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  • Sandy's choose the story adventure game

    Last round, 5 people voted for A, 7 people chose B and 1 person chose C.

    You choose a choice every round. For example 4 people said A, 2 said B, and 5 said C. That means C would be the winning choice. If they’re equal, it’s random.

    Short flashback: Claudia and her mates are rogues living near RiverClan’s territory. They escaped from Twolegs. But prey is getting scarce, and they have 4 kits called Leaf, Sky and Light. They were in a landslide, but they could only save one kit…

    Claudia grasped Sky’s scruff. I’m sorry, Light, my previous daughter…
    The muscular black queen saw her mate. He was showered by tumbling rocks.
    “Brad!” Claudia shrieked. “Get out!”
    The tabby tom threw Leaf’s tiny limp body at his mate. “Save our kits!” he choked.
    Claudia grabbed Leaf and Sky’s scruffs as she barely escaped the landslide.
    Her paws heavy with grief, knowing that Brad was dead, she staggered to the mossy den, feeding her kits.
    I’m a terrible mother! I should make saved them.

    Now it’s time to choose the story! Pick what Claudia decides to do with her kits. This is also a major change

    A) Abandon them in the den
    B ) Give them to Twolegs
    C ) Give them to a group of cats called RiverClan
    D ) Give them to a group of other cats called ShadowClan

    Your choices can change the story.

  • I want to start a game so NTA here we go:
    Riverfall by Moona!
    Flamewhisper by Amberfrost!
    Tartarberry by Frosto!
    Cloudswirl by Aquila!
    Musicsong by Aquila!
    Goldenmask by Crystal!

    I added themes, and you have to name the apprentices according to the themes. Since I am secretly evil, I will not tell you what the themes mean. (mwahaha)

    Bore that Apprentice!

    The Good people:
    9: Amberfrost
    8: Aquila
    4.: Frosto
    3: Galaxyspirit
    2: Moona
    1: Sweets, Misty, Shadow, Sandy, Crystal

  • Enter the right thing

    Pebble was in 1 and 14. Shadow was in 17. River was in 15 and 7. Flameclaw was in 4, 19, and 5.

    Rules: The Rooms
    If you enter, nothing happens. All of your weapons (we will get to that later) and lives are safe, and you get to your whatever successfully.
    If you enter, Pebble will give you a point, an escort to the entrance to your transportation station, and there is a 50% chance you will get a weapon. You can’t get weapons if you already have one though. Also, you can’t get a weapon if you’re dead. There are two of these rooms.
    If you enter, Shadow is gonna be a murderer and murder you, and you will lose one of your infinite lives, but if you have a weapon, then you have a 50% chance of beating Shadow and surviving, but if you don’t beat Shadow, you lose one of your lives and your weapon. There is one room of this kind.
    If you enter, River is going to give some sort of herb to you that will cure one of your lost lives. If you have all of your infinite lives, then River is going to be like Crystal and ignore you. There are two rooms of this kind.
    These rooms are cursed, but not as cursed as Shadow’s Room. If you enter, Flameclaw is going to take your weapon, but you still have a slim 5% of escaping with your weapon. There are 3 rooms of this kind.

    Rules: Life and Death
    Reviving Yourself:
    Going into River’s isn’t enough to go back to normal if you are Double Dead. You would just go back to Dead. If you are Double Dead or more, another hard strategy would help return you to the leaderboard. This requires going to Shadow’s, along with someone else. There is a 50% chance that, if you are Double Dead or more, she would ignore you. There is also another 50% chance that she would kill your player and you have no one to take lives from. Another 50% chance is actually killing the player, and taking away the amount of lives you got taken off. If you don’t succeed, you only take away one of their lives and you only revive one of your own lives. This will not work if your victim has a weapon.
    Surving Shadow
    Another good way to survive Shadow without a weapon is to go with someone else, as long as that ‘someone else’ isn’t Double Dead or more. If two people both go into Shadow’s, both of them has a 50% chance of surviving, but if one survives, the other dies. Same goes with three players. One of them survives, two of them die, and so on.

    Now you can pick your rooms (just type in a number 1-20), receive your weapons, die, get healed, get robbed, or get ignored.

    PEOPLE WHO GOT THE RIGHT AREA: (w means weapon)
    2: Ivyleaf (w)
    1: Frosto

  • Irebulenem:

    Leader – Mossystar – Curly-furred mottled white and brown she-cat with copper eyes
    Deputy – Shadowwing – Sleek, lithe, black she-cat with green eyes and long legs
    Medicine Cat: Foxbreeze – Dark ginger she-cat with white flash on chest and black paws
    Crystalsight – Silver she-cat with unusual spots and a big, fluffy, tail
    Nighteye – Black she-cat with silver streaks on eyes
    Apprentice, Fallenpaw (Silver and black she-cat with blue eyes)
    Hawkeye – Orange tabby she-cat with long fur and amber eyes
    Sunfire – Golden-furred tom with dark brown spots around copper eyes
    Apprentice, Specklepaw (Tortoiseshell she-cat with white patches like fallen snow)
    Nightclaw – Broad-shouldered, sturdy black tom with amber eyes and a short tail
    Apprentice, Dapplepaw (Mottled brown and gray tom with green eyes)
    Snowfeather – White she-cat with pale blue eyes and black ears
    Darkwhisker – Dark gray tabby tom with black whiskers
    Apprentice, Mistypaw (White she-cat with pale, misty blue eyes)
    Tigerleap – Orange tabby tom with green eyes, black stripes, and white underbelly
    Apprentice, Sunningpaw (Golden tom with pale yellow eyes and long fur)
    Whiskertail – Dark ginger she-cat with white tail tip and paw
    Apprentice, Foxpaw (Reddish ginger she-cat white underbelly and muzzle)
    Willowtail – Smoky black she-cat with amber eyes
    Gorgeleap – Gray and white she-cat with unusual pale blue eyes
    Apprentice, Crashingpaw (Big tom)
    Nighttail – Black she-cat with green eyes and white flash on chest
    Primrosewillow – Dark cream she-cat
    Whitemist – White she-cat with green eyes
    Swanwing – Silver she-cat with black muzzle, tail, ears, and paws (mother to Featherkit, long-furred silver tabby she-kit; Bluekit, blue-gray she-cat with green eyes)
    Flamewillow – Beautiful orange she-cat with smoky black paws and dazzling green eyes (fostering Wildkit, mottled golden tom, Scarkit, black tom with one blind eye; Mistflower’s kits)
    Ashmist – Mottled gray tom with dark blue eyes


    Oh no!, Mistflower (queen) has been found dead!

    Shadowwing, was there any cat who disliked Mistflower?
    A few she-cats her age.

    Willowtail, where were you when the murder happened?
    I was on patrol with Nighttail and Primrosewillow.
    Nighteye, where were you when the murder happened?
    I was lounging by FeatherRock with Mossystar.

  • Trick or Treat!

    You will choose the maximum two houses that you want to get treats from.
    If you go into the right house (two numbers that I have already picked) you get a point!
    If you go into the wrong house (the third number that I choose) you become a Ghost!
    If you are already a Ghost, you can revive yourself if you choose the correct house.
    This time, House 10(StarClan) and 4 (ShadowClan) were the prize houses!
    The haunted house was House 5(ThunderClan)
    9 points: Moonleap
    8 points: Ivypaw and Pine
    7 points: Sandy
    6 points: Flamecloud
    5 points: Shadow
    4 points: Briarpaw, Spotted
    3 points: Misty, Holly,
    2 points: Galaxyspirit, Thistle, and Rainie
    1 point: Fally, Snowbreeze, Pearkit, Snowkit, and Icy
    GHOSTS 👻
    Fawny(4), Sweets(3), Gooseshadow(8), Lily(2) and Eagie(2)
    So without further ado, let’s begin!
    House 1: Ember Den
    House 2: Twolegplace
    House 3: Barley’s Barn
    House 4: ShadowClan
    House 5: ThunderClan
    House 6: SkyClan
    House 7: Dark Forest
    House 8: WindClan
    House 9: RiverClan
    House 10: StarClan
    House 11: The Tavern
    Have fun! AND PLEASE PLAY!

  • Hellooo again people, welcome to the second round of

    It’s All Relative!!

    We had a pretty good start last round, I’m aiming to make some questions harder (also despite the name of the game it will include mentors because why not? :P)
    If you’re new here, I’ll try and explain the rules better than last time. It’s a simple name the cat game with tons of relative names piled on top of it. That probably wasn’t much better..

    Round 2: ThunderClan Leaders

    Who is Bluestar’s mate’s, brother’s, mate’s, father’s, former mate?

    Who is Firestar’s medicine cat daughter’s, golden son’s, yellow son’s, son?

    Who is Bramblestar’s, sister’s, leader son’s, mate’s, sister’s, mother?

    3 points: Treelight, Lilykit, Amberfrost, and Monkeyfur!
    1 point: Aquila!

    Next round will be posted on Sunday!

  • Fill in the Blanks

    There will be a theme and I will have chosen some warriors related words to that theme and removed some of the letters! The players have to guess what the words are!
    After 15 rounds, the points reset and I will take an art request from the person/people with the most points. (Sorry that’s not a great prize)

    Last rounds answers:


    Round 6:
    Theme: Ancient Cats

    Ha_ _m_o_
    Fa_ _e_le_e_
    _ro_en_ha_o_ _
    J_ _’s W_ _ g


    24 points: Frosto!

    20 points: Lily, Amber, Blossy!

    15 points: Puddle!
    14 points: Sandy!

    10 points: Galaxy, Shadow, Moky, Ivyla, Rainie!
    9 points: Flame, Moona!

    5 points: Sweets, Tree, Leaf!
    4 points: KoiBoi, Ria!

    *A great way to study for the SSAT!

    The answer for the last round was… b! Yes the Moonpool!

    19 points: Frosto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    18 points: Ivypaw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    16 points: Briarpaw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    15 points: Gooseshadow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    14 points: Moonleap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    13 points: Muffinfern!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    12 points: Puddleshard!!!!!!!!!!!!

    9 points: Sandpaw!!!!!!!!!

    7 points: Blossomkit and Eaglepaw, Holly!!!!!!!
    6 points: Lilyflight!!!!!!
    5 points: Flamecloud, Amberfrost!!!!!
    4 points: Treelight, and Fally!!!!
    3 points: Icepaw, Peb!!!
    2 points: Shadow, Pearkit, Fawny and Blakie!!
    1 point:, Snowpuff, Snowstorm, Snowpaw, Mintywhisker, Silverlight, Rainie, Thistle, Echopool, Snowbreeze, Creekdapple!

    Round 24!
    Summer is to Greenleaf as Winter is to
    a. Leafgreen
    b. Wintersight
    c. Leafbare
    d. Leaf Floating off Branches
    e. Bareleaf

  • Murder Mystery

    BriarClan Allegiances:

    Leader: Honeystar- a she-cat
    Deputy: Moonsnow, a she-cat- APPRENTICE, HAZELPAW- a tom
    Medicine Cats: Prickleberry- a she-cat
    Birdshine- a she-cat


    Stemheart- a tom- APPRENTICE, ALDERPAW- a she-cat
    Wildspark- a tom
    Beepelt- a tom
    Frecklenose- a she-cat
    Bluesky- a she-cat
    Jayheart- a tom- APPRENTICE, HAILPAW- a tom
    Yellowflower- a she-cat
    Gladeshine- a she-cat- APPRENTICE, SMOKEPAW- a she-cat
    Flamefur- a tom
    Shadowheart- a tom- APPRENTICE, POPPYPAW- a she-cat
    Spidertoe- a tom
    Silverclaw- a she-cat


    Sunnysplash- mother to Stemheart’s kits: Redkit- a tom, Blossomkit- a she-kit, and Sweetkit- a she-kit
    Petalfern- expecting Wildspark’s kits


    Jadewisp- a she-cat
    Woodfleck- a tom
    Sandbeam- a tom

    – up to 2 questions per round!
    – join at any time!
    – the same rules as any murder mystery

    Good luck! Remember, you may join at any time!

    Oh, no! Mapleleaf has been found dead!

    Questions Asked:


    Can I accuse Bluesky? 😛
    – Yeah, feel free to accuse at any time! Unfortunately, Bluesky is innocent! I’m sorry, but you won’t be able to ask questions until next round!

    On another note:
    I think I will add a clues section to this game! I realize this round might be harder than I thought. We will start off with one clue and I will add to the list sometimes! Sometimes you will know that fact, or sometimes you might not. For this first round of the list, I will give you a clue that has been unveiled, and a clue that hasn’t.


    – Bluesky did not do the murder.
    – Prickleberry is also innocent.

    1- Aquila, Moona

    • Blossomkit, has your mommy said anything at all about Mapleleaf, uh, disappearing?

      Honeystar, did you pick up any tension between Mapleleaf and other cats?

      Stemheart – was there any reason why anybody would depise Mapleleaf?
      Honeystar – who was out of camp that time!

  • Sandfrost, all I need is your submission, and then we’ll take a vote! 😀
    Murder Mystery
    The final caw of a crow sounds out in the early night air, a signal of the Clan’s dying hope. The murderer may be sitting right next to you and you’d never know…

    Froststar – fluffy white she-cat with icy-blue eyes; Mediator; played by Frostfire

    Rainberry – spotted light grey tabby she-cat with amber eyes; Architect; played by Rainshine

    Conefrost – blue-gray splotched white she-cat with amber eyes; Defender; played by Sandfrost

    Streamdawn – soft-furred jet-black she-cat with ocean-blue eyes; Adventurer; played by Frostfire
    Pineblossom – dark red tabby she cat with darker paws, a white tail-tip, and pine-green eyes; Defender; played by Pineblossom
    Monkeyfish – dark brown tom with golden eyes; Mediator; played by Monkeyfur
    (Apprentice, Honeypaw)
    Flamecloud – white she cat with dark ginger tabby patches and green eyes; Advocate; played by Flamecloud
    (Apprentice, Muffinpaw)
    Ivyleaf – silver and white tabby she-cat with a white-tipped tail, a nicked ear, and intense emerald-green eyes; Advocate; played by Ivyleaf
    (Apprentice, Eaglepaw)
    Sandfrost – long-furred ginger tabby she-cat with forest-green eyes; Logician; played by Sandfrost
    Fallenshadows – short-furred light spotted golden-brown tabby she-cat with light green eyes; Advocate; played by Fallenshadows
    Fawnspots – bright ginger she-cat with pale freckles on her face and back, a fluffy tail, and light green eyes; Advocate; played by Fawnspots
    Moonfrost – black she-cat with white speckles and green eyes; Entertainer; played by Potato
    Juniperberry – blue-gray she-cat with light blue-gray legs and tail and mint-green eyes; Defender; played by Potato
    Shadyglen – black she-cat with gray stripes, white paws, and sky-blue eyes; played by Hollykit
    Aspenwillow – long-furred light ginger she-cat with brown stripes, white paws, and green eyes; played by Moonpaw
    Shadowmoon – sleek-furred white she-cat with shady gray points and azure blue eyes; played by Shadowmoon
    Treelight – light brown tom with brownish splotches on his pelt and forest-green eyes; Architect; played by Treepaw
    (Apprentice, Briarpaw)
    Thistlefrost – dark gray tom with frosty blue eyes; played by Thistlefrost
    Puddleshard – gray-brown she-cat with green eyes and a stubby tail; INFP; played by Puddleshard

    Honeypaw – golden-brown tabby she-cat with dark green eyes; Advocate; played by Frostfire
    Briarpaw – brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes and a cream belly; Logician; played by Briarpaw
    Muffinpaw – light ginger she-cat with green eyes; Mediator; available
    Blackpaw – black tom with ice-blue eyes; played by Blackpaw
    Eaglepaw – golden tabby she-cat with a white chest and emerald-green eyes

    Winterwatcher – black-and-white she-cat with green eyes; Virtuoso; played by Frostfire
    Cinnamoncloud – brown tabby she-cat with white paws, underbelly, chest, and tail-tip; Mediator; played by Muffinfern

    Firekit – ginger tabby she-kit with amber eyes; Campaigner; played by Frostfire

    Moonsnow – silky-furred black she-cat with white dapples and yellow eyes; Defender; played by Frostfire

    Spotpaw (murdered)
    Pebblepaw (excecuted)


    No one wanted to make the first accusation. The anxiety, almost alive with electricity, pulsated through the camp, each tendril a sneaking wish of smoke choking cats. Finally, Rainberry spoke.
    “WA … rrior? Um, I don’t know – Moonsnow.” Her meow sparked a chorus of voices.
    Eaglepaw’s eyes widened. “I don’t know, Pebblepaw mentioned bright eyes. Ivyleaf?” she stammered.
    Briarpaw flicked her tail. “I accuse Sandfrost,” she meowed. “Sandfrost said she was close to Spotpaw… but just how close is that?”
    “Aspenwillow,” Puddleshard added, glancing at the she-cat.
    Treelight watched everyone’s reactions carefully and quietly stated: “Aspenwillow. She has the fur colors described by Moonsnow, has been irritated and snarky this whole time, as well as the “W” and “A” StarClan sent seem to spell warrior, as well as “A” being the beginning of Aspenwillow’s name.”
    Ivyleaf looked at Treelight uncertainly. “ I’m accusing…Aspenwillow?”
    “ I think Aspenwillow!” Monkeyfish yowled.
    “ I guess that I’ll accuse Aspenwillow…” Fawnspots muttered.
    “I accuse…Aspenwillow.” Sandfrost nodded, as if confirming her own choice.
    “Aspenwillow makes sense,” said Pineblossom. “She’s the only warrior with a name that ends in W.”
    Moonfrost and Juniperberry backed away from the cats. “Aspenwillow… I accuse you,” Juniperberry muttered, her eyes dark. Moonfrost nodded in agreement, her head low.
    Wind whipped through the still camp, echoing with an unsaid, grim truth.
    The accused would state why they were innocent, and there would be a vote – and then an execution.


    It’s time for the accused to defend themselves! After they do, we’ll take a vote on who’s guilty. As always, keep in mind that Spotpaw sent a W and an A. Good luck!

    • Sandfrost hissed at Briarpaw. “Why would I kill my own apprentice?” she snarled. “Spotpaw was the best apprentice ever! I would never murder her!”

    • -repost-
      Aspenwillow looked around at her clanmates, wide-eyed. “Me? I was no where near Spotpaw when she was killed! I was in camp the whole time! Spotpaw was very nice. I-I really wasn’t trying to sound angry, Treelight, I just don’t know the apprentices very well. I couldn’t have killed her, and I didn’t.” She said, sitting back down and watching, still shocked.

  • Narrator: Welcome to Cat Mafia!
    Narrator: Okay. So. The way this game works is we will have seven contestants. One will be the unknown Cat Mafia, one will be the Leader, and one will be the Med Cat. All will be revealed at the end, when everyone dies or we catch the Cat Mafia.
    Narrator: Each round starts the same way. I say the way a cat died, and the cats participating say what they were doing last night. Then you all, the public, will try to guess who committed the crime. Got it?
    Narrator: Okay! Let’s get started! Our contestants are Fernfrost, Blazeburn, Sunrise, Darklight, Twilightglow, Hollowbreak, and Pebble, all from Cottenpaw’s fan fic arc Breaking of Hollows.
    Narrator: Okay! The Cat Mafia, Leader, and Med Cat have all been decided. They have already chosen. So. everyone go to sleep!
    (They do. When they wake up again, Sunrise is gone.)
    Narrator: Sadly, last night Sunrise was murdered. She was walking on the cliff edge, and someone shoved rocks on top of her. May she rest in StarClan.Alright. Fernfrost, what were you doing last night?
    Fernfrost: I was hunting some freshkill in the moors to try to add some more stuff to our freshkill pile. I was hoping if I did, that people wouldn’t think I was useless because of my- oop! (Covers her mouth with free paw) I can’t tell you that because that spoils stuff!
    Narrator: Ooooookaaaaaaaaay…….. (Turns to Blazeburn) Okay, Blazeburn, you’re up next.
    Blazeburn: I had a rough night sleeping last night. I kept thinking about Fernfrost and wondering if she’s be okay after the tree crash. I tried to sneak into her camp, but the Leader caught me, and I had to go back.
    Narrator: Okay! Now for Darklight.
    Darklight: Last night I was being treated by our medicine cat for whitecough, making sure it didn’t turn into greencough.
    Narrator: Who did it? WHO DID IT?! THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME!!! 😆😆 Alright, Twilightglow, you’re up next.
    Twilightglow: I was collecting some herbs for my medicine cat last night. It took me almost all night to gather what I needed.
    Darklight: I waited all night for you!
    Twilightglow: Shut up.😰
    Narrator: Wait, Twilightglow, are you saying you are the Med Cat?
    Twilightglow: If I were I wouldn’t tell you. 😥😥
    Narrator: Alright. (Turns back to Blaze and Fern, who are sitting with tails twined and heads on shoulders.) AHEM!! (They untwine. Turns to Hollowbreak) Alright, Hollowbreak.
    Hollowbreak: Last night… Hmm… Can’t really say I remember last night very well. I remember eating a heck of a lot of catnip and falling asleep and that’s pretty much it.
    Narrator: Mkay…. Alright, Pebble, you are our last contestant, what were you doing last night?
    Pebble: I was reporting to the rogues all that GardenClan was doing.
    Narrator: Okay. (Turns to public) Alright all you good guessers, guess who the Cat Mafia is. I’m betting none of you will guess right. Go! All answers will be announced in three days.

    • aah I played a similar game at a summer camp before where there was 3 werewolves, 1 witch, 2 lovers and some other characters I don’t remember


  • Fill in the Blanks

    There will be a theme and I will have chosen some warriors related words to that theme and removed some of the letters! The players have to guess what the words are!
    After 15 rounds, the points reset and I will take an art request from the person/people with the most points. (Sorry that’s not a great prize)

    Last rounds answers:

    Half Moon
    Fallen Leaves (sorry I spelt it wrong)
    Broken Shadows
    Jay’s Wing

    Round 7:
    Theme: ThunderClan Leaders

    _hu_ _er_t_r
    O_ _s_ar
    _ _am_l_s_a_
    F_r_ _t_ r
    D_ _s_ _r


    29 points: Frosto!

    25 points: Blossy, Amber!
    24 points: Lily!

    20 points: Puddle!

    15 points: Rainie, Moky, Ivyla!
    14 points: Sandy, Moona!
    13 points: Flame!

    10 points: Galaxy, Shadow!

    7 points: Ria!

    5 points: Sweets, Tree, Leaf!
    4 points: KoiBoi!

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