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[image description: an orange tabby cat sleeps in a flower field]
I’ll answer later, but btw, MV is a novella, not a SE
Mapleshade’s Vengeance is a novella, not a Super Edition ^^
I’ve only read like 5 😛
1. Bluestar’s prophecy
2. Crowfeather’s Trial
3. Squirrelflight’s Hope
4. Firestar’s Quest
5. Redtail’s debt I did not like that one
Redtail’s Debt is a novella, not a SE
1. Crowfeathers Trial!
2. Squirrelflight’s hope, i really liked it and i only got like a quarter of the way in when it disappeared off thr face of the earth and i spent 40 mins looking for it last night at 11pm 😛
3. SkyClan’s Destiny
4. Graystripe’s Vow
5. Bramblestar’s Storm
6. Firestar’s Quest
7. Tigerheart’s Shadow
and thats all the ones ive read
I found squilfs hope yayyy
And I’ve also read Hawkwings Journey but I forgot 😅
Ive only read two honestly 😛
Bluestars prophecy
Yellowfangs secret
Mothflight’s Vision- It was a bit of a drag but I like the plot and story. And Moth Flight 😛
Crowfeather’s Trial- Funny and emotional and just amazing!
Bluestar’s Prophecy- My first ever fav book and the first book I ever bought
and sorry that’s all now rush atm
Uhh let’s see
2. Uhhhhh probably Leopardstar’s Honor tbh, I thought she was a fascinating POV and I absolutely adored Whitefang <33
3. Firestar's Quest. The classics are hard to beat 😛
4. Graystripe's Vow, I loved seeing both TBC-era TC and past TC, and WarriorClan is top-tier 😛 😛
5. Bluestar's Prophecy, it's absolutely amazing and I loved Thrushpelt with all of my heart, that boi deserved so much better
6. Crookedstar's Promise, I absolutely loved Crooked and Oak's dynamic and Mapleshade literally carried that book my queen ✨
7. Moth Flight's Vision, I know that this one is pretty ignored but I loved seeing more post-DotC books :DD
8. Onestar's Confession–I love me some OneWHISKER and it was great to see some WimClam kitty cats :DD
9. Squilf's Hope–I found it really fascinating to see Squilf in the between-life-and-death situation but Brambs was absolutely disgusting in this 0/10 would not recommend 😛
10. Yellowfang's Secret-it was actually the first SE I read and overall a very good one!! I loved seeing some pre-TPB ShadowClan and I mean Yellowfang is just iconic 💅✨💃👌
Hmmm….I would say:
Mothflight’s Vision,
Tigerheart’s Shadow,
Crowfeather’s Trial,
Squirrelflight’s Hope,
SkyClan’s Destiny,
Crookedstar’s Promise (That’s my favorite SE) 😛 and
Bramblestar’s Storm
(Looking for a mentor!)
I ranked the ones I read:
1. Bluestar’s Prophecy: I love it! Bluestar was alertly one of my favorite characters and then I read her SE and it made me like her even more. She had a tramatic childhood, was ignored by her father, and told a cryptic prophecy about her death by her uncle at a young age. She lost her sister and her mother, and eventually her own mate and kits. Her story’s sad, and although I don’t agree with all of the choices she made I still think it was well written. Also I like her relationship with Thrushpelt, and her bond with her mentor.
2. Leopardstar’s Honor: It was good, I felt so bad for her as a kit when Skykit bullied her, and then how she grew past it and Whitefang, her mentor, helped her get over her fear of water. She, like Bluestar, gave up everything for her clan. She was loyal and kind, and besides all the errors in the allegiances it was a good book!
3. Crookedstar’s Promise: So sad, and it has Mapleshade! He had a sad childhood, with him getting hurt and running away. And it was so amazing to see him grow up and build his confidence becomming leader. It was so sad when his kits and mate died tho.
4. Yellowfang’s Secret: A great book, I love Yellowfang’s sarcasm and we get to see her past in this book. It was well written and told her story well.
5. Tallstar’s Revenge: I also like this one, it was so sad when Talltaill’s father died and he went on a quest for revenge, ultimately learning killing Sparrow wasn’t going to make his grief go away. Overall a good SE.
6. Firestar’s Quest
7. Bramblestar’s Storm: Good, and I liked to see Bramblestar helping his clan and being a great leader. It just wasn’t one of my favorites, and overall not super memorable.
8. SkyClan’s destany: Okay, this one was kinda random. SkyClan, goes off to help some roges and none of them even join the clan? It seemed more about the rogues than SkyClan’s destiny. I’t wasn’t bad, just not great.
Sorry for the rant!
Opinion on Firestar? Personally, he’s one of my favorite characters.
me too! I know a lot of people think he’s overrated, but he’s very loyal, thinks outside of boundaries, fights to the end for the clan, has a amazing personality, and ik those might be some reasons people don’t like him, but I love him nonetheless :3
I agree :3
Tbh, I think he’s a nice guy and I like him, but he’s just too basic imo. He’s just the perfect protagonist and sometimes he just doesn’t make sense; like how he just immediately converted to the StarClan religion the second he heard of it. But yeah he’s nice and tbh I miss him like crazy.
He’s fine. He’s not my favorite character, but I don’t think he’s totally overrated. I don’t like how he had to get into everybody’s business, but he was trying to help. He definitely had more spotlight than he should’ve, but he’s a great pov character!
Same :3
Definitely not a gary stu but I just find him a bit boring honestly 😛
idk I might be biased since I haven’t read tpb in years
as i’ve gotten older I’ve realized that he isn’t a perfect character, in the sense that he’s TOO perfect. It serves it’s role in the narrative but if I read about a character like firestar now i probably wouldn’t like them. But i still love firestar because nostalgia. That little orange cat is what got me into reading
I love Firestar. He was a great initial protagonist and is one of the most iconic characters in the series. I think he was a Gary-Stu for the most part, but he was a bit too religious at times.
he’s nice in TPB but after that he’s boring
He’s a great leader, but he does get kinda boring :’)
Firestar is a classic and i like him to 🙂
I like him, he was a good cat, and I liked how his story played out. He’s loyal and will give up anything for his clan.
Why does everyone seem to hate AVoS? Personally I think it’s one of the best arcs, but everyone else in the fandom seems to think it’s the least good arc. I just don’t understand why.
Bc I thought the last two books were mostly boring, Twigbranch irritated me to death and I didn’t like how Finleap was displayed as a good guy at the end and was just forgiven for doing horrible things. Needletail also REALLY infuriated me, and I think it’d be nicer if her story ended with Violetshine realizing she had been manipulated all along instead of her just still loving Needletail. I also didn’t like SkyClan joining the Clans at the lake, cuz it just kinda destroyed their whole unique culture with daylight warriors and stuff.
I agree with all of this ^^
I agree with almost everything, and I also dislike this arc, but I personally love Needletail. I think she’s underrated.
I LOVE that arc, I have no idea why it’s hated ;-;
Mostly because the arc seems to end halfway when Darktail is defeated
The main villain died in book 3, so everything after that felt stretched out and tedious and plotless. Twigbranch’s whole identity crises and clan-switching was repetitive, boring, and just plain annoying. Finleap was terrible to Twigbranch. Violetshine and Tree’s relationship was rushed. I hate how they added ghosts in like 15 years into an established world. Alderheart was honestly a forgettable character for me. In fact, the whole arc was forgettable to me. It just… wasn’t good. You can have your own opinions, but those are mine
It seemed to end halfway through. Darktail was the main villain of the arc, and he died in Shattered Sky, the third book of the arc. The last three books seemed a bit more disconnected. Also, pacing was a general problem in the arc aside from that. Violetshine and Tree’s relationship was a bit rushed.
I love that arc, too!!!
In my opinion, the characters were quite bland and the books seemed to lack excitement in general.
I like it! It’s one of my faves!
Okay but my fave parts are just Darktail taking over at this point ;-;
I like the plot but it sort of got boring when Darktail died.
I explained my thoughts on the last page I think, as a reply to Addersong
I liked the arc, I think it was good. Idk why people hate it so much!
Thoughts on Needletail?
Awesome. Love her. No one and nothing will make me change my mind.
I agree!
she’s slay
I hate her. She was cool as an apprentice, kinda a different sort of personality which I liked, and it was nice that she wasn’t afraid to stand up against other cats. But when she became a warrior, she started being really manipulative to Violetshine. It feels like she didn’t love her, but just used her. She was a terrible friend! And though her dead was pretty sad, I don’t miss her and I’m happy Violetshine can have a better life now.
She separated Violetshine and Twigbranch without them having a decision, and ShadowClan didn’t even want Violetshine, she was rude to her leader and mentor, but she saved Violetshine so I don’t see why people hate her so much. ALL of the other ShadowClan apprentices were little brats, so why does everyone hate her for being like that? Juniperclaw was the EXACT same way and everyone loves him. (Not saying that I don’t like him). She’s not my fav character, but I don’t think she deserves that much hate. I think she was a VERY poorly written character, though.
She is an interesting character!
SHES THE BEST I WILL DEFEND HER TO MY GRAVE! Seriously though, I love her. I like that as an app, she wasn’t afraid to stand up against other ppl/cats. She had a cool different personality. Then while ppl say that the manipulated Violetshine, I don’t think she did. She became one of Violet’s best friends, and truly thought she was doing the right thing joining Darktail. Then she saved Violetshine. I just love her, even tho I’m not quite sure why.
What clan r y’all in?
I’m proud SkyClan
I’m a kittypet 😛
Loyal WindClan <333
Same 👑
Hmm.. Cheeseclan! /j
I imagine Cheeseheart being a Windclan cat!
Yesssss, SkyClan for me too! But when they lived in the gorge, not beside the lake!
But my oc Fallowspecky is in WindClan!
ShadowClan. Tho my OC Mapleflame is SkyClan, too!
iirc, ThunderClan :3
SkyClannnn >:D
I keep getting different results when I take the quiz, but I imagine that I would be in ShadowClan.
From the test, ThunderClan, but the one I’d most like to be in is RiverClan
I think my OC is a half-clan WindClan and RiverClan, living in RiverClan, because I cant choose
ShadowClan through and through 😀
I got ThunderClan from the quiz but 80% of my OCs are from WindClan
Thunderclan, or possibly Riverclan :3
skyclan <3
half RiverClan half WindClan! Living in RiverClannn <3
WindClan or ThunderClan, but probably WindClan!
Riverclan forever
RiverClan all the way
I’m in SkyClan too! :))
Half RiverClan and half ThunderClan. At least, that’s what I got on the test, and I think it’s pretty accurate. My OC, Hollyflare is a ThunderClan deputy tho (aka lives in ThunderClan).
In my made up fan fic, I’m part of IceClan! But formally RiverClan!
Thoughts on Sasha? She’s been on my favorites list for forever now, and I really enjoyed her graphic novel. A lot of people claim that she abandoned her kids, but I feel like after reading her book a few times, you can really see how hard it was for herself, having to give up the only other family she has to create a better life for them.
I don’t really have an opinion on her :3
So do I
I like her! She’s brave and independent and went through a lot, but always kept going!
I don’t really have an opinion, but her graphic novel was interesting. I wonder what happened to her.
I like her graphic novels, but she didn’t have enough character in the books
I haven’t got the graphic novel YET (😏😏), but rn she just seems to be a hazy side-character that no one really talks about. I don’t have much interest in her.
Yea same
She’s cool
i read the graphic novel a long time ago when i first started getting into warrior cats but i don’t really remember much, I think that sasha is interesting but at the same time a bit annoying to me ^^
Any thoughts on Ivypool i personally love her
A teeni-tiny bit overrated, but I definitely love her, especially as an OotS POV!
I think she overreacted when Dovewing was better at things than her, and she was a bit bratty in OOTS, but I like her in AVOS and TBC
My favorite character!
Ivypool is amazing :3
I like her a lot better than Dovewing, but she’s definitely not my favorite character.
I really like her, and I hope we get Ivystar
Me too
I’m co-writing an article where I defend her, she’s one of my absolute favorites
She is very popular but I felt she was a bit bratty about Dove and I like Dovewing just a teensy bit more
Dove is cool to
literally 🔥
literally she’s my favourite character 🔥
Okay, so I’ve finished the first three books of TBC in a couple of days and here are my thoughts on the protagonists so far:
Shadowsight – I love him since the start of the arc! I like how he’s insecure and sensitive, and just feels when cats don’t trust him. He’s relatable to me and just a comfort character!
Rootspring – I wasn’t a fan of him in Lost Stars and the beginning of the Silent Thaw, but I like him now! I didn’t really love how he wanted to be normal instead of being his own cat, but he had some good development and his relationship with his father, Tree, is really sweet now. It’s nice how he has accepted his power to see ghosts now and has grown into a nice cat.
Bristlefrost – Before I read the series I heard others talk about her, and I thought I’d love her. But I loathe her! No offense to her fans ofc, but her crush on Stemleaf was just plain weird, how she already thought about being mates with him as an apprentice and it just came out of nowhere, she had no real reason she explained anywhere. He was also almost like a mentorly figure to her and it was just- just no. I also hated how she was constantly being a terrible show-off to Bramblestar and just generally not fun to be around, she always tries to show how perfect she is and she still listens to Bramblestar when she knows he’s the impostor because the warriro code, blad blah blah… She’s just really annoying. But if you like her, I don’t dislike you for it and you can totally have the opinion you want.
So, what do you guys think of these three?
Shadowsight: I really like this guy, cause I love that while he’s rather insecure and anxious he also stands up to his father and mentor and he’s just a good cat.
Rootspring: the way he treated and thought about Tree when he was young made me hate him, and I might never be able to forgive him. Tree is one of my favorite characters and I just think Rootpaw was really selfish.
Bristlefrost: just like you, I’ve heard a lot good stuff about her, and perhaps she gets better with time, but I think she’s really annoying and, well, dumb. But that’s just my opinion :3
Shadowsight: He’s fine and I’m just not a big fan of him
Rootspring: I like him, tho him crushing on Bristlefrost is kind of weird sometimes (LOVE their ship, though)
Bristlefrost: She listens to Bramblestar so that she can stay in ThunderClan to help and figure out how to stop the imposter. She also is there to warn her Clanmates about him. I don’t like her crushing over Stemleaf. He’s such a bland character and I don’t like that Bristlefrost wanted him as a mate. I much prefer the RootxBristle ship, it is the best ship once you get farther into TBC!
I hope you continue to like the series as you read the next three!!!
I love all three of them :>
I never liked Shadowsight because I never really found him terribly interesting. He just seemed like another anxious medicine cat protagonist.
Rootspring on the other hand is one of my favorite characters. His relationship with Bristlefrost was really sweet and he developed a lot over the course of the arc. His relationships with Tree, Bristlefrost, and Needleclaw were some of my favorites in the arc overall.
I understand not liking Bristlefrost in her early appearances, specifically because of her becoming a show-off to Bramblestar. She was pretty annoying in those books. But I don’t see anything weird about Bristlefrost’s crush on Stemleaf. They didn’t have a very large age gap, and I don’t think Stemleaf took a mentor role in Bristlefrost’s life; more of a close friend role. I see Bristlefrost’s crush as more of a fleeting infatuation for her friend rather than anything weird.
Shadowsight – I sort of like that he’s an anxious boi but his pov is reallyyy depressing and honestly idk I’m not a huge fan and idk why
Rootspring – he’s so immature and kind of obnoxious. I like how his arc was like growing out of his insecurities but once he fell in love with Briss… he just lightswitched? Idk im not a fan of him at all. I did like him in the sample chapters of Ivypool’s Heart tho 😛
Bristlefrost – goodness don’t get me started… I can’t stand Bristlefrost at all. She was cool in the first few TBC books, and I liked how she was a spy at first then switched, but once she fell in love with Rootspring, she just became a mary-sue love interest until the last book, but even then she did nothing to gain my respect back. I hope she stays double dead too, bc her ending was like the only thing I liked about her arc. It was emotional and a really heart-wrenching sacrifice. Bringing her back would undo that, and she would only switch Clans and get together with Rootspring instantly, then probably turn into a mary-sue mom of a future pov. Not interested
Shadowsight: He’s fine but boring.
Bristlefrost: she is one of my favorite characters and she is nice!!
Rootspring: meh…. Just meh. He’s fine though.
Shadowsight: He’s my favorite, probably because is the most relatable.
Rootspring: I don’t like him that much but I don’t know why.
Bristlefrost: She is sort of nice, but kind of annoying, as she never fights against The Imposter.
Omg I felt the exact same about Bristlefrost! Until A Light In the Mist. Now she’s my bristlebaby. BUT SHE WAS SUCH A PICKME ATTENTION SEEKER AND I HATED HERRR./imo
Heyy Peapol I just gotta say I LOVE BOULDER he’s my boy and I love him so much <333 he's sooooo underrated!!!
Nice :3 I’m neutral on him
Yeah, Boulder and also Russetfur deserved a bigger role in the story! They’re both really cool!
I like my irl friend likes him to 😀
Do you prefer BristleRoot or ShadowRoot?
I like ShadowRoot :3 They seem to really understand each other!
BristleRoot. I see Shadowsight and Rootspring as close friends.
BristleRoot. They seem to really love each other.
Daisy called into the warriors den:
“I’m going to the retail store. Anyone need anything?” Berrynose’s ears perked at that and then flattened.
“Yes…” He sobbed
What series to you think has characters with the best personalities?
Dawn of the Clans. There was so much character growth, personalization, and development for a lot of the characters. Unfortunately near the end the authors tried to introduce too many new characters at the same time, so they didn’t get as much development. But the major characters had a lot of growth.
I agree!
Yes! I agree!
POT! Jayfeather, Hollyleaf and Lionblaze had all very different and unique personalities with good and bad aspects, and are all three likeable characters in their own way. I also liked that we got a protagonist without love drama (Hollyleaf) and Jayfeather and Berrynose were just both super funny! We also got meaningful side characters like Foxleap, Honeyfern, Cinderheart and Berrynose, and no character was bland here.
The Prophecies Begin! Bluestar, ferocious but fair, Firestar: strong and brave, Whitestorm: calm and faithful Graystripe: loyal and humourous Frostfur: motherly and protective Longtail: sharp and prickly
Or PoT, like Fallows said.
DotC is definitely the arc with the best character development, even minor character were quite interesting.
Otherwise, I’d say PoT then Oots 😄
Defo TPB or TNP!
There was way less characters, meaning every cat had some personality!
Hi guys!
Me and some friends have worked on a warriors cats simulation for so long and I wanted to share it with everyone!
Please take a look and feel free to add your name, and if you see any mistakes please just comment any feedback! It would be greatly appreciated!
Please do not tamper w/ anything 🙂
Have fun and good luck!
Thanks for checking it out!
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Hi Emberpaw! I’ve removed the Google Slides you linked because it contains the real names of your friends, which isn’t safe to share around on the internet. Always remember to practice internet safety!