(because you sleep until 3, Wollow)
        NO GO AWAY

        k bye

  • The water is cold and about waist high, but you wade through it, using the torch light as a guide. Eventually, you emerge shivering and cold, into a wide and well lit room. The floor is smooth stone, and there is nothing in it but a tall staircase at one end.
    “Here is your first challenge,” Pacificae says to you. “Climb the staircase.” You look closer at the staircase, trying to figure out how that is a challenge. The steps are carved with runes, but it appears to be in good shape.
    “Some of the steps are rigged,” Pacifica explains with a cheeky smile. “Trigger the step and it counts as a fault. It probably won’t feel too nice to fall back down either. You might want to take a closer look at those runes, but its up to you.” He shrugged innocently, before disappearing.

    Here is your staircase:

    Please tell me what order you would like to take the stairs. You can skip over up to 2 steps. (An example could be: 1, 3, 4, 7, ect ect, and I’ll tell you if you make it or not.) If you have level 2 space powers, you can skip over an additional step if you would like.

    • Agave-
      “Stairs?” she scoffed, frowning. She looked down at the first step, drumming on the hilt of her sword impatiently. She was here to fight, not dilly dally with stupid games. “I don’t suppose any of these markings mean anything to the rest of you?”

      Magnolia shook her head, craning her head up at the stairs. “Nothing other than the fact that some of them look like animals,” she told Agave. “Maybe we just need to fall down a couple times to figure it out.”

    • Mar-
      Tentatively, Mar stepped into the tunnel, bow and arrow at the ready. She watched another group, not wanting to have another interaction like she had with the other girl.

        • Mar-
          Mar smiled, walking up to whoever had called out at her. However, she stayed silent, noticing that two of the members of the group were the ones who’d yelled at her.

  • giving up on the notebook, just going to wing it 😛
    As Star reaches the top of the staircase safely, the markings on the others fade away. The other members of the group hesitantly make their way to the top, but none of the stairs spring up.

    “Welcome to the second part of this trial,” Pacificae says cheerfully, his voice coming from somewhere in the pitch black darkness. “You are in a room, a lovely room, but as you can probably see, the lights are out. Even light magic won’t entirely penetrate it’s darkness, although it will help. Your job is to find your way out of the room, if you can.”

    Poke around the room, I’ll tell you if you notice anything 🙂 please be specific with you movements, how far, what direction, where (example: Agave moved into the room, sticking close to the wall on their left and walking a couple of feet along the edge of the room)

    • Star decided to go to the middle of the room, hoping there was some sort of trap door or something.

    • Soliya-
      Huffing, Soliya leaned against the right wall, brushing their hand against it for any signs of markings.

      Mar stick close to the left side, walking parallel to the stone wall.

      • Results for Soliya:
        Soliya doesn’t find any markings on the wall, which appears to be made of smooth stone. However, with their light magic they do notice the same thing Tia sees: something small, and moving, although Soliya notices two green eyes peering at her, and perhaps….whiskers? How do they react?

      • Ack ran out of editing time to put them in the same post :\
        Results for Mar:
        As Mar walks along, she bumps into something. It doesn’t move as she touches it, but beyond that she can’t tell what it is without closer examination. How will she react?

        • Mar-
          Mar took a double-take, pausing to examine whatever she’d encountered. She ran her hand back along the wall, hoping to find it again.

          • Results for Mar:
            Mar finds the thing she ran into, and as she examines it she comes to the conclusion that it is a large box. Her hands bump against what appears to be a latch to open it.

              • Results for Mar:
                The box swings open easily, revealing three snakes, which sprang out, hissing aggressively.

                If you choose to engage the snakies, make sure to tell me which one.

  • Results for Soliya and Tia:
    “Merp,” said the creature in a squeaky voice when Tia called out, then an angry hiss as it darted away from Soliya’s dagger. Fur bristling with outrage, the cat hid behind Tia’s leg , it’s green eyes gleeming as it glared at Soliya.

    • -Tia-

      Tia shrieked in glee at the sight. “Hi, kitty!” She shot a venomous look at Soliya, “You could have killed it!” she snapped. Then she bent down to gently pick up the cat.

      • Soliya-
        “Yeah, that was my intent,” they spat. They smacked the girl’s hand away, irritated. “What are you doing? It could kill you!” She darted closer, only to grab her dagger, then poised herself to throw it again.

          • Agave-
            Upon hearing the commotion, Agave carefully made his way over, eyes narrowing at the sight of the cat. “I would be careful with that,” he advised, “Who knows what our hosts have rigged this place with.” He paused, then added, “But it could always be just a cat, I suppose.” He doubted that Pacificae would randomly put a cat in their challenge without a reason, but that said he didn’t like the idea of killing it without finding out more first.

            “Merp,” said the cat grumpily, allowing itself to be picked up but watching Soliya warily.

            • -Tia-

              “Innocent until proven guilty,” Tia said confidently. She slowly began to stroke the cat, being careful to pet the top of its head, her hand blocking the way just in case. Just in case it turned into a monster and lunged for her throat. “Until then, I really like cats.”

  • Results for Star:
    Star finds what appears to be a silver key, although it’s hard to tell for certain what it’s made of since it’s covered in dirt.

    “Are you alright in there?” Magnolia inquired, after having carefully crept over to the edge of the pit. Kids these days, always rushing off without watching where they’re putting their feet.

  • Hello everyone,

    As you’ve probably gathered by the fact that this has become fairly inactive, I’m struggling to find the time and motivation to work on this. With school starting up I’ve been a lot busier, and that’s only going to get worse once the school year gets out of the review stage. So, I think I’m going to call it quits now. It’s been great playing along with all of you, and I want to thank you for making my first try running a roleplay a fun experience.