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![[an orange tabby cat sleeps in a flower field]](https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/cat_grass_flowers_lie_sleep-641380.jpg)
[image description: an orange tabby cat sleeps in a flower field]
I want more stories of the oldies. Like one with Crowfeather, Tawnypelt, Brambleclaw and Squirrelstar and they talk about their old quest. THEY’RE SO OLD NOOOOO And one with like Jayfeather and Lionblaze or something discussing Hollyleaf (I just realised discussing had cussing in it: does that mean it is the opposite of cussing?) or Jayfeather meeting with Half Moon in the Moonpool. Or like Mothwing and Brambleclaw meet and talk about Hawkfrost. THE OLDIES DON’T GET MUCH ATTENTION Any suggestions?
I think it would be great to flesh out old characters even more with new stories about them. Many fans would love to see that. I hope that’s where Changing Skies is going.
yeah. Very looking forward to it. Read the preview in the warriors page and it was so exciting.
I second this! ^^
That’s true! I do prefer apprentice / young warrior POVs, but having an old cat as a protagonist, or featured a lot in the arcs would be cool ^_^
Yeah. And we sound so old but I want that kind of “in my days” stuff.
I want an arc with an old, code-following medicine cat, or mothwing 😛 I want snowtuft to get a novella and ashfur to have an SE, Ferncloud to have a novella of her raising her multiple litters andddd to have a background character (preferably flipclaw) to get a novella of their POV during the imposter’s reign (especially flipclaw since he was thrust in the medicine cat position with ZERO training but still had to treat cats with injuries)
ooh, that would all be interesting. I miss ferncloud.
same!i miss old warriors! warriors is the absolute best! its my favorite series ever.it mostly makes me feel better when i am down! 😀
yeah! That’s why i love reading
Omg yess!!! I’d just like a reunion moment in StarClan with Fireboy and Sandwoman and Dustpelt and Graystripe and like, Brackenfur and Thornclaw and Cloudtail where they all just remember arc 1 together 😭😭😭
Yeah :C I also wish that Ravenpaw could join them and recreate the OG trio of Gray, Fire and Raven
oh yeah that would be so cool. reunite in StarClan all. wait, thornclaw’s dead? since when?
Thornclaw isn’t dead, and neither are Cloudtail and Brackenfur. Jackdawpaw just meant that she hopes that when they die they reminisce of Arc #1.
and also the others scolding Firestar for breaking so many rules!
i miss firestar’s leafpool’s pov,and jayfeather and hollyleaf,and lionblaze’s also!they were the best! i wish we got crowfeather’s pov in the 2nd arc instead of stormfur-he was boring 😛 . i am not a fan of any of the broken code,vision of shadow,dawn of the clan or starless clan protags.however,i am okay with the changing skies,cus they brought back some oldies-they are alright.i didn’t like brambleclaw or squirrelflight’s pov or feathertail’s or dovewing’s or ivypool’s…any thoughts?
My fav POVs are totally Gray Wing and Thunder, but I also really liked Violetshine, Alderheart, Brambleclaw, Jayfeather, and Clear Sky’s POVs. I didn’t really like Lionblaze’s and Stormfur wasn’t that interesting I suppose but I’m kinda neutral on the rest tbh 😛
Oh and Ivypool was awesome!! Flametail was kinda cool as well :DD
what do you have against brambleclaw, squirrelflight, feathertail, dovewing, and ivypool? /genq i really enjoyed all of them
I dislike squirrelflight’s pov because she’s slightly too harsh on other cats, and I don’t like cats with anger issues.
no more lionblaze plz 😛
I do agree Crowfeather deserved a POV! I wanted to see how much he liked Feathertail
Who was your favourite protagonist in Warriors?
Any Graystripe fans here? 😛
I actually despise Graystripe 😛
Why do you despise Graystripe?
I don’t feel like ranting atm but mostly because he is overrated in the books and in the fandom while he does not do much to be that loyal or heroic. He just doesn’t seem real to me and gets too much love imo. He also favors Silverstream’s kits more than Millie’s kits and has no loyalty in him.
Your right, but I still wouldn’t say I despise him.
Obvi Graystripe is awesome
I’m pretty neutral on Graystripe
i like Graystripe too!! :))
I like him!!
points to self
I posted this on the tavern but I think it got buried, so-
I’m writing an article on BlogClan’s opinions on Squirrelstar. If you’d like to share your opinions, please reply to this comment.
I don’t have a defined opinion since I haven’t read any of Squirrelstar’s POVs 😛
(Mods, can someone change “”P” to “:P” for me? thx)
Squirrelstar is a determined, brave, passionate, clever, compassionate, resilient, enthusiastic she cat willing to do anything for those she cares about. In her younger moons she could be very obnoxious, impulsive and stubborn often leading her into trouble but though she can still be very stubborn and impulsive sometimes she has matured into a reliable, trustworthy leader who has learnt to control her temper.
I hate squirrelflight with a burning passion. I disrespect her by calling her by her warrior name. she’s a total Mary Sue hypocrite boredom “I am always right” Brambleclaw hater.
I don’t even really like brambleclaw, but the way she just totally goes against EVERYTHING he does in Squilf’s Hope is annoying.
I used to love her, even in Starlight. Then Squilf’s Hope happened. Never again.
Dang- although I agree Squilf is Mary sue >:P
And she was being really annoying in Squilf’s Hope >:(
I liked squirrelstar better as squirrelflight. While she’s one of my top ten cats, she was just better as a apprentice/warrior/deputy. I’m a huge Bramblestar hater though so….
In the beginning of TNP, she was kinda annoying, but I really like her character development; she goes from annoying little brat to somewhat mature, yet stubborn (and cool) deputy and leader, which I like. She’s much more mentally strong than most other characters and barely shows weakness like ever which is cool, and she just generally has more of a personality than most others. However I never put her as one of my favorite characters simply because I think she’s overrated haha, I really like her she’s just not THAT good 😛
Haven’t read when she actually becomes leader yet, but I hate her. She randomly decided she was going to go on the journey with Brambleclaw when she wasn’t supposed to(and had little to no consequences either), honestly wasn’t a very good mother to the three (Ferncloud was definitely a more prominent mother figure for them especially since Squilf wasn’t even in the nursery at all. Like I get it they aren’t your kits but like at least sleep with them at night??) and just was whiny and frustrating for me. Plus she randomly decided to date Brambleclaw which was very stupid imo. Like?? you two hate each other?? what’s going on???
she’s cool! i love her growth as a person, from the spunky, impulsive apprentice to the wise, loyal leader, and she’s just amazing idk i love her for kind of no reason :DD squirrelpaw > squirrelstar tho I LOVE THE SPUNK
I like her! She’s spunky, brave, and inquisitive, and I loved seeing her grow from impulsive apprentice to calm, wise leader. I always like reading from her perspective, and I think she’s going to be a great leader for ThunderClan.
I like her!! I love how she’s so spunky, feisty, and caring, and her bond with Leafpool is so sweet waa 🩵 i really enjoyed reading about her own development; she used to be obnoxious and a bit of a brat when she was first presented to us, but as the arc continues, the impulsive, sometimes annoying apprentice we first met grows into a more level-headed, brave warrior.
I love Squirrelstar! She is rebellious, impulsive and expressive but also caring, devoted and knows what she is doing 😛 . I loved watching how she and Leafpool grew up during (TNP) the great journey as well as (TBC) her courage in defeating Ashfur to save her mate and ThunderClan. I find her very relatable and moving 😛
I love her! She’s a strong, oppionated, bubbly, energetic character!! I love seeing female characters like that :))
I think SquirrelPaw was quite cute 🙂
I hate SquirrelFlight and SquirrelStar though…
Like, Squirrel was being real tough on Nightboi, soooo….
Squrrelstar is great! Not the best character, or the worst, but she was a really good sister to Leafpool, and a good leader.
Jayfeather is the best character ever 😛
Agreed! He’s my second fav character, falling short only to Ivypool 😀
I did a poll on the biggest fan-favorite characters a while back and Jayfeather got first place.
Sorry, but Jayfeather is overated and boring in my opinion.
I like him, but I’m not the biggest fan. The way he treated Brightheart was a bit awful. I understand his frustration, but Brightheart was just excited to have an apprentice. I doubt she was too happy she was only deemed able to mentor a cat who was blind, all because she was missing an eye, but she didn’t complain. He was also just really harsh and sharp to everyone, and as I get older I just find it less appealing. But he was a pretty unique protagonist and I didn’t mind too much.
I like him too!! i just don’t like how he can be really rude sometimes, like in the sight, he treated Brightheart awfully. but I like how he’s so grumpy, funny, and unique ^^
he indeed is an awesome boi
guys why are all justified villains the best ones 😭😭😭??
scourge (i used to call him scrooge 😭)
aaravos (not warriors but whatev)
Uhm, how are those justified😭
oh wait i forgot to define ‘justified’
they all had their beliefs justifying their actions:
ashfur – failed romance boi
scourge – tigerstar/being the runt is all the explanation you need
aaravos – LEOLAAAA 😭😭😭😭😭😭
mapleshade – death of her kits
i strongly disagree that those villains are justified
too lazy to explain + very sick of having to explain + moderately disturbed that i have to explain but nothing justifies murder yall please remember that
okay you know what based on you and fallows’ reactions ‘justified’ was the wrong word to use 😛 /nm
(except for self defence) (though that isn’t really murder 😛)
I’m rewording this from justified to ‘they had their reasons’ :3
every villain has their reasons tho…tigerstar’s reason was ambition, sol’s reason was revenge, etc
okay but like there’s definitely a difference between revenge and your kits drowning and being cheated on by your mate /lh
Tbh not really. What Mapleshade did was also revenge. I mean it’s called Mapleshade’s Vengeance for a reason 😛 /nm
mapleshade literally did what she did for revenge…
not me getting dogpiled by comments proving me wrong /j
But why did she wants revenge is her motive. There’s a reason she wants it.
I wouldn’t agree their actions are justified, but I can see that ‘justified’ isn’t the word you meant to use to describe what you’re trying to say 😛 <3
Can you explain what you meant more? I'm interested!
Anywho, probably because…… I’ll get back to u.
tbh i see what u mean haha
those guys are in no way justified imo but sure 😛
Hi guys! I’m writing an article on Twigbranch and I’d like to get the blog’s opinions on her!
varying opinions are welcome!
Sorry Twigbranch lovers, but she’s overated and not that good. The main reason I don’t like her is because in the book where she comes back from Skyclan and is on thunderclan territory she meets Sparkpelt. They start arguing and then Twigbranch says ” It was a mistake “( she said that in the French books at least). SHe is talking about joining her family. But when she says that she means: HI I want to go back to thunderclan because it was all a mistake to join Skyclan for my family and to bring them back on the lake territory, I have just realized that Thunderclan is my place. What she said was ok but not when you realize that at first she made such a big deal about her family:
* got mad at Alderheart when he said they should not go search for the cat that looked like her because they had to deal with Darktail
* Wanted to get back with Violetshine when now she left her in Skyclan
* Left her clan when they needed her the most to search for the cat that looked like her
* though that every miracle was because of her mom like when she heard someone’s voice while she was drowning
Another thing I do not like about her is that she pressured almost everyone around her: Alderheart to search for her family, Everyone’s attention, VIolethsine to join Thunderclan while she was already having a hard time and had made her decision, and many more.
The next thing I don’t like about her is that she wanted to be with her sister forever but when she got catnaped( cat kidnapped ) and she was with her sister and well fed she wanted to go back to Thunderclan instead of staying with her.
She also disrespected Starclan when she went to the moonpool( although they do not deserve any respect)
Next I do not know why but it feels as if all she does is for her best and that she always wants the attention. Her actions also almost always benefit her but not her clan which is why I think she is selfish.
No offense meant but I love her
It’s been too long since I read AVoS to make a judgment 😛
I don’t remember disliking her though!
Random question but what does everyone think of these characters?:
Please make your own comment instead of replying to this one 🙂 /nm
Snowtuft is actually likable but I often wonder why he ended up in the DF
Tawnypelt- I like but not love, she’s slightly overrated amazing but not in my top 10
Nightheart is really a great cat but still not in my top 10
Firestar- great cat but way overrated I liked him better in TBP and TNP then the other arks
I liked Snowtuft! He was really interesting. I can’t remember him well, however.
I LOOOVE TAWNYPELT <333 she's one of my favourites!
I haven't read ASC so I'm not sure about him!
I like him!!! He's a great character.
Snowtuft: I don’t like him much haha
Tawnypelt: she’s ok!! she can be a bit annoying sometimes as in her novella, and i’m not really excited for her pov in CS, but I don’t really care about her
Nightheart: he’s one of my favorites!! I really like how unique and interesting he is, and his determination to discover his real identity is a really good story <33
Firestar: another favorite of mine! I love reading about him a lot ^_^
Snowtuft: he’s cool ig
Tawnypelt: love her!!
Nightheart: haven’t read asc, but based on what i’ve heard i don’t find him very interesting sorry-
Firestar: very cliché but I do love him haha
Snowtuft: Don’t care about him.
Tawnypelt: She had…. better moments
Nightheart: Have not read ASC but from what I hear, he seems pretty interesting!
Firestar: Love him, duh!
I’m not a fan of her. She was okay to read about as an apprentice, but as she got older, I found her to be a shallow character who wasn’t all that interesting to read about. Her repeated Clan-changing was very irritating, as was how she treated Finpaw after he literally left his Clan to be with her. I get that she wasn’t ready to have kits yet, but she didn’t have to be quite so rude about it.
I really like twiggy girl!! i adore her vibrant, bubbly personality to pieces and i enjoyed reading about her growth and development. her Clan-changing and determination to find a true place to call home is very realistically written, and while Twigbranch can be selfish or unaware of the consequences of her actions, she’s imperfect, and i love that.
totally agreed!!
…Uh, well…
I may or may not have forgotten she existed…
Look hear me out, she is a very forgettable protagonist besides the “Twigbranch” meme 😛
I’m not a fan of Twigbranch.
In my opinion, she’s kind of whiny and annoying. As an apprentice, she had zero respect for the warrior code or the concept of loyalty and just went to visit Violetpaw multiple times, which was, well, incredibly dumb. And while Violetpaw was living in a really toxic environment (both ShadowClan and the Kin, really) all Twigpaw cared about was having cats close to her related by blood. Like, honestly, she had Lilyheart, who was an amazing foster mother, and Alderheart, who was an amazing friend, sorta like an older brother, but she wouldn’t be satisfied without having her parents there, even when Violetkit/paw was literally stuck with Darktail’s gang. Sure, all emotions are valid, but iirc she didn’t even seem to have much sympathy with Violetpaw anyway.
Then, as she grew up, found her family, and brought SkyClan back, she decided she wanted to leave Alderheart and Lilyheart and Ivypool and all other cats she cared about to be with her new friends and family. However, I actually do think this was justified and an understandable decision; she had wished for these cats to appear her whole life and now that they were finally here, I understand you might want to spend time with them.
What I do not think is justified is her switching back to ThunderClan. And she didn’t even speak to Violetpaw about it before suddenly just going “nah I’m going back to TC” literally in the middle of their warrior ceremony. I can’t imagine how that must have felt for Violetshine.
Now, this whole looooooooong rant about Twigbranch might make it seem like I HATE her, which I really don’t! I dislike her a bit, but like, she’s still an okay character :3
The main thing I like about Twigbranch is her ship with Finleap, it’s just soooooo cuteeeeee
why do you like that ship? /genq i didnt find it very… likable last time i read avos :p
I LOVE TWIGGY WHY DOES EVERYONE HATE HER SO MUCH? 😛 She is NOT overrated almost every time I see a Warriors fan they hate her (not being mean I just feel that it’s unfair?)
You never knew your family , and the only kin you knew was your sister who was taken from you almost before you remembered. Your Clanmates are kind to you, but you never knew what having a family felt like (therefore didn’t know that you had the same bond in the clan–you had no idea what it was), and you want it badly. Very badly. You needed their love, so much that sometimes you pretended it’s existence, or broke rules to seek them
Also, I believe that Twigkit/paw was worried about her sister, and wanted to help her (she did when being in ShadowClan’s camp), but she had her own problems + didn’t know much about Violet’s + though Violet was on the other side for a while
Once you thought you could find your mom but your best friend told you that you had to stay to fight Darktail, forget about your mom 😛
Then you finally found your family, and you felt it’s warmth, wanting for more of it. But then you found that living with them was difficult, and your dad vibed more with your sister. You miss your friends and clanmates who you grew up with, you feel more attacted to them. This is not selfish, even if it’s not completely heroic either. It’s not entirely required to sacrifice your whole future happiness for someone else who hasn’t done something VERY VERY good to you (??). I believe that Twigbranch is also torn, she knows how important switching clans is 😛 She just dosen’t know how to tell her bitterness to other cats, and that’s why we often find her a ‘careless and selfish’ cat
And she dosen’t find bringing SkyClan back a mistake, throughout the whole arc (even after she rejoined ThunderClan) you can see her constantly worrying about all the Clan’s future, even when her own is hard enough. I don’t think this is selfish 😛
Then, she was normal to Finleap. He kept pushing her to have kits, but that’s a huge job. And arguing with him dosen’t equal to being mean, she was just repeating the words “I don’t want kits” 😛
I like Twigbranch , and she is very caring and determined, but……
Guys! Today (Jan 21st) is *drumroll* WARRIOR CATS’ BIRTHDAY!
Aka: Warriors cats’ 22nd anniversary 😀
It has been 22 years since Into The Wild! What are ur guys’ fav stuff about Warrior Cats
A) HAPPY BIRTHDAY WARRIORS!!!!! B) my favorite thing is probably the varying POVs and the sheer amount of opinions we get from all the different characters, even background characters get a say, if a small one, in gatherings and I think it gives the whole world more depth. I also enjoy seeing all the debates and fandom activity when books come out, new POVs are given and when characters die
I just love… the series 😛 I can’t possibly pick a favourite thing. Even though I don’t read Warriors anymore, it’ll always hold a special place in my heart. ❤️
happy birthday warriors!! my favorite part is the fandom 😛
Idk what my favorite part is…. I really like that the concept is so easy to turn into fanfics and imagination and is generally really inspiring!! I also like the amount of different character POV’s we get to read about and the many subjects that the books bring up!! I think my absolute fav part is the fandom tho 😛
my favorite thing about warriors is how fanficable it is tbh
Can y’all tell me your oppinions on Mapleshade to be featured in my article? The due date is this saturday I think the 25th
Who should have the next SE/novella after StormClan? Skystar NEEDS a novella. Shadowstar and Thunderstar have theirs, Riverstar has one of my favorite SE’s, and Windstar’s would be redundant wit Moth Flight’s Vision. Skystar’s Cruelty? Skystar’s Ambition? Skystar’s Love Life? XD
I’m really not interested in a Skystar SE or novella 😛 But I’d love a Snowtuft novella!! I can’t think of anybody worthy of a SE, but a Sparkpelt, Goldenflower, or Icewing POV would be cool :DD
I do NOT want to read about Skystar again 😛 to be honest I want a Fernstripe novella. What was it like, joining WindClan? Why did Shellfur break up with her? How did she feel when she had to stay in a Clan she joined for a cat who left her? I’d love if that was explored.
wait fernstirpe and shellfur broke up??
Nope. In The Elders’ Quest, Shellfur is mentioned as the father of Myrtlebloom’s kits, so I assumed that he and Fernstripe broke up. However the Warriors family tree was just updated and shows that Shellfur is still Fernstripe’s mate; there was just a mistake.
“What was it like, joining WindClan?”
Ashfur’s Flames
That is really ironic :p
welp “vengeance” and “revenge” are out… so…
Not really. Mothwing’s Secret and Yellowfang’s Secret exist, as do Spottedleaf’s Heart and Ivypool’s Heart.
Skystar’s High School FlirtsI’d love an SE about Jingo!! She gets wayyyyyy to little of the spotlight imo :DD
fully agreed!
Sorry, who’s Jingo?😅
ahhh yes, Skystar’s High School Flirts
I agree with Shrubs, we NEED a Snowtuft novella!!! (actually a SE would be better in my opinion)
If the Warriors team won’t do it I’LL DO IT MYSELF
We are sadly not getting novellas (but I plan to make fanfiction ones of my own) but I would really love a Clear Sky one! I just finished DoTC and I don’t get Clear Sky hate (I mean I DO but I can’t hate him for some reason).
But hands down guys, we need Jayfeather/Rock SE. And no I don’t care if Jayfeather ruled both of PoT and OoTS 😛 and if Jayfeather does get one it should be called…. Jayfeather’s Amazing
Skystar’s Love Life 😛
i’d love a snowtuft backstory novella!! snowtuft’s regret maybe?
Jake? I mean, they see him again in Ivypool’s Heart (which doesn’t make sense because Jake is Firestar’s father, so he should be dead by now but) and first see him in Tallstar’s revenge or so. I want to see how he was after Tallstar left and what happened with Pinestar
(I wrote an article on this!) SILVERSTREAM NEEEEDS A SE
Can I just say something? I really like Whitewing, she is so sweet!!! I don’t know many people who truly think of her as a character and to be honest, she doesn’t actually have many flaws. But, imagine how she felt when she found that Birchfall was training in the Dark Forest? And Ivypool! Anyway sorry for my rant, I just want to know what you guys think of her. Admittedly, she is more of a filler character, but I still enjoy reading about her.
I loved her. I dunno why, she’s just so interesting.
hey, I saw you at your introduce yourself some time ago!
I like her!! She’s nice, and I love the way she chose to stay an apprentice just so Birchpaw wouldn’t have to be alone <33333 She was a great mom as well!!
I think Whitewing’s sweet and mature. She was one of my favorite background characters and I’m glad she’s still alive.
She’s ok!! I don’t really have an opinion of her haha
I like Whitewing, she’s a good mother and mate. Omg, BirchXWhite is so underrated while SorrelXBracken get all the love! This might be actually the first time I ever typed “BirchXWhite” :O
I always really liked Whitewing, and I wish she had a bit more of a developed personality. I’ve also always had a little headcanon that Whitewing was a reincarnation of Whitestorm (like Cinderheart and Cinderpelt), and that his spirit left her when she became a warrior.
Whitewing is a very sweet character! :))
I do agree that he is a underrated character, but I would maybye give him a feature instead of a full-length book, because we know a lot about him through dotc
Remember to reply 😀 /nm
And yes Clear Sky’s underrated but I would love a book about him
I agree!
hello there everyone! I’m making an article on opinions of main character in Warriors and I’d love to know what you think of any (or all) of these POVs!
(if you do say something about these than ofc I’ll credit your words and opinions!)
This might be an unpopular opinion, but I really love both Dovewing and Ivypool (during their POVs in Omen of the Stars; I haven’t read enough after that arc to properly judge their characters later on). Ivypool is one of my favorite characters in the series, and I thought her story of being driven to the Dark Forest by her jealousy and desire to be useful was very compelling. In my opinion, she’s one of the bravest and most selfless of all the characters. I really like Dovewing too, though, and her story of wanting closeness with her sister and her Clan but being unable to be fully understood by any of them was also interesting to read about. I think they had a great sisterly relationship and I wish Tigerheart had moved to ThunderClan to be with Dovewing instead of the other way around so that Dovewing and Ivypool could’ve stayed together.
I agree with this!
Bramblestar: I’m not a fan of him. He’s just so bossy and can be a brat sometimes. However, he’s not nearly as annoying as Squirrelflight, though.
Nightheart: this guy almost has no character at all. I know he was a main character, but he was always just so boring.
Dovewing: I like her, but I think she can be a but whiny sometimes. She just annoys me a bit, but I still like her.
Ivypool: I absolutely hate Ivypool as an apprentice but she was kinda okay as a warrior.
Firestar: I love him, especially in the first arc! I love his awkwardness and character!
Shadowsight: I really like Shadowsight because I like depressed characters 😀
Twigbranch: I’m not a fan of her. The end.
Brambleclaw(star): he’s cool. I love him in TBC, but tbh he gets kinda boring in later arcs. He’s not very original haha
Nightheart: haven’t read ASC but based on what I’ve heard, he’s nice but not that interesting 😛
Dovewing: she’s a bit whiny but I’m kinda neutral on her tbh. I strongly prefer Ivypool anyway
Ivypool: I love her!! She’s awesome and cool and brave, but also kinda overrated haha
Fireheart(star): Awesome!! Kinda basic but I still love him. Mainly bc of nostalgia tho 😛
Shadowsight: I love him!! He’s super sweet and friendly and I love him
Twigbranch: Not a fan of her, sorry. She’s too whiny about things that don’t really matter, compared to her lack of empathy, and she’s just generally annoying. Just my opinion tho!! :))
I like Brambleclaw. He’s flawed and at times caused problems with his and Squirrelstar’s relationship but I think that ultimately he’s a good cat. I like that he accepted that he should retire instead of insisting on staying leader.
Nightheart is probably my favorite character in the whole series. I relate to him a lot, and I liked his relationship with Sunbeam. I think that his family and peers mistreated him and tried to force him to fit into a box he didn’t fit in. I’m glad that he found his place by Sunbeam’s side in ThunderClan.
I also like Dovewing, although I think that she’s a Mary Sue. I don’t think she’s whiny like many do; she had every right to be upset over losing her powers in her novella. I liked her relationship with Tigerheart as well- even if Tigerheart is hotheaded and aggressive, he treats his family very well.
I like Ivypool as well. She had a better character arc than Dovewing- she started out bitter and jealous, and slowly became a reliable and headstrong warrior. She had flaws, including disapproving of Dovewing’s relationship with Tigerheart and trying to sabotage it, but she’s a good cat. She had to do hard things, like killing Antpelt’s spirit, and spying on the Dark Forest, but put the greater good ahead of what she had to do at the moment, which I admire.
Firestar is one of my favorite characters in the series. He was exactly what the series needed to start off- someone the reader could learn about the Clans alongside. He adapted well to the world of the Clans and was a very good leader, even if he was unnecessarily judging of Brambleclaw early in his life. I don’t think he’s a Gary Stu- he had problems with young Brambleclaw, and put StarClan’s word above all else, which ended up costing him one of his lives, and got Russetfur killed when he ordered ThunderClan to try to take back a piece of land from ShadowClan on the word of a fake message from StarClan.
Unlike many fans, I never related or sympathized with Shadowsight much. I felt a bit bad for him when the Clans put a ridiculous amount of pressure on him, and when the infamously stupid Lionblaze tried to kill him, but ultimately I never found him very interesting.
I dislike Twigbranch. I never liked her much- her repetitive Clan switching got old quick, and while she was a good cat, wanting to help the Sisters in Squirrelflight’s Hope, I never found her very intriguing as a character.
Brambleclaw(star): Have not read past OoTS so idk much about his leadership but I adore Brambleclaw. He seems so dumb a but stubborn to leave everything about Tigerstar past him. He’s pretty great.
Nightheart: Haven’t read ASC but I feel like I am gonna like him.
Dovewing: She’s amazing and deserves more love. She did what she can do and I just don’t know, really like her!
Ivypool: She’s cool ig. I relate to her in a way for asking more attention and something about her vibe is just.. likeable.
Firestar: The only reason TPB was a really stable 1st arc was because Firestar being the only POV imo. I love Firestar and his flaws like judging Bramblekit and not accepting Graystripe’s “death”. He is realistic and I miss him.
Haven’t read about Shadowsight and Twigbranch so yeah 😛
(Just copied and pasted it from another comment on this page 😛)
Sorry Twigbranch lovers, but she’s overated and not that good. The main reason I don’t like her is because in the book where she comes back from Skyclan and is on thunderclan territory she meets Sparkpelt. They start arguing and then Twigbranch says ” It was a mistake “( she said that in the French books at least). SHe is talking about joining her family. But when she says that she means: HI I want to go back to thunderclan because it was all a mistake to join Skyclan for my family and to bring them back on the lake territory, I have just realized that Thunderclan is my place. What she said was ok but not when you realize that at first she made such a big deal about her family:
* got mad at Alderheart when he said they should not go search for the cat that looked like her because they had to deal with Darktail
* Wanted to get back with Violetshine when now she left her in Skyclan
* Left her clan when they needed her the most to search for the cat that looked like her
* though that every miracle was because of her mom like when she heard someone’s voice while she was drowning
Another thing I do not like about her is that she pressured almost everyone around her: Alderheart to search for her family, Everyone’s attention, VIolethsine to join Thunderclan while she was already having a hard time and had made her decision, and many more.
The next thing I don’t like about her is that she wanted to be with her sister forever but when she got catnaped( cat kidnapped ) and she was with her sister and well fed she wanted to go back to Thunderclan instead of staying with her.
She also disrespected Starclan when she went to the moonpool( although they do not deserve any respect)
Next I do not know why but it feels as if all she does is for her best and that she always wants the attention. Her actions also almost always benefit her but not her clan which is why I think she is selfish.
Brambleclaw- He’s okay I guess. Not in my top ten but a good cat in MOST books
Nightheart- I moderately like him. He’s kind of relatable and a nice character who shows a lot of character devlopment.
Dovewing- My second fav cat! She’s SO amazing and had so much pressure but on her when she was young, I love her so much!
Ivypool- I LOVE HER!!! My fav character she struggles with so many relatable flaws she is the best!
Firestar- I like him in most books especially TPB but he feels cold sometimes in the other arcs if this makes any sense
Shadowsight- He’s ok. I never loved him but I didn’t hate him either.
Twigbranch- In my top 10, I love her as much as her sister, once again she shows character devlopment.
Brambleclaw(star): I have mixed feelings. Though it’s been a while since I read the series, I remember liking him in earlier arcs and disliking him in later ones. I can’t remember exactly why since it’s been a while since I read Warriors, but Squirrelflight’s Hope was a deal breaker for me.
Nightheart: I haven’t read ASC!
Dovewing: she annoyed me sometimes, but I liked her for the most part.
Fireheart(star): I love him!
Shadowsight: I remember liking him.
Twigbranch: I liked her!
Brambleclaw: He’s . . . fine.
Nightheart: Found him absolutely annoying in the first book of ASC, was okay in the second, got really confused on why exactly he wanted to go back to his family, and now he’s a pretty okay character.
Dovewing: She’s better in Ivypool’s heart, but she and Tigerstar are like the most annoying couple of all time.
Ivypool: Like her, but not really the biggest fan
Fireheart(star): He’s fine
Shadowsight: I found him really annoying at first, but I think he’s okay
Twigbranch: I love her.