m getting really insecure about myself.
*huggs* We love you, Ripple! <33 *huggs*
Sorry Rip :(((((((((((( I get all the friend drama thing, I have a lot of it :p Just try to chill, and try not to hate life :’)
I know friend drama is horrible no matter what kind
*more hugssssssssssss*
So, I’m a therian, but I’m starting to wonder if I even am, may I rant to another therian please? I don’t have Discord or social media, so it either has to be on Scratch or Roblox, but Scratch might work better. And I need to talk to a therian, everyone else here is great, but yeah…
*hugs* I hope you find someone who you can rant to <3 I would but I'm not a therian. We're all here for you though Arc <3
Thanks so much, Holly <3
IM HERE FOR U!!! I’m a therian too!! Sadly Idk how to access scratch, but I do have Roblox! What’s your user!
*HUGSS* <3
So I have two really good friends, Desertpaw and Frecklepaw, but lately I never see them. I have one class with Desertpaw and none with Frecklepaw meanwhile they have four with each other. On Mondays I have Student Council Meetings so I can’t talk to them at lunch, and when we do have lunch together Desertpaw acts really distant and quiet and Frecklepaw runs off to hang out with the more “popular” kids now. And we used to have Cross Country together at athletics but now they both made the Basketball team, and we don’t even walk to athletics anymore. Literally the only time I see them is in Wednesdays when we all go to church together but lately we’ve been getting into stupid arguments about chairs and stuff and I feel like we’re not even friends anymore.
Sorry I know this is long and I’m wasting everyone’s time but hugs/advice????