The Hug Page is here. Because, whoever we are, we still need hugs. This is still the best place to come if you’re feeling sad and need a hug from BlogClan…
[image description: gif of a brown bear sitting down and raising its arms with a smile and blushing cheeks. “FREE BEAR HUGS” is written at the top with a red arrow pointing down at the bear.]
(Sh! This is a new Hug Page. You can find the old one here)
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Regarding replies that mention or are about religion: Generally, religion should be avoided when replying to other people to give them hugs, such as stating that you will be praying for them. However, exceptions will be made if the person asking for hugs is asking for prayers from people who practice the same religion as them or if they are open about what religion they practice. Otherwise, people who do not practice the same religion or do not practice any religion should steer clear of providing religion-related comfort if they don’t know if another BlogClanner practices a specific religion.
A note from BlogTeam: From now on, we will no longer moderate comments on the Hug Page that go into specific detail about events. Instead, commenters will post in a vague manner, such as “I’m having a bad day, I could really use some hugs”, and other BlogClanners are welcome to provide comfort and support. This change is not because of any specific event or person, but because it is extremely difficult to mitigate questionable comments and determine what parts of certain comments are suitable to moderate, as well as making sure that replies with advice are in no way harmful to the original poster or others. If you ever feel like you need advice about a serious situation, you are welcome to reach out to BlogTeam, because your health and safety is our top priority. However, no one on BlogTeam is or has ever been a mental health professional in any way, and all we can do is provide advice. We implore you to always reach out to a trusted adult or hotline (listed above) about a situation that worries you. You are still welcome to come to the Hug Page if you need any hugs or comfort from your BlogClan peers, but the cause of your distress can no longer be explained——no matter the situation. Thank you so much for understanding <3
Hey guys, idk if this deserves the hug page but my mom and my brother argue a lot, and I was just drawing earlier when an argument abruptly just starts. Ik family members argue a lot, but it’s not like I can just close my ears. After I have to listen to that, I end up feeling terrible 😔 Hugs and cookies to any1 who needs em 🍪🍪
That is a very reasonable thing to be upset about. Here are some cookies if you need them 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
Tysm Dawny ❤️
I’m sorry Ashi!
Cookies🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪 and warm hugs!
Of course this deserves the hug page!! Your feelings are valid ❤️
I’m so sorry. Hearing family members argue is always an unpleasant experience, and I imagine it would be jarring for the fight to start so suddenly. Just remember you guys are family and will overcome the issues. It’s normal to argue sometimes. I hope it’s sorted out now!
Nothing big but I’m having my period and I’ve got a bellyache for like, two hours now and gosh it hurtttttts😭 Normally I never get bellyaches when I have my period (I’ve only got it four times tho :PP), and I wanted to go to the toilet at school (I mean I know it probs won’t help much but idk all help is welcome), but one of the teachers we had was super grumpy and the other one we had gets mad when one of us has to go to the toilet so yeah it wasn’t fun :(( I’m taking a pain stiller rn so I hope it’ll help🤞
*huggos* That sucks, I’m sorry Fallowsy <3
Hope so as well! Periods and bellyaches suck 😭 Hugs!
Ughhh periods suckkkkkkk. I hope you’re feeling alright now. Snuggle up in bed with some tea, it may help! You can’t do that at school unfortunately so maybe take some painkillers to hold you over while you’re on your period.
Nothing serious, but I’d appreciate some hugs :’) Had a bit of a rough day </3
HUGS Conifersong!
Sending hugs and cookies <3 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
Hugs, Conifersong! Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us ❤️ Cookies for you: 🍪🍪🍪
Hugs!!! I hope tomorrow (or today idk what time zone u are in) is better <3
I’m sorry, I hope you’re alright. I’m sure tomorrow will be better <3
*hugsssss* Hope you feel betetr soon, Coni!! <33
_Hugs!_ Btw I love your MD pfp 🙂
*hugs* Hope you feel better soon!
*hugggssss to the end of the worldd* 🍪 🍪 🍪 AND COOKIES FOREVER 🍪 🍪 🍪
Bro I swear my life is just casually falling apart rn, my body decided it hated me (love being a girl. not) the DAY I found out that my parents are getting a divorce. For the record im the oldest of three, at 17, and my parents have been married for 24 years and together for like 30 or smth, and it just feels, unreal, I cried to my therapist for an hour yesterday but I just needed blogclan hugs, cuz yall have a way of making me feel so much better
HUGS Blossomrose!
That must be horrible! divorce sucks, I don’t deal with it, but my friend does. PLENTY of hugs to you! And Cookies 🍪.
HUGS. Divorce is rough, my mom threatens it all the time and I’m getting used to it.
HUGS BLOSS!! That sounds horrible!! I’m so sorry about that, but just know that the Blog has your back <3
*hugs* That sounds horrible. Sending hugs and cookies! 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
I’m so sorry! My parents divorced when I was little, but your in hight school so I know it’s different for you. Warm hugs! ❤️
I’m so sorry, Bloss :((
I can relate to both of those things, especially the second part. My parents got a divorce when I was like, 9 and it was terrible. Sending hugs and cookies!! <33
Sending hugs Bloss, that sounds horrible <33
*huggos* Im so sorry bloss! Sending hugs!
Man BlossomRose I’m so sorry. You’re tackling this like a hero and you’re such a nice person you didn’t deserve this. I hope you feel better soon and I’m really sorry for the divorce :((
hearts. <33333
HUGSSSSSSS im so sorry bloss
*Hugs* I am so sorry 🙁 I wish I could relate just to make you feel better, but I can’t, and im so sorry about it… Sending good wishes, health and happiness your way, and I hope this gets resolved <33
*hugs* I’m so sorry :((
*hugs* ohh blossi i can’t imagine 😭 *hugs* that must be so hard 🙁 me and the rest of blogclan are here for you, there are very tough times but i believe that you will push through and come out a stronger person <33 *hugs* 🍪 🧁
Hey guys, I could really use some hugs right now.
In case you don’t know, there are fires in California (Where I live) and they reached my area today. It was really scary, and some of my friends told me that during PE, they could see the smoke. Also, a lot of my friends were worrying about their families, and it was just a really tense day today.
Hugs to anyone who needs them! <333
I’m sorry to be venting every few pages but I really can’t help it.
Firstly I’ve got school camp in a few days but my ankle which I sprained around 3 weeks ago STILL hasn’t healed! I’m really looking forward to camp, and I don’t want to miss it or have my ankle hurt there.
Secondly I had an english speech today, which affects my grades and I’m pretty sure I did terrible, I kept dropping my notes and some kid laughed at me :(.
And right now I’m really struggling with my self-esteem.
This reason seems so silly but well, I sometimes feel like I’m just…. second-hand. I’ve got a lot of friends, at least I think so but I don’t know how many of them would consider me a friend. And I’m always like the second or the third or fourth option to everybody except my besties. Always and I hate when that happens and people leave me or me and my besties out of things.
Anyways I’m really sorry for the vent.
Hugs, Advice and cookies would be welcome and HUGE HUGS to anyone who needs them today.
1. That must be horrible! iv’e had to miss stuff like that because of being sick and stuff.
2. About that speech, DONT WORRY! One time I thought I would flunk a presentation, and yet, I did just fine! Nerves are probably making you second guess yourself. And about that kid, He’s a jerk, let him be one.
3. SAME GIRLIE! Not everyone is going to be a great friend. If you cant work it out, just start distancing yourself from them. You deserve to be around people who make you feel whole and respected
Hugs and cookies 🍪 ❤
Thanks Kindlepaw!
Hugs to you as well!
I understand how you feel, and it really is a sucky feeling. I’m really sorry about that Ivy. You’ll always have us blogclanners, and maybe I’d try to hang out more with your besties, because at the end of the day, they’re the people who are on your side no matter what. ily!
Thanks Bloss! (approved nickname?)
ily too!
Thanks Miso!
I’m so sorry Ives! Don’t worry about the vent, isn’t that what this page is for? And it’s reasonable that I feel left out when ur friends leave u out. We’re all human. U deserve friends that don’t leave u out. About the speech, it was REALLY wrong of that person to laugh at u dropping ur notes. Hugs and cookies! 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪 Love ya ❤️
TY Ashi! ily!
*hugsss* I’m sorry, Ivy :/
Ty Jacki!
Thanks Roses!
*hugs hugs hugs* I’m so sorry Iva! Here’s some cookies: 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
You didn’t bother me by your “vent”
I think it was a responsible thing to put on the hug page! lost of hugs!
Ty Nightsong!
I hope your ankle feels better soon!!! I’m sure there’ll be plenty of activities you can do that doesn’t require using your injured foot. Maybe just being some painkillers in case?
I’m sorry a kid laughed at you. People can be awful. I’m sure you did wonderfully and that you tried your best <3
I'm so sorry, that sounds like an awful feeling to have. Being a second choice is never fun, and neither is being left out.
I hope everything works out <3
Thanks Silverdusk!
Cookies too 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪💕⭐️
Thanks Shimmz!
*Hugs* Im so sorry that’s happening, Iva 🙁 English is a pretty hard subject, and that kid can lick the bottom of your shoes if he has a problem with you talking. Sending good wishes, health and happiness your way <33
Thanks Sharky! (approved nickname?)
*hugs* I really hope your ankle feels better soon Iva!!
Don’t worry about that speech, I’m sure you did great! It doesn’t matter what that kid thinks! <33
I know what its like to feel second-hand. Just try to hang out more with your besties and remember that everyone blog is always here for you. ily
More hugs and cookies: 🍪🍪🍪🍪
Ty Rowanpaw
Hewwo all! It’s your girl, back with ANOTHER VENT 😀
I have only a few friends now, I miss my old ones and regret dropping them, but they probably hate me so… 🙁 🙁 🙁
My dad + stepmom do NOT like me, neither do my siblings, so life at home sucks.
I don’t wanna go to long term 🙁
that’s all, have a nice day!!!
HUGS Hoppi!
*hugsssss* I’m sorry, Hoppi :/
*huggggssss* I’m sorry Hoppi, I hope things improve soon <33
*hugs* I’m sorry Hoppi, I hope things get better soon <33
I’m so sorry, Hopii. I hope everything works out and you get to see your mum soon. Unless you know for sure your old friends don’t like you, maybe try talking to them and rebuilding a friendship?
Hugs Hoppi! Hope it gets better soon. Till then, cookies! 🍪
*huggos* Here are some cookies me mento 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
So…. yeah I have been very depressed and yeah and I feel like my friends are slowly being pulled away from me because if you saw one of my tangents, I’m alone in one class and ALL of my friends are in the other… AND there is only two classes… I feel like they are replacing me with another person…. and I just feel very lonely. And I’ve been trying to work up the courage to email my crush about my feel about her but I’m too shy to even EMAIL her about it. I cant do it in person, nor email. I just kinda RESENT my bashfulness. Sending hugs to people who actually need them, like y’all in California, cause my problems are nothing CLOSE to as bad as California. *Huggos*
HUGS Nightsong! I’m sorry
Maybe arrange some hangouts soon with your friends, so you can feel closer to them again? I would also suggest telling them how you feel. I’m sure they’ll be happy to reassure you <3
And telling someone you like them is HARD. you are not bashful for not being able to. 💗
I’m sorry
*hugs hugs hugs*
Why is my mom so stupidly inconsiderate? Today I had to record a piano piece for some sort of Music Evaluation thingy, and I kept messing up and crying, and then she started yelling about how crying is useless and a waste a time and what am I even crying for, which made me cry more, and then I said I needed a break and she scoffed and yelled at me some more.
Hugs please. I just wish I had more considerate parents who actually took my feelings into account.
HUGS Reedough!
*hugssss* that’s very unfair, Reedo, I’m sorry 🙁
Sending hugs <33 That sounds awful! Maybe have a conversation with your mom when both of you are calm? I hope things can be worked out soon
Hugs! I agree that piano can be frustrating (I play it as well) and whenever I get frustrated about piano and messing up I take a break. It was really unreasonable for your mom to yell at you. I hope that she comes to her senses <3
*sends hugs and cookies*
Thanks everyone <333 Update: She apologized… buuut I have to rerecord it ☠️
I’m glad she apologized! :))
I’m so sorry, Reeds. It’s completely valid to need a break and to cry, and your mum should have tried to understand your feelings better. Maybe talk to her about it when you’re both in a better mood?
Hey guys, I know you’re going through a lot, and I know it’s easy for someone to say “I’ve been there.” because that’s the easiest thing to say, but I have no idea what you deal with, and I want to be here for you in your hard times ❤
You’re dealing with all this like a superstar and I believe in you!! It’s okay to cry, you’ve gone a long way. This is your chance to let it out. You’ve been super brave, even if you don’t know it.
For anyone who is sad, remember that you are super duper awesome!! You can tackle this adversity like Jack Sawyer tackled Quinn Ewers, you can dodge all those haters like Will Howard dodges sacks, you can dominate in these new things like Jeremiah Smith dominates as a Wide Reciever, but most of all, you can do anything!!!!!!
TYSM Frogpaw!
That’s beautiful, Froggo!! <3333
Thank you Froggo!
Thanks, Froggo!! And I love the football mentions in here ^^ /gen
It’s nothing serious, but I got my hair frosted the other day and I’m going back and forth on whether I like it or not? I’ve been wanting to do this for years and so I’m proud that I did, but I don’t know how to describe it – the results came out a lot less subtle than I expected them to. I thought more of my natural color would be left, but instead of more of the frosted look it’s pretty bleached, I think 😅 Sometimes I look in the mirror and worry the tones look too yellow (I wanted them to be cooler/ash, the hairdresser used only bleach if that makes a difference /genq), sometimes I look in the mirror and love the way I look. So maybe it’s just the time of day/lighting? Sometimes I think it’s my haircut I’m not satisfied with rather than the color, sometimes I think that the fact that this is such a change is what’s bothering me because regardless of the outcome it can be scary to change your physical appearance – and I guess I just worry that I can’t make myself feel beautiful the way I am now, even though sometimes I think it does look beautiful. Hopefully that makes sense 😅 And I’m afraid that asking for any other dye job will sound ungrateful. I just want to find a way to feel pretty with what I have, you know?
*hugs* I’m not an expert by any definition but it does sound like the lighting could be affecting how it looks, and now that the shade of your hair is different, it’ll probably look different when matched with certain colors. Like if it used to look best when you wore blue, it might now look best with a blue-green. You could also try avoiding colors like green and purple that can make hair look yellower. But if you really don’t like it, it’s not ungrateful to ask to have it redyed, since you deserve to feel good about how you look.
Thank you, Red! I’ll definitely keep those color tips in mind 🙂
Two thoughts:
1. Give it some more time, maybe a week or so. A major change in your appearance can take some getting used to.
2. If you decide that you want to get it redone, you should absolutely do so. Your relationship with the hairdresser is a commercial one. They provide a service which you pay for. You should be satisfied with the results. Gratitude really doesn’t enter into it, IMO.
Thank you, WhiteWhiskers! I’ll set myself a date to see if my feelings sort themselves out in the meantime. And your second point made me feel relieved – I guess I need to keep in mind that it’s okay for me to take charge and not be afraid or ashamed to go after what I want.
HUGS Snowbreeze!
I’m so sure you are beautiful with your hair, Snowy! <3 It's completely normal to feel this way sometimes, but once you get used to your hair, I'm sure you'll feel so much better. And there are going to be people who see you who think "that's the prettiest hair ever" (and they'd be correct). If you'd like, you can send me a photo of your hair or a reference to what it looks like, and I can tell you what I think of it / reassure you it looks beautiful because I know it will.
And asking for another dye job is not selfish at all. It’s okay to test something out and not like it. What matters is that you feel happy with yourself and how you look, and if that isn’t going to come easily with how your hair looks now, you should change it without feeling guilty <33
Thanks so much Silv, this all made me feel a ton better! <333 I would love to send you a photo of my hair. ^^ And it’s comforting to know that I can change it without worries if I would like to <33
*hugsssss* I think you should, just as WhiteWhiskers said, give it some time to get used to it, but if you end up not liking it, you should do something about it, and imo that wouldn’t be ungrateful.
Thank you, Jacki! <3
Thank you all for your replies! I’ll be able to reply to each one in the morning <3
I’m feeling a tad bit distressed, I don’t really feel like explaining but I’m ok y’all, dw abt me <3 Hugs to everyone else <3
Hugs🦭, I hope you feel better soon
hugs! I hope everything gets less stressful
*hugs* Hope you feel better soon!
HUGS Fallowpaw!
*hugsss* *hugs*
I hope you feel better soon!!
*hugss* I hope you’ll feel better soon!! <33333
Hey, I know its been awhile but I didnt have the courage to come out to the blog until now.. Uhm- I feel underappreciated.. Let me explain-
So, I have a little sister, right? And she’s bound to be more sensitive than me, right? Well.. Because she’s sensitive, I think my parents favor her.
Obviously parents aren’t supposed to choose favourites, and obviously my parents are amazing and funny and nice, but I feel like my parents have been giving her EVERYTHING.
First off, If me and her are in an argument, and my mom hears it, she just immediately assumes its ME who started it, and gets ME in trouble, even though most of the time its my sister who lashes out first.
Secondly, whenever I’m sick, my parents are like ”Oh i’m so sorry you’re feeling sick [Realname], I hope you feel better. I’ll uh- I’ll go get some gatorade from the store later” Oh thanks for the gatorade, 2 DAYS AFTER I GOT OVER THE SICKNESS?? THEN when SHE’S sick, my parents are ALL OVER HER, checking on her every 5 minutes, making sure she’s comfortable ON A MATRESS and not AN OLD RECLINING CHAIR? Not to mention, SHE GOT CRACKERS, GATORADE, GINGER ALE AND MORE.
I really don’t enjoy talking about this, especially because I love my sister and I dont want her to think its all her fault, because.. You know, shes young, she doesn’t know any better. I don’t want to blame my parents either. I personally blame myself- I’ve been a bit more lazy and…. I don’t know.. Rude? Uhm- Anyways.. One last thing before I finish venting-
Sorry for yelling 😓 Some hugs and comforting comments would help.. Maybe some mac & cheese as well 🙂 Sorry if I made it seem bad- It’s really not a big problem.. By the way, I- uh- I’m too much of a wimp to talk to my parents about this- sooooo.. Anyways- sending good wishes, health and happiness your way if you also are going through something rough <3
*hugs* That sounds really rough! I know it might seem really intimidating but I think you should work up the courage to talk to your parents about it. Often, as a kid gets older and more responsible, parents can feel like they’re not needed as much and start giving more attention to younger siblings, and it’s entirely possible that they don’t realize what they’re doing. If you explained how you feel they would probably change. But whatever you choose to do, I hope things get better soon <33
Thank you, Reds (approved nickname?) I appreciate it <3 The thing about me though, If I work up the courage to anything it probably will take like- 5 hours xD
Sorry Sharkii that sucks 🙁 *hugs*
Thanks, Froggo <3
HUGS Sharklight! I’m sorry! Here’s some mac and cheese 🍝🧀 (sorry its the best thing I could find)
Thank you, iva! *Noms mac and cheese* Nah dw abt it I like pasta and cheese too xD
I’m sorry, Sharkie. It isn’t your fault this is happening at all, you deserve to feel loved to matter what and to be treated equally to your sister. You shouldn’t feel bad for feeling this way, your feelings are valid. I believe I may have an idea of how you feel because my little sister gets nearly everything she wants too (but in my case, it’s because she’s such a difficult brat she’ll throw a fit otherwise and my mum gets tired of fighting her on everything /lh). It can feel unfair and frustrating at times. Maybe the next time something like this happens, calmly point it out.
“Why did you assume I’m the one who started the fight? Can’t I explain what happened to you?”
“When [your sister’s name] was sick, she got ginger ale and crackers. Can I have some too?”
I hope everything gets better <3333
Thanks, Silv! <33 Ilysm your one of my favourite bloggers <333 Yeah the thing is tho if I point out something like that my parents spend 30 minutes trying to reassure me and then I start crying- So uhhhh- Thanks for the advice tho! Ilyyy <3
*hugsssss* I’m sorry, Jaws, that’s unfair :/
Thanks Jacki <3 Eh- It feels that way its not that serious tho ;-;