The Hug Page is here. Because, whoever we are, we still need hugs. This is still the best place to come if you’re feeling sad and need a hug from BlogClan…
[image description: gif of a brown bear sitting down and raising its arms with a smile and blushing cheeks. “FREE BEAR HUGS” is written at the top with a red arrow pointing down at the bear.]
(Sh! This is a new Hug Page. You can find the old one here)
If you feel unsafe in your situation, please call one of the following hotlines or talk to an adult that you trust:
National runaway hotlines US: 1-800-786-2929 (call), Text 66008 (text)
Child abuse hotline US: 1-800-422-4453 (call), Text 1-800-422-4453 (text)
National alliance on mental illness US: 1-800-950-6264
BullyingCanada: (877) 352-4497 (call or text), [email protected] (email)
Trevor project (LGBTQ+): 1-866-488-7386 (call), Text START to 678678 (text)
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Samaritans UK Helpline: 116 123
Samaritans UK Charity Email: [email protected]
No Panic UK (Charity that offers support for panic attacks and OCD): 0844 967 4848
Beat UK (For eating disorders): 0808 801 0677 (adults) or 0808 801 0711 (for under-18s)
LGBT Foundation UK Helpline: 0345 3 30 30 30
Switchboard LGBT+ UK Helpline: 0300 330 0630
Self Injury Helpline UK: 0808 800 8088
Mind (UK Mental Health Charity) Infoline: 0300 123 3393
Crisis Connections Teen Link (anonymous and confidential; USA): 866-833-6546
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QLife (AU LGBTQ+) 1800 184 527
Butterfly Foundation (AU Eating Disorders) 1800 33 4673
1800RESPECT (AU Domestic Violence and Abuse) 1800 737 732
Black Dog Institute (AU Mental Health) (02) 9382 4530
Scope Helpline UK (People with disabilities): 0808 800 3333
SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) Information Service: 0141 530 1000
Support In Mind Scotland: 0131 662 4359
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Saneline UK: 0300 304 7000
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Stop Hate UK (Hate Crimes): 0808 801 0576 (Phone); 07717 989025 (textline)
Victim Support UK: 0808 168 9111
Runaway Helpline UK: 116 000 (Phone or Text)
International suicide hotlines
Some countries have multiple hotlines. Those numbers have been separated by semi-colons and clarification on region and/or organization has been put in parentheses where applicable.
Argentina Suicide Hotline: 902 500 002
Australia: 13 11 14; 08 93 88 2500 (Youth Suicide Prevention)
Chile Suicide Hotline: (00 56 42) 22 12 00
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If you know other hotlines that provide support that are not on this list, feel free to contact a BlogTeam member to add it to this list.
Regarding replies that mention or are about religion: Generally, religion should be avoided when replying to other people to give them hugs, such as stating that you will be praying for them. However, exceptions will be made if the person asking for hugs is asking for prayers from people who practice the same religion as them or if they are open about what religion they practice. Otherwise, people who do not practice the same religion or do not practice any religion should steer clear of providing religion-related comfort if they don’t know if another BlogClanner practices a specific religion.
A note from BlogTeam: From now on, we will no longer moderate comments on the Hug Page that go into specific detail about events. Instead, commenters will post in a vague manner, such as “I’m having a bad day, I could really use some hugs”, and other BlogClanners are welcome to provide comfort and support. This change is not because of any specific event or person, but because it is extremely difficult to mitigate questionable comments and determine what parts of certain comments are suitable to moderate, as well as making sure that replies with advice are in no way harmful to the original poster or others. If you ever feel like you need advice about a serious situation, you are welcome to reach out to BlogTeam, because your health and safety is our top priority. However, no one on BlogTeam is or has ever been a mental health professional in any way, and all we can do is provide advice. We implore you to always reach out to a trusted adult or hotline (listed above) about a situation that worries you. You are still welcome to come to the Hug Page if you need any hugs or comfort from your BlogClan peers, but the cause of your distress can no longer be explained——no matter the situation. Thank you so much for understanding <3
Hugs to anyone who needs it
If you lost a best friend to someone else think to yourself “I guess I was too good for them 😎”
If you feel like you aren’t pretty remember this: Everyone is beautiful, you especially! Don’t go around saying you aren’t. We both know that isn’t true
If you feel nervous for a test or something, if you try your best and study hard you will do great! Even if you don’t get the grade you want know you tried your best and you can learn from your mistakes
If you feel sick, take it easy, drink a lot of water, take medications if you need and you will feel better in no time!
A little message to make you feel good
“Alright, today I will try not to see anyone pretty!”
*looks at you*
“Aw I lost…Oh! New challenge! Don’t look at anyone ugly! This should be easy because no one is ugly!”
So I just got over a really bad fever and still feel like crap. I’m super congested and it’s tough to breathe normally because I’m so stuffy. I’m constantly coughing and blowing my nose, and I don’t wanna go to school, but my dad’s making me. I just feel so icky right now….any chance I could get some hugs? And maybe some soup and ramen??/j
*Hugs and “pots of food” aka soup* 🍲🍲🍲🍲🍲🍲🍲🍲🍲🍲🍲🍲🍲🍲🍲🍲
*hugs* Being sick really sucks! Hopefully you’ll feel better in a day or two. In the meantime, have some ramen: 🍜🍜🍜
I’m so sorry!! Being sick is awful :(( here’s some ramen and soup for you 🍜🍜🍜 🍜🍲🍲🍲🍲 and some hot chocolate too ☕☕
I hope you feel better soon! ❤️
HUGS! And ramen 🍜🍜🍜And soup🍲🍲🍲
*hugs* and here is some soup and ramen:🍜🍜🍜🍲🍲🍲
*hugs* that sounds hard! I know you can make it through the day though <33
I’m really sorry, Kessie. I’m currently sick and it’s terrible, especially since you have to go to school. Here’s ramen 🍜
I’m just going to post this here since I don’t really want to ruin the vibe on the Tavern.
Soooo- if you saw my last hug post, you’d know I’ve been dealing with some gossip girls with some snarky comments about how I look and how I eat. Thanks for all the replies btw 🙂
Well, I thought that’d it would be under the rug since they haven’t said anything since that comment, but of course, I was wrong (I still haven’t reported them, so I suppose it makes sense -_-)
Today was cheesy bread day. Yay. So I get cheesy bread, I’m minding my OWN business, and sure, I probably added quite an bit of extra marinara sauce, but still- anyways, minding my own business, eating my food, when one of the girls have the AUDACITY to say, “-something I forgot- look at her! First she was licking her spaghetti sauce, then she was (something I forgot), then (forgot), then this! At this point she looks like she wants to be bullied!”
Seriously? No, actually, what? Just because I have certain… food preferences, I suddenly look like I want to get bullied? they also said, “With the way she also made an embarrassment in gym and-” which… gurl, mind your own beeswax, geez. Not all of us have the glory of having something called ‘close friends’ in PE -_-
(So what if I’m not the most physically athletic? I NEVER asked for PE!)
I wish I could sit with my friends at lunch, but unfortunately due to having different third block classes they’re forced to stay on the bottom area of the lunchroom, while I’m stuck with these brainless girls at the top. The only way I can even sit with them is I get their third block as substitute (like what happened this monday!) Or I get an sit at different table card for GCBA books…
The only thing that really went my way this time around was that I just casted an annoyed glare instead of embarrassing myself in front of these good-for-nothings by crying.
Last thing: I’d like to note these girls who think I’m weird grab an bunch of food, then DON’T EVEN EAT HALF OF WHAT THEY GRAB?! Honestly, who do you think is weirder, the girl who’s an bit messy but still eats all her food she got (or at least tries) or the girls who take an bunch of food they’ll just WASTE?!
I’m not even the weirdest kid there… I’ve seen an kid dip their carrots into their choccy milk then pour barbecue sauce inside… and these girls choose to ignore them but think I’m weird for liking food? Insane…
Yes I know I’m being more harsh here, but anything I’ve said here is less than an third of the nasty they’ve said about me and others…
Anyways, advice / cookies would be appreciated…
*hugs* I totally get how you feel, Cloudo! I hope these gossip girls go away soon. I’m a messy eater as well, so you’re not alone 🙂
Thanks Misty! 🙂
*hugs and cookies*
Thanks Rose!
HUGS Cloudo! And cookies🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
Thanks Ivy!
… give me there address CAUSE I AM GONNA ATTACK THEM WITH MY MUSTARD BOTTLE /hj (heh, heh, the lronry since food is the topic and mustard and.. okay ill shut up now)
You shouldent deal with them, honestly some people just bully people for no reason, like you know you’re better ten them. you could tell someone.
but allas bulling will always be a thing and the best thing is to ignore it (or tell some one if it gets bad)
ut dont forget youŕe AMAZING and liking food is also AMAZING
Thanks Coffee Creamer! 😀
Sending hugs and cookies <33 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
thanks Hart 🙂
lots and lots of hugs and cookies. Those girls are jerks, and my advice? Just try to ignore them. They should not be criticizing you for how you eat! That is just mean. Sending many many many huggos! 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪 TAKE ALL DU COOKIES 😀
Thanks Nightso! 🙂
I’m so sorry, Clou! Those girls sound absolutely awful and I’m so angry at them. Nobody “asks” to be bullied and it’s disgusting they’re trying to justify their behaviour. You can eat whatever you want, you aren’t weird at all. Maybe you could try snapping at them? Like they make a comment and you just tell them to shut up and mind their own business. Or maybe just completely ignore them, or move to a different group uh the cafeteria if possible? I would also highly recommend telling an adult about this. You’re beautiful and you can
eat whatever you want !! Putting fuel into your body is not something you should ever be made to feel ashamed of. Feel free to email me if you need someone to talk about this with.
my email: [email protected]
Thanks! I don’t know where else I could sit other than by my friends, which, as I’ve said, is not an option unfortunately 🙁
I say this because I’m pretty sure at least 90% of the student population views me as a joke 🙁
(My school is notorious for having bad-behaved children btw, so it’s really nothing new… unfortunately.)
Hi Cloudo! Can you tell me your full warrior name? I can’t understand because of the copy-paste font in your name as I use a screen reader. Thank you!
*hugs* *hugs* that’s not ok at all, you shouldn’t feel bad about reporting them, bullying is not and will never be ok, and especially saying someone wants to be bullied. *hugs*
Thanks! It’s CloudSong btw :>
(Although I’m still appendix)
Hugs to anyone who needs it
If you lost a best friend to someone else think to yourself “I guess I was too good for them 😎”
If you feel like you aren’t pretty remember this: Everyone is beautiful, you especially! Don’t go around saying you aren’t. We both know that isn’t true
If you feel nervous for a test or something, if you try your best and study hard you will do great! Even if you don’t get the grade you want know you tried your best and you can learn from your mistakes
If you feel sick, take it easy, drink a lot of water, take medications if you need and you will feel better in no time!
A little message to make you feel good
“Alright, today I will try not to see anyone pretty!”
*looks at you*
“Aw I lost…Oh! New challenge! Don’t look at anyone ugly! This should be easy because no one is ugly!”
Thanks Dawny!
Ty Dawny!
TY Dawny! This is anazing!
Thank you Dawny! This was really nice to read <33
Aw, thanks Dawnie <333 I needed this today ❤️❤️
Dawny this is amazing! Thanks for reminding us that we are all awesome 😛
this is kind of stupid but in our school’s musical, peter pan, the understudies were just posted and my understudy just so happens to be the person who said some horrible things about me when the original cast list came out. I don’t know exactly what she said but it sounds like she insulted my singing/acting talents, said that I don’t deserve to get this lead role or the lead roles I’ve earned previously, and it sounds like said some horrible things about me as a person too. technically she should’ve been removed from the cast because of that (we all had to sign a contract saying that we’d be respectful of others, keep our grades up, etc etc) but she wasn’t, and now she’s being rewarded even more despite the awful things she said about me and I’m just so angry and sad and upset and more than anything I’m just confused why on earth our directors would cast her as my understudy. I’m really close with our show’s directors and they’re absolutely wonderful people so I just don’t understand why our directors would do that–I’m fairly certain they know that I’m uncomfortable with her being in the cast at all, let alone make her my understudy. also we started rehearsals yesterday and I just really miss my friends who were in the cast last year that are in high school now and I hate how different things are now and I know it’s stupid but idk
along with that, my governor’s school testing session is next saturday and I’m confident that I’ll do well but I don’t know if I’m good enough to get accepted. to put it into perspective, in my entire county, only about 13 kids get accepted into this school each year and I really want to go to this school and I’m just nervous ig. I’ve been practicing writing essays and studying for the test but I’m still really worried. I know I’ve done all I can to practice so I guess it’s just nerves at this point, but I’d appreciate some luck sent my way <3
sorry about the long vent, I just needed to get it off of my chest and I'd appreciate some hugs. thanks guys <3
sending hugs <3 your understudy sounds horrible, if she continues to say rude things about you, i would bring it up with the directors. you deserve to feel safe in the theatre, and often once people realise the things they say are more hurtful than they may assume, they back off. there are people in theatre who are extremely judgemental as you certainly know - in some areas this kind of judginess is kind of normalised, so you should call it out.
as for the governor's school test, all you can do is go in and give it your best. you're very intelligent, and you'll certainly to wonderfully 😀
thanks Wosprey, I appreciate it <33 it sounds like a lot of other people are also upset with that girl being cast as my understudy and I definitely think if she continues to say these things about me I'll talk to the directors :))
HUGS Flamepaw! Maybe if she/he continues being rude talk to a trusted adult about the situation. Good luck for the governor’s school test!
thanks Ivy <33
ugh I hate people like that >:(
sending hugs bestie <33
i had a similar-ish problem last year where this posse of wannabe Heathers would come up to me and Honeypaw and sarcastically say ‘omg i love your [whatever random clothing]’ and it ending bc i fought back when they came over and did it and i said back ‘thanks, i love your pjs!’ (’cause they were wearing plaid pants)ik everyone says the oppisite of this, but if you fight back they won’t expect it and it’s more effective in my opinion.thanks Lio, ily bestie <33
Awwdont orry she is just jealous of your ✨AMAZINGNESS✨ just dontdeal with her, also she might start saying stuff like ¨oh i can do this better then u”and i want you to turn around look at her in THE EYES and say then ¨why are you he under study ¨BOOOMMM that will shut her up, also do a cool hair flip (you dont got to do that just saying.
Also you WIll go to that school cause you ROCK
aww thanks creamy! <33
I second Osp on the understudy situation. As for the testing session, wishing you the best of luck, Flamilton <33
thanks shrubsy, I appreciate it!! <33
*hugs* I think you should tell an adult about your understudy, what she’s doing is really unkind, and perhaps if an adult talked to her about it and reminded her that she’d agreed to be respectful of others, she wouldn’t treat other people that way.
Good luck on the test!
thanks red!! <33
Your understudy sounds like an awful, bitter person. The only reason I can think of that would prompt her to talk badly about you and your skills, (even though you had the acting and singing skills to get chosen for the lead role so that says something) despite having signed a contract prohibiting this behaviour is jealousy. As Osp said, if the understudy continues speaking rudely about you, I would bring it up to the directors. That behaviour is unacceptable. You are so talented and amazing, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise <333
Good luck with the governor school!! You got this!! And congrats on getting selected!
thanks silv! <33
*hugs* it sounds like this girl is jealous of you. If that’s the case, just ignore her. She’ll get over it eventually, because being mean never actually helps anything. Eventually she’ll realize that. And just be happy that you got the part you wanted and she can’t take that away from you, especially if you don’t let her empty words harm you.
thanks Renda, I appreciate it <33
So… here’s some stuff…
Last year in term 3/4… some stuff happened… there were these popular girls who I never really talked to. I always suck with my friends and chilled with them. Anyway these girls were friends with this girl who was horrible to me (let’s call her Clawzy) Clawzy and me have a really long history together. We used to be friends but then she started bullying my other friends. Then at the end of that year she moved schools. I also moved schools to a different school, but I got bullied at that school as well… then I moved schools to the same school as Clawzy… and stuff happened and she bullied me and was horrible and turned my only friends against me… anyway back to the mean popular girls. Clawzy had been telling them fake stuff. She told them that me and my (ex) best friend were dating. First of all, (let’s call my ex best friend Dreamclaw) Dreamclaw is asexual. Second of all we ARE NOT DATING! (Btw these girls were super homophobic) They kept telling everyone that me and Dreamclaw were together. Then they decided that I was a furry and furrys are bad (ok I am a furry but at school no one ((And I Mean NO ONE)) Is allowed to know that I am a furry) the girls would bark at me whenever i walked by them. It was horrible. I would go and cry in the bathroom cuz of this. It wasn’t fun and they didn’t stop. I ended up having to leave the school (and some of my closest and best friends) because of them.
Anyways sorry for the rant… this was all last year and it still hurts me…
HUGS Leaffrost!
sending a million hugs and cookies 🙁
I’m so, so, so sorry. I hope you’re doing better now <3333
*hugs* That’s awful, Leafy. I can’t imagine having to deal with these girls every day. What they did is really horrible and mean, and I hope leaving them made you feel a bit better. You didn’t deserve getting bullied, and neither did your friends. /gen
Not a big deal but today in my school there was this workshop about mental health and suddenly the people who gave it started talking about a very heavy topic that I feel really uncomfortable hearing about (I won’t share what it was since I don’t want to make y’all uncomfortable as well), and I was sitting there super frightened and some of the things they said really shocked me/made me sad/uncomfortable. I mean, it’s over now but still I could do with some hugs :((
HUGS Fallowpaw!
*Hugs hugs hugssss*
*hugs* They should’ve warned you guys before going into those kinds of topics.
*hugs* and cookies:🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
My brother had a case of the stomach bug yesterday. For those who don’t know, I have pretty bad emetophobia. Hugs/advice would be appreciated.
Hugs to anybody who needs them!
Hugs Shrubsy! (approved nickname?)
Nickname approved! Flam uses it sometimes already 🙂
*hugs* That sounds really unpleasant! Maybe next time he’s sick you could try getting out of the house for the day, or stay in your room (with earbuds or something if the sound bothers you)?
ohmigosh I have the SAME PHOBIA! I know what its like, BELIEVE ME :(. Sending many hugs and some cookies too! *hugs* *gives cookies 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
Hugs! I think I might have the same phobia. I feel you, shrub!
*HUGGOS* I have the same thing. Maybe try going into your room and listening to music or an audiobook as loud as you can without damaging your eardrums?
I have too many things going on in my life right now and I feel overwhelmed 🙁
I have solo and ensemble this Saturday, then rfts science Olympiad competition in the middle of the next week, then the Saturday after this Saturday is a different science Olympiad competition, then the week after/during that I have two other competitions for my two other events, and then the Saturday after my science Olympiad competition Saturday, also the first Saturday of February I have ANOTHER science Olympiad competition and then the Saturday after that I have piano competition and the Saturday after that which is the third Saturday of February I have yet ANOTHER science Olympiad competition and the last Friday of February I have band festival
Also I’m still dealing with thoughts I probably SHOULD NOT have and I just feel like my friends take it not too seriously because they pretty much joke with it when I’m actually suffering like they’ll be like “Fir, you look depressed” as a joking way which I am uncomfortable with because 1. I’m not depressed I’m just having a hard time, and 2. I don’t like how it could possibly be offensive to people with depression
Sorry for dumping this all on you lol
Hugs? And cookies?
sending hugs <3
That is an insane amount of Olympiad competitions😭 I’m so sorry, I’ve gotten that feeling many times before and I know it sucks. I hope you can get through this (and hopefully have a very very long break afterwards. Here are some cookies to help you feel better:🍪🍪🍪)
🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪 and cookies!
Sending hugs and cookies <3 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
And I just found out I have a band concert the second last Friday of February as well….*sigh*
*huggos* 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
I feel bad…
I’m a middle school student in China. Today I should go to school and get my grades – I’ve just completed a exam a week ago. My grades are not good, and they are also lower than my average grades. I feel soooooooo sad. 😥
sending hugs <3 grades don't define your worth at all! i find that if i'm disappointed with my grades, the best way to think about it is look at what you didn't do fantastically in, and remember to focus on it for next test!
HUGS Remnants!
*hugs* Also fellow Chinese student and relate
*hugs* if your grades are that bad maybe you should examine your study skills and see what you can do better. Make more of an effort to listen in class and ask for help if you need it. Some teachers may offer corrections or retakes on quizzes and other assignments, so always ask if that’s available if you’re worried.
Osp gave really good advice 🙂 I hope you feel better soon <33
We’ll be having our electronics for a while 😛
The next day I’m going to have another important test that I should be doing very well but was never good at and didn’t really prepare enough for. Also, my parents used a lot of money to pay for this test and gave me a lot of encouragement and, even though they say they don’t expect me to get any scores but every time (which is really almost each time I do tests :P) I get a very bad one and they must fret on it. The point is that I feel guilty that I let them down.
Also, my roommate is a very nice girl but tomorrow due to both of us are leaving for other things I’ll miss her. At the same time my mom just sent me a photo with the buildings near my home and I miss it 😛 I don’t feel as safe as at home here and I’m also nervous about the next camp soon 😛 And there are other things 😛
(Sorry for venting each page flip ;-; )
sending hugs <3 you just have to do the best you can on the test. try and get some study in tonight, but remember to have a good sleep and some food, and try not to stress too much. and regardless of your mark, you're a fantastic student and a hard worker 😀
HUGS Roses! You can get through this!
I feel down because it feels like I can’t fix the state of the world right now. How can I make myself feel better in a modern world so full of negativity?
sending many hugs <3 the state of the world at the moment isn't fantastic as you said, and it can be hard to 'focus on the positives' when there seem to be so few. i find that if i'm stressed about the world, just to take a break from the news or social media or wherever you're hearing about it, and do something you enjoy. for me, that's listening to music, i find it hard to be sad when listening to some fun music. besides that, seeing friends, watching a movie, or doing another hobby can bring your moods up! additionally, i think making plans is fun: plan to see a local band, buy something you've needed for a while, go on a little day trip. gives you something to look forward to. and these plans and events take your minds off the state of the world for a bit. it's important to acknowledge current affairs and the state of the world, but ultimately, you also deserve to have good mental health, enjoy yourself and find the things you care about and make you happy 😀
Hey mojo. I get it! The world isn’t perfect, but the only way to defeat darkness is to overcome it with light. You can’t fix darkness with more darkness. That’s impossible. But, if you use light to reveal what horrible things the world is hiding in the shadows, you can fix it!
Hugs* and I hope you feel better
*hugs* I totally get what you’re talking about. I know that the world seems so gloomy and negative at the moment, but I’m sure it’ll pass before you know it. 🍪🍪🍪🍪
Yes, unfortunately this world isn’t very good… but hey! At least we are improving, considering just a century ago, slaves were a-plenty, and now they don’t really exist. This world is constantly improving, and people are trying to fix the bad in this world 😀
(Back to pessimism for me now :P)
HUGS Mojoflight!
Mojo, I understand and share your feelings, but none of us as individuals can fix the state of the world. But what we can do is affect some smaller portion of it. My suggestion is that you pick some particular issue that you care about—women’s rights, the environment, voting rights, climate change, homelessness, or whatever—and get involved with a group that works on that issue. People working together in an organized way can bring about change in a way that individuals can’t. I have personal experience with this. For 10 years, I volunteered with an environmental group, The Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance. Working together in a coordinated way, we got some important conservation legislation passed through the US Congress. Working with others on an issue you care about, you may be able to have a similar result.
I’m not sure who needs to hear this today, but I’m here for you. You really matter, every little interaction you have makes so many lives so much brighter. I may not be the most useful of people all the time, but I’m always going to be around somewhere if you want to talk, or vent, or get some advice, or some random facts to take your mind off of whatever’s happening. You’re amazing. If you’re ever feeling worthless, remember that people have traded up from a paperclip to a house. Everyone is valuable, and you deserve to see that and be around people who see how truly wonderful you are. Also, *hugs*.
Fawn that is the sweetest thing I have heard all day 😭🙏tysm for the message, ur so kind for doing thattt