• Cindie’s NTA!

    Firestorm by Flamestreak
    Flamelight by Silver Shadow
    Sparkfire by Windstorm
    Embergaze by Windstorm
    Ashfall by Mistpaw
    Cindershade by Silver Shadow


    1. Windstorm, Silver Shadow
    2. Flamestreak, Mistpaw

    Round 2: Sun Drown Quest Cats!
    No canon names! 🙂

  • Firestarflowerstemleafshadestarflowerstemleafshadestarflowerleafshade……… and on and on and in…..

  • I have a knew game idea. Its called… I don’t know what its called. Combining cat names I guess. Anyway, take a pair of cats, for example, mates. Then take the mates Tigerstar and Goldenflower. Then, combine their names taking the prefix of one of them and the suffix of the other. For example, Tigerflower. Whoever makes the best warrior name with these rules wins a point. Whoever makes the worst warrior name with these rules wins a point. Whoever makes the funniest name with the rules gets a point. If you can combine two cats that are mates for this round and you get a real, canon warrior name, you get a point. If I think the name is cool for any other reason or you have second funniest or something, you get half a point. Yeah, anyway, this first round is going to be mates so take a pair of mates and see how many points you get!

  • Mystery in ReedClan – Round 2
    Leader: Thriftstar – Thick-furred, silvery dark gray she-cat with amber eyes and small ears
    Deputy: Ivynose – Long-furred, silky white tom with copper eyes and brown and black patches
    Medicine cat: Redleaf – Well-muscled snow-white tom with dark red patches and copper eyes
    Apprentice, Sweetpaw (Brown and white she-cat with amber eyes)
    Flamewing – Magnificent flame-colored she-cat with amber eyes
    Blazefoot – Long-furred dark ginger she-cat with white paws and green eyes
    Duskstorm – White tom with black patches and dark blue eyes
    Bubbledust – Mottled pale blue-gray tom with white speckles and water-blue eyes
    Shadeleaf – Long-furred patchy black and brown she-cat
    Apprentice, Fernpaw (Yellow tabby tom with green eyes)
    Songbird – White she-cat with dark ginger patches and ice blue eyes 
    Willowslash – Brown and white she-cat with gray splotches and green eyes
    Thistlestream – Spiky-furred white tom with yellow eyes 
    Yellowreed – Yellow tabby she-cat with white muzzle and one shredded ear
    Mistfire – Long-legged slender pale gray she-cat with amber eyes       
    Hollybramble – Spiky-furred dark tabby she-cat with gray striped legs
    Trouttail – Short-furred mottled pale gray tom with amber eyes
    Brightcloud – Pale gray she-cat with white patches and bright blue eyes 
    Stoneshadow – Silvery dark-furred she-cat with amber eyes
    No one
    Bumbleflight – Pale yellow tom with dark brown stripes and a short, stumpy tail
    Foxeye – Russet tabby tom with green eyes

    Bloomshade – Short-furred light gray tabby tom with paler underbelly and muzzle

    – Bloomshade was exiled. He stormed out of camp, swearing revenge. 
    – All the ‘paws become warriors.
    – All the kits become apprentices.
    – Snowpaw and Frostkit died of greencough.

    – Join anytime
    – Two questions per post
    – Accuse anyone anytime
    – You can only accuse once–one wrong accusation and you’re out of the game. 
    – If you accuse incorrectly, the condemned innocent will give you a clue before storming out of camp. 
    – All accused cats will be exiled, however innocents will magically teleport back the next round. 

    Oh no! Bumbleflight has been found dead!

    – Bumbleflight was found on the top of the cliff, his head dangling at the edge. 
    – His neck was snapped cleanly in two, and a couple of claw marks were found on his neck. 
    – Foxeye found the body during the afternoon. 
    – Everyone who initially disliked Bumbleflight were now okay with him, according to Foxeye. 
    – Mistfire, Willowslash, Shadeleaf, and Fernpaw were at the OwlClan border, according to Ivynose.
    – Duskstorm, Yellowreed, and Thistlestream were at the lake, according to Ivynose. 
    – Ivynose swore he sent no one to the cliffs.
    – According to Foxeye, the elders occasionally walk near the cliffs. 
    – Foxeye thought he saw paw prints going away from the body. 
    – Foxeye also said that the paw prints were small, according to Ivynose. 
    – Thriftstar said she exiled Bloomshade completely out of clan territory. 
    – Thrifstar, Ivynose, Flamewing, Blazefoot, Bubbledust, Songbird, Yellowreed, Thistlestream, and Stoneshadow have the skill to snap a neck cleanly in two. 
    – Bloomshade hasn’t been seen for the last 5 days.
    – According to Ivynose, Redleaf and Sweetpaw were out picking herbs. 

    The decent people: 
    1: Kestry

    Flamepaw: Ivynose, how big were the paw prints and far apart were each of them? 
    Ivynose: I don’t exactly know because I didn’t see the body, but Foxeye told me that the pawprints were quite small. 

    Flamepaw: Thriftstar, where was Bloomshade exiled to?
    Thriftstar: I don’t know where he is now, but we exiled him OUT OF CLAN TERRITORY. OwlClan, IvyClan, DawnClan, and BreezeClan don’t deserve such a ruthless murderer!

    Mallowpaw: Thriftstar, Do you know any cats in the clan who have the skill to snap a neck cleanly in two? 
    Thriftstar: Well, there’s me and my deputy. And Flamewing, Blazefoot, Bubbledust, Songbird, Yellowreed, Thistlestream, and Stoneshadow too were also good fighters, so they should have that skill.

    Mallowpaw: Thriftstar, has any onf your patrols had any sightings of Bloomshade in the last week?
    Thriftstar: What is a week? I’m just going to assume in the last five days. The answer is no. I hope he’s gone for good. 

    Echostream: Raven, can I ask Bloomshade questions?
    Raven: Yes, but good luck getting an answer that will help you.

    Echostream: Ivynose, in the afternoon, were there any cats that left camp without any patrols?
    Ivynose: Well yes, Redleaf and Sweetpaw went to pick herbs. But they’re medicine cats, they wouldn’t kill an elder. The murder must’ve snuck out of camp, then. 

    Every round will have a mystery, whether it’s murder or not. However there’s a higher chance its murder. 

    • Thiftstar, who are Bumbleflight’s family?
      Foxeye, were the paw prints apprentice size?
      Thriftstar, who are the smallest cats in the clan?
      Foxeye, did you have a disagreement with Bumbleflight?

      • Can I please go ahead and comment your other two questions, because they’re good and I want to know them too. So…
        Thriftstar, who are the smallest cats in the clan?
        Foxeye, did you have a disagreement with Bumbleflight?

    • Foxeye – Does Bumbleflight have any family still alive and if so, who are they?
      Ivynose – Have there been any unusual scents near the Clan territories?

    • Redleaf: Did u see anyone go near the cliff during the murder?
      Bloomshade: Have u been snucking into Reedclan´s territory last week?

    • Redleaf, did you see anything suspicious while picking herbs
      Ivynose, were there any other cats out of camp other than redleaf and sweetpaw


    Twigsputter midnight
    Brackenflutter rabbitflame
    Birdtwitter whiterabbit
    Stonefloof coldheart


    1-whiterabbit (3 1/2)
    2-flamestreak and star(2)
    3-windstorm (1 1/2)
    4-coldheart rabbitflame midnight raventhorn tinypaw
    5-silvershadow (1/4)
    Turtlewaddle the deputy has fallen ill and has fallen with a heavy heart bunnystar needs a new deputy so she’s testing you on your naming skills so she gave you the hardest names to make a cute suffix for

    Prefixes: scar paw and bloodpaw


    • Scarsmile: cute little fluffy tom who has a scar beneath his mouth which makes him look like he’s always smiling and always happy, which most of the time he is.
      Bloodlick: sometimes in battle this cat may get distracted if some blood lands on his nose. He looks down his nose at the blood and kind of goes cross-eyed and licks the blood off of his nose. The opponent in the battle is often mesmerized by how cutely he does this and decides they can’t fight this cutie. He also looks cute when licking snowflakes or water droplets off of his nose. But one time he did it with mouse bile…

    • Scarears-“At least they match now!”
      Bloodflower-a medicine cat who discovered a herb the color of blood

    • Scartoes – she-cat with little scars on her toes
      Bloodbow – tom with a bow tie shaped mark on his chest

  • Winner: Princessclaw by Mistpaw – I hate this name and I guess its the bad name game so yeah.
    Smudgepoo by Crookedmoon- Superhero kitty. RIP
    Half a point to Midnight for Smudgesprinkle and half a point to Raven for Princesssnowwhite and half a point to Echostream for Smudgeink.

    1. Kestrelfeather, Echostream (6.5 pt.)
    2. Whitepaw/rabbit (4 pt.)
    3. Windstorm (3pt.)
    4. Tinypaw, Poppypaw (2.5pt.)
    5. Dovepaw, Waffleheart(2 pt.)
    6. Rabbitflame, (1.5 pt.)
    7. Lilylight, Moonpelt, Coldheart, Crookedmoon, Mistpaw (1 pt.)
    8. Pinestripe, Raven (.5 pt.)

    Make up the weirdest and worst warrior cat names with a purrsona.You can either have a bad name or have a name that just doesn’t make sense like Wormsong or Badgersparkle. Be creative! The worst name gets a point. A good backstory can give you half a point. Try to make the suffix a possible suffix/prefix a leader might use.
    Round 11: Let’s say Tigerclaw became leader. Being evil, he’ll probably give Firepaw and Graypaw horrible names. So yeah, help him give them bad names.

  • 1.Runningwind’s mate’s mother’s son
    2.Runningnose’s brother’s mentor’s mother’s daughter

    No looking it up (except in the books).

  • My NTA

    Last round’s winners:
    Orchidfall by Flamestreak
    Tulipspring by Rabbitflame
    Lavenderdawn by Raventhorn
    Astershadow by Silver Shadow
    Petalspot by Pinestripe


  • Streaky’s NTA
    Round 11 Results
    Lakesplash – Star (Mistpaw)
    Moonwalk – Midnight
    Twolegfoot – Rabbitflame
    Islandshadow – Silvershadow
    Halfheart – Poppyspider (Poppypaw)
    Horseheather – Kestry
    Streamstone – Ravenpaw/thorn
    Oakfall – Midnight
    Thunderstrike – Poppyspider (Poppypaw)
    Leader board

    1. Midnight 15pts
    2. Kestry 14pts
    3. Windstorm 10pts
    4. Whitepaw (Whiterabbit) & Poppypaw 8pts
    5. Slatepaw, Star (Mistpaw) & Rabbitflame 7pts
    6. Silvershadow 6pts
    7. Echostream & Ravenpaw/thorn 5pts
    8. Coldheart 3pts
    9. Waffles (Waffleheart) 2pts
    10. Nightpaw, Flameflower, Moonsi, Rainypaw & Monkeypaw 1pt
    11. Everyone else 0pts

    Round 12: Early ThunderClan Deputies
    Check out the Warriors Wiki for the full list of deputies 🙂
    No canonical names!

  • Cindie’s NTA!

    Squirreltail by Flamestreak
    Bramblesong by Leafyshadow
    Tawnydusk by Icepelt
    Crowstrike by Poppypaw
    Featherdrift by Kestrelfeather
    Stormfrost by Raventhorn


    1. Windstorm, Silver Shadow, Flamestreak
    2. Mistpaw, Leafyshadow, Icepelt, Poppypaw, Kestrelfeather, Raventhorn

    Round 3: Time!
    Sunpaw (for sunhigh)
    Moonpaw (for moonhigh)
    No canon names! 🙂

  • Tinypaw’s NTA
    Round 1 Results
    Hawkscar by Flamepaw!
    Buzzardsight by Viper In The Box!
    Eagle-eyes by Windpaw!
    Swallowherb by Silver Shadow!
    Sparrowfright by Midnight!
    Finchpeep by Silver Shadow!
    1/2 point to Kestrelfeather and 1/2 point to Ravenpaw for being the first one to get the question correct, and the best description (for Swallowwhistle)!
    Flamepaw/4.5 pts
    Midnight/3.5 pts
    Silver Shadow/2 pts
    Rainypaw, Rabbitflame, Poppypaw, Windpaw, Viper In The Box/1 pt
    Ravenpaw/0.5 pts
    Instructions: Give each of these apprentices below a name, description and backstory. The three best names get 1 point. For the best backstory and/or description, you get a 1/2 point. The first one that gets the question correct gets 1/2 a point.
    Round 2: Colors!

    • Redpetal-thick furred red she-cat with emerald green eyes
      Bluelake-short haired blue-grey tom with warm brown eyes
      Whitehawk-broad shouldered white tom with yellow eyes
      Blackstream-long haired black she-cat with blue eyes
      Silverfox-large silver she-cat with brown eyes
      Yellowfire-golden tom with brown-red stripes and grey eyes

    • Redstorm – Medium-furred light reddish brown pointed tabby she-cat with creamy white ears and tail, and piercing, bright red eyes, and thorn sharp claws.
      Bluelily – Dainty, fluffy, pale white she-cat with dreamy sky blue eyes.
      Whitewhistle – Very fluffy and thick-furred icy white cat with startling amber eyes and black ears and tail.
      Blackbristle – Spiky-furred, stocky obsidian black tom with a stump tail and piercing amber eyes.
      Silvershell – Sleek, short-furred silver tabby she-cat with jet black stripes and haunting ice blue eyes, and small paws.
      Yellowflicker – Short-furred yellow tabby she-cat with amber-yellow eyes, paler chest, underbelly, paws, and tail underside.

      • well Idk, but here’s an entire explanation of me trying to find the answer.

        [spoiler title=”The explanation (includes spoilers)”] Okay, since Tigerclawstar and Spottedleaf are all descendants of SkyClan, the entire Adderfang-Swiftbreeze tree are descendants of SkyClan. So, their children are Spottedleaf, Redtail, Willowpelt, Leopardfoot, and Patchpelt, and I hope I didn’t miss anyone.

        Spottedleaf has no children, so that’s the end of her bloodline. Redtail has 1 kit (Sandstorm), Willowpelt has 4 kits (Graystripe, Rainwhisker, Sootfur, Sorreltail), Leopardfoot has 3 kits (Tigerclaw, Mistkit, Nightkit), and Patchpelt has 1 kit (Swiftpaw).
        Mistkit, Nightkit, and Swiftpaw are dead before adulthood, and Feathertail, Rainwhisker and Sootfur are single, so they’re thrown out of the legacy window.

        Sandstorm has 2 kits (Squirrelflight, Leafpool), Graystripe has 5 kits (Feathertail, Stormfur, Blossomfall, Briarlight, Bumblestripe), Sorreltail has 6 kits (Cinderheart, Honeyfern, Poppyfrost, Molepaw, Lilyheart, Seedpaw), Tigerclaw has 4 kits (Bramblestar, Tawnypelt, Hawkfrost, Mothwing).
        Hawkfrost and Mothwing are RiverClan, but they are useless because they have no kits. Stormfur and Feathertail too, but Stormfur is now connected to the tribe and Feathertail died too early. Briarlight, Bumblestripe, Honeyfern, Molepaw, and Seedpaw also have no kits. Tawnypelt is ShadowClan now so that’s promising.

        Squirrelflight has 2 (Alderheart, Sparkpelt), Leafpool has 3 (Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf), Stormfur has 4 (Lark, Pine, Breeze, Feather), Blossomfall has 4 (Eaglewing, Stemleaf, Plumstone, Shellfur), Cinderheart has 5 (Hollytuft, Sorrelstripe, Fernsong, Flywhisker, Snaptooth), Poppyfrost has 2 (Cherryfall, Molewhisker), Lilyheart has 3 (Leafshade, Larksong, Honeyfur), Bramblestar also has 2 with Squirrelflight, and Tawnypelt has 3 (Dawnpelt, Tigerheart, Flametail).
        Stormfur’s kits are now tribe blood now, so they won’t be needed. Alderheart, Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Blossomfall’s kits, Hollytuft, Sorrelstripe, Fernsong, Flywhisker, Snaptooth, Poppyfrost’s kits, Leafshade, Honeyfur, and Flametail are also eliminated.

        Sparkpelt has 3 (Flickerkit, Flamepaw, Finchpaw), Lionblaze has 5 with Cinderheart, Fernsong has 3 (Thriftear, Flipclaw, Bristlefrost), Larksong has 3 with Sparkpelt, Dawnpelt has 3 (Sleekwhisker, Juniperclaw, Strikestone), and Tigerheart has 3 (Shadowsight, Pouncestep, Lightleap).

        Okay, we have reached the end of the Adderfang-Swiftbreeze thing. Results:

        • Many of these cats were descended from only Thunder and Sky.
        • Feathertail, Stormfur, Hawkfrost, and Mothwing are descended from Thunder, River, and Sky.
        • Flametail, Tigerheart, Dawnpelt, Sleekwhisker, Strikestone, Juniperclaw, Shadowsight, Pouncestep, and Lightleap are descended from Thunder, Shadow, and Sky.
        • Jayfeather, Lionblaze, Hollyleaf, Hollytuft, Sorrelstripe, Fernsong, Flywhisker, Snaptooth, Thriftear, Flipclaw, and Bristlefrost are Thunder, Wind, and Sky.
        • So the maximum was three clans.

        BUT WAIT, I’m not going to give up. Remember Squirrelwhisker and Eaglestorm? They had Windflight. And Windflight had at least 4 kits (Thistleclaw, Thrushpelt, Rosetail, Sweetpaw).
        Thistleclaw had Whitestorm, who had kits with Willowpelt, a SkyClan descendant. Sorreltail was one of them, and she had kits herself, so the Sorreltail kids are also WindClan! Yay! But then nothing much happened because Poppyfrost and Lilyheart had kids with even more ThunderClan and Cinderheart had kids with another Thunder-Wind. So no improvement there.
        But then again, Whitestorm also had kids with Brindleface, who unfortunately isn’t a SkyClan kid. So that was pointless, I guess.

        Okay I give up.

      • Pine that Clings to Rock and Lark that Sings at Dawn.
        Reedfeather(W) and Fallowtail(R) had Willowbreeze(WR) and Graypool(WR). Willowbreeze(WR) and Crookedstar(R) had Silverstream(WRRR). Silverstream(WRRR) and Graystripe(Ts(sh?)) had Feathertail(WRRRTTTTs) and Stormfur(WRRRTTTTs). Stormfur(WRRRTTTTs) mated with Brook(tr) and had Lark and Pine. Lark and Pine had Wind from Reedfeather, River from Fallowtail, Thunder and Sky from Graystripe, and shadow from… Tigerstar? Cause he was Graystripe’s cousin on both sides? Whatever.

    • Redbone-red tom with white stripes face back stripe paws belly that make him look like his skeleton is on the outside and black eyes-aggressive strong reckless sarcastic stubborn snappy-blood clan warrior

      Bluebristle-blue she cat with white flecks and paws and muzzle with icy blue eyes-graceful sweet kind caring motherly-queen

      Whitesight-blind white tom with white eyes and has pale white belly-smart all seeing can see the future nice distant-medicine cat

      Blacksnap-pitch black tom with ragged torn fur and crooked muzzle with yellow twisted teeth red eyes and is missing an eye-sharp tongue aggressive strong savage snappy heartless stubborn-elder

      Silvershimmer-silver she cat with white flecks and paws and muzzle and sleek fur with blue eyes and her fur glittered in the sun-kind caring sweet optimistic motherly protective calm-queen

      Yellowyew-a dark yellow tom with lighter flecks and paws and long fangs and yellow eyes and ragged fur-stubborn nice anti-social grumpy sarcastic aggressive-warrior

    • Redmist-misty reddish Thunderclan Tom who likes fog
      Blueflower-Blue-gray she-cat with flowery small (Riverclan Medicine Cat)
      Whitesong-white she-cat with smooth fur who likes to sing
      Blacksight-Black Tom. Loves to hunt next to shadow trees.(shadowclan)
      Silverfish-Silvery She-cat who is Riverclan warrior
      Yellowfeather-yellow tom with feather-like spots. Windclan Warrior

    • Redshadow – tortoiseshell tom with amber eyes
      Bluesky – grey she-cat with dark blue eyes
      Whitecloud – fluffy pale grey she-cat with white patches and green eyes
      Blackfang – black tom with yellow eyes
      Silvermoon – silver she-cat with a white marking shaped like a moon on her chest and blue eyes
      Yellowdawn – yellow she-cat with ginger legs and amber eyes

  • Slatepaw is back
    with a game

    Name That Octopus!

    Yes, fellow BlogClanners, this is the new thing now.
    crazy right

    12 rounds!

    ROUND 1


    just name that cutest octopus out there that is so cute scientists have named it opistoteuthis adorabilis

    the real color is a bright orange
    for the color, look here:

    wow what a long link
    you might have to copy-paste it into a new tab sorry about that
    oop nvm got it fixed

  • Combining cat names! Round 2
    So, since round 1 got so many responses so fast, I’m going to do round 2 now. Remember, last time I said that I would give points to the best, worst, funniest, and any real names. I also added that I would do the prettiest. I also want to do the cutest just because there are probably going to be some cute names. Most of you guys did multiple different names, so I just chose the one that I liked the best or the one that won a reward out of your names. Anyway, lets do the results.

    So, I wanted to write down the names that I included; these didn’t necessarily win awards but for those of you guys who wrote like six down, I want you to know which one I used.
    Silvershadow: Poppynose or Berryfrost
    Kestrelfeather: Cinderblaze or Lionheart
    Poppypaw: Whitefall or Birchwing
    Nightpaw:Ravenley or Barpaw
    Echokit: Crowpool or Leaffeather
    Leafykit: Dustcloud or Fernpelt
    Windstorm: Crookedbreeze or Willowjaw
    Icepelt: Silverstripe or Graystream
    Flamestreak: Firestorm or Sandheart
    Stripekit: Brambleflight or Squirrelclaw

    And the rewards…
    Best: Dustcloud by Leafykit
    Worst: Ravenley by Nightpaw
    Funniest: Brambleflight by Stripekit
    Prettiest: Silverstripe by Icepelt
    Cutest: Poppynose by Silvershadow
    Real warrior names: Silverstripe by Icepelt, Lionheart by Kestrelfeather, and I don’t think any of the others are canon but I’m not a real expert at this.

    And the other ones I thought were cool in their own way were…
    Cinderblaze by Kestrelfeather- It was second best
    Birchwing by Poppypaw- I try to imagine a birch tree sprouting wings and flying off…
    Crookedbreeze by Windstorm- It was second funniest
    Willowjaw by Windstorm- It makes absolutely no sense but its not quite the worst
    Firestorm by Flamestreak- This sounds super cool!

    So the leaderboard is…
    1st place Icepelt 2pts
    2nd place Kestrelfeather 1.5pts
    3rd place Leafykit, Nightpaw, Stripekit, Silvershadow, Windstorm 1pt
    4th place Poppypaw, Flamestreak 0.5pts

    And for the next round, we will be taking two cats that are siblings. They do not have to be in the same litter and they are allowed to be half-siblings.


    Yeah, um sorry if that hurt your eyes, I was just trying to make it extra clear. And with that, we start our round! Oh, and I’m sorry if you responded to Round 1 after I am posting this. I’m sure your entries were wonderful!

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