i was going to put the video immediately but then i remembered when kat drew me in a space helmet
i was going to put the video immediately but then i remembered when kat drew me in a space helmet
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this year’s gift exchange! As always, your creations were absolutely wonderful and you never fail to blow me away with your talent and creativity! To find your name in...
Okay, so this post is a little later than what I would’ve wanted, but I’ve had a busy week 😛 I’m also a little tired, so, only one cat pic this time 😛 You’re getting plenty from Cadvent, anyway...
The seventh edition of the Blog Monthly is here – written by Lil, fresh off the printing press Hello, everyone!! The Blog Monthly is back and better than ever! I hope you all love this edition, in my opinion it is one...
Bristleflight shares their thoughts on their favourite character.
Let’s all sing Happy Birthday to today’s Birthday Star… Breezeflame! Happy Birthday Breezo! You are a kind and active member of the Blog and we all happily would like to unveil the curtain on what we...
I clam this page for TpyoCaln 😛
I claim this page for FuzzyClan. (Am I allowed to do that? I’ve never done that before…..)
I kinda claimed it first, but with other pages, whoever gets to it first gets the page 😀
Sorry! There weren’t any comments when I wrote that!
It’s fine 😀
Third? 😛
Yay! Secret page! 😀
Is it just me or won’t the profile pictures show up except Lurking Kitty?
They’re back now 😛
nonononoooooo the unicorn has come
Whose page is this??
Misty Night-
They padded through the lush grass and rolling hills of the land of Fallen Stars. They couldn’t help but wonder if their fellow fallen warriors had made the right decision in telling those who lived to leave. What if we made the wrong choice?
Dawn Flicker-
Dawn Flicker licked at his paw, then swiped it over his head to smooth down a ruffled tuft of brown fur. Spotting Misty Night, he rose to his feet, and trotted over to them. “Howdy,” he called in greeting.
Misty Night-
She glanced up and smiled at the sight of Dawn Flicker. He had joined the Fallen Stars shortly after she had. “Hello!” She called back with a slight purr.
(I totally messed up the pronouns on my recent comments, I totally spaced out. Here’s a redo.)
Misty Night-
They glanced up and smiled at the sight of Dawn Flicker. He had joined the Fallen Stars shortly after they had. “Hello!” They called back with a slight purr, her mind flickering to the kits she had left behind, they would be apprentices now.
*their mind*
Dawn flicker-
“Watcha thinking about?” Dawn Flicker asked, noticing that they seemed a little lost in thought. Not that he could blame them, given that he was still replaying his death over and over in his head.
Misty Night-
“Just my family,” she mewed, “and whether we made the right decision splitting everyone up.”
I am an utter idiot *slams head on table* I don’t know why I am having trouble getting myownOC’s pronouns right. ughhhhhh.Misty Night-
“Just my family,” they mewed, “and whether we made the right decision splitting everyone up.”
Dawn Flicker-
“Ah, me too,” Dawn Flicker admitted, “It would be so cool to be alive right now, going on an adventure….” He trailed off, his tail lashing with irritation. Wishful thinking wouldn’t make him alive. And of course Drifting Smoke is leaving, since they insist on being an idiot.
“I suppose we’ll find out soon enough whether or not we were right,” he added with a shrug. “Besides, that weight’s not just on our shoulders. It’s up to the living cats to succeed.”
Misty Night-
They nodded slightly, “And what a weight it is,” they murmured. “Is there anything we can do to help them?” they asked, thinking of the two kits they had abandoned when they died, the two had split, Golden was staying behind and Silver was leaving. All they had was eachother when I died, now they don’t even have that.
Dawn Flicker-
Dawn Flicker shrugged again, a rueful grin creeping onto his face. “I wouldn’t know, I still keep hoping that the Fallen Stars will guide my paws before realizing that that’s me now.”
“Drifting Smoke might finally acknowledge my vast wisdom now,” he added with a smirk, as if his sibling could here his taunt from the land of the living.
Misty Night-
They grinned at his comment and nodded, “And maybe my kits shall finally realize that their parents know best,” Her whiskers twitched in amusement, worries forgotten for the moment.
Dawn Flicker-
“I wouldn’t bet on it, that’s something I never really learned,” Dawn Flicker replied with a chuckle. He thought back to all the times his parents had warned him to be careful around ledges and to watch where he put his paws. He’d thought he’d internalized their wisdom, but apparently not.
Leaf Tail-
Leaf Tail padded up to Misty Night and Dawn Flicker wondering if they thought letting the cats leave was a good idea she was hopeful they would find a safe new place to live but was worried about the dangers they might find on the journey. “hello” she called putting her worries out of her head.
Dawn Flicker-
“Howdy!” Dawn flicker called back, smiling at her. “How’re you this lovely day?” He glanced around at the territory, a little amused at his own joke. It was always a lovely day here.
Inactive, claim!
Giving this off to MoonTabby 😀
Claimed! (Thanks, Keeko!)
Np 😀
Claimed cause been year
is this for the map
it hasn’t been a year, please wait until January 4.