• This was originally become a fanfic story for Doveflight and Bamboo Stalk, but it kinda evolved into this and I don’t want to change it.

    It was the era where Ivystar led RiverClan, Fallowstar led WindClan, Lionstar led ThunderClan, Yellowstar led Shadowclan, and Rowanstar led SkyClan. Doveflight was a young RiverClan warrior at this time. She was a white she-cat with green eyes and a white, plumy tail. She and Mouseflower were in the same litter, mothered by Rainyrose and fathered by Limedust, who later split up, and each took a different mate. Doveflight was absolutely furious with the Pinecone, Camellialeaf, and Camelliashade drama. When Camelliashade came back and killed Pinekit and Leafkit, Mouseflower was left, devastated, with Strawberrykit, Cherrykit, and Cricketkit. Doveflight felt obliged to aid her littermate in raising the kits, and stayed with them until they were almost apprentices. There were many border disputes following the drama between RiverClan and ThunderClan, and everyone was angry and triggered all the time. Dovefeather couldn’t take it anymore, and, after receiving a message from Camellialeaf, decides to leave the clans. She sought love, pure and innocent, unlike the kind she has grown up with. She ventures towards Highstones, hoping to go to the Moonstone first. At Mothermouth, she is joined by Falconwing, a brown tabby WindClan tom, Sagepaw and Fawnleap, a SkyClan tom and she-cat, Lichenpelt, a ThunderClan tom, and Tansyfur, a tawny ShadowClan she-cat.
    Falconwing was the son of Branchpelt and Dandelionflight. His father died before he was born in a border skirmish, and his mother took another mate. Despite this, he is wise, and views his losses in a bittersweet way. His stepfather, Jaystep, is the father of his half-sisters, Lilyfrost and Flowerblaze. Lilyfrost later, after Falconwing leaves, takes a mate and gives birth to Galefur, Siennahawk, and Chamomilepaw. Galefur mothers Irispelt. StarClan told Falconwing to leave because Irispelt would become a psychopathic killer, and Falconwing would be one of the people she kills.
    Sagepaw was a gray tabby tom with green eyes. He is a half-clan cat. His mother was a ThunderClan queen, and her father a SkyClan tom. His mother died from a bout of greencough, and his sister, Canarykit, died in the same sickness, merely half a moon before they turned six moons old. His father, Thistlemouse, didn’t much like him after his mother, Honeymeadow, died. Fawnleap, his mentor, was one of the only ones who were kind to him. During many training sessions with Thistlemouse and his apprentice, Thistlemouse would “accidentally” hurt Sagepaw. He only left to follow Fawnleap, and to get away from his father’s clan.
    Fawnleap had received the dream from StarClan. She is a fallow and white she-cat, with startling green eyes like her mother, Canopybreeze. Her mother and her father, Rockflight, had three litters. Her brother were: Pineseed, Appleshine, and Crowpool. Her sisters: Puddleblossom, Bubbleshine, Silverwind, and Songwish. Fawnleap didn’t hesitate when StarClan told her to leave. She loved her family very much, and they would have each other when she left.
    Lichenpelt of ThunderClan and Tansyfur of ShadowClan were half-siblings, and both were half-clan. They shared the same ThunderClan father, Cinderscar. Lichenpelt’s mother was Ashflower of RiverClan, and they both shared the same gray fur an the same green eyes. He and Dovefeather were friend when they were kits, but when Ashflower died when he was an apprentice, he sought shelter in his father’s clan. Tansyfur’s mother, Snowshine, was ShadowClan. She was tawny with rich amber eyes. She never liked their father, Cinderscar, because he never liked her, and much prefered Lichenpelt. Tansyfur and Lichenpelt never got along that well because of their father’s preference until the journey.
    Together, the six go to the Moonstone. The moon was just full, and the six cats touch noses with the stone. Everyone, except Sagepaw, appear in SkyClan territory. They float, and are whisked through ThunderClan, RiverClan, ShadowClan, and WindClan territories. Then they are taken through the mountains, and over to the other side. They go past a Twolegplace, and beyond that, they find a lake. The five suddenly turn around just before they reach the lake, and head back to the mountains. They follow the base of the mountain range east, towards the sun. After a while, the cats fly into the mountains, where they face a huge, roaring waterfall, reaching from the sky and plunging into the stone. The cats plunge into the waterfall, and wake up at the moonstone. Sagepaw has had another dream, with lithe cats and a much smaller waterfall in the mountains. He says that it forewarned doom in the mountains, and that they shouldn’t go there. The others don’t listen, some saying that Sagepaw was young and naive, and that he didn’t have the first dream so he shouldn’t even be here.
    The group meet the Tribe of Rushing Water in the mountains, but they are met with hostile faces. The tribe’s numbers are bountiful, and the clan cats don’t dare to antagonize them. The clan cats meet an eagle and almost fall down a ravine, but make it through the mountains. They go through the outskirts of Twolegplace, and meet Alisa and her kits, Lucas, Omar and Purdy. Their father, Clive, takes them safely through the Twolegplace. After the group bids farewell to Clive, they run into a fox. They easily outnumber it, but then run into a badger while their injuries are still healing. Before the badger strikes though, a group of almost twenty cats come charging through. They explain that they live by a lake, and take the clan cats to their home to be treated. The group lives in a camp situated in the moor, with at least double the amount that the clan cats had first met. Foliage, a gray tom, explains that they used to live in the pine forest, but badgers have taken over and driven them out. Tansyfur offers for the group to come with the clan cats to fulfill StarClan’s wish. The group leader, Horizon, and his advisor and mate, Windswept, decide not to follow, at least not until everyone has healed. This takes almost a moon, since Lichenpelt had a severely sprained ankle.
    The badger problems throughout this moon worsen, and a whole bunch of Twoleg monsters come to the deciduous forest and start tearing up the ground. The group decides to leave with the clan cats. Lichenpelt has emerged as leader in the clan cats already on the journey here, and he and Horizon act as co-leaders. The entire group travel through marshes, forest, moors, and a Twolegplace, following the curve of the mountain range east, but not back to the Tribe or the clans. About a moon through, they meet a group of seven tribe cats, who join the group. Among them is River, or River that Falls into Clouds, who would have been Stoneteller’s successor. River tells of a disagreement when the Tribe greeted the clan cats in a hostile manner. The cats journey on, listening for the roar of a waterfall that flows from the skies.
    Finally, after five moons, the skies opened and poured. And there stood yet another group of cats.

    Bamboo Stalk has been travelling almost all of his life. His old home had been dying when he left it ages ago. Now, he lives with a big group of travelling cats, all with one destination in mind: The Roaring Falls. Their ancestors guide them, and through immense concentration, one can reach them when they are on a spiritual level. The group has been travelling for countless seasons, unable to settle. Along the ways, they pick up a few other cats who need to reach the same destination, for whatever reason. Countless die.
    Yellow River, their first leader. He had been old, and had taken in too much of the smog that took their old home.
    Lantern Flames. She had cared for Bamboo Stalk, and he cared for her. Just not in the same way. She died of the cold, and Bamboo Stalk still blames himself for it.
    Jade Stone. She was old, and respected. Everyone knew she wasn’t going to make it through the cold.
    Small Sheep. Bamboo Stalk’s father. Moon Boat, his mother. Fairy Bluebird, just a kit who had barely lost her kit-fluff. Koi Splash. Lotus Flower. Magnolia Rain, Wintersweet, Dumpling, Pop, Panda Paws, Snow Tiger. All hope was lost before the skies opened poured before them; the Roaring Falls.

    Doveflight knew he was the one. It was foretold in the stars.

    Bamboo Stalk knew it was her. It was set in the sky.

    The groups formed into one and they had the strength of a horde of badgers, but the many leaders held many conflicts. Naturally, like a river’s course, they split into groups. They called themselves by legions, to remind themselves of the battles they have fought to get here, and the dangers that lie in the wild. Water Legion, Fire Legion, Earth Legion, Wood Legion, and Air Legion. Bamboo Stalk founded the Water Legion, named after Yellow River. Almost all of his travelling group joined this legion. Doveflight also joined this legion, to be with her mate, Bamboo Stalk. Their group took the valley to the East, closer to most of the cat’s home and where most of the streams from the river flowed. A lake pooled where the streams met near the middle. Their group symbolizes the course of destiny, like a river, and how it brought them here. The Fire Legion is led by Horizon, and almost all of the group cats live here. They believe in the ferocity of fire, and how it symbolizes the sun, rising and setting on the horizon. Fawnleap recognized herself as one of them, and is the only clan cat in the group. Wood Legion is led by Lichenpelt. It is the legion with the least members, and the members are a scattered array of group cats, travelling cats, strays, a single clan cat and a tribe descendant. Yet this is the legion most cats go to once they have their old legion. This is the legion of life and unity, and how life is the same. Earth Legion is made up mostly of tribe cats. River that Falls into Clouds insisted that Bamboo Stalk’s legion be named the Water Legion, for River had wanted her legion to symbolize the mountains. Tansyfur also joined this legion, for her mate Cloud that Perches on Mountain. The earth holds the river, is home to life. Unfazed by fire and air. The Air Legion is made up of the strays that lived in the valleys. Their leader is Rose, a she-cat in love with Falconwing, who also joined the legion. The wind and breeze can scattered, but still remain the same.
    But what happened to Sagepaw?
    He was named Sagespirit by Lichenpelt after the badger attack before they met the group. Fawnleap, his mentor, was extremely proud. The two were close, and Sagespirit would have lived with Fawnleap in the Metal Legion had he survived. He was killed when the leaders had the disagreement, in an ugly skirmish. But he died an honourable death. Horizon was about to strike out at Rose before Sagespirit blocked him. This unbalanced both of them, but it was Sagespirit that fell into the river flowing from the Roaring Falls. It was the most unfortunate time of year, for a warm spring breeze had just swept the mountains and the river was only just full enough to sweep Sagespirit away. Nobody was able to find Sagespirit’s body, but using Bamboo Stalk and the travelling cat’s method, Fawnleap found him in unfamiliar hunting grounds. Sagespirit showed her to the top of the Roaring Falls. It was a glacier. Sagespirit told Fawnleap of a way to easier reach him, and what would be the Spirit Legion. ‘Come to the glacier of melting ice, where you stand closest to us, the stars, and we will come to you; when the cold becomes unbearable, find the cave of the stars and we will find you in dreams.’ Fawnleap eventually leads the an expedition and finds the Cave of Stars, a place in the mountain just behind the Roaring Falls. There are holes in the roof, where the Falls’ spray gets into the cave and forms pools. The stars are shining through these same holes, and, every year during the winter season, around the time of Sagespirit’s death, a full moon shines through the largest hole. After this event, the cat must not enter the cave until the next cold season, and should instead go to the top of the mountain, where the messages from the Spirit Legion are clearer.
    The way the Legions are set up follow the way the Clans are in many ways, for there is one clan cat in each of the legions. There is one leader, one deputy, and a healer, a term taken from the Tribe. There are also individuals that share a strong bond with the Spirit Legion, yet are not situated in the spot of leader or healer. These cats are typically called shamans, and usually become healers, but even if they don’t become healers they travel to the Cave of Stars or the glacier with the healers. The healers and shamans visit the sacred places every new moon so the light of the moon does not block out the stars, but add an extra visit for Sagespirit’s full moon. The cats gather every full moon save Sagespirit’s full moon. In this moon they visit the day after. Every visit, the meeting place varies slightly. The meeting always takes place in the corner of a valley closest to the Falls. They alternate the place of the meeting, in the order of Wood, Earth, Water, Fire, Air.
    Legions are made up of a leader, deputy, healer, elders, warriors, queens, and apprentices. All of the terminology, save healer, comes from the clans. The ceremonies, too, are clan ceremonies, only altered slightly. Apprenticeships are considered one of the most spiritual time of a cats life, following leadership, healers, and pregnancy. Once the apprentice has taken the pledge, the leader allows the apprentice to put their head onto the leader’s. And once the apprenticeship is over, the leader places their head on the warrior’s. This is to raise the cat closer to the stars at the start of the apprenticeship, and to bring them back into the living, as that is where they will be nurtured and where they live. To bring them back to the earth before they continue with their lives. An expecting queen will also be considered to be closer to the Spirit Legion, as the Spirit Legion is where life comes from.

    The Legions will thrive for seasons to come.

  • The Legion’s naming traditions are a merge between Clan names and Tribe names. Their full names follow the Tribe’s naming, though their shortened names take two parts of their full name, instead of one. This only happens when one becomes a warrior. When they are kits, only one part of their name becomes their shortened name, and they keep this shortened version throughout their apprenticeship. Leaders change the second part of their shortened name to star, though everything else stays the same. For example, River that Falls into Clouds is shortened to River, then lengthened Riverfall, then changed Riverstar.

  • Here is the Camellishade drama:

    Camelliashade is a black she-cat. She is the daughter Camellialeaf, her namesake. Their story goes like this: Camellialeaf is the medicine cat of RiverClan in the time of Ivystar. She is a beautiful white she-cat with light grey markings that make her pelt look like a white camellia flower. One day, a flood has brought a loner, unconscious, onto the island. Camellialeaf cares for this loner, who later regains consciousness. His name is Pinecone, and in thanks for the help RiverClan has given him, he asks to train to be a warrior. He later receives his warrior name, Pineconefur. Little to Camellialeaf’s knowledge, Pineconefur has fallen in love with her and is determined to have her bear his kits. When Camellialeaf becomes pregnant, the clan is furious to find the culprit. Pineconefur realizes what he has done, and tries to cover it up. He makes another she-cat, Mouseflower, become smitten with him. Mouseflower soon becomes pregnant.
    Camellialeaf dies giving birth, leaving the medicine cat role to her apprentice, Sparrowcreek. When the kit is seen with the exact same pelt as Pineconefur, he claims the kit as his own (the only other black cat in RiverClan is Ivystar, and she’s a she-cat. There are another two black she-cats in ThunderClan, and one black tom in ShadowClan, but he’s a kit). He names the kit Camelliakit, for her mother. Ivystar takes away Pineconefur’s warrior status and name, and the clan drives him away. Camelliakit is brought up by a ThunderClan queen because RiverClan had no queens (Mouseflower wasn’t due for another moon and a half) and ThunderClan was too proud to turn away a kit, but in her new clan, everyone ignores her. She did not inherit her mother’s kindness or empathy, instead she had her father’s ambition, pride, and lack of honour.
    When she becomes a warrior, she escapes ThunderClan to return to RiverClan, hoping they would be good to her for her mother. But RiverClan despises her, and she ‘accidentally’ falls into the river and is swept downstream. She survives, finds a rogue names Sidewalk and they have kits. Sidewalk leaves her and the unborn kits as soon as he suspects she is pregnant (Sidewalk is kind but really doesn’t want to deal with her). She wanders around, hunting alone. One day, she runs Pinecone, and Camelliashade finds out that he’s had many more kits. The mother of two of them left the kits in RiverClan (RiverClan doesn’t know that they are Pinecone’s, and Camelliashade doesn’t know that they don’t know). The mother died only a sunrise after she left the kits in RiverClan’s care. Mouseflower cares for them, alongside her own kits.
    Camelliashade finds out a sneaks into RiverClan camp, successfully taking one of Ivystar’s lives and killing one of Mouseflower’s kits and one of Pinecone’s kits. Mouseflower then kills Camelliashade. The two kits that Camelliashade killed? Pinekit and Leafkit.
    Camelliashade was sent to the Dark Forest, the dead bodies of her kits still inside her. She named them Deathkit and Lifekit. (Lifekit is black, like her, and Deathkit is white, like Camelliashade’s mother. Of course, Camelliashade didn’t know this). The kits’ spirits went to StarClan. They were never fully brought to life, as the time they spent in their mother’s body was too short. In StarClan, they could barely move, and they were reborn (As Shadowkit and Lightkit, maybe. That would be nice).
    Camelliashade hated Mouseflower. She relished every second of driving Minnowtail against Mousewhisker. Nobody should ever love a mouse-heart.

  • And this is the fanfic for Moon and Ottie’s contest, it has the Minnowtail and Mousewhisker story:

    The full moon’s reflection glittered on the lake. Minnowpaw padded through the marshes to the lake-island. RiverClan liked to be first, beating WindClan, who were closest. One by one, the RiverClan cats jumped onto the log and onto the island. They pushed through the bushes and into the clearing, where moonlight spilled and illuminated their pelts.
    “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Mosspelt breathed. The cats murmured in agreement. Pebblepaw, Minnowpaw’s brother, padded over.
    “I wonder if Harepaw and Heatherpaw will come this time?” he meowed. “They’re nice. I wouldn’t mind if Berrypaw didn’t come, though.” He shuddered at the thought. “He is so annoying.”
    Minnowpaw nodded. “Maybe Mousepaw and Hazelpaw, and will come.” Will Mousepaw come? She sighed as she thought of the grey-and-white tom, and pushed away the guilt nagging at the back of her head. We’re only apprentices. Surely, no harm will come to us. The WindClan cats announced their arrival with distant chatter. A shout of alarm filled the air, followed by purrs and meows of amusement. Minnowpaw purred at the thought of a WindClan cat falling into the lake. Soon the cats filled the clearing, followed by ShadowClan, and finally ThunderClan. She scanned the crowd as Pebblepaw chattered away beside her.
    “Look, there’s Blackstar!” he said. “And there’s Firestar! Oh look, there are Harepaw and Heatherpaw, two little ThunderClan kits, Berrypaw, Hazelpaw… Oh, and Mousepaw!” Minnowpaw’s heart skipped a beat when she caught sight of the ThunderClan tom.
    Pouncepaw trotted over, eyes twinkling with amusement. “Harepaw fell into the lake,” he reported. “He’s in the bushes now with Tornear.” Minnowpaw let the two toms make fun of Harepaw while she watched Mousepaw. He was with his littermates and the two new ThunderClan apprentices. Minnowpaw licked her chest fur to try and distract herself from the tom. Why should I feel guilty? We live on opposite ends of the lake, she thought. No way anything could happen. Mousepaw was coming now, with the golden-brown tabby apprentice.
    “Minnowpaw!” Mousepaw called. That was her name. He’s talking to me! Minnowpaw tried to look intelligent.
    “Who’s your friend?” she asked. She tried to avoid looking at Mousepaw’s eyes. They were green.
    “This is Lionpaw,” he meowed, flicking his tail distractingly towards him. He’s still looking at me. He’s really cute.
    “Hello, Lionpaw,” she said, still avoiding Mousepaw’s gaze. “This is Pouncepaw,” she nodded to him. “And Pebblepaw.” She flicked her tail to him. What if Mousepaw thinks I look like a kit? My fur is still mostly down fur, she thought.
    “What do you think of the island?” Pouncepaw asked.
    “It’s great,” Lionpaw replied.
    Minnowpaw lit up. “We could show you around, if you like.” A moonlit stroll with Mousepaw would be nice…
    “No thanks,” Lionpaw meowed quickly. Mousepaw looked disappointed. “But Mousepaw promised to show me around the island.”
    “Huh?” Mousepaw gazed at him blankly. “Have I?” Obviously not, Minnowpaw thought. Thanks, ThunderClan furball.
    “Come on!” Lionpaw padded away, while Mousepaw followed grudgingly. They headed towards the WindClan apprentices.
    “Minnowpaw?” Pebblepaw whispered. “I think you’ve charmed that ThunderClan apprentice Mousepaw.” His eyes glimmered with amusement. “You’re so pretty and beautiful…”
    “Shutup, Pebblepaw,” she shot back in the same tone. “Everyone knows you’re the charming apprentice of RiverClan, the fastest swimmer, the quickest to drown…”
    The cats’ voices died as Onestar announced the beginning of the gathering. Minnowpaw slipped away as everyone hurried to sit down. Without making a sound, she hurried over to where she saw Mousepaw last. She was trying so to not been, she almost bumped into Mousepaw. He caught her eye and nodded towards the shore. Minnowpaw was almost jumping out of her pelt with excitement. Carefully they made their way through bushes, to the lake. They sat down at the shore looking towards the ThunderClan and WindClan border.
    “Look at the lake,” Mousespaw whispered. Minnowpaw gazed out to the still water, lit by the moon and stars. She padded over to the shoreline, flicking her tail for Mousepaw to follow. They leaned over the water, looking at their reflection, surrounded by the stars. A gentle breeze picked up, rippling the water. Mousepaw gasped, and shot back.
    “What’s wrong?” Minnowpaw whispered. Probably just got a little water on his paws.
    “Our reflections,” he breathed. “The wind picked up and they just… disappeared.” Minnowpaw hurriedly leaned over the water, face to face with her reflection.
    “Are you sure it wasn’t the breeze?” she asked. Mousepaw shook his head.
    “Yes, I’m sure,” He looked her in the eyes. “It was like… A sign from StarClan.” Minnowpaw stared at him, not sure if she should trust him. Then she turned her head sharply towards two cats walking towards the island from the moor. Mousepaw turned.
    “They don’t look familiar,” she meowed. “This is going to cause some confusion. We have to get back. Now.” Mousepaw nodded, and they headed back to the clearing. They paused beside a juniper as they waited for the foreign cats to arrive.
    “Intruders!” Hissing arose from the cats. Minnowpaw crept around the bush, and Mousepaw crept around the other side.
    “Stop!” Was that Firestar? There was urgency and disbelief in his voice. “Graystripe!” She met up again with Mousepaw on the other side of the juniper bush, and pressed her pelt to his as everyone was getting caught up with Graystripe. No chance I’d see him anyway, Minnowpaw thought. I’m way too short.
    Mousepaw stood up on his hind legs. “I can’t see him,” he whispered. Minnowpaw pressed against him again. He’s so soft and fluffy… If only it could be like this forever. But what about the sign from StarClan?

    “Minnowtail! Pebblefoot!” The clan shouted their warrior names, as Minnowtail and her brother stood proudly, side by side. Her mentor, Voletooth, and Pebblefoot’s mentor, Mosspelt, stood to the side, shouting as loud as they could and beaming rays of sunshine. Leopoardstar smiled at the new warriors.
    “Now remember,” Leopardstar meowed. “When you sit vigil, you must not talk.” Minnowtail and Pebblefoot nodded, and hurried to the fork in the stream facing the lake. The rest of the clan scattered, settling down and sharing tongues. Beechfur walked over to Minnowtail.
    “Congratulations!” Beechfur smiled. He was one of her closest friends, along with Pebblefoot and Petalfur. Minnowtail smiled and nodded happily. Beechfur playfully flicked his tail on Pebblefoot’s head as he set off towards his den. The clan continued to share tongues for a while, until one by one they set off to their dens.
    The sun was setting behind them and to the left, casting long shadows toward ThunderClan territory. I wonder how Mousewhisker is doing. He had received his warrior name many moons ago. ThunderClan apprentices were quick to receive their warrior names. She was a whole moon older than Mousewhisker, yet he received his name almost two seasons before her. Of course, they don’t learn how to swim. She shifted over a little bit, grateful she had Pebblefoot for warmth on this cold leaf-bare night. The trees were stripped to their branches, where a quarter moon ago had been full of colourful leaves. Now they were strewn all over the ground, brown and dry.
    The horizon turned a fiery red, fading to purple. She thought of Turtlekit and Tumblekit. Turtlekit had died before they had even opened their eyes. She couldn’t remember her. Tumblekit had died because Minnowtail had decided it was a fun idea to go out of camp, and drink the twoleg stuff. He would be here right now, if you hadn’t…
    Moonhigh had passed. The stars shone onto the lake, which was so still, it was almost as if there was already ice. A slight breeze ruffled her fur, and she thought of the gathering when Graystripe came back to the clans. She continuously looked forward to gatherings, sometimes with Mousewhisker. They’ve been around the entire island, and looked onto the shore… But never again was there a sign from StarClan. Or perhaps it was an omen? The moon shone overhead, almost full. There will be a gathering tomorrow, her first gathering as a warrior, the first where she and Mousewhisker are both warriors.
    The sky behind her paled. Mistyfoot and Rippletail climbed out of the warrior’s den, followed by a sleepy Reedwhisker. Reedwhisker padded over to the apprentice’s den to call on his apprentice, Hollowpaw, while Mistyfoot came over to Minnowtail and Pebblefoot.
    “You two can go get some sleep now.” Mistyfoot nodded to them as she passed. Minnowtail heard Pebblefoot sigh in relief, and stretch his legs. She, too, stretched the cold out of her muscles before climbing under the juniper bush to the warriors’ den. Graymist shifted in her sleep as Minnowtail lay down beside her.

    “Minnowtail? Pebblefoot?” Minnowtail opened her eyes sleepily. The sun through the entrance of the den, and through the branches of the juniper bush. Beechfur stood at the entrance. “We’re to go on a border patrol.” Clumsily, she got to her paws, tapping Pebblefoot on the head with her tail as she left.
    Beechfur was waiting by the stream as she got out of the warrior’s den. The chilly leaf-bare breeze made her feel awake, and she headed over the stream with Beechfur as Pebblefoot stepped out of the den. They made their way towards the horseplace, and down the WindClan border. Beechfur constantly ran ahead, complaining of the cold. One time he went for a long time, but finally, he got back to Minnowtail and Pebblefoot in the marshes.
    “I’ve marked all the borders,” he panted. “We can go back now.” As Minnowtail padded beside him, she caught a faint whiff of heather. Weird, she thought. He went really close to the border to come back smelling of heather.

    Minnowtail, Mallownose, Graymist, and Troutpaw were guarding the lake. The drought had made the lake shrink into nothing but a large puddle. RiverClan was desperate, since the lake held their prey. The other clans could live with land prey, but RiverClan only had fish. Blackclaw started hissing as a ThunderClan patrol neared.
    “Don’t take the fish,” Blackclaw croaked. “Only water.” the ThunderClan patrol grumbled grumpily behind the moss in their jaws. Minnowtail’s heart skipped a beat when she spotted Mousewhisker, though she gave nothing away. Neither did he.

    The moon shone overhead. Minnowtail carefully sneaked out of the camp with a clump of moss clamped in her jaws. It was a hot green leaf day. From the ShadowClan stream came a trickle of water. The patrol to the beaver dam must have succeeded somehow, she thought happily. And the fish will come back. She sat patiently and waited. Soon enough, a small figure appeared from the ThunderClan forest. She trotted over happily, barely containing a purr. Minnowtail set her moss down on a stone a little less muddy than the ground underfoot, and Mousewhisker did the same.
    “Race you around the lake,” Minnowtail hissed. Mousewhisker purred, and took off. Minnowtail followed, feeling the wind in her fur. Mousewhisker’s muscles pumped under his fluffy pelt. They made their way around the lake-puddle, jumping over the streams that came from the ShadowClan, RiverClan, and Moonpool. Pure joy pulsed through her body. Nothing could go wrong as long as they were together. Mousewhisker stood, panting, beside the rock where they left their moss. Minnowtail had all the muscles to swim like a fish, but Mousewhisker had more practice this past season. And it showed, especially since the ground was muddy. Minnowtail purred and pressed herself against him. He was so soft…
    “I have to tell you something,” Minnowtail meowed as she pulled away, eyes beaming. “I’m expecting kits!”
    “Kits!” Mousewhisker exclaimed. In a lower voice, he inquired, “Are they mine?”
    “Of course, you stupid furball.” Minnowtail entwined her tail with his.
    “What will you tell your clan?” Mousewhisker asked.
    “I might tell them they’re Beechfur’s.” Minnowtail looked thoughtful. “But Beechfur will have to know they’re not his.”
    “What if he’s against it?” Mousewhisker worried.
    “It’s okay, I suspect he and a WindClan she-cat may have some secrets,” Minnowtail assured him. “If he is against it and I’m wrong… maybe Beetlewhisker?”
    “Will it be okay?” Mousewhisker’s eyes were brimmed with worry.
    “Of course,” Minnowtail purred. Mousewhisker relaxed.
    “If you say so.” He pressed against her. Minnowtail purred. If only it could stay like this forever, she thought.

    “Hey, Beechfur!” Minnowtail called. “Come hunting with me and Mossypaw. I think we’ll go hunting on land.”
    “Of course,” purred Beechfur. “Mossypaw, come along now! We’re hunting land prey.”
    “Yuck.” Mossypaw padded over. “I don’t see why anyone would eat that. Where are we going?” Beechfur glanced at Minnowtail.
    “To the hills over towards the Twoleg Greenleaf place,” she meowed. Beechfur nodded, and signaled with his tail for Mossypaw to follow. As they made their way towards the hills, Minnowtail worried about how she would tell him. Hey, I’m having kits that are half ThunderClan, and I was wondering if you could help me lie to the rest of the clan? Thanks.
    “How about we stop here,” Minnowtail meowed, stopping by an elderflower tree. There was a clearing, perfect for showing Mossypaw the hunting crouch. “Now Mossypaw, come crouch by me. You want to keep your hindquarters tucked in, and keep your tail low.” Mossypaw crouched awkwardly. “Now try crawling forward, as lightly and as quietly as you can.” She watched Mossypaw practice, and signaled for Beechfur to come to the side. “I want to talk to you.”
    “Of course,” Beechfur nodded. “Watch your tail, Mossypaw!” Minnowtail gulped.
    “A cat’s loyalties should be with their clan,” she meowed hesitantly. “Right?”
    “Well, yes, I-” Beechfur hesitated. “I’m sorry. Please don’t tell anyone.” Minnowtail relaxed. Everything will be alright now.
    “I have a secret too.” She glanced at Beechfur, who seemed surprised, and relieved.
    “I’ll help you,” he offered. “Are you- are you expecting?”
    “Yes,” Minnowtail breathed. She glanced at Mossypaw, still trying desperately to master the crouch. She was so grateful for this, and she thanked StarClan silently.
    “Would you like me to pose as the father?” Beechfur asked.
    “Yes, please. Thank you.” Everything was going to be alright. “Thank you.”

    She went down to the lake again that night. The ShadowClan stream was much wider now, and the lake-puddle bigger. This would be the last time she would come here. She placed the moss she was holding onto the same rock as the night before, and waited. Just as before, a small figure emerged from the ThunderClan undergrowth. She ran up to meet it.
    “It’s fine now!” Minnowtail announced happily. Mousewhisker looked ecstatic.
    “What will you name them?” he asked. Minnowtail was taken aback.
    “So soon?” Minnowtail wasn’t prepared for this.
    “Of course.” Mousewhisker blinked. “The stream is flowing, the lake will be full soon. This will be the last time we will be here together.” Minnowtail nodded.
    “Tumblekit and Turtlekit for my siblings.” meowed Minnowtail.
    “Wavekit,” meowed Mousewhisker. “For the wave that made our reflections disappear.” Mousewhisker joked. Minnowtail purred.
    “Okay, but only in that order. If we only have two kits, they will be Tumblekit and Turtlekit. Three can include Wavekit. One means Tumblekit.” Minnowtail was very stern.
    “As you wish, love.” Mousewhisker purred and pressed against her, soft and fluffy.

    A cool leaf-fall wind blew through the branches of the maple tree above the nursery. Minnowtail blinked the sleepiness from her eyes as the dawn patrol came back through the ferns surrounding the camp. She felt four warm bodies pressed against her stomach, and looked down at Tumblekit, Turtlekit, Wavekit, and Primrosekit. She had kitted just yesterday, and she felt stiff and tired, despite sleeping like a rock the night before. Tumblekit was a gray-and-white tom, the only tom in the litter, and a spitting image of his father. Turtlekit was black, just like how her mother had described her deceased sister. Wavekit was a pale-gray she-cat, like her deceased grandmother, Dawnflower. Primrosekit, named after Mistystar’s deceased kit and Minnowtail’s mother, Dawnflower, looked just like Minnowtail. Primrosekit was the smallest of the litter, and Minnowtail hoped she would become stronger as she grew.
    “Minnowtail?” Willowshine, her medicine cat, poked her head into the nursery. “Are you alright? Here, I’ve soaked some moss for you.” Willowshine placed the moss by Minnowtail’s head, and she lapped at it. “Reedwhisker’s sent out a hunting patrol already, I’ll have someone bring you some fresh-kill as soon as they get back.”
    “Thanks, Willowshine,” she mumbled. The drought had affected RiverClan the most, killing three of the elders. Dawnflower and Voletooth, her mother and mentor, had died of thirst and hunger, as well as Blackclaw. And now she had four half-clan kits at her belly, one of which who was a spitting image of his ThunderClan father. At least she had Beechfur, even though none of the kits even remotely resembled the light-brown tom. Duskfur’s kits were waking up now, two RiverClan kits. Curlkit and Podkit were lucky. Minnowtail was lucky too, to have Beechfur. She just hoped her kits won’t end up being treated like Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf. She shuddered at the thought.
    “Min-oh-hail?” Petalfur squeezed into the nursery, holding a full grown carp in her jaws. She placed it on the floor of the nursery. “Willowshine got me to give this to you. It’s enough to feed you, Duskfur, and her kits!” Her eyes shined. The drought had killed off all the fish, and for a long time, the only prey they had were land-prey and tiny minnows. A carp this size would have fed half the clan!
    “Come share it with us,” Minnowtail purred. It wasn’t every day that the prey would run as well as this!

    Minnowtail was asleep in the warrior’s den beside Graymist and Pebblefoot, her kits now apprentices. She was falling asleep…
    She was in a dark forest, full of the stench of rotting carcasses. A distant stream could be heard, and an un-appetizing gurgle of a distant source of water. Whispers, sinister and cruel, waiting for her. Movements on the edges of her vision. Minnowtail frantically turned around and around in circles, looking for a safe place to shield herself, hide herself from the rest of this world. Water, she thought. She started sprinting towards the sound of the stream. She seemed to run forever, yet the sound of the stream never seemed any closer, nor any farther. She was desperate now. Wake up, wake up. She burst through a clump of dry sorrel, and almost fell into the river. A foul stench plastered against her fur. This stream was running with bones, blood, it was anything but pure. Minnowtail was rooted to the spot, unable to turn away from the horror. Where am I? Why can’t I wake up? Wake up, she thought. She turned around, and found the nearest tree. She rammed herself into it. Minnowtail fell to the ground, gasping for air. Why can’t I wake up? Panic fluttered through her chest, as she lay there, in far too much pain to move again. The rotting river brought bile to her mouth, and she fought to hold it back. A rustle in the dead undergrowth of this forest startled her, and she stared at the direction from whence it came from. A cat padded through the undergrowth, where the ferns almost tried to part themselves, afraid to touch this cat, this soul. It was a tortoiseshell she-cat, scrawny, yet her belly was round and was covered with clotted fur. Could Minnowtail almost see the fronds behind her, or was it just a trick of the eyes? Her copper eyes seemed insane, and Minnowtail flinched as they met hers. Once again, she seemed rooted to the spot.
    “Well hello there,” the she-cat rasped. Her voice was scratchy and sinister. “You seem to be new here. Why don’t we introduce ourselves? My name is Camelliashade.” The she-cat laughed a horrible, horrible laugh. “Camelliashade…” she muttered, almost to herself. At this, Minnowtail found the use of her legs again. She got up and ran, fast as minnows in a stream. Away from that cat, away from that river…
    Another cat burst through the undergrowth, hissing, hackles raised. Yet she found herself immersed in a sweet, familiar smell.
    “Mousewhisker!” she cried. “Why… how… what are you..?”
    “I’m not sure. I woke up here.” His voice was steady, but his eyes gave away how afraid he was. “Here, lie down and try to fall asleep.” The two lay down beside a giant tree, unidentifiable and rotting. But it was better than sleeping out in the open. Minnowtail couldn’t untense herself, but slowly found sleep again. She was only half-aware of Mousewhisker’s scent fading away, and the rotting forest being replaced by the scents of Pebblefoot and Graymist, and the evil whispers filled with the snoring and shuffling of cats in their sleep.
    She woke up as the dawn patrol got back. Carefully, as to not disturb Graymist sleeping beside her she got up, and almost fell from the stiffness in her legs. It’s almost like last night was real. Then a thought struck her. It wasn’t, was it? Yet when she sniffed at her pelt, the foul stench of that place was stuck into it.
    Reedwhisker had gotten up already and was waiting for more cats to wake up before organizing patrols. It was a chilly newleaf morning, and the newly-grown fern fronds were dripping with dew. Birds chirped into the distance. It almost made Minnowtail forget about her dream.
    “Reedwhisker?” Minnowtail called. “May I lead a hunting patrol?”
    “Yeah, sure.” Reedwhisker nodded. He glanced around the clearing at everyone who was already up. “Take Petalfur, Mallownose, and Beechfur and Mossypaw if that’s okay with them.” Beechfur nodded from across the clearing. Mossypaw’s mentorship had been passed to Beechfur when Minnowtail had been confined to the nursery. “Go upstream to the lake.” Reedwhisker continued. Minnowtail flicked her tail for the rest to follow. Minnowtail pulled ahead of the others, taking detours to rub the scent off her pelt in long patches of grass and hoping the others wouldn’t follow her path. Thankfully, they probably thought Minnowtail was just happy to be out of the nursery.
    What was that? And why was Mousewhisker there, too?

    Minnowtail was settled in her nest again, almost scared to go to sleep after last night’s terror. But slowly, sleep came.
    Minnowtail woke up in the rotting forest again. Almost immediately, Camelliashade appeared behind her.
    “Do not be afraid, young one,” she rasped. “I will give you what you deserve.”
    “N-no,” stammered Minnowtail, taking a step back. “I have everything already.” She fled again, this time making sure to head away from the sound of water, though it was farther this time anyway. She ran until her lungs burned and her muscles ached, and finally she stopped beside a tree and lay down. Minnowtail closed her eyes and waited for sleep, but it never came. It felt like days. Then she heard a rustle of dried bracken behind her, and she jumped up, face to face with Camelliashade. She took a step back, somehow knowing that in a fight, she would be defeated.
    “Listen to me,” Camelliashade insisted. “You must help us-help yourself, or your kit will die.”
    “No.” Minnowtail was trembling so much, she almost lost her footing while taking another step back. Your kits, a voice in her head whispered.
    “Come with me, I will show you everything you need to know.” Camelliashade was taking steps towards Minnowtail, pushing her against the tree. Then all at once, somebody, was poking Minnowtail on the side, telling her to stop moving…

    She was awake again. Pebblefoot was pushing her off of his nest. Minnowtail got up and carefully wound around the sleeping cats to the entrance of the den. The air outside smelled fresh and pure, unlike the forest she kept dreaming in. She slipped by Mintfur who was on night watch, mumbling “Taking a walk” as she silently pushed through the ferns. Pushing through the grasses and wildflowers upstream towards the lake, she et her mind wander from her dreams. An owl hooted in the distance. Silverpelt shone above her, all of her ancestors in the sky. She almost ran into the lake, forgetting about the tide that pulled the lake slightly further up the banks of RiverClan territory. She looked at her reflection, rippling in the breeze. I have everything that I could have ever wanted.

    A half-moon went by without another visit to the rotting forest. Prey was running well, and Minnowtail, Primrosepaw, and Petalfur, Primrosepaw’s mentor, were headed off for a hunting patrol on the border opposite the lake. Primrosepaw had grown from the smallest kit in the litter to almost as tall as Minnowtail herself. The three cats were swimming in the river, Minnowtail and Petalfur taking turns to pick up fish from the shoals swimming underneath the water, and handing it to Primrosepaw in the shallows.
    “Want to try, Primrosepaw?” Petalfur asked.
    “Come here,” Petalfur instructed. “There’s a stronger current here, which is where the fish is.” Primrose paw carefully made her way there, and Minnowtail swam over to guide her.
    “Can you see the fish?” Minnowtail meowed. “That’s where you have to be.” Primrosepaw was starting to struggle as she entered a few milder currents, and Petalfur seemed to be worried. Just as Primrosepaw entered the main current, she was immediately swept away.
    “Help!” she cried, just before her head disappeared under the waves.
    “Primrosepaw!” Minnowtail and Petalfur screamed, almost at the same time. Minnowtail stopped resisting the current and instead swam with it downstream. Primrosepaw’s head reappeared much further downstream than before, and Minnowtail fought back panic as she pummeled the water harder with her legs. Petalfur appeared beside her, also trying to get to Primrosepaw. They raced down the river for a few more moments, when Primrosepaw resurfaced after a bend in the river just a few tail-lengths in front of them. Minnowtail and Petalfur were also thrown out of the current, and reached Primrosepaw in a few strokes. The two older cats pushed Primrosepaw onto the bank, where she lay on her front, eyes closed and vomiting up mouthful after mouthful of water. My kit!

    Minnowtail was settled in her nest. That morning, after Primrosepaw had nearly drowned, Petalfur had run back to camp to fetch Mothwing and Willowshine, while Minnowtail stayed to care for Primrosepaw. She had cuts and scrapes all over from stones in the stream. Beechfur and Mintfur had also come to carry her back to camp. It took a long time, as, by the time they reached the spot Minnowtail, Petalfur, and Primrosepaw were hunting earlier to pick up their catch, it was almost nightfall. Primrosepaw was in the medicine cat den, exhausted and barely alive.
    Minnowtail looked over at Beechfur beside her. The tom had told her the cat he loved in WindClan, Gorsetail, was the mother of his kits. Minnowtail had been afraid of what may become of her kits, but Beechfur’s kits were fine, and her kits were fine too, except the one that just drowned. Nobody was suspicious of anything, except Petalfur and Pebblefoot, who knew Minnowtail and Beechfur too well to not notice. They had kept their mouth shut, even when Tumblepaw and Mousewhisker stood not even a tail-length apart at a gathering. The two toms looked so much alike, it almost hurt Minnowtail every time she looked at Tumblepaw, regret gnawing through her. Would Mousewhisker have taken up another mate? But it was a better life than most half-clan cats could lead.

    Minnowtail woke up in the dark forest again. The near-drowning of her kit had shattered her, and usually, she could get away from the forest easily, but this time she couldn’t, no matter how hard she concentrated. The gurgle of the bloodstream was unnervingly close, and memories of that morning came rushing to her. A rustle in the undergrowth behind her made Minnowtail whip around to see Camelliashade. The bony she-cat’s eyes bored into Minnowtail’s, and she almost thought they looked sane. There was something different this time. Something about this she-cat has changed.
    “Your kit will die.” The she-cat seemed much too concerned about something that had nothing to do with her. “You must learn from us.” Her words gave off a sense of foreboding. Minnowtail was skeptical.
    “Who do you think you are?” Minnowtail demanded. “Always coming into my dreams, telling me my kits are gonna die…” She snorted. “Everybody dies. No big deal. Why would I learn from you? You don’t look so great yourself.” Minnowtail glanced down at the tortoiseshell’s mangy fur and wrinkled her nose to make a point. This made Camelliashade shake in fury.
    “You fool,” she hissed, and swiped her unsheathed claws across Minnowtail’s muzzle. Minnowtail jumped back, and Camelliashade’s paws barely scratched her nose. Minnowtail screeched and took off, pelting through the endless forest. She was aware of Camelliashade behind her, and just barely acute of the fact that Camelliashade often cut to one side of her, making her turn left and right. The mangy she-cat was fast for someone as scrawny as her, and her round belly must have had no effect on her agility. Minnowtail’s lungs were burning with the rotten air, and she almost fell down as she entered a clearing, full of snarling cats.
    “No,” breathed Minnowtail, barely audible. All around her, cats stopped clashing with one another, though some in the background continue to cry bloodthirsty cries. The closest one to Minnowtail, a mottled brown-and-ginger tom, she recognized as Redwillow, a ShadowClan warrior. What’s he doing here? Minnowtail gulped. Then this isn’t just a dream… Some of cats closer to her crouched, as if they were about to attack Minnowtail. Just as she got ready to defend herself, Camelliashade burst from the undergrowth behind her, barely out of breath.
    “There is no need,” mewed Camelliashade, signalling the cats to get out of their crouches. “I was merely showing our newcomer around. Come along, now.” Camelliashade disappeared into the undergrowth behind her, and Minnowtail felt she had no choice left but to follow. She definitely wasn’t going to be hanging around these cats, and Redwillow.
    Minnowtail followed Camelliashade for a few more tail-lengths before they stopped and faced each other. Camelliashade’s eyes seemed to plead with her, and Minnowtail was shocked that such a cat could harbour such feelings. “Don’t you see?” Camelliashade started. “You need us. We hold the power of the stars in our claws, trust me.
    “Your kit, did she not almost die? Don’t look confused, I know, I saw it.” she leaned in. “Trust me. Their father is about to fall in love with someone else. Surprised again? Surely, you’d know better than that. He’s bored. Tired of not knowing a family beside him. Now come.” Camelliashade turned and headed back towards the clearing.
    Minnowtail was already stunned beyond words. What else does she know? Mousewhisker wouldn’t give up on us like that. He couldn’t just leave and forget about us. Not the kits. Not me- Why is this happening? Minnowtail turned to follow Camelliashade, dizzy and whirling with emotions. This place must be messing with my mind.
    As they reached the clearing, Camelliashade faced her again. “Now that you’ve seen our power,” she rasped. “Will you accept our guidance?” Minnowtail still felt unsure, and it must have showed. “Your kits need you,” Camelliashade hissed. She straightened herself, and a smug look appeared on her face. “Perhaps this will persuade you…” Minnowtail followed Camelliashade, and the two of them skirted around the clearing full of snarling cats. She recognized some of the cats, Harespring and Breezepelt from WindClan, Icewing, from her own clan, Blossomfall from ThunderClan and…
    Mousewhisker? The gray tom was sitting beside Blossomfall, their tails entwined. Minnowtail almost hissed aloud in fury. Camelliashade’s smug look hadn’t disappeared from her face yet. Now she faced Minnowtail. “Are you prepared to accept our guidance?” Minnowtail felt a burst of rage surging through her.

    * * *

    The battle was over. Mistystar lay on the ground, alongside her fallen clanmates. Mothflight lay beside her, trying to keep her body warm before coming back again in another life. Turtlepaw, Tumblepaw, Primrosepaw, and Wavepaw were huddled together, licking their wounds. Minnowtail feared their confrontation, her kits asking her why she had been on the Dark Forest’s side until the battle started, when she returned to the clans to care for her kits. But they weren’t kits anymore. They had survived a battle.
    Camelliashade was dead, for a second time. She had been fighting Minnowtail when Wavepaw came to help. Wavepaw suffered a serious injury along her flank, though not fatal.
    Willowshine was treating the last few scratches. The prey pile was scattered through the camp, and very few crouched down to have a bite. Dapplenose, Hollowflight, Robinwing, and Troutstream, all of them dead. They had been placed in a row but for Hollowflight, who had betrayed the clans and fought for the Dark Forest until his very last breath. He now lay under a bramble bush outside of camp. Dapplenose, Robinwing, and Troutstream all had friends and family grieving beside them, their pelts shining underneath the stars. StarClan cats lingered in the clearing, waiting. Everyone was quiet, leaves rustled in the distance. Everyone gasped collectively as a faint outline of a cat rose from the body of Mistystar, eyes closed and still, seemingly unable to move. Spirits rose from Dapplenose, Robinwing, and Troutstream’s bodies, and everyone rushed to say goodbye before they left.
    “Troutstream!” Rushtail called. “Don’t leave, please, not after Hollowflight…” Rushtail touched noses with Troutstream as she ascended into the sky. Troutstream’s eyes were kind and loving.
    “Do not be afraid, brother.” She was drifting into the sky, along with all of the other StarClan cats. “I will be happy, with Robinwing.” She pressed against her mate as they got farther and farther away. “You will find happiness, too. Do not fret for me, look for your own happiness, as I already have found mine. I will wait for you in StarClan, brother.” Rushtail stared after his sister, heartbroken.
    Mistystar stood, looking tall and majestic, but for her wounds, which had not completely healed. Crookedstar looked down upon her from where he was in the sky. “Do not lose faith, Mistystar,” he called. Other shining entities were rising from across the lake, spirits of other StarClan warriors. The spirits in the sky united and ascended together until they become the one with the stars.
    Mistystar climbed onto the leader’s rock, and spoke to the gathered cats in the clearing. “We are victorious. RiverClan has lost many, yet the future still remain clouded. The battle across the lake seems to have ended, since the spirits of StarClan have left them as well to return to the sky. Though our fallen clanmates have peacefully reached StarClan, their bodies must still be buried. The worst is over, and we cannot afford to fall apart now. Which is why I feel now is the right time to do this.” Mistystar motioned towards the apprentices. “Wavepaw, Tumblepaw, Primrosepaw, and Turtlepaw, come forward.” The apprentices looked surprised, and pleased. Some murmurings passed through the clearing, about if this was the right time. Minnowtail felt a surge of pride and affection for her kits, and glanced at Beechfur, who looked the same as she felt. Even though he wasn’t the real father, nobody else knows. He still raised them as his own.
    “I, Mistystar, leader of RiverClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down at these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn.” Mistystar leaped down from the rock despite her injuries to face the apprentices. “Tumblepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?”
    Tumblepaw stepped forward, calm and composed. “I do.”
    “Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Tumblepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Tumblewhisker. StarClan honors your courage and loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of RiverClan.” Mistystar placed her chin on his head, and Tumblewhisker licked her shoulder. Minnowtail felt she could burst with pride, but groaned inwardly when he received the same name as his… biological father.
    “Primrosepaw,” Mistystar meowed. “Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?”
    Primrosepaw was serene and graceful when she stepped forward. She had grown to be the same size as her littermates and into a respected cat. Her eyes shone as she said, “I do.”
    “Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Primrosepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Primrosewind. StarClan honors your grace and strength, and we welcome you as a full warrior of RiverClan.” Mistystar placed her chin on Primrosewind’s head, and Primrosewind licked her shoulder.
    “Turtlepaw.” Turtlepaw was solemn, and made Minnowtail remember how young she was to have already participated in such a huge battle. “Do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?”
    “I do.”
    “Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Turtlepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Turtleshine. StarClan honors your wisdom and purity, and we welcome you as a full warrior of RiverClan.” Mistystar did the same actions with Turtleshine as she did with Tumblewhisker and Primrosewind. Wavepaw padded over, the last in her litter.
    “Wavepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?”
    Wavepaw nodded. “I do.”
    “Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Wavepaw, from this moment on you will be known as Wavesong. StarClan honors your toughness and understanding, and we welcome you as a full warrior of RiverClan.” The clan erupted into cheers, glad for something joyous to celebrate after death and sadness. Calling upon their ancestors after they had just supported them in the battle felt like a tribute to their fallen clanmates, and the new warriors meant that life would go on, and the clans would thrive.
    “It’s Primrosewind, fish-brain.”

  • And a few more to go with that:

    Minnowtail ended up telling the kits about their father a few sunrises after their warrior ceremony. They decide to tell the clan, who is angry at first, but Mistystar reminds them that she was half-clan, and there’s nothing the kits could have done about it. Everyone forgets about it after Darktail’s Kin takes over. Because it really doesn’t matter, especially since ThunderClan is on the other side of the lake and Mousewhisker already had kits with Blossomfall (Streamkit and Creekkit, which both coincidently have something to do with RiverClan (I hate BlossomxThorn, Thornclaw is the same age as Brightheart!! They were born before Rusty became Firepaw, I think!!! Blossomfall’s father is only about six moons older than Thornclaw!!!!!)).
    Wavesong dies of an infected wound about a half moon later because of the wound from Camelliashade. Primrosewind names her kits with Rushtail after her (Wavekit and Cypresskit who mysteriously disappeared after ‘The Apprentice’s Quest’, I have decided to make them Primrosewind’s kits)
    Camelliashade gave Wavesong the wound that eventually killed her. She had originally intended for Primrosewind to die, and she was the one that sent an extra-strong current that washed her away. Flowers made Camelliashade sickly. But one of them died in the end anyway, and she kept her promise. Minnowtail’s kit would die.
    Cloudfluff is the Place of No Stars warrior who killed Troutstream. He was a young ShadowClan tom, with a white, fluffy pelt. He had developed anxiety. Because of this, couldn’t hunt well, and wasn’t very social. Many of the other warriors, pretty ones and strong ones and smart ones and fast ones, bullied him. He became a Dark Forest trainee. One day, he killed five cats before another cat killed him. He killed Troutstream hissing about the bullies that hated him so much.
    Irispelt is a Dark Forest warrior. She is white with black markings, and a marking on her forehead that looks like and iris flower. Formally a she-cat from WindClan, her mother died giving birth and her father refused to accept her, instead taking another mate and having other kits. There were no other kits to befriend, and her mentor was a cat who kept to themselves. She developed psychopathy, and killed many cats. She is still insane, stalking through the Place of no Stars. She was the warrior that killed Robinwing and Hollowflight, even though Hollowflight was a loyal warrior to the Dark Forest.

    I didn’t edit these, hopefully you didn’t waste your time reading these last few 😛

  • Did my comment on the other page like this go into spam? Because I posted it, edited it, and then it disappeared, which is what also happened to a different comment of mine a few days ago 😛 (both were long, though)

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