The Hug Page is here. Because, whoever we are, we still need hugs. This is still the best place to come if you’re feeling sad and need a hug from BlogClan…
[image description: gif of a brown bear sitting down and raising its arms with a smile and blushing cheeks. “FREE BEAR HUGS” is written at the top with a red arrow pointing down at the bear.]
(Sh! This is a new Hug Page. You can find the old one here)
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A note from BlogTeam: From now on, we will no longer moderate comments on the Hug Page that go into specific detail about events. Instead, commenters will post in a vague manner, such as “I’m having a bad day, I could really use some hugs”, and other BlogClanners are welcome to provide comfort and support. This change is not because of any specific event or person, but because it is extremely difficult to mitigate questionable comments and determine what parts of certain comments are suitable to moderate, as well as making sure that replies with advice are in no way harmful to the original poster or others. If you ever feel like you need advice about a serious situation, you are welcome to reach out to BlogTeam, because your health and safety is our top priority. However, no one on BlogTeam is or has ever been a mental health professional in any way, and all we can do is provide advice. We implore you to always reach out to a trusted adult or hotline (listed above) about a situation that worries you. You are still welcome to come to the Hug Page if you need any hugs or comfort from your BlogClan peers, but the cause of your distress can no longer be explained——no matter the situation. Thank you so much for understanding <3
hihi guys, sending hugs to anyone who needs it <3
i'm on summer holidays atm, which is lovely because i get to sleep in and see my friends and all of that, but it also means i've been a lot less busy than i've normally been. and that means i just end up sitting with my own thoughts a lot. and that means thinking a lot about the future. for hours every day, i've just been stressing about what will happen in the future. this year, are my friends still going to be my friends? will i make new friends? what will my grades be like? will a be disappointed? did i choose to do the right subjects for my senior years or am i going to end up being disappointed and hoping i'd chosen differently? and of course that leads me into the future. what job will i choose? will it be the right job or will i realise i chose wrong? will i find love? do i want to find love? will i have enough money to support myself?
honestly, i've just mostly been stressing about careers, even when i'm just shopping or sitting in my room listening to music or watching some stupid videos online relaxing, i'll stop and google the salary of a job, or the impact of a job. in that moment, that job will seem like the path i certainly want to go down, but by the next day i reflect and think that it's maybe not the right thing for me. and in the past when i felt such certainty about wanting to do a science based job, now i'm not entirely sure. when i ask my friends what they want to do, they all respond with absolute certainty. then when they ask me, i just fake the same certainty and respond with 'medical researcher' but tbf, idk
HUGS Osprey!
Osp, the fact that you’re thinking about it this much means you’re conscientious and invested in your future, which are traits that are gonna serve you well. It sounds like you’ve done your best to prepare, which is more than a lot of folks can say. I know it can be overwhelming, but from my perspective you seem like a very capable person. Things might not go exactly as planned, but you just gotta trust your future self a bit (and similarly, trust yourself past self!)
You may very well end up regretting some things, but it’s not going to be the end of the road. It’ll be a chance to recalibrate and find the direction that’s best for you.
Y’know how you’re faking certainty? I bet a lot of your friends are as well 😛 and even if they’re not, it may be because they just picked a goal that sounded good without thinking about it, or may yet come to realize they’re not as certain as they thought. You’re not behind or anything just cuz you’re taking the time to think over your options.
Anyway, reading this back it sounds cheesy but I do legitimately think you’re in a good spot and you’re gonna be a-okay <3
thank you so much flam, this made me feel a lot better <3
Hi Osp. I understand that young people are under a lot of pressure to get into the right college or university and choose the right career path while still in high school. For some people, this may the right strategy, but for many, it won’t be. If you’re one who falls into the second category, that’s OK. The one thing that we can say with certainty about the future is that it’s uncertain. That’s both scary and exciting. You may have a vision of yourself as a medical researcher now—that’s a worthwhile career and there will always be a need for that—but you could discover in the course of your university education that there are other subjects that interest you more, that spark your passion. You may discover that you have talents and abilities that you are not yet aware of. That’s one of the purposes of a university education, IMO: to give you time and space to discover things about the world and about yourself, not just to prepare for a career. So take your core science courses, but also take some humanities courses—history, literature, art—and don’t give up your music entirely.
BTW, I trust you’re aware of the degree of education required for a serious science career, whether it’s in medical research or some other field. You’ll want an advanced degree, at least a masters, or more likely a doctorate, maybe followed by a couple of years of post-doc (working in a lab under the direction of a senior scientist). Do you enjoy studying science enough that you can picture yourself going through six or more years of university to reach your goal?
The world is changing rapidly and so are you. By the time that you graduate from university, there will be careers that don’t exist now. I guess my one message to you and to any young person in your situation is be flexible, be agile, and be on the lookout for unexpected opportunities.
Just two short examples from my own life:
When I graduated from high school, I expected to be an artist (painter or sculptor). In my second year in art school, a teacher showed me that it was possible for me to be a composer (a possibility I had never considered). That event changed my life.
I didn’t discover the career that I was most successful at financially, technical writing and editing, until I was in my mid-thirties. When I was in high school and college, I didn’t know there was such a thing as a technical writer, and I probably wouldn’t have chosen to be one if I had (too mundane, boring). But I happened to be in the right place (Silicon Valley) at the right time (PC revolution of the 80s, tech boom of the 90s) with the right skill set (writing, editing, design), which I had developed for my own projects. I had the good luck to get hired by the right company and as a result I was able to retire in my early 50s.
Whatever path you choose, whatever opportunities you discover, I wish you all success and joy in your life.
thank you so much for this 😀 ig it’s the dream scenario to know what you want to do straight out of high school, or that’s what it is for me anyways. thank you for the reassurance that i’ll figure it out !
just feeling a tad overwhelmed and not on top of my work… I find myself having to apologize to everyone.
also my crush is aroace what do I do lol
I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed. Maybe just sit down and take it bit by bit. You can’t eat an elephant whole, you have to take small bites.
Sorry to hear about your crush! I don’t know what advice to give you, but I’m sending hugs and cookies 🍪🍪🍪
*hugss* I’m sorry to hear that, Lili <33
HUGS Lili!
*huggggssss* Just know don’t bite off more than you can chew! /lh
Hugs! Take a moment for yourself and just try your hardest! Hope everything improves xx
Good luck with the homework!! <3 Maybe break it down. Like if you're writing an essay, make a plan of what each paragraph will be about / the key ideas, then just get started on the introduction, then take a break. Good luck!
Aw I'm sorry about that 🙁 <3
Feel better soon!
Do things that you enjoy!!
I’m sorry you’re feeling overwhelmed, here’s some cookies 🍪🍪🍪
as for your crush, that’s really difficult. Though it’s probably hard, you have to respect their sexuality. Whether it’s best for you to move on or not is up to you, but I know you’ll do the right thing < 3
Its ok to have a crush on someone but if they’re not comfortable you gotta respect that <3 *hugs*
My friend passed away a few days ago and everything is so hard, plus I’m sick and everything is just awful. 🙁
sending many hugs spiri <3
*hugs* your friend passed away? That must be awful. 🍪🍪🍪🍪
HUGS Spriz!
I’m so sorry to hear that, that must be so hard for you and their close ones. may your friend rest in peace <3 *hugggggs*
*hugsss* I’m so sorry, Spiri :(( that must feel so awful <33
im so sorry to hear that. sending many hugs and cookies.
That’s awful. I’m so sorry for your loss, sending a billion hugs <33
I am so sorry. That must be really hard for you. sending quintillion hugs.
HUGS! That must be so hard! Hope ur feeling better🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
*HUGGSSS* I’m so sorry Spiri that sounds awful. May your friend RIP
i know how you feel, spriz. if you ever need someone to talk to, know that im here. <333
I’m so, so sorry for your loss. May your friend rest in peace.
Sending hugs and love <3
i’ve felt that pain and it’s so, so, terrible. may they rest in peace <333
That must be so hard <33
I’m so sorry for your loss Spriz. That is undoubtedly extremely difficult for you and I hope you feel better soon.
*hugs* *hugs* *hugs*
I’m so sorry for your loss! Losing a friend is so hard, and I feel you. I hope everything turns back around *hugs* <3
Hiii guys!! Nothing important, just not feeling great at the moment, and I could use some hugs <33
HUGS Jacki!
*huggggs* I hope you feel better soon, Jacki <33
HUGGSS Jacki <3
*HUGGGGOS* Hope you feel better soon Jackie!
*hugs* Hope you feel better soon, Jacki!
I hope you feel better soon!! Also your feelings are important <33
i’m sorry jacki, that really sucks, i hope you feel better!
*squishes you into a big bear hug*
hugs Jacki!! I hope you feel better soon!
*hugs* also here’s a free cookie 🍪
*hugs* also here’s a free cookie 🍪
I feel like my mom is not being very supportive of me right now… she’s being mean and rude towards me and I don’t like it. Every time I try to approach my mom, she doesn’t smile at me or say hello, she just stares at me like I did something wrong. My mom and I never got along, but I feel like my entire family just likes my mom more than me. I feel like I’m being ignored and my mom is shining in the spotlight. It sounds weird, I know, but I just wish my family would pay more attention to me instead of my mom. I also feel insecure about my acne problems because every night my mom comes into my bedroom and gives me a lecture about how ugly I am and how scary my face looks. It makes me feel worse that my mom is calling me ugly and scary, especially now that she’s doing it every night. It’s strange that my mom is the only one calling me ugly. Like, what is she benefiting out of this? My mom always acts like a boss and thinks she’s so cool, always ignoring everyone and acting like she owns the world. My mom is also NOT a trustworthy person. She lies to you all the time, even if it’s about things you should not be lying about. I have to work extra hard, do extra homework, get extra good grades, just to earn the respect of my family. And my mom just gets their attention all the time!
It’s strange that I’m jealous of my mom, but we never got along anyways :((
you are NOT ugly at all! i cant belive your mom, sending hugs for you
*hugs* I’m so sorry this is happening to you! I personally always got along with my parents, but I get the feeling that your family likes your mom more, bc my family can act like that too sometimes :(( Just remember that it isn’t because of you since you are an awesome person <3 And about the acne, please don't think it makes you look ugly or scary, for a few reasons:
1. Everyone is beautiful <3 Nobody is ugly, everyone is beautiful in their own way <3
2. I have acne as well, and so do some other people I know, and I know some girls with acne that are really beautiful <3
3. Acne isn’t scary at all, it's ridiculous that people would be scared if they saw someone with acne
Hugs again <333
I’m so sorry that this is happening to you, Misty. It’s really messed up. It sounds like your mom never learned how to be a mom (maybe her mom was mean to her in the same way?). I wish I had some good advice for you. Just know that people here support and value you. Sometimes I wish kids could divorce their parents, but alas that’s not possible.
*hugs* I’m so sorry you have to deal with that. It’s really messed up that she would talk to you like that. Acne doesn’t make a person ugly or scary, and it’s just plain unkind to say that it does. When she talks to you like that, remind yourself that you’re beautiful and that your real friends (both irl and on the blog) will always value and support you <33
I’m sorry this is happening to you Misty. She sounds like an awful mom 🙁 You are not scary or ugly-looking for having acne; everyone is beautiful, and acne is completely normal! I hope everything gets better soon, and remember the blog will always be here for you, because you are an amazing person <33
HUGS Mimi! I hope everything gets better soon but just remember you are NOT ugly, everyone is beautiful!
hugs, im so sorry to hear that
that sounds really, rough, misty. you ARE beautiful, dont listen to what she says <333
I’m so sorry, Miso. Nobody should be treated this way by anyone, and I can’t imagine how upsetting and confusing it must be to be treated like this by someone who is meant to love and support you no matter what.
Your feelings are valid. It isn’t weird to be jealous of your mum. I’m sorry she gets so much more attention than you.
And you are NOT ugly, and especially not because of acne! It’s very normal to have acne, especially when you’re a teenager. It’s not like you’ll have it forever, and even if you do, you’re not ugly!!!! <33 it's despicable of your mother to tell you that you're ugly and scary. I assure you that you aren't.
You are beautiful and worthy of love and kindness <3
If you need someone to talk to, I’m here. 💗💗💗 [email protected]
*hugsss and cookies 🍪 *
It’s ok, I’m so sorry <33333
Dang, I’m sorry Misty, that’s awful. That’s not ok that your mom is treating you that way, and acne doesn’t make you ugly or scary. Some of my friends actually miss their acne and say it became a part of them, and they don’t like how they look without it (majority of my friends still have acne.) Additionally, your acne does not make you scary at all. I don’t know a single teen that’s never gotten a pimple before and it’s a very familiar thing to all teens I think. I don’t have much advice other than to take some time to relax for yourself, maybe read or write down some daily positive affirmations, and save a little love for yourself, because you deserve it and you’re amazing < 3
*HUGSSSSSSS* I can’t believe your mom does that to you!! It’s awful behavior and she has no right to do that 🙁 You’re beautiful just the way you are, and she’s wrong. I’m so sorry you have to go through this, Miso <3333
*hugs* that is not ok at all, acne is normal and it doesn’t make you ugly. *hugs more*
*hugsss* That is so messed up 😭 I’m so sorry, that sounds awful and oh man I genuinely wish I had some advice </3 Sending so many hugs, I hope things get better for you <33
Hugs** I don’t know what you look like, but I know that your are wonderfully made and no one can ever say otherwise! I’m so sorry that your mom is making you feel this way. Just know that adults can make bad decisions too. I hope everything gets better. In the mean time, have some cookies 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
Today…is a bad day. My 3ds and nintendo switch stopped working…and right before the moldy cheeto takes hold of the us. Not to mention califorrnia burning.
Never thought bad omens were real until now.
Dear mods: (if the blogclanners got to rant full posts about the president in 2016, i can mention him in 2025)
I seriously need to stop posting on here oml my life is not that deep 🫠
So my mom broke up with my stepdad (he lied and I’m also pretty sure he cheated on her) and I have mixed feelings about it all. On one hand I’m happy he’s leaving because he’s never at my house anymore and just works all the time and when he’s here he’s always in a bad mood, and he’s also somewhat homophobic and transphobic (ewww) but I’m also sad because he was one of the guys who raised me and I’ve known him since I was a little kid and idk I might not ever see him again— it’s just really surreal to me tbh and idk how to feel
Hugs/advice plz??
HUGS Breezy!
(Just a reminder your life is that deep and you can comment on this page as much as you like! You matter <3)
I'm so sorry, Breezy! I completely understand how you must be experiencing a lot of mixed emotions right now; I can't even imagine how I'd feel if my father and stepmother divorced. I really hope you can continue having a relationship with your stepdad if that's what you want. I'm sorry this is happening to you. <3
I’ve never experienced something like that before, so I don’t think I’m well-suited to give advice.
(I am always well-suited to give hugs and cookies though)
*Hugs hugs hugsss*
*hugssss* that sucks, Breezo, I’m sorry :((
yall im so confused
i think i might be asexual or something on that spectrum? because i havent had a crush on anybody in years, and the last guy i dated i dated him just for the sake of dating someone and now im confused
also im really questioning if im straight or not because now that i think of it, i might have had a few crushes on girls in the past but i was just gaslighting myself into thinking i was straight and i didnt want to feel ‘different’
i feel really stupid now because i feel like i should know my sexuality at this point but i dont and im questioning everything now so yay :p
hugs to anyone who needs them! <333
HUGS Kiki!
thanks iva!
Sexuality is SO confusing, so dw, there are people who question theirs at 30! I get it. (I sadly don’t have any advice, sry!)
thanks pebble!
It can be really difficult when you’re still figuring it out, especially if the people around you feel confident in their sexualities. To offer some comfort, I am almost done high school, and haven’t figured out my sexuality yet. There are many, many people out there who aren’t in relationships or have everything figured out.
We live in a world where people feel they need to give themselves a label or fit themselves in a box. But, it’s totally okay if you haven’t quite figured out where you land yet. Many of my friends originally thought they were queer, then found themselves to be straight and vice versa!
It’s okay not to have everything figured out. Being a teenager is all about starting a wondrous exploratory journey, where you begin to learn about yourself and your passions. <3
thanks dusky. this helped a lot <333
I questioned my sexuality and identity for three years and I’m almost done middle school, it takes time and make sure to let yourself feel your feelings. I’ve JUST realized and come to terms with the fact that I’m aroaceflux and I suggest researching into different microlabels to see if you can find something that feels right! however you don’t need a label to be who you are!
hugs and best of luck kiki! <3333
thanks drifter. this helped a lot
You are not stupid!! Figuring out your sexuality is a journey that can take years. There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ time to question your sexuality.
Let’s break this down ^^
Though I may have misunderstood your comment, it seems like you may be referring to aromanticism rather than asexuality?
Asexuality means to feel little to no sexual attraction and aromanticism means to feel little to no romantic attraction.
A few aro-spec (aromantic spectrum) labels I’d suggest looking into are greyromantic, demiromantic, and cupioromantic!
I have a similar experience with the “I may have had crushes on girls in the past, but have I really?” thing. What I’d suggest thinking about is not whether you’ve ever liked a girl, but whether you’d date a girl now. Does the idea appeal to you? Are there any women (like celebrities) that you feel any attraction to?
Good luck figuring this all out! There’s no rush <3 and if you find that thinking about this is too stressful, maybe just be unlabelled? It could be freeing to just be like 'I like who I like and that's okay, I don't need any labels.' if you have any more questions feel free to ask <3
thanks silv! this helped me a lot <3
*hugssss* I don’t know a lot about sexualities or anything, but I think it’s okay to be unlabelled if thinking about it stresses you. However, that’s different for everyone so good luck!! <33
thanks, jacki :))
You could be Cupiosexual??
Good luck!
ill look into that!
You’re not stupid at all, Kiki. Just don’t rush yourself <33
thanks shrubpaw <3
thanks miso :DD
This is small but I missed the PERFECT opportunity to tell my crush I like her 🙁
HUGS Coralpaw! I’m sorry to hear that!
that sucks, but im sure youll have another chance to tell her in the future!
Hugs,🦭you’ll probably get another opportunity in the future.
*hugs* i’m really sorry, that sucks :((
I’m so sorry, Coral!! I imagine that would be really disappointing. But I’m sure other opportunities that are just as great will arise! <3
*hugssss* I’m sorry, Coral :/
My grandma’s cat died from kidney failure and they live far away so I never got to see her again. Hugs?
sending hugs <3 <3
losing a pet must be so hard. <333
HUGS Goldenpaw!
I’m sorry for your loss. Maybe she rest in peace <3
MAY she rest in peace***
I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to put “maybe”!!!
hugsss! I’m so sorry to hear that
*Hugggssss* So sorry for your loss <333
*hugsssss* I’m so sorry, pet deaths are so sad :((
I’m so sorry. The loss of beloved pets is always hard.
*hugs and cookies 🍪*
(Ignore the spelling errors) Ik i haven’t been very active on the blog for a while and its because I’m part of a theatre and ever since rehursals started back in december, I’ve felt really preasured. idk how to explain it but i feel very stressed rn escpessialy since we’re doing 3 shows on 2 weekends (friday saturday sunday) and im on my period. On top of that, opening night last friday was a mess. Everyone was crying, someone forgot his lines so i missed my cue, one of the leads got larangitis so she couldn’t sing so the director had to sing her part. The saturday and sunday show was ok-ish, but we have to do it all again this weekend. And of course, the dressing rooms were disgusting. Not bc it was originally messy, but we, the cast, made it disgusting. The girls dressing room (mine) was so dirty, the stage manager said he saw a rat crawling around, a few ants were crowding some fallen bbq sauce. So yeah! Opening night was a disaster, we now have a rat problem, i’m on my period, what an amazing way to start off the year! #TheatreLife
I’m a theatre kid, i can help :))
it’s good that you have two weekends! The first weekend sounds pretty rough, but I believe in you. this next weekend will be better. You can do it! Chances are, no one noticed that guy who missed his lines and your cue. ok, maybe someone noticed, but when they step out of the theatre i doubt that that will be the first thing that comes to mind.
Once when I was performing in a school musical (in a lead role), I had a really bad cough and I lost my voice. On stage.
I hope it gets better! Break a leg Autumn
that sucks, autumn. i hope things work out!! <333
that sounds so overwhelming autumn! *HUGS*
HUGS Autumnrose!
I hope things get better!
I’m so sorry, Auts. I imagine that would have to be a really upsetting, overwhelming, and overstimulating environment. after that failed show, I’m sure everyone will be conscious of not letting that happen again. For example, I bet the guy who forgot his line will practice it a lot more this time round to ensure that doesn’t happen again.
I wish you luck for your next shows and I hope everything works out <3
*hugssss* That all stinks, Autumn, I’m sorry :/ I believe in you tho!! The next show will be awesome :DD
*HUGGGSSS* That sucks, I’m sorry Autumn 🙁 I hope things improve for you!
This is barely a vent but whateverrrrr who cares
There’s this one person who I wished I looked like so badly (the person in question is someone from a band I like, not saying anything more than that). Think that that would be considered gender envy or whatever but I don’t careeeeee. Agh
Man, I need to go on HRT so badly. Head in hands
HUGS Star!
I’m so sorry! I don’t have much advice given I haven’t personally experienced gender envy, but it sounds like a very unpleasant and upsetting feeling. I hope you can go on HRT as soon as possible <3
Sending hugs and cookies 🍪🍪🍪🍪
so sorry to be posting twice in the same week but I just need to vent
so I spent all of today (which was an extra day off of school because of MLK Day) practicing writing essays and doing practice tests for the governor’s school I’m applying to (the test is on saturday) and when I took a break earlier my dad started giving me a hard time but then gave me a 15-minute talk about how he ‘understands being overworked’ and then said that I’m maybe ‘just not cut out for this school’ but HE–I repeat, HE, not ME–is okay with that, THEN he goes on to read the essays I wrote today and not even 30 seconds into reading tells me that he ‘already doesn’t like it’ and goes to give all sorts of negative comments on it. look man, I’m in the eighth grade, I’m 13, not william shakespeare and it seems like he expects me to be just that. I’m tired and I’ve had a long day and he’s over here criticizing everything I do and I’m sick of it. I get that my dad is trying to help me (he’s usually pretty chill) but I’m just fed up with him because he’s doing the literal opposite of helping
hugs please? thanks guys, ily <3
*hugs* i’m so sorry about that!! i do hope you get into the governor’s school <33
thanks seedo, I appreciate it <33
that sounds super frustrating and I wish you the best of luck on getting into that school flam!!
hugs and cookies <333333
thanks drifter! and thank you very much for the cookies, they were positively scrumptious :DD
*hugs* That sounds really frustrating! Best of luck on getting into the school!
thanks reds my friend! I appreciate it <33
I’m so sorry. I understand how that would be upsetting. Could you explain how you feel to your dad? If he’s chill most of the time, I’m sure he’ll understand.
thanks, silv! last night my dad and I ended up talking and for the most part we’re okay now; I think we both had just had a long day and got frustrated with each other :))
I’m glad you’re okay now! And that makes sense, it happens ❤️
thanks misty <333
*Huggossss* Sorry about that Flamilton, that does sound frustrating 🙁 Best of luck on getting into the governor’s school!
thanks shrubsy my friend!! <333
HUGS Flamepaw! I hope you get into the governer’s school!
thanks ivz <333
*hugss* That sounds really rough, I’m so sorry <33 Glad to hear you guys talked about it though, and good luck on the test!! You deserve it sm dude <33
aww thanks coni, ily <33
I’m super super sorry that’s going on, Flam :C Your dad needs to stop criticizing you because i’m sure those essays are amazing <333 Just remember to take breaks sometimes aswell (it can actually help you think and stuff!!)
Sending hugs and magictastical backflipping rubber ducks /ref!!