• Starpaw’s Name the Cat!

    Last round’s winners!
    Shadowthorn by Flamepaw/streak
    Sunfrost by slatepaw
    Pinefrost by Windstorm
    Darkfeather by Leafypaw/shadow
    Flashfire by slatepaw
    Gingerflame by slatepaw
    Nightfur by Leafypaw/shadow
    Acornfall by slatepaw
    Lightningbrook by slatepaw

    Honourable Mentions!
    Mudshadow by Leafypaw/shadow
    Duskfall and Lightningfire by Flamepaw/streak
    Sandydawn by kestrelfeather
    Dapplefawn by Mapledrift

    Slatepaw: 7.5 pts
    Flamepaw/streak: 6 pts
    Leafypaw/shadow: 2.5 pts
    Lunaflight and Tinypaw: 2 pts
    Echostream and kestrelfeather: 1.5 pts
    Raven and Windstorm : 1 pt
    Mapledrift: 0.5 pt

    Instructions: I will give you a few cat descriptions and you have to give a warrior name for each cat. Names I like best will get a point and honourable mentions (names that I thought were good but not the best) will receive 0.5 pt each.

    Round 4

    Long-furred fluffy white she-cat with blue eyes
    Brown and cream she-cat
    Golden tom
    Black and brown she-cat
    Light brown tom
    Small mousy tom (x2 – so give 2 names)
    Black she-cat with dark eyes
    Brown tom

    • Long-furred fluffy white she-cat with blue eyes – Snowyleaf
      Brown and cream she-cat – Woodcloud
      Golden tom – Dawncrest
      Black and brown she-cat – Nightdapple
      Light brown tom – Rabbitwind
      Small mousy tom (x2 – so give 2 names) – Mousestep and Softstep
      Black she-cat with dark eyes – Eclipsecloud
      Brown tom – Thorndapple

    • Long-furred fluffy white she-cat with blue eyes – Cloudsnow
      Brown and cream she-cat – Birdblaze
      Golden tom – Brackenfang
      Black and brown she-cat – Burrnose
      Light brown tom – Hawkgaze
      Small mousy tom (x2 – so give 2 names) – Molesqueak – Nutshade
      Black she-cat with dark eyes – Starnight
      Brown tom – Mudleaf

    • Long-furred fluffy white she-cat with blue eyes — Frostsky
      Brown and cream she-cat — Maplesnow
      Golden tom — Sunblaze
      Black and brown she-cat — Shadewhisper
      Light brown tom — Stonedusk
      Small mousy tom (x2 – so give 2 names) — Specklesight, Acornbreeze
      Black she-cat with dark eyes — Nightshadow
      Brown tom — Rustlestep

    • Snowflutter
      Mousefrost and stumpymouse

  • Starpaw’s Name the Cat!

    Last round’s winners!
    Frostsky by slatepaw
    Woodcloud by Duskblaze
    Goldenblaze by kestrelfeather
    Nightdapple by Duskblaze (sorry Rainypaw but Duskblaze got it first)
    Birchsong by Raven
    Mousestep by Duskblaze
    Nutshade by Cinderpaw
    Nightshadow by slatepaw
    Oakclaw by Raven

    Honourable Mentions!
    Dawncrest and Thorndapple by Duskblaze
    Cloudsnow by Cinderpaw
    Blazestorm and Brownspeckle by Rainypaw
    Sapphireshine and Slashstrike by Raven
    Sunblaze and Shadewhisper by slatepaw
    Snowflutter by kestrelfeather

    Slatepaw: 10.5 pts
    Flamepaw/streak: 6 pts
    Duskblaze and Raven: 4 pts
    Kestrelfeather: 3 pts
    Leafypaw/shadow: 2.5 pts
    Lunaflight and Tinypaw: 2 pts
    Echostream and Cinderpaw: 1.5 pts
    Windstorm and Rainypaw: 1 pt
    Mapledrift: 0.5 pt

    Instructions: I will give you a few cat descriptions and you have to give a warrior name for each cat. Names I like best will get a point and honourable mentions (names that I thought were good but not the best) will receive 0.5 pt each.

    Round 5
    Black she-cat
    Black tom with black eyes
    Light brown tom with gray flecks and green eyes
    Black tom with gray eyes
    Dark she-cat

    Good luck and have fun!

  • Starpaw’s Name the Cat!

    Last round’s winners!
    Nightstrike by Raven
    Shadowfern by Raven
    Sandyspeck by Rainypaw
    Wolfshade by Cinderpaw
    Ravenshade by Raven

    Honourable Mentions!
    Nightstorm and Darkgaze by Rainypaw
    Smokegaze by kestrelfeather
    Shadowfrost and Stormfern by Stormpaw
    Smokedust by Raven

    Slatepaw: 10.5 pts
    Raven: 7.5 pts
    Flamepaw/streak: 6 pts
    Duskblaze: 4 pts
    Kestrelfeather: 3.5 pts
    Rainypaw: 3 pts
    Leafypaw/shadow and Cinderpaw: 2.5 pts
    Lunaflight and Tinypaw: 2 pts
    Echostream: 1.5 pts
    Windstorm and Stormpaw: 1 pt
    Mapledrift: 0.5 pt

    Instructions: I will give you a few cat descriptions and you have to give a warrior name for each cat. Names I like best will get a point and honourable mentions (names that I thought were good but not the best) will receive 0.5 pt each.

    Round 6
    Short and stocky bright ginger she-cat with brown eyes
    Long and lanky bright ginger tom with blue eyes
    Short and stocky bright ginger tom with brown eyes
    Small white tom
    Gray she-cat

    Good luck and have fun!

  • Starpaw’s Name the Cat!

    Last round’s winners!
    Brightcloud by Cinderpaw
    Gingersplash by Stormpaw
    Firelight by Raven
    Smallrabbit by kestrelfeather
    Sootstone by Rainypaw

    Honourable Mentions!
    Brightsway and Fogwillow by Stormpaw
    Flamefrost by Raven
    Flamebreeze, Emberfrost, and Frostmoon by Rainypaw
    Misthare by kestrelfeather
    Littlespirit and Pebbleskipper by Frost

    Slatepaw: 10.5 pts
    Raven: 9 pts
    Flamepaw/streak: 6 pts
    Duskblaze: 4 pts
    Rainypaw: 5.5 pts 
    Kestrelfeather: 5 pts 
    Cinderpaw: 3.5 pts
    Stormpaw: 3 pts
    Leafypaw/shadow: 2.5 pts
    Lunaflight and Tinypaw: 2 pts
    Echostream: 1.5 pts
    Windstorm and Frost: 1 pt
    Mapledrift: 0.5 pt

    Instructions: I will give you a few cat descriptions and you have to give a warrior name for each cat. Names I like best will get a point and honourable mentions (names that I thought were good but not the best) will receive 0.5 pt each.

    Round 7
    Red tom with brown eyes
    White tom
    Cream she-cat
    Little brown tom

    Good luck and have fun!

  • Starpaw’s Name the Cat!

    Round 7 winners!
    Redfang by Cinderpaw
    Whitefrost by Stormpaw
    Creamflower by Cinderpaw
    Leaftuft by Riverfrost

    Honourable Mentions!
    Stickblaze and Fawntuft by Stormpaw
    Snowflurry and Dovesplash by Raven

    Slatepaw: 10.5 pts
    Raven: 10 pts
    Flamepaw/streak: 6 pts
    Rainypaw and Cinderpaw: 5.5 pts 
    Kestrelfeather and Stormpaw: 5 pts 
    Duskblaze: 4 pts
    Leafypaw/shadow: 2.5 pts
    Lunaflight and Tinypaw: 2 pts
    Echostream: 1.5 pts
    Windstorm, Riverfrost, and Frost: 1 pt
    Mapledrift: 0.5 pt

    Instructions: I will give you a few cat descriptions and you have to give a warrior name for each cat. Names I like best will get a point and honourable mentions (names that I thought were good but not the best) will receive 0.5 pt each.
    This round, please give a loner name and a warrior name for each description

    Round 8
    Pure black she-cat with yellow eyes
    Mottled gray, ginger, and black she-cat with pale green eyes
    Brown tabby tom with white snout, chest, belly, and paws
    Black and brown tortoiseshell tom
    Brown, gray, and white tom

    Good luck and have fun!

    • Twilightblaze – Pure black she-cat with yellow eyes
      Ferndapple – Mottled gray, ginger, and black she-cat with pale green eyes
      Darksun – Brown tabby tom with white snout, chest, belly, and paws
      Smokefire – Black and brown tortoiseshell tom
      Slatewater – Brown, gray, and white tom

    • Nightglow – Pure black she-cat with yellow eyes
      Dawnstone – Mottled gray, ginger, and black she-cat with pale green eyes
      Mudsplatter – Brown tabby tom with white snout, chest, belly, and paws
      Shademoon – Black and brown tortieshell tom
      Fernfang – Brown, gray, and white tom

    • Nightscream


  • Starpaw’s Name the Cat!

    Round 8 winners!
    Night by Rainypaw and Twilightblaze by Riverfrost
    Ferndapple by Riverfrost
    Hawk by Rainypaw and Brackensnow by Shimmerpaw/mist
    Rowanbark by Raven
    Splatter by Shimmerpaw/mist and Raindusk by Rainypaw

    Honourable Mentions!
    Slatewater by Riverfrost
    Nightshade by Raven
    Nightglow and Fernfang by Stormpaw

    Raven: 11.5 pts
    Slatepaw: 10.5 pts
    Rainypaw: 8.5 pts
    Flamepaw/streak and Stormpaw: 6 pts
    Cinderpaw: 5.5 pts 
    Kestrelfeather: 5 pts 
    Duskblaze: 4 pts
    Riverfrost: 3.5 pts
    Leafypaw/shadow: 2.5 pts
    Lunaflight, Shimmerpaw/mist and Tinypaw: 2 pts
    Echostream: 1.5 pts
    Windstorm and Frost: 1 pt
    Mapledrift: 0.5 pt

    Instructions: I will give you a few cat descriptions and you have to give a warrior name for each cat. Names I like best will get a point and honourable mentions (names that I thought were good but not the best) will receive 0.5 pt each.

    This round, please also give a loner name in addition to the warrior name.

    Round 9
    Muddy yellow tom with amber eyes and half of an ear missing
    Long-furred white tom with dark amber-green eyes
    Ginger tom with yellow eyes and a bottlebrush tail
    Silver tabby she-cat

    Good luck and have fun!

  • Starpaw’s Name the Cat!

    Round 9 winners!
    Duskshadow by Riverfrost
    Cloudchaser and Ghost by Shimmerpaw/mist
    Brushtail by Raven and Flame by Stormpaw (sorry Riverfrost, Stormi got it first)
    Misty by Raven and Silver by Stormpaw

    Honourable Mentions!
    Goldenflight and Snowy by Rainypaw
    Fox by Shimmerpaw/mist
    Mud by Stormpaw
    Fallenlight by Riverfrost

    Raven: 13.5 pts
    Slatepaw: 10.5 pts
    Rainypaw: 9.5 pts
    Stormpaw: 8.5 pts
    Flamepaw/streak: 6 pts
    Cinderpaw: 5.5 pts 
    Kestrelfeather and Riverfrost: 5 pts 
    Shimmerpaw/mist: 4.5
    Duskblaze: 4 pts
    Leafypaw/shadow: 2.5 pts
    Lunaflight and Tinypaw: 2 pts
    Echostream: 1.5 pts
    Windstorm and Frost: 1 pt
    Mapledrift: 0.5 pt

    Instructions: I will give you a few cat descriptions and you have to give a warrior name for each cat. Names I like best will get a point and honourable mentions (names that I thought were good but not the best) will receive 0.5 pt each.

    Round 10

    Russet she-cat with black paws and ears, and white tail tip, belly, chest, and lower half of face
    Cream she-cat
    Gray tabby she-cat with paler gray chest
    Black tom with a white chest, orange tail tip, and one amber, one green eye

    Good luck and have fun!

  • Thank you so so much I appreciate it! <3

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