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If you’re organising a group fan fiction project, this is where you can discuss your projects with other writers, or scout for new writers for your project. This is also where you should start new group projects as well, including stories that feature BlogClanners. Happy writing!
[image description: a black-and-white photo of two kittens crawling over a typewriter]
Wattpad provides an excellent platform for reading and sharing fan fiction. You might wish to use that instead to share your stories. I am not favouring Wattpad. It’s the only one I know of, and I’m sure there are many other platforms out there you might prefer. It’s up to you!
If you can’t make an account on any site, you may use justpaste.it! If you only have access to Google Docs, then you must use a blog email to make the document or link a web-published version of your document. To make a web-published version, set the doc to be viewable by anyone with the link, then go to “File” -> “Share” -> “Publish to web” and click “Publish”, then copy the link provided (it MUST end in “/pub”). Any document found to contain personal information will not be moderated!
I need characters for a warriors fanfic that I am going to write! I probably won’t write it any time soon since Im too busy right now, though.
Anyways, the story is centered around three ThunderClan apprentices, Magpiepaw, Hailpaw, and Rainpaw. However, Greenleaf gets much colder than it’s supposed to be, and soon it starts snowing really badly and the moonpool freezes , breaking the Clans’ connection with StarClan. And these three apprentices go on a really cool quest and stuff.
I haven’t decided any characters except the three main protagonists cause my brain isn’t working right now, so if your character is in ThunderClan, Im probably gonna make them the mentor of the protagonists.
The form to submit a character:
BlogClan name:
Character name:
Character appearance:
Character clan:
Character role (in clan):
Character role (in the plot):
Character backstory:
Any else:
Ok, thats it! Thanks!
BlogClan name: Honeypaw (spring)
Character name: Speckledwing
Character appearance: dark gold tabby she-cat with long fur, dark green eyes, and brown freckles on her muzzle, legs, and ears
Character clan: ThunderClan
Character role (in clan): warrior
Character role (in the plot): up to you! (I’d prefer if she’s a character who doesn’t magically turn evil, tho)
Character backstory: also up to you!
Any else: She’s a loud she-cat who seems cold when you first meet her, but she’ll warm up to you!
Great! Can she be the mentor of Rainpaw?
Magpiepaw ✨
BlogClan name: magpiepaw 😛
Character name: wingkit/shade
Character appearance: pale silver tabby she-kit with green eyes
Character clan: thunderclan but if overpopulated then wc issok as well
Character role (in clan): kit, later warrior app
Character role (in the plot): minor but a few interactions with the mcs would be cool :3
Character backstory: uhh pretty normal, no trauma, shes an only kit btw
Any else: nope!
BlogClan name: magpiepaw
Character name: whitespring
Character appearance: white she-cat with pale green eyes, dark grey ears/paws/tail, nicked right ear (can be shortened, no need nicked ear but can put i when writing her appearance mayb
Character clan: tc/shc, either is fine
Character role (in clan): warrior
Character role (in the plot): kinda middle leaning to antag if that makes sense, if shes in shc i hope u dont mind adding her in on some patrol?
Character backstory: pretty normal, has a brother named foxblaze (ginger tom, hazel eyes, white paws), former loner, only mother joined clan (named ebonylight), ear nick was from a fight on a border patrol w/ rc (chose this clan so that it fits both territories)
Any else: nope
BlogClan name: Eclipsepaw/dream
Character name: Dreamwing
Character appearance: Blue-gray She-cat with white spirals, Blind blue eyes, long, soft fur and tufted ears
Character clan: Thunderclan
Character role(in clan):Queen(excpecting, but you can choose if you want to! )
Character role(in plot): You can choose!
Character backstory: Has one littermate,Rosefall. Her mother died when she was young (But you can choose if you don’t like it!)
Any else: She’s a kind, gentle, joyous cat who enjoys helping her clan and telling stories!
BlogClan name: CloudPaw/Song
Character name: GlaringFace
Character appearance: Gray tom with a gray belly with a gray face with some gray ears, with a gray tail with a gray expression and 24/7 grumpiness wrinkles- he has gr- I mean blue eyes.
Character clan: ThunderClan (He’s grumpy he’s in TC lol)
Character role (in clan): Warrior
Character role (in the plot): Dat one grumpy dude who has to magically ruin any happy moment about to happen…
Character backstory: He used to be a magnificent, not very angy/grumpy dude, with (gasp!) black fur?! But then an twoleg captured him as an apprentice, DarkPaw, and he managed to escape their den, but accidentally bleached their fur in the process… he was really attached to his black fur, so he blames his clanmate’s for his black fur turning gray.
Any else: Why, indeed, his ear tufts are gray, and his cheeks are gray, and he is gay-
Character name: SpontaneousExplosion
Character appearance: an ginger mackerel she-cat with lighter underbelly and an mischievous gaze. She has one yellow eye and one yellow-lime eye.
Character clan: ShadowClan
Character role (in clan): Med-app or Warrior lol
Character role (in the plot): The spoof character who comes in at random times to make stupid claims like, “StarClan started an Pyramid scheme to trick us into investing our catnip-coins to make ultimate profit!” or “We’re all secretly aliens sent by StarClan to destroy the platinum twoleg experimentation facilities, and we come from B-2 7344 UIO!!” or “THIS REALITY IS A LIE! WE ARE ALL SECRETLY CHARACTERS TRAPPED IN A FANFICTION!!!”
Character backstory: SpontaneousExplosion started as GingerKit, and grew to be any normal warrior, GingerFoot. But then, something changed… GingerFoot was on an patrol with two other warriors, her sister she was very close to, VioletRain, and an warrior named BurntNose. That was when an fox appeared out of nowhere, and GingerFoot watched as VioletRain sacrificed herself to save GingerFoot and BurntNose… she, unable to process what she just saw, started to break and hallucinate… She claims she can ‘break the fourth wall’, and that they all live under names of false truth. That SpontaneousExplosion was her chosen name, that she got an sign from StarClan that she was the ‘chosen one’ to save ShadowClan from destruction in the near future, that StarClan favored ShadowClan to all the rest… If med app, then she somehow convinced the med cat to make her app, but refused to change her name to SpontaneousPaw.
Any else: She calls all the other cats by their ‘true’ names given by ‘StarClan’. This annoys them obviously. Like for example, GlaringFace is GrumpyFur, MagpiePaw is LineupChildren, RainPaw is WhipShock, HailPaw is KnockoutTooth, etc.
She only refers to her sister by their actual name.
BlogClan name: Flowerpaw/seed
Character name: Floatpaw/glow
Character appearance: black she-cat with amber eyes
Character clan: ShadowClan
Character role (in clan): Warrior apprentice
Character role (in the plot): Side
Character backstory: born to Blizzardclaw (father) and Ivysnow (mother) alongside Irispaw/glimmer, the sisters shared an intimate close bond
Any else: nope
BlogClan name: Flamefang
Character name: Nightfall
Character appearance: Black fur and pale blue eyes, and a white and grey gradient on her tail-tip that all just flows with her calm personality.
Character clan: ThunderClan
Character role (in clan): Deputy if it isn’t already taken
Character role (in the plot): Mentor to Hailpaw if possible?
Character backstory: Born in SkyClan, but mother died and father, Darkstorm, switched to ThunderClan because he found a new mate, Rosebloom. Rosebloom and Darkstorm are both elders now. She has no littermates, and she has one half-brother, Snowstem (below).
Any else: her mate is Cedardawn (below) but they do not plan on having any kits (at least not yet) Also her personality is logical, but she can be grumpy or sarcastic and a bit impatient (heh great mentor right?)
BlogClan name: Flamefang
Character name: Cedardawn
Character appearance: Warm brown eyes and deep grey fur, and black ear-tips
Character clan: ThunderClan
Character role (in clan): Warrior
Character role (in the plot): Just pretty background; helps his mate (Nightfall, above) with mentoring Hailpaw (if I get the OK for that)
Character backstory: Born in the ThunderClan nursery at moonhigh with 2 litter mates, but one was born dead. His mother died after the birth of her only litter from blood loss. Cedardawn and Ryewing (his sis) (below) got their warrior name a moon after his father’s death in a fight against a fox.
Any else: Mate is Nightfall (above), and personality is cool easygoing peacemaker
BlogClan name: Flamefang
Character name: Snowstem
Character appearance: Pure, snowy white pelt and pastel green eyes that remind you of newleaf
Character clan: ThunderClan
Character role (in clan): Warrior
Character role (in the plot): Minor barely mentioned
Character backstory: Was born to Darkstorm and Rosebloom, and he has one half-sister, Nightfall (above)
Any else: personality is kinda hotheaded, he’s a good fighter and thinks with claws first sometimes
BlogClan name: Flamefang
Character name: Ryewing
Character appearance: Reddish-brown fur and a noticeably bushy tail, and blue eyes like a stream of water
Character clan: ThunderClan
Character role (in clan): Warrior, but she’s good with herbs too so she helps out in the med den sometimes, altho she is still truly a warrior
Character role (in the plot): Pretty Minor, u could have her switch Clans for love tho and make that add a bit of Spice to her
Character backstory: Born in the ThunderClan nursery at moonhigh with 2 litter mates, but one was born dead. Her mother died after the birth of her only litter from blood loss. Ryewing and Cedardawn (her bro) (above) got their warrior name a moon after her father’s death in a fight against a fox.
Any else: personality is patient and kind, and pretty good intelligence
Hailpaw is a med cat, and deputy is taken! Sorry! They can be the mentor of Rainpaw or Magpiepaw, though!
A ton of characters you can use as patrol/allegiances filler, or turn em into more major characters! Here’s the main thingy for it, hope it helps! https://justpaste.it/hefjf
BlogClan name: Rosemarypaw/leaf
Character name: Honeypaw/quake 😛
Character appearance: Sleek white she-cat with parts of fur that turn slowly into cream, ginger “freckles”, and green eyes with a yellow ring around the pupil
Character clan: WindClan, later joined SkyClan
Character role (in clan): warrior apprentice
Character role (in the plot): side and not anta, just turned independent and rebillous before deciding to be a refugee than permanent member in SkyClan
Character backstory: she is about the same age as Magpiepaw, and is sweet and kind to the ThunderClan apprentices but also their relationship is chaotic 😛 due to Clan disputes and stuff, though overall they are friends 😛
Any else: I’d prefer it if she grew to like SkyClan and got her full name after a fight and after the protagonists came back form their quest, but pls do change anything if nessesary! :DD
BlogClan name: Ospreysplash
Character name: nightshimmer
Character appearance: black she-cat with glossy fur, a nub tail and big yellow eyes
Character clan: wherever you need her
Character role (in clan): medicine cat
Character role (in the plot): she’s just there lol, she can be a bit of a mentor if you want
Character backstory: nightshimmer has been a bit of a victim of being severely underestimated her whole life, for no real reason. she was initially training as a warrior apprentice, and doing an okay job, but seemingly on a whim less than a week before her warrior assessment, she said she wanted to swap to being a medicine cat. this desicion put her under fire from the clan, especially since she did it in early leafbare, and it was set to be a harsh one, and the leader needed all the capable warriors to hunt. however, starclan did accept her, and she began training. even after earning her medicine cat name, she was seen to be flighty, irresponsible, naïve, and if you were to speak her clanmates then, at least one would say that she’s ‘stupid’. when her mentor passed, some of her clanmates vouched to get a ‘more capable’ medicine cat from another clan since they couldn’t imagine nightshimmer being able to be a good healer. soon after this event, a queen gave birth, and unfortunately the birth didn’t go as planned. despite her best actions, nightshimmer couldn’t save the queen, but the queen’s four kits were barely breathing, but still alive. all of the kits were extremely sickly, but through their kithood years, nightshimmer did absolutely everything she could to care for them the best she could. she knew she couldn’t let these kits die, and that she had to see them all the way through to their warrior ceremony. every cat in the clan thought that the kits would never get through the heat of the greenleaf they were born in, or the cold of the leaf-bare they became apprentices in, but ultimately they all survived. some cats hailed it as a miracle, or a blessing from starclan, but what the leader recognised it as was nighshimmer’s merit as a medicine cat – she was extremely capable, and she never gave up on the kits when many other medicine cats would’ve said they were beyond saving.
Any else: nup!
BlogClan name: Mistypaw
Character name: Mistypaw
Character appearance: small silver tabby she-cat with black stripes and green eyes
Character clan: Riverclan
Character role (in clan): Med cat app
Character role (in the plot): up to you
Character backstory: found as an orphan but otherwise cheerful and chatty
BlogClan name: Jackdawpaw/flight
Character name: Dawnleap
Character appearance: pale brown she-cat with dark brown splotches and emerald eyes
Character clan: ThunderClan
Character role (in clan): warrior
Character role (in the plot): side or bg
Character backstory: she grew up with her brothers Bramblekit and Stonekit, Stonepaw died as an app bc a branch fell on him and Bramblebreeze is still very close to Dawnleap but they miss their brother a lot :/
Any else: I’d like to make her bi but if you don’t want to then I don’t mind :DD
BlogName: Cinderkit/light
CName: Icedusk
CAppearance: White albino with dichromia blue and eyes
CClan: Thunder or RiverClan
CRole: I want them to be MedCat (no not MedCat app) or Deputy but your choice. If both are taken then leader or mentor of MC’s. Also I think there can be two MedCats.
CRolePlot: Your choice but if they become MedCat can they get some random vision.
CBackstory: When they came out of their mother’s belly all the cats thought they looked crazy and they thought were evil until later. They saved their sister from a rouge and is secretly friends with a kittypet named Pickles.
Hii there! So my ruining fanfic requests are almost done and I’m contemplating starting Zodiac maybe in February?? Anyways, I thought of a new idea! (Yes it’s a blogfic. My first one, ofc)
Genres: Realistic Fiction, Mystery, Prob more
Proposal: It was a normal day on the blog… but then something… strange happened. Somebody hacked the blog’s system… and some blogclanners found their displays replaced with their actual name?! Strangely, not all blogclanners had this fate… and the blog is a strange place to hack, of all places… so that must mean the hacker was internal… the hacker was an blogclanner, and for some reason, they did this. But why, and who was it? Now the blog has become not a place to talk about warriors, but a zone of mystery and speculation… and the person who did it… will pay >:D (with their acc getting deleted and IP ban lol)
So yeah. I’ll also add not-real blogclanners since I’d feel guilty making the person who did it a real bloggo ;-;
So here’s an form to allow me to put you in the fic!
Blogclan name!:
“Real” Name (not actual real name, all names fictional):
“Real” name revealed or no?:
Role (Accused Innocent, Innocent, Active Detective, or Evil Innocent*):
Personality (doesn’t have to be actual lol):
How frequent post (determines if you’re side-main, side, or side-background):
How frequently accuse? (person of hacking):
Reaction to the ‘hack’?:
Finally, bloggos you consider close friends 😀 :
*This just means you would’ve totally done it but you didn’t actually-
(Mods instantly get side-main or side. If none do a form I’ll randomly select one lol, since I need at least one mod for this fic-)
Edit: Page flippo!
isabella (izzy) ramirez
uhh i think i’d describe myself as pretty chill, funny, and kind, but sensitive and gets mad easily. smart with a good memory :> gay nerd vibes
very…i’ve made almost 9,000 comments…
i’m confused by this one, do you mean how frequently they’re accused of being the person or how frequently they accuse others? bc it’s very rarely for the first one and incredibly often for the second 😭
furious and scared and desperate to figure this out…
coralwave, mistfeather, rosefern, flowerseed, rainbowshine
Lol, sorry for not specifying-
I meant how frequently your character will accuse others of being the ‘hacker’ lol ;-;
Blogclan name!: flamepaw/spirit
“Real” Name (not actual real name, all names fictional): alex
“Real” name revealed or no?: up to you!
Role (Accused Innocent, Innocent, Active Detective, or Evil Innocent*): perhaps a detective?
Personality (doesn’t have to be actual lol): determined, upbeat, extroverted, theatre trash (yes this is a personality trait), friendly, passionate, hardworking, rizzful :DD
How frequent post (determines if you’re side-main, side, or side-background): do you mean how frequently we comment? because if so then very frequently!
How frequently accuse? (person of hacking): uhh up to you!
Reaction to the ‘hack’?: nervous but tries to stay calm, worried about themself and everyone else
Finally, bloggos you consider close friends 😀 : lionpaw/fall, foampaw/tail, redfawn, solarflare, rosefern, you, silverdusk, ospreysplash, cheesepaw/heart, shrubpaw/song, fallowpaw/speck, and a bunch of other people I know I’m forgetting😭
I didn’t realize we were doing last names until after the editing time was over, so my “real name” can be Alex Kowalski :DD
oh and I knew I would forget some people–joyfire, robo, lightningpaw, and jackdawpaw are some of those people I forgot 😛 sorry guys😭
Lol, don’t worry
I don’t really need Last names, but they’re okay too 😛
Ty Flam for adding me <3
BlogClan name: Fallowpaw/speck
“Real” name: Lavender Jaywood
“Real” name revealed or not: You can pick!
Role: Innocent (who is freaking out and panicking and going crazy and well you get the point)
Personality: INFP, basically I suck at describing my personality so just what you think I’d do lol :PP
How frequent post: A LOT
How frequently accuse: Never, bc she can’t believe a BlogClanner did this
Bloggos I consider friends: Gosh, this is gonna be long… so sorry if I forgot you…
*inhales* Pineblossom, Ospreysplash, Snowbreeze, Darkwing, Dreamrose, Fawnpaw/feather, Jackdawpaw/flight, Strangepaw/song, Willowsong, Flamepaw/spirit, Joyfire, Minnowpaw/shadow, Fernmist, Cheesepaw/heart, Firekit/feather, Maplepaw/flame, Flowerpaw/seed, Sorrelpaw/splash, Riverpaw/dawn, Sparrowpaw/stream, Autumnrose, Magpiepaw/heart, Silverdusk, Astralpaw/frond, Dewpaw/skip, Fernbrook, Oddpaw/eyes, Redfawn, Skyshine, Rustpaw/leap, Finchpaw/thorn, Rosepaw/heart, Rosemarypaw/leaf, and probs lots of others that I’m forgetting😭 I’m so so sorry if I did, it really isn’t anything personal, just my tired brain that forgets stuff like doing my Esperanto lessons (which I will do now)😭
A fellow INFP with poor self-description skills…. It’s like looking in a mirror!
Aaaaah twinsies!!! :DD Can we pls be friends? :DD
Ahhhhh Fallowsy tysm for adding me 😛
Haha np :DD
I forgot to add Dawnpaw/shine to my Blog buddies, sorry for only mentioning it now! :DD
Oh and Shrubpaw/song! How could I forget you😭
tysm for adding me <33
Np <3
Blogclan name!: Honeypaw/spring
“Real” Name (not actual real name, all names fictional): Olive “Liv” Harper
“Real” name revealed or no?: yep!
Role (Accused Innocent, Innocent, Active Detective, or Evil Innocent*): preferably detective, but innocent if you have enough detectives
Personality (doesn’t have to be actual lol): a loud, honest she-cat with a determined, bright mindset
How frequent post (determines if you’re side-main, side, or side-background): not that often
How frequently accuse? (person of hacking): she might accuse people quite a bit
Reaction to the ‘hack’?: shocked and terrified, but she quickly begins pointing fingers
Finally, bloggos you consider close friends 😀 : considering I’m rather new, that’s not really answerable…
Ooo this sounds so cool!!
Blogclan name!: Shadeleap
“Real” Name (not actual real name, all names fictional): Akyra Rowe (my pen name)
“Real” name revealed or no?: is it possible for it to be revealed later but not right at the start?
Role (Accused Innocent, Innocent, Active Detective, or Evil Innocent*): Innocent and tries to be detective-y
Personality (doesn’t have to be actual lol): ASFJ-T (it’s literally ISFJ but i’m an ambivert, not an introvert or extrovert (so i guess its ESFJ and ISFJ mixed together)) Strengths: extremely caring and people-focused, deeply empathetic, compassionate, somewhat bold and will stand up for the “little guy”. Weaknesses: forgets to care for herself and her own mental health can decline, has pretty bad anxiety, insecure, sensitive
How frequent post (determines if you’re side-main, side, or side-background): Well, I vanished for like a few months but I’m back soooo I guess somewhat frequently now (i used to be on the blog for like six hours a day 😛 )
How frequently accuse? (person of hacking): Not unless I’m sure I know who it is and have proof
Reaction to the ‘hack’?: Shocked and horrified that someone would do something like that
Finally, bloggos you consider close friends 😀 : Silverdusk, Skyshimmer, Sandbreeze, Honeydawn, Ospreysplash, Riverspirit, Breezeflame, Lightningstrike, Amberleaf, Skymist, Skyshine (But really im friends with everyone)
AKYRA ROWEEEEE i fully expected that
“Real” Name (not actual real name, all names fictional): Remi Farah
“Real” name revealed or no?: yes, but her name was revealed on purpose by herself so the blogclanners wouldn’t suspect her
Role (Accused Innocent, Innocent, Active Detective, or Evil Innocent*): Evil plz >:))))
Personality (doesn’t have to be actual lol): cold, smart, ambitious, clumsy, very sus
How frequent post (determines if you’re side-main, side, or side-background): you mean how much Im active in the blog? I make a comment at least once a day.
How frequently accuse? (person of hacking): uhm, a lot
Reaction to the ‘hack’?: pretends to be shocked but has actually known abt it all along
Finally, bloggos you consider close friends 😀 : uhh-
Blogclan name!: skyshimmer/cindersky
“Real” Name (not actual real name, all names fictional): shimmz evans
“Real” name revealed or no?: sure
Role (Accused Innocent, Innocent, Active Detective, or Evil Innocent*): evil innocent c:
Personality (doesn’t have to be actual lol): idk??? id say i try to be nice but also sometimes i get really annoyed with ppl and get sort of snarky at them and also i make hamilton refs a lot
How frequent post (determines if you’re side-main, side, or side-background): i comment pretty frequently
How frequently accuse? (person of hacking): maybe a couple times
Reaction to the ‘hack’?: grr who did this?????? how dare you reveal my last name and everyone elses names?????
Finally, bloggos you consider close friends 😀 : shadeleap, silverdusk, riverspirit, spiritpaw/gaze, silverpaw/spirit, solarflare, clownspark, flamecloud, nettlespring, cloudflame, lightningpaw/strike, rowanwing, amberleaf and maybe more im drawing a blank
Oooh looks interesting
Blogclan name: Coconutkit/haze
“Real” name (not actual real name, all names fictional): Coco Rene
“Real” name revealed or no?: revealed
Role (accused innocent, innocent, active detective, or evil innocent*): accused innocent
Personality (doesn’t have to be actual lol): shy-ish, ambivert, bookworm, sensitive, gets annoyed easily,
How frequent post (determines if your side-main, side, or background) 4 or 5 times a day
How frequently accuse (person of hacking): only twice
Reaction to the “hack”: shocked, a bit scared, wondering if she should stay on blogclan or not
Finally bloggos you consider close friends 😃 : well I don’t have a lot of friends but some people I consider friends are you (I hope) Jacki, and a couple others I can’t remember 😛
yass tysm coco :DD
“Real” Name (not actual real name, all names fictional): Harper Spencer
“Real” name revealed or no?: Yep!
Role (Accused Innocent, Innocent, Active Detective, or Evil Innocent*): Innocent
Personality (doesn’t have to be actual lol): Nice, generally very confused, knows a lot of random facts n obscure references and is able to recall them at a moment’s notice. Also very good at remembering events (e.g the first comment I made on blogclan was on Icefoot’s post abt the holidays that particular day) and if anyone suspicious made an alt acc with a fake warrior name, feel free to use some from the Free Allegiances stuff (shameless plug to a free thing) linked here: https://justpaste.it/hefjf
How frequent post (determines if you’re side-main, side, or side-background): I show up if I have thoughts, but I don’t post consistently? Maybe once every couple of days. I’d probably talk more if something like this happened tho.
How frequently accuse? (person of hacking): Not very often, or very confidently
Reaction to the ‘hack’?: Confusion, mostly, and kinda freaked out
Finally, bloggos you consider close friends 😀 : Jackdawpaw/flight, Autumnrose (I think that’s the right suffix), Ravendrift
Another mini note: I’m often there, even if I’m not actively participating, so if anybody says anything shifty when they think they’re alone/with a trusted group, I’m fine being there, watching. Waiting.
Also feel free to let someone accuse me a couple of times, idm!
tysm for including meeeeeeeee :DD
Ofc I did, you’re the one I talk to most on le blog, I (platonically) love ya Jacki! <3
Ooh this is a cool idea!
Blogclan name!: Redfawn
“Real” Name (not actual real name, all names fictional): Nora Pendenok
“Real” name revealed or no?: Yep
Role (Accused Innocent, Innocent, Active Detective, or Evil Innocent*): Active detective sounds cool, but feel free to change that if it better suits the plot
Personality (doesn’t have to be actual lol): Introverted, smart, sensitive, stubborn, likes making people laugh
How frequent post (determines if you’re side-main, side, or side-background): Often!
How frequently accuse? (person of hacking): Not often, only if I truly suspected someone
Reaction to the ‘hack’?: Shocked, upset, desperate to figure out who did it
Finally, bloggos you consider close friends 😀 : Foamy, Flam, Lio, Fallowsy, Shrub, and way more that my sleep-deprived brain isn’t coming up with right now, (no offense to any of you!)
Tyy for adding me <3
Blog name: Fireflypaw
“Real name”: Ash Kim
“Real” name reveal: Sure yesh
Role: Accused innocent
Personality: sarcastic, compassionate, loyal, clever, dark-humored, ambivert, shy but energetic and hyper, ENFP
How frequent post: side, or side-background but probs side, the way I post is sometimes I just take long breaks for absolutely no reason but usually it’s just I post just reasonably around the day time and as soon as it hits night I will have at least five posts per page lol
How frequently accuse: not very frequently, more quiet
Reactions to the hack: extremely scared for all my personal information for no reason
Finally, bloggers you consider close friends: ehhh I don’t really have any
Blogclan name!: Ravenpaw/drift
“Real” Name (not actual real name, all names fictional): Elizabeth “Lizzy” Chen
“Real” name revealed or no?: Sure!
Role (Accused Innocent, Innocent, Active Detective, or Evil Innocent*): Accused Innocent
Personality (doesn’t have to be actual lol): Ravenpaw is a pretty bouncy and energetic person, and also pretty positive. When she’s sad, they try to show it, but she has a hard time communicating their feelings, and they always just go back to being cheerful, and when they do express her feelings, it’s usually by herself. They’re very affectionate with her friends, and also fierce when it comes to protecting them, which can lead to grudges. She tries their best to be patient with annoying people, but they’re very impatient. She tends to start to panic when they’re going to be late for something. A lot of little things can annoy her, including people interrupting them. She tends to be a bit naive with her friends, blindly trusting them because they earned their trust. They like her privacy and gets mad usually when her parents don’t close their bedroom door or when they try to look at her stuff. She’s a very loud person and thrives around her friends, and she always likes having one of their friends around, or otherwise, she’ll be quiet and introverted. Their MBTI type is ENFP-T. (taken from wiki page lol)
How frequent post (determines if you’re side-main, side, or side-background): I’d say pretty frequently!
How frequently accuse? (person of hacking): A few times?
Reaction to the ‘hack’?: Shocked? idk
Finally, bloggos you consider close friends 😀 : uhh Joyfire, Jackdawpaw/flight, Pantherpaw/frost, Flowerpaw/seed, Magpiepaw/heart, Fawnglide
(yk I love how half of this is my personality)
Seeing my name here is the biggest confidence boost I’ve had in a while, <3!
tysmmmm ravvieeee <333333
aww thank you rav 🥹
can i be hacker. pls.
Blogclan name!: pantherpaw/frost
“Real” Name (not actual real name, all names fictional): vivian (viv) zhou
“Real” name revealed or no?: yes
Role (Accused Innocent, Innocent, Active Detective, or Evil Innocent*): accused innocent or detective
Personality (doesn’t have to be actual lol): uhh i’m a big people pleaser, gets angry easily, sarcastic, kind, really sensitive, ambivert, has a bit of a dark humor problem, has anxiety, can come off as rude by accident which is why i use tone tags and emojis a lottt
How frequent post (determines if you’re side-main, side, or side-background): uhhh idrk know to answer this but i’ve made around 3000 comments if that helps
How frequently accuse? (person of hacking): uh, a bit more than normal, because she’s mad of being accused 😛
Reaction to the ‘hack’?: surprised, really angry, can’t believe someone would do something like this, wants to get back at them 😛
Finally, bloggos you consider close friends 😀 : ravenpaw/drift, shiverpaw/haze, firekit/feather, flowerpaw/seed, jackdawpaw/flight, and breezeflame! there are probably more but i’m sorry my brain isn’t functioning rn T-T
tysm panthi!!! (welp i’m just thanking everyone who included me atp and meanwhile my comment editing time ran out so I can’t add any more peeps 😭😭😭)
tysm my friendo <33
Real” Name (not actual real name, all names fictional): Grace Fernwood (Last name came from my oc I never used)
“Real” name revealed or no?: Yes
Role (Accused Innocent, Innocent, Active Detective, or Evil Innocent*): detective
Personality (doesn’t have to be actual lol): Smart, does a lot of mystery solving puzzles so she put it to work, aggressive to anyone who accuses her, friendly,
How frequent post (determines if you’re side-main, side, or side-background): Not too often but enough to guess who did it
How frequently accuse? (person of hacking): on occasion
Reaction to the ‘hack’?: Furious and horrified of what her parents would say if they knew her name was revealed
Finally, bloggos you consider close friends 😀 : Nightpaw/sky (currently inactive) Mistpaw/feather Jackdawpaw/flight Fallowpaw/speck Rosemarypaw and you if you’re in it and allow it 😀
Oh no Dawny I forgot to add you to my friendos😭 I’m so sorry I’ll fix it right away <3
Tysm Dawny for including meeeee <3333
blogclan name – ivorypaw
‘real’ name – salem locke
reveal? – absolutely!
role – accused innocent (accused so many times 😭)
personality – shy, awkward, can come across as rude or shifty but i’m just paranoid and weird 😛
post frequency – umm not as many as some people but I think a decent amount? idk
accusation frequency – umm a few times, I spend a lot of time accumulating Intel 😛 but I make very educated guesses
reaction – utterly terrified but also furious
bloggo close friends – Jacki, Flowerseed, foamy, oddo, spiri, creamycloud, vixenpaw, and probably others 😛
tysm ivoryyyyyyyy
“Real” Name (not actual real name, all names fictional): Yanxin Shi (Chinese “name” if that’s fine!)
“Real” name revealed or no?: no 😛
Role (Accused Innocent, Innocent, Active Detective, or Evil Innocent*): detective 😛
Personality (doesn’t have to be actual lol): Curious, caring, helpful, a lil impulsive (though she can protect herself) and emotional, self-conscious, loyal
How frequent post (determines if you’re side-main, side, or side-background): frequently?
How frequently accuse? (person of hacking): not very frequently though she accused much more ppl in her mind 😛
Reaction to the ‘hack’?: cautious (??) and very terrified at what might happen if her name was revealed, even considering leaving the blog
Finally, bloggos you consider close friends 😀 : (I hope:) Jackdawpaw/flight, Rosepaw/heart, Riverpaw/dawn, Mistpaw/feather, Nightmoon, Coconutkit/haze, Riverspirit, Fallowpaw/speck, Ivypaw/cloud, Firekit/feather, Flowerpaw/seed, Frondpaw/berry, Dawnpaw/shine, Splashpaw/frost, Skyshine, Cinderkit/light, Shrubpaw/song, Ivypaw/heart, Maplepaw/flame, Snowbreeze and many others I forgot
Aww ty <33
Can she also be accused? Because her name wasn’t revealed, sorry if I’m asking for too much!
ofccccc bestie tysm!! <3333
aw tysm friendo <333
Awww ty. <3 This literally made my day
yayy you consider me my friend tyy rosemary
BlogClan Name: Flowerpaw/seed
“Real” Name: Julianna Wong
“Real” name revealed or no?: yes
Role: active detective
Personality: ENFP-T, people pleasing, sweet, caring, anxious, stubborn, determined, idealistic, smart, sensitive, logical, energetic, hopeful
How frequent post: pretty often!! :>
How frequently accuse? not very frequently
Reaction to the ‘hack’?: scared for herself and fellow BlogFrogs
Finally, bloggos you consider close friends 😀 : Joyfire, Ravenpaw/drift, Jackdawpaw/flight, Pantherpaw/frost, Fernmist, Ivorypaw + more that i’m forgetting :sobs:
ok why is this the biggest self-esteem boost 😭
omggggggggg tysm seedo!!
Blogclan name!: Shrubpaw/song
“Real” Name (not actual real name, all names fictional): Harley Forestt
“Real” name revealed or no?: Up to you!
Role (Accused Innocent, Innocent, Active Detective, or Evil Innocent*): Active Detective
Personality (doesn’t have to be actual lol): Kind and gentle, intelligent, but also internally afraid and slightly insecure
How frequent post (determines if you’re side-main, side, or side-background): Side
How frequently accuse? (person of hacking): Not often, Harley is the “think first, act second” type
Reaction to the ‘hack’?: Shocked and somewhat scared
Finally, bloggos you consider close friends 😀 : Jackie, Flamilton, Seedo, Rowan, Ryry, Fallowsy, a few dodos, and many more that I cannot think of cause I’m in ela class 😭
Ahh ty Shrubs 😛
omgggggggg tysm shrubsy for including me!! <33
Blogclan name!: Jackdawpaw/flight :DD
“Real” Name: Jules Macdowall (extremely non-Swedish but no one cares-)
“Real” name revealed or no?: revealed >:3
Role: hmm semi-active detective >:3
Personality: I consider myself light-hearted, kinda chill, funny, just kinda there y’know, kinda intelligent but I suck at solving mysteries haha
How frequent post: Very frequent :DD
How frequently accuse?: not frequently; I think I’d mention which people seem suspect to me but I wouldn’t directly accuse anyone before I knew for sure
Reaction to the ‘hack’?: “Wait what uhhh ummm what’s happening welp okay anyway…”
Finally, bloggos you consider close friends 😀 : ooh um Mistpaw/feather, Riverpaw/dawn, Fallowpaw/speck, Cheesepaw/heart, Firepaw/light, Flowerpaw/seed, Strangepaw/song, Rosemarypaw/leaf, Fernmist, Ivorypaw, Flamepaw/spirit, and a looooooooot more peeps I can’t write down without this becoming an essay- :DD
Aghhh gosh I gotta add a bunch of people to my friend list 😭😭😭: Coco, Panthi, Fawgli, Ravvie, Tempy, and you :DD
Blogclan name!: Shadow That Drifts Over Mountains (Drifter is fine too)
“Real” Name (not actual real name, all names fictional): Wolfe Arkens (Xey/xem/xeirs)
“Real” name revealed or no?: yesss
Role (Accused Innocent, Innocent, Active Detective, or Evil Innocent*): Accused Innocent
Personality (doesn’t have to be actual lol): Wary of strangers and off-putting in personality. Adapts easily and is rather indecisive. Introverted independent and peaceful but has a strong moral compass. Finds comfort in crowds, and hates being in the spotlight. Very good at teaching, and explaining game strategies and techniques to even the smallest kid. and very gay 😀
How frequent post (determines if you’re side-main, side, or side-background): side-main? How frequently accuse?
(person of hacking): uhm doesn’t accuse but is often accused since xey are always alone and have insomnia
Reaction to the ‘hack’?: confused and shocked but also deeply annoyed
Finally, bloggos you consider close friends 😀 : uhhhhhhhhh I’m pretty new here but I’ve talked with Finchy and Rowanpaw plenty lol
thanks for considering my oc!
wow this is so fun I love it!
logclan name!: crystalmist
“Real” Name (not actual real name, all names fictional): Vanessa Nightink
“Real” name revealed or no?: she reveals it herself because 1. she can 2. its fun
Role (Accused Innocent, Innocent, Active Detective, or Evil Innocent*): evil AND accused innocent “its got to be crystalmist! this is exactly the kind of thing she would do!” “You’re right, it is!” *evil smile*
Personality (doesn’t have to be actual lol): “let’s go troll the elder’s den” actually really helpful if she wants to be, smart
How frequent post (determines if you’re side-main, side, or side-background): multiple times a day (mostly elder’s den trolling though)
How frequently accuse? (person of hacking): NEVER! I must take credit!
Reaction to the ‘hack’?: yaaassss
Finally, bloggos you consider close friends 😀 : none (she have no friends)
This has basically just become where you go to find out if somebody considers them your friend-
Also I hope to make this clear: I am unfortunately not accepting characters as the hacker all this time 🙁 (Evil innocent, like I said, is a character who either has contacts with the true hacker or just would’ve done it too)
Also Accused Innocent just means you get accused and it sticks- sorry lol 😛
(Everybody will probably get accused like, at least once.)
Anyways, I’m probably posting the second chapter soon so yeah (It’ll be on Fanfic page :D)
This looks fun, and it’s blowing up 😛 I might as well participate.
Blogclan name!: Mallowpaw
“Real” Name (not actual real name, all names fictional): John Lonon
“Real” name revealed or no?: Yes
Role (Accused Innocent, Innocent, Active Detective, or Evil Innocent*): Innocent please!
Personality (doesn’t have to be actual lol): Trying to stay calm, introverted, affable, somewhat intelligent
How frequent post (determines if you’re side-main, side, or side-background): Mildly frequent; side
How frequently accuse? (person of hacking): Once in a while, if there’s a decent amount of supposed evidence.
Reaction to the ‘hack’?: Shocked but trying to stay calm
Finally, bloggos you consider close friends 😀 : Not any close friends, per se, just generally friendly with everyone ^^
Sorry if this is late :p
Not late, don’t worry 😀
(The only way to be late is if you commented after the blogfic is already finished lol, since I made it so any blogclanners who don’t sign up still exist on the blog, they just didn’t go on the main page of the story lol)
Also, I would say I was surprised it blew up since 23 ppl at time of writing this, but truth is? Not really- Blogfics are really hyped since ppl really like being involved in stuff (kinda like FOMO or whatever) (Just to clarify, I actually had this idea while I was in the shower having shower thoughts- and the reason I did this sign-up thingy was because of a comment I remember Shimmz making on here)
So yeh. Anyways I’m going to vanish again 😀
what comment? /genq
anyways im glad im inspiring ppl :p
Blogclan name!: Firekit/feather
“Real” Name (not actual real name, all names fictional): Willow Groves
“Real” name revealed or no?: yeah sure
Role (Accused Innocent, Innocent, Active Detective, or Evil Innocent*): innocent
Personality (doesn’t have to be actual lol): uhh kind, friendly, sensitive, indecisive
How frequent post (determines if you’re side-main, side, or side-background): i used to post like ten times a day, now it’s like once :cri:
How frequently accuse? (person of hacking): idc, once or twice ig
Reaction to the ‘hack’?: scared, kinda freaking out but tries to stay calm online
Finally, bloggos you consider close friends 😀 : fallowpaw/speck, joyfire, maplepaw/flame, oddpaw/eyes, rosemarypaw/leaf, pantherpaw/frost, fernmist, flowerpaw/seed, jackdawpaw/flight, dreampaw/rose, strangepaw/song, rubypaw/wing, shrubpaw/song, vixenpaw (forgot suffix sorry :c), ivorypaw, spiritflight, and last but DEFINITELY not least my amazing plat mate riverpaw/dawn <3 also, a bunch of other people that i forgot! sorry!
change my name to lemonkit/dusk lolz
Blogclan name!: magpiepaw/heart ✨
“Real” Name (not actual real name, all names fictional): zhou yumin (some random chinese-to-english name lol, zhou is the surname btw)
“Real” name revealed or no?: sure
Role (Accused Innocent, Innocent, Active Detective, or Evil Innocent*): innocent, giving me among us vibes here
Personality (doesn’t have to be actual lol): extrovert, friendly, pretty chill, sometimes uses lowercase all the time and sometimes doesnt (not a personality trait but sure)
How frequent post (determines if you’re side-main, side, or side-background): very very often but mostly chills on the feeling creative pages, visits the intro page/tavern/allegiances page frequently tho
How frequently accuse? (person of hacking): always 😭😔
Reaction to the ‘hack’?: confused, scared, suspicious of the dodos im sorry dodos 😔
Finally, bloggos you consider close friends 😀 : spiritpaw/gaze, koipaw/leaf, shiverpaw/wind, echoheart, skyshimmer/cindersky, mistpaw/feather, joyfire, dusklight, dawnpaw/wind, hazypaw/frost, skyshine, fernmist, ravenpaw/drift, coniferpaw/song, jackdawpaw/flight, lionpaw/fall, fallowpaw/speck, riverspirit, emberpaw/shine, silverdusk, flowerpaw/seed, snowpaw/flake, sorrelpaw/splash and a wild snowbreeze perhaps? Sorry for the long list lol… sorry if i didn’t add you either 😭
“Real” Name (not actual real name, all names fictional): izzy moore
“Real” name revealed or no?: yeah
Role (Accused Innocent, Innocent, Active Detective, or Evil Innocent*): accused innocent ig!
Personality (doesn’t have to be actual lol): chill, loves joking ard, introverted, awkward, kind
How frequent post (determines if you’re side-main, side, or side-background): not often lately 😛
How frequently accuse? (person of hacking): not very much
Reaction to the ‘hack’?: “guys the mods will fix this soon dw” slowly descending into “aaaaaaaaaaaa”
Finally, bloggos you consider close friends 😀 : mosspaw/flame, swiftfeather, mountainstorm, frogstorm, magpiepaw/heart, spiritpaw/gaze, snowpaw/flake, spiritflight, scorchpaw/light, frostheart, fernmist, skyshimmer
“Real” Name: I’ll send you my nickname as my “real” name: Sunny.
“Real” name revealed: No
Role: Evil Detective but I’m helping to find the person who hacked
Personality: nice but sneaky
Posts: Posts a lot, super dedicated to the Blog too much
Accuse: randomly but they barely accuse at all.
Reaction: Did not know it was a hack and thought it was a prank until someone told them. Became angry at the thought that they could have been one of the victims.
BlogFrens: Cinderspark, Willowdawn, Splashpaw, Rosemarypaw, and many more…
ok wait btw can I be accused evil dectective who knows who the hacker is but won’t tell😈even though they are still “finding”, and help to find the hacker, no they aint helping the hacker, accused sometime because they know coding
welp more frens : jackdawpaw, joyfire, sills, crystalmist, firekit…. and more I’m forgetting
Blogclan name: Bluekit/Ivykit/Mistkit
“Real” Name :Josefina
“Real” name revealed or no?: Not revealed
Role: Accused Innocent
Personality: She is not afraid of standing up to what she thinks is right, but is normally shy around big crowds. She is the type to talk first, and regret later. She is friendly and funny to classmates and friends, and probably get along with everyone. But everyone knows not to make her angry, because she is really scary when she is.
How frequent post: Just in some rotations, NTAs and Discussion Pages.
How frequently accuse: Only one person, once in a while
Reaction to the hack: Shocked, Angry that she is being accused.
Finally, bloggos you consider close friends :well, I just recently became active, so no one really?
Blogclan name!: Ivypaw/heart
“Real” Name (not actual real name, all names fictional): Kalyani Jain
“Real” name revealed or no?: yes
Role (Accused Innocent, Innocent, Active Detective, or Evil Innocent*): Innocent
Personality (doesn’t have to be actual lol): Kind, loyal, compassionate, forgetful
How frequent post (determines if you’re side-main, side, or side-background): very frequently
How frequently accuse? (person of hacking): not very frequently but at times
Reaction to the ‘hack’?: scared, annoyed
Finally, bloggos you consider close friends 😀 : Eclispepaw/dream, Crystalpaw/mist, Rowanpaw, Rosemarypaw/leaf, Fernmist, Dawnpaw/shine, Drifter, Honeydawn, Fallowpaw/speck, Ashenpaw, Hazelwhisker, Jacki, Snowy, Drifter and Fawnfeather
Sry it’s so late!
OC Submissions are now closed!
Thanks to everyone who submitted! I’ve replied to everyone at least once- if I only replied to one of your comments stating the characters are accepted, that means all your characters have been!
Some Stats: Approximately 40 characters were submitted, one third (13) of them being ShoreClan apprentices. (Usually I don’t allow apprentice characters in the main clan for this reason!) Thank you all for understanding that I may have to shuffle characters around. It’s always astounding to see the creativity behind these characters, and it certainly gets me energized to work on the story.
I’m about 12,000 words into the story, so expect a very soon release! I hope you all enjoy the finale to my Warriors writing!
1/3 ShoreClan apprentices
that’s crazy
It certainly was 😛
For my last fanfic on here, I decided just to opt out of my rule that excluded people from making main clan apprentices. We’ll see how things go- I’m optimistic but it’s tricky balancing so many young characters!
Maybe they found a bunch of kits from a closed animal shelter or something 😛😛😛
Cool! I’ll be looking out for it on the Fanfic page👀
I need a few more characters for my novel, The Blood of the Heir!
NOTE: All these characters are human! (unless you want to make a pet or something lol)
Here’s the form!
BlogClan Name:
Character Name:
Age (I need mostly adults):
Physical Description:
Anything else:
Tysmmmmmm <3333
BlogClan Name: Honeypaw/spring
Character Name: Tara Barrett
Age (I need mostly adults): up to you!
Physical Description: short-ish (around 5’2” / 1.57 meters) female with long, dark brown hair and hazel eyes
Personality: Bright, quick-thinking, bold, confident
Family: Hazel Barrett (mother), Logan Barrett (father), Daisy (dog)
Anything else: nope!
hiii shades!! am i being delusional or did you write a comment replying to someone (i forgot who) saying that the blood of the heir was cryptic re-titled? i’m sorry if i’m outrageously wrong i have problems T-T /lh
BlogClan Name: pantherpaw
Character Name: constance otis
Age (I need mostly adults): 21 yo
Physical Description: average-heighted girl with ivory skin, long, slightly curly dusty blonde hair, circular black glasses, and hazel eyes
to those she doesn’t know well: quiet, very shy, does not smile, intelligent, hesitant to share opinions
to those she doesn’t like: snarky, annoyed, laughs at them, intelligent, shares opinions openly, will sometimes play the victim, spiteful/vengeful
to those she knows well: funny, sassy, shares opinions openly, loyal, a bit of a control freak, cares about her friends
Family: olivia otis (elder sister, 23 yo), elijah otis (younger brother, 17 yo), rachel otis (mother, 51 yo), samuel otis (father, deceased)
Anything else: nope!! do what you like with her and her family lol
yes it was lol!
Yes! This story is Cryptic, i just changed the name 😛
BlogClan Name: Emberpaw/shine
Character Name: Revena (I thought I made it up but I searched and nope it’s and actual name :P)
Age (I need mostly adults): 23
Physical Description: Black straight waist length hair that mostly covers face, dark eyes, unnaturally pale skin, angular features, tall & thin
Personality: quiet, distrusting, hostile, likes to be alone, thoughtful, is only close with her sister and cat. She doesn’t talk much to even those she’s close with, but she is very protective of them. She likes to read, especially about history and philosophy. Her favourite thing to do is to cuddle up with her cat Monkey and read or listen to her sister talk
Family: Vinette (sister), Angela (mother), Carwell (father), and Monkey (cat)
Anything else: Nope
(Not sure if I can add more, these ones are optional)
Character Name: Vinette
Age (I need mostly adults): 19
Physical Description: Black bob cut hair, tannish skin, brown eyes, 5’3″, plump and not ashamed in the slightest
Personality: She has a sunny demeanor and is very social. She loves to talk to others and often drags her sister out to socialize. She’s pretty sensitive but hides her feelings underneath her smile, so no one knows whenever she’s sad or angry.
Family: Revena, Angela, Monkey, and Carwell
Anything else: Nope
Character Name: Monkey (Revena’s cat)
Age (I need mostly adults): 5 years
Physical Description: Relatively large light brown tabby tom with a white belly, chest, paws, muzzle, and underside of tail, amber eyes, and a floofy tail that acts as a feather duster
Personality: Playful, active, likes to climb stuff (hence the name), curls up in Revena’s lap to cheer her up
Family: Revena (owner)
Anything else: Nope
Tysm if you include them!
Edit: Also, I am out of last name ideas, please give them any surname you desire 😛
BlogClan Name: shimmz
Character Name: evans
Age (I need mostly adults): 32
Physical Description: tall, straight shoulder-length dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, pale skin
Personality: reserved, serious, sharp-tongued, focused, decisive, loyal
Family: he’s an orphan and never met them, altho he considers zera his brother
Anything else: non-binary, they/them, bisexual
BlogClan Name: its me again c:
Character Name: zera handel
Age (I need mostly adults): 27
Physical Description: shorter-than-average, darkish skin, short + neatly cut black hair, has vitiligo, slightly chubby
Personality: snarky, gets mad easily, energetic, impatient, self-centered, arrogant
Family: ran away from home young, was 12 when he left and at that time this was his family: victoire handel (mother), silas handel (father), hazel handel (younger sister) feel free to add or kill off anyone but when he left this is what his family looked like
Anything else: demiboy, he/him/fae/faer, gay
BlogClan Name: its still me
Character Name: peridot forsythe
Age (I need mostly adults): 11
Physical Description: tall, waist-length lime green (dyed) hair, pale skin, green eyes
Personality: somewhat arrogant, easily excited, very noisy, childish, competitive
Family: cordelia forsythe (mother), rest unknown
Anything else: has an “enemy” named almond, when really they like each other and think the other is cool, they often fight just to try to beat each other but their encounters usually end with “BYE!!” “UR COOL WANNA WATCH (tv show they like) SOMETIME” “OFC” shouted over their shoulder as they walk away from each other
im an idiot i called evans “he” like twice in there
also for peridot if you pronounce her name “peridawt” she gets really mad because its pronounced “peridoh”
BlogClan Name: Amberpaw/wing
Character Name: Everett Blair
Age (I need mostly adults): 21
Physical Description: messy blonde hair, bluish gray eyes, fair skin, freckles, tall and broad-shouldered (6’1”)
Personality: easy-going, humorous, clever, rather lazy, doesn’t care about what other people think, spontaneous, genius at the most random things
Family: Sienna Blair (older half-sister)
Anything else: He’s good at most stuff (when he actually tries his best lol)
BlogClan Name: Amberpaw/wing
Character Name: Sienna Blair
Age (I need mostly adults): 23
Physical Description: long straight blonde hair, dark gray eyes, slightly tan skin, well-muscled (5’5”)
Personality: hard-working, intelligent, hard on herself, perfectionist, practical, very protective of her loved ones, logical, big on making plans
Family: Everett Blair (younger half-brother)
Anything else: nope, thank you
BlogClan Name: Flowerpaw/seed
Character Name: Yuna Tourmaline
Age: 19
Physical Description: 5’4, slim girl with very light, nearly ivory, skin, amber-brown eyes, shoulder-length black hair with many amber-colored highlights
Personality: protective, caring, loyal, quiet, kind, infp-t
Family: Airi (younger sister, 14), Georgiana (older sister, 22), Kina and Jinn (parents, deceased)
Anything else: nope c:
Another INFP-T! <3
BlogClan Name: CloudPaw/Song
Character Name: Chanel (Louis) Amethyst
Age (I need mostly adults): 17
Physical Description: white girl with light brown hair, wears round glasses, and is relatively average weight, with brown eyes
Personality: Preppy, gossipy, nice, friendly, but annoying
Family: Chloe (Ava) Amethyst (34, Mother), Ben (Simon) Amethyst (36, Step-Father) and David (Dim) Farlong (35, Bio Father)
Anything else: She typically wears cute clothing
Character Name: Carrol (Song) Greensky
Age (I need mostly adults): 22
Physical Description: Skinny peach-skinned woman with gingerish freckles, dirty blonde hair with streaks of bleached hair at the front, and typically tied in space buns. She has rosy lips and green eyes.
Personality: Soft, gentle, kind, nurturing, pushy, sensitive, emotional, comforting, slow (both ways), Indecisive.
Family: Melody (Lyric) Greensky (14, sister), Janessa (Middle) Greensky (8, sister) Savannah (middle nameless) Greensky (48, mother), Tanner (Bolt) Lee-Greensky (50, father)
Anything else: Her sister (Melody) looks up to Chanel (from earlier)
BlogClan Name: Jackdawpaw/flight
Character Name: Francis Lindgren (I was lazy so I just picked a Swedish last name-)
Age (I need mostly adults): 25
Physical Description: tall with fluffy light brown hair, freckles, ear piercings, light skin
Personality: ambiverted, quiet, sensitive, intelligent
Family: Sonia Lindgren (younger sister), Georgie Lindgren (younger brother), Mikael Lindgren (dad; deceased), Karla Lindgren (mom), Heather (dog (nova scotia duck tolling retriever))
Anything else: his parents are swedish lol
Myra Madrake
Age: Adult age 25
Desc: smooth Black hair, light skin, any clothing, pretty face, medium height
P: Bossy and literal but useful
Family: Mina Madrake(sister), Max Madrake(father), Millie Aleen(mother)
Kinda it
I have created a new contest for writing/poetry/art, and the first round is a short story contest, so I’m posting it here!
This is the link to the sps, details are there: https://blogclan.katecary.co.uk/harestar-1-jpg/
If you have any questions, pls contact me on this page. Tysm and I can’t wait to see your entries!
I have some silly short fanfiction ideas that I might write! Let me know if you like them, and I might write a story based on these.
The ideas:
-Hollyleaf dies in PoT but gets reincarnated as Dovewing in the fourth arc
-Into the Wild from the perspective of Rusty’s twolegs
(Wait but wouldn’t Into the Wild from twoleg perspective just be them being worried for the first few chapters and then going about their normal life for the rest of the book? :P)
Thats why it’s a SHORT fanfiction. Plus, I might add them stalking Firepaw in the last few chapters.
Well, after a while they’re getting Hattie :DD
somewhat unrelated but the second one reminded me that it would be amazing to see the fourth apprentice from the perspective of the twolegs filming a nature documentary about beavers HAHA
oh my gosh yes that’d be amazing lmao
I need to read this omg.
omg 😭
Haha I might write it!
If you do please for the love of Starclan let us read itttt
I would pay so much money to see that lmao
Helpp guys I keep coming up with ideas and I’m not even halfway through writing Sins of The Storm💀
Anyways I present to you:
Larchthorn’s Justice
Welcome to the world where the eternal night rules. Welcome to the battlefield of wicked games for power. Welcome to NightClan.
Is there justice in this world?
If there is, Larchpaw is determined to find it. For the Clan he loves so dearly. For the Clan he would sacrafice his life for. But he may value honor more than most cats, and he may be courageous, those qualities in NightClan are only enough to fall.
But Larchpaw didn’t know that. He thought he understood everything, but he didn’t.
Who will you trust when you can’t trust anyone?
The answer is: keep your friends rich, your enemies rich, and find out which is which. That’s the only rule that will keep you alive.
Of course, all of that is buried deeply. It’s like a lake that’s frozen over; on the surface, there’s glimmering, beautiful ice, but underneath there’s dark, cold, troubled water. And it only takes one crack on the ice for you to fall into it.
Well, the catch is that Larchpaw’s so-called justice is there, hidden somewhere really deep under that “perfect” surface.
Countless secrets, smart lies, complicated love, torn families, cold-blooded murders, chilling disappearances, and, of course, one great puppeteer.
The fight for power never ends.
Will justice be enough to stop it?
Some questions:
What do you think about this idea?
Would you read it?
What do you think about the blurb?
Thank you for your time!
Very cool idea! I would definitely read. I think the prologue is the right mix of descriptive and vague to be interesting.
What do you think about this idea? Really good!
Would you read it? Yep :DD
What do you think about the blurb? So intriguing… I wonder what lies they’re talking about
What do you think about this idea? AMAZING
Would you read it? Yesss
What do you think about the blurb? It had me sucked in. Ya know what I mean? Very interesting
Omg that sounds awesome!! :DD
hello everyone! im starting a new fanfic named break the ice, and id appreciate it if you could give me some characters! i have my main character already, but everything isnt taken!
blogclan name:
character name:
clan (using the four clans):
role in story:
rank in clan:
can i kill them?
blogclan name: Amberpaw/wing
character name: Walnutbreeze
personality: laid-back, optimistic, playful, clever, quick-thinking, a bit lazy at times, calm during emergencies
purrsona: thick-furred dark brown tom with yellow eyes and cream paws
pronouns+sexuality: he/him, pansexual
clan (using the four clans): WindClan
role in story: he can be a background character I guess!!
rank in clan: warrior
can i kill them? Sure!
blogclan name: magpiepaw/heart
character name: cloudshine
personality: outgoing, brave, loyal, clumsy, judgmental, naive
purrsona: white she-cat with pale grey tabby patches like ‘clouds’, and yellow eyes
pronouns+sexuality: female, lesbian
clan (using the four clans): windclan
role in story: side
rank in clan: warrior
backstory*: pretty normal, no trauma
mate – smokewing
mom – leafdusk
dad – hawkwind
brother – flamesky
can i kill them? suree
blogclan name: magpiepaw/heart
character name: smokewing
personality: soft-spoken, protective of friends/fam, friendly, easily suspicious of others, sarcastic, will bite your head off if you insult her loved ones
purrsona: dark grey she-cat with a darker tail, paws, ‘mask’ and ears, several flank scars, and green eyes
pronouns+sexuality: she/her, lesbian (hehe)
clan (using the four clans): windclan
role in story: side
rank in clan: warrior
backstory*: hollyleaf-apprenticeship story, scars on flank from a tc border fight
family*: mate – cloudshine
gtg so i wont state the others
can i kill them? sure
blogclan name: Fawnglide
character name: Stormblaze
personality: Grumpy, easy to anger. If warrior cats had yearbooks, he’d be voted “Most likely to start several wars over a stolen mouse”. He’s loyal to his leader, no matter how corrupt they may get.
purrsona: Yellow eyes, taller than average, dark grey longhair with a nick in his left ear.
pronouns+sexuality: He/Him, (sexuality is up to you)
clan (using the four clans): Windclan
role in story: Idm!
rank in clan: Senior warrior
backstory*: He got his ear nick in a border scuffle as an apprentice
family*: Uh, feel free to make him one! If he has a younger sister he’d be very protective over her, prob more loyal to her than the leader
can i kill them?: Yep!
blogclan name: shimmz
character name: palewings (formerly james)
personality: funny, adventurous, kind, naive, empathetic, stubborn, inquisitive
purrsona: black ghost tabby tom with blue eyes and off-white markings on his sides resembling wings
pronouns+sexuality: he/him, gay
clan (using the four clans): thunderclan
role in story: you choose
rank in clan: warrior
backstory*: former rogue, joined the clans because he was like “ohh that looks cool :0”
family*: nelly (mother), gopher (father), snowy (sibling), rosie (sister)
can i kill them? sure
blogclan name: CloudPaw/Song
character name: MinkWatcher
personality: Observant, Smart, Stubborn, Unquestioning, Cold, Calculating, Loyal, a bit Pessimistic towards the middle, but it fades away near the end.
purrsona: Dark brown tom with white maw, black paws, and small ears- amberish-brown eyes. He has a darker tail-tip, and a scar across his shoulder and chest, and one near his right eye.
pronouns+sexuality: He/Him, Straight
clan (using the four clans): WindClan if possible!
role in story: Side character if possible!
rank in clan: Deputy if not taken!
backstory*: MinkWatcher was born to two barn cats, Patters and and Polecat, with his older brother Shark, and his younger brother, Wobbles. His name as an barn-cat was Maw, as he was the only of them with an different-colored maw. Then, Wobbles got sick with greencough one day, and before he could even take an chance to recover, hard rain created a flood one night, killing Wobbles and Patters, who couldn’t get away. Without Patters, Polecat grew cold, eventually leaving Shark and him at the steps of an Twoleg house. Without Polecat’s knowing, the two escaped, where they were indoctrinated into WindClan. Because of getting abandoned by cats he trusted, he started off skeptical and rude, but he eventually grew to them as his new family. However, he still distrusts the other clans, wary of trouble. He also lied to the WindClan leader, saying his name was Mink instead of Maw, because he no longer believed he was the cat known by the name ‘Maw’- Maw is dead, to give Mink rise.
family*: Patters (Mother, deceased), Polecat (Father), Wobbles (Brother, deceased), Shark/SharkSky (Brother)
can i kill them?: I’d rather not 😀
character name: SharkSky
personality: Funny, Loyal, Observant, Stubborn, Questioning, Aggressive to any who questions his origins
purrsona: Blue-gray tom with white paws and darker tail, and amberish-brown eyes, like his brother. He has some scars near his back legs and face.
pronouns+sexuality: He/Him, Bisexual-Biromantic
clan (using the four clans): WindClan
role in story: Side character
rank in clan: Warrior
backstory*: same as MinkWatcher!
family*: Same as MinkWatcher (except himself, ofc!)
can i kill them?: same as Mink 😀
character name: TeaselStar (TeaselStem)
personality: Quiet, Quite Intelligent, Unassuming, knows more than they let on, Observant, Stubborn, Aggressive when making a point, Harsh, Judgmental
purrsona: White fur with gray paws, and rosettes, and ginger ears, green eyes.
pronouns+sexuality: She/Her/They/Them, Omnisexual-Demiromantic
clan (using the four clans): RiverClan if possible!
role in story: Maybe a side-background??
rank in clan: Leader if possible 🙂
backstory*: TeaselStar was born into WindClan as a kit, but ran away at a young age as she believed WindClan was not for her. She joined RiverClan as TeaselPaw, eventually earning the respect of her clanmates. Eventually.
family*: BurdockStorm (Mother, deceased), WhiteFire (Father, deceased), and YarrowChest (Sister- still WindClan btw)
can i kill them?: I’d rather only if you need to 🙂
Omg how did I forget??!?
um, so TeaselStar is also Femgender. Yeah.
blogclan name: ospreysplash
character name: minnowstar
personality: stubborn, protective, confident, paranoid, can be a bit grumpy
purrsona: tom with dull silver fur, a stout build, faint tabby stripes, tufted ears and green eyes
pronouns+sexuality: he/him, straight
clan (using the four clans): riverclan (can be changed if needed)
role in story: wherever he’s needed
rank in clan: leader
backstory*: everyone in the clans knows that minnowstar has been leader for way way too long. in fact, he was leader when some of the other leaders around the lake were born. he is a very good leader, one of riverclan’s best, but he’s also way out of his prime. when he became a leader at a young age, he would keep his clan healthy all year around, and work with his clan to ensure that they had the strongest warriors that could. no other clan dared to mess with riverclan, but they were the most valuable ally.
however, one day, he needed to go on a journey (like the ones that other warriors are always wandering off on) and he placed the clan in the paws of his deputy, streamheart. in that time that minnowstar was gone, streamheart and his de facto deputy, duckbreeze, managed to make a royal mess of everything. minnowstar thought that after leading his clan through a few leaf-bares with ease, streamheart would be able to take after him. even though this leaf-bare was no worse than the previous ones, greencough pread throughout the clan. streamheart panicked, and instead of ordering the medicine cats to visit other clans, he ordered them to make do with what they had so the other clans wouldn’t see them as weak. despite streamheart prioritising riverclan’s image that minnowstar had so carefully crafted, many cats died in riverclan that winter, including duckbreeze, and minnowstar’s mate and one of his kits. when minnowstar came back, he was absolutely mortified. instead of blaming everything on streamheart, despite streamheart putting himself into self-exile after minnowstar’s return, but rather himself. he vowed to never leave his clan again and care for it as long as he lived, and just that he did. however, many cats think it’s time for minnowstar to step down – he’s had a great leadership and there’s an extremely capable young warrior, dawnpool, as his deputy. he isn’t as involved with the clan has he was previously, and has to spend most of his time napping. however, minnowstar vowed that the day he’ll step down from leadership will be the day he dies.
family*: mate: ravenfur – black she-cat with light green eyes (deceased)
kits: willowpaw – silver she-cat with blue eyes (deceased)
sunsplash – black tom with white paws and deep green eyes
pebblesnow – silver tabby she-cat with green eyes and white paws
(i may develop the stories of sunsplash and pebblesnow later if you want 😀 )
can i kill them?: sure!
blogclan name: Drifter
character name: mottledskies
personality: open-minded, cautious, shy around strangers, attentive and watchful, awkward
purrsona: jet black with one yellow eye and one blue eye and a white muzzle,chest,paws and tail tip, and ear
pronouns+sexuality: he/she, enby lesbian
clan (using the four clans): riverclan
role in story: anything
rank in clan: medic appedix
backstory*: always pushed around for being small, didn’t want to be a medic app but his bullies became warrior apps and she didn’t want to train near them
family*: a father, a warrior-aged brother, mother died at birth
can i kill them? nahh
blogclan name: drifter
character name: wulf
personality: gruff, easily startled, often unimpressed, deadpan
purrsona: large, wolf-like black feline with dark-almost black splotches, long,rough hair
pronouns+sexuality: xe/he, aromantic
clan (using the four clans): rogue 😀 (if not rogue-born but joined the clans, windclan)
role in story: whatever
rank in clan: deputy????? if not senior warriors
backstory*: rogue-born , doesn’t talk about xyr past and he’s very annoyed when others ask
family*: n/a (see above)
can i kill them? sure
blogclan name: Fireflypaw
character name: Crowpaw/flicker
personality: sarcastic, defensive, quiet, reserved, lonely, direct and straightforward, dark-humored
purrsona: dark gray cat with black paws and dark blue eyes
pronouns+sexuality: they/them, pansexual
clan (using the four clans): ShadowClan
role in story: kind of background-side
rank in clan: apprentice/warrior
backstory*: was found as an abandoned kit by ShadowClan, they was unloved and always favored by their brother as a loner, and one day they were climbing a tree when Crow slipped, their brother (Pebble) helped him up to safety but then Pebble fell out of the tree and died on impact with the ground. Crow was blamed for their brother dying and was disowned by their parents, then ShadowClan found them yeah
family*: Pebble (brother, dead), Lightning (mother, unknown whether she is alive or dead(but she is alive)), Flame (father, unknown whether he is alive or dead(but he is alive)), Sprout (sister, born after Crow left), Bud (sister, born after Crow left), Night (brother, born after Crow left)
can i kill them?: No my precious Crow
blogclan name: Shrubpaw/song
character name: Turquoisesky
personality: Sarcastic but highly intelligent and decisive
purrsona: Fluffy gray and white she-cat with pale blue eyes
pronouns+sexuality: She/her and pansexual
clan (using the four clans): RiverClan, but has some SkyClan blood
role in story: Side
rank in clan: Deputy if not taken already!
backstory*: Born as Turquoisekit, she had to earn the trust of her Clanmates for being part SkyClan. Her older brother protected her from bullies, and she protected her younger brother in turn. She was ambitious from the start and gladly accepted the position of deputy. If you want you can give her an apprentice, and her former apprentice is whoever you like :3
family*: Has two brothers in StarClan and her parents (if not in StarClan) are in the Elder’s Den! She doesn’t have a mate or kits yet
can i kill them? Yep!
blogclan name: flowerpaw/seed
character name: shinekit
personality: sweet, bashful, shy, caring, clever, quiet, hopeful, thoughtful, reassuring, confident, gentle, curious, studious, emotionally intelligent
purrsona: black she-kit with a silver-and-white dappled pelt and tail
pronouns+sexuality: she/her, female
clan (using the four clans): shadowclan
role in story: side
rank in clan: kit
backstory*: pretty normal
family*: leafbreeze (mother), braveclaw (father), foxkit (sister)
can i kill them? sure
BlogName: Cinderkit
CName: Tawnystorm/star
Personality: Resourceful but poky
Purrsona: orange tom with brown stripes and white underbelly with green eyes
P+S: He/him and tom
Clan: Any but Wind or Thunder are the most preferable
Role+Rank: leader, deputy, or senior warrior. Most preferred is leader. Pretty much a side, but can they also be a mentor to the main character if main is apperentice.
Backstory: lived a hard life but once saved many cats from a attack on the clan clan.
Kill-off: preferably not
blogclan name: Jackdawpaw/flight
character name: Owlwhistle
personality: extroverted, optimistic, gullible, dumb (hehe)
purrsona: light brown tabby and white tom with amber eyes
pronouns+sexuality: he/him, bi
clan: ThunderClan
role in story: bg
rank in clan: warrior
can i kill them? Yep please do, he’s an npc-
Fan-fiction ideas:
–What if Feathertail had lived and stayed w/ Crowfeather in the Tribe of Rushing Water? (bonus: what if their kits were the Three? I know about “kin of your kin” and how that was directed to Firestar, but what if that had changed, too? “There will be three, kin of your *friend*, who will hold the power of the stars in your paws.” Graystripe is Firestar’s best friend and is Feathertail’s dad. The Three would come from a different background of the Clans and it would be interesting to see them struggle to be accepted into the Clans. Also, the Hollyleaf-cat for the Tribe’s Three would have a power, b/c I think she deserved it.)
I might think of more, but for now, namárië!
Great ideas!
Cool idea!! :DD
I need some characters for my novel. I already have a main and important side characters, so preferably only background characters but a few side characters are fine.
I haven’t thought up a blurb yet, but all the characters are hamsters.
Here is the character form:
Blogclan name
Character name:
Species of hamster (Syrian, Campbell’s dwarf, Winter White dwarf, Chinese, Roborovski):
Character appearance:
Character Traits:
Character Role (Solder, Citizen, Medic):
Character Role (Background, Side):
Can I kill them?:
Anything Else?
hey there Rowan!
Blogclan name: Drifter
Character name: Lucky
Gender/pronouns: she/her
Species of hamster (Syrian, Campbell’s dwarf, Winter White dwarf, Chinese, Roborovski): uhhh syrian???
Character appearance: golden brown with white paws,chest, muzzle
Character Traits: over-eager, all-over-the-place, slow to grasp concepts, always loud, like wayyyy too loud
Character Role (Solder, Citizen, Medic): soon-to-be soldier?
Character Role (Background, Side): side?
Can I kill them?: sure!
Anything Else? thanks for considering!
Blogclan name: Redfawn
Character name: Amberly
Gender/pronouns: Female, she/her
Species of hamster (Syrian, Campbell’s dwarf, Winter White dwarf, Chinese, Roborovski): Winter white dwarf
Character appearance: White fur with a darker stripe down her spine and dark eyes
Character Traits: Shy around strangers, bubbly and outgoing around close friends, creative, funny
Character Role (Solder, Citizen, Medic): Medic
Character Role (Background, Side): Side
Can I kill them?: Sure!
Anything Else? Nope!
Blogclan name: CloudPaw/Song
Character name: Mouse
Gender/pronouns: Nonbinary, They/them
Species of hamster: Chinese
Character appearance: tannish-gray, white underbelly, small and timid, with darkish, almost black eyes.
Character Traits: Charming, Slow, Kind, Regretful, Self-shaming, Self-doubting, Sad, Quick, Tricky, Smart.
Character Role (Solder, Citizen, Medic): Medic or Citizen 😀
Character Role (Background, Side): Side if possible :]
Can I kill them?: If you need to 🙁
Anything Else?: Mouse is named for the way that he somewhat resembles an mouse obviously. When they were younger, they went by male pronouns until he realized he was actually Non-binary. For a bit, he was bullied about his choice of becoming Non-binary, making them feel ashamed and self-doubtful, until one day, an feirce she-mouse stood up for him. They also doesn’t like fighting and that’s why they became an medic I guess.
Blogclan name: Shrubpaw/song
Character name: Wisp
Gender/pronouns: They/them
Species of hamster: Roborovski bc it sounds cool
Character appearance: Light brown and white fur that is usually messy and is around 1.3″ in height
Character Traits: Always energetic and alert, but has trouble focusing on one thing, and bounces between ideas. (ADHD-like)
Character Role: Medic
Character Role: Side
Can I kill them?: Yea!
Anything Else?: N/A
Something I forgot: are you okay if I change the character a little bit? it is absolutely, 100% fine if your not okay with it tho
Blogclan name: Jackdawpaw/flight
Character name: Dumpling
Gender/pronouns: male, he/him
Species of hamster: winter white dwarf (I used to have one 🥺)
Character appearance: silver gray, round 😛
Character Traits: naive, humoristic, and positive
Character Role: citizen
Character Role: side
Can I kill them?: nooo please don’t haha
Anything Else?: nope
Guys I need some help.
I have a fanfic that I started to post 2 years ago, paused (for about a year) then resumed on writing a few months ago.
However, the blogteam (that’s what you call them, right?) keeps deleting my recent comments on the fanfic page saying “it seems like you used a real name when making the link of the fanfic.” THREE times “straight”.
However I don’t know WHERE the problem is and I’m not sure I used anything so closely related to my real name.
Yes I asked my parents for help but they failed to spot a problem too.
The link is here:
Can anybody please tell me what problem of the link above has
(what the “something that looks like a real name” is)
I repeat: what the “something that looks like a real name” is,
so I can get rid of it?
Thank you.
The issue is that you have created the document with a google account where the email address is your full name and year of birth. When you share the document as a link, anyone who opens it can view the author of the document, either on the document itself, or in the “shared with me” section where your name comes up as owner of the document. Therefore we can’t moderate the document currently, in order to keep you safe! 🙂
In order for us to be able to moderate comments with the document link, you can either:
a) make your document “web-published” (I believe there are instructions on how to do this at the top of the Fanfiction and Art Pages). Web-published documents have an url that ends in /pub and mean that the viewers of the document cannot see any information about the owner of the document.
b) post the link to a copy of a document containing your fanfiction, made with a google account that doesn’t contain any personal information. We like to call these “Blog-Safe” emails – for example, mine is [email protected] – it’s free to make a google account.
Hope this helps! 😀
so i have a few ideas that I have no dedication to finish, so here you go! try to credit me, but you don’t have to!
1. starclan messes up and places an innocent, sweet cat in the dark forest. she navigates it. this one will probably have really good worldbuilding
2. EVIL STARCLAN (actually on second thought, don’t take this one)
soryy i have to get off this computer now, ill reply to this comment with the others later
I’m already writing an evil StarClan fic 😛
3. let’s destroy the code!
4. *GASP* the evening star ushers in the night (evil leader named eveningstar) (totally not a fablehaven reference)
5. murder all em Clans! (so fun)
6. destroy da Clans, da code, da StarClan, literally everything. basically my fanfic
7. in which a “StarClan is useless” cat like Mothwing leads a revolution (also basically my fanfic)
8. forming a new clan
9. da disillusioned idealist becomes evil and tries to kill everyone, but the “hero” realizes that the villain is right, just going about it the wrong way
Looks cool!! :DD
These are great ideas!
I really like 1 so I might use it if I finished my Blogfic (Ik I’m a really slow writer I’m still on chapter 1😭)
Random characters nobody will claim (probably) that are here if you want I guess, since I’m bored:
Also title name ideas:
Stars strike down the Innocent
Hope will live in Me
Who am I?
Living in an web of Lies
Nightshade Blossoms
Deadly Cure
1, 2, 3, SMILE!
Heart of Wasted Air
An Toothy Grin
Cat, Cat, Fox!