• Here are the requirements for each Clan:

    1. Confetti
    2. Balloons
    3. Food
    4. A Movie To Watch(as long as it’s appropriate)

    Bracken will represent FireCan, I will represent WaterClan, Rosepaw will represent AirClan, and Jayleap will represent EarthClan.

  • Destinywish’s Prophecy

    Leader Awesomestar- awesome ginger tom
    Deputy Evilsoul- dark tabby tom with red eyes
    Apprentice, Totallyinnocentpaw
    Medicine Cat Crystalwater- silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes
    Rainbowleap- tortoiseshell she-cat dappled with the colors of a rainbow
    Apprentice, Prettypaw
    Bloodclaw- black tom with blood-red paws and red eyes
    Galaxydance- purple-black she-cat, with galaxy-like swirls
    Braveheart- strong, brave golden tabby tom
    BetterthanyourOCheart- tom with color-changing fur
    Pearlswirl- pale calico she-cat
    Soawesomeblaze- ginger tabby tom
    Coolsong- cool pale blue she-cat
    Meanheart- tortoiseshell she-cat
    Majestichorizon- pale orange tom
    Diamondglitter- silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes, mother to Destinykit, (crystal-blue she-cat with a star-like glimmer that changes color slightly depending on the angle it is looked at, and moon-shaped crescent on her forehead) and Uglykit (a ugly tortoiseshell she-cat)
    Totallyinnocentpaw- brown tabby tom with amber eyes
    Prettypaw- pretty light pink she-cat with silver eyes
    Grumpyheart- grumpy old gray tom

  • Destinywish’s Prophecy

    Crystalwater was walking through a sunny forest. All of a sudden, a starry cat approached her! “Starshimmer!” she cried. “Hello Crystalwater” She said. “I have a prophecy for you.” “A prophecy?!?” She said excitedly. “Yes.” She said. “Only Destiny can defeat the Evil and Blood.“ Starshimmer began to fade from view. “What does it mean?!?” Crystalwater cried, and then she woke up by the Moonpool.

  • Destinywish’s Prophecy
    Chapter 1

    Destinykit woke up beside her mother, Diamondsparkle. She couldn’t wait for today’s adventure! Yesterday she had snuck out of camp and caught a mouse! She could do anything! Destinykit was heading for the camp entrance when she spotted… a fox! “Get out of our territory!” She yelled, clawing the fox. The fox yelled in pain and ran away. Destinykit turned around and saw Awesomestar, the Clan leader! “Good job.” He said. “If you hadn’t dealt with that fox, we all would have been doomed for sure.” “Thank you!” Destinykit squealed. Awesomestar and her went back to camp, and then he made an announcement from the Highrock. “Destinykit, you saved us from a fox today. You are ready to be an apprentice. Your name will be Destinypaw, and I will be your mentor.” The Clan gasped, and Destinypaw smiled. She was going to be mentored by the Clan leader! “Destinypaw! Destinypaw!” The toms purred. “Destinypaw, Destinypaw,” The she-cats muttered in jealousy. “What about me?” Destinypaw’s sister, Uglykit, protested. “You can be an apprentice when you can fight foxes like your sister,” he promised. Uglykit was still upset, but no one cared, they were all looking at Destinypaw. “Tomorrow you can start training,” said Awesomestar.

  • Destinywish’s Prophecy
    Chapter 2

    Destinypaw was exited. Today was her first day of training. She met Awesomestar in the Training Hollow. “Today we are going to have a fighting lesson.” He said. They practiced, and Destinypaw beat him every time. “Wow, you’re even better than I thought!” He exclaimed. Next, they went hunting. Destinypaw brought back three mice, four squirrels, and a bird. “Good job!” Smiled Awesomestar. When they got back to camp, Awesomestar made an announcement about the Gathering from the Highrock. “The cats going to the Gathering are Random Cat 1, Random Cat 2, Random Cat 3, and Destinypaw!” He yelled. Omg! Destinypaw was going to the Gathering!

  • Destinywish’s Prophecy
    Chapter 3

    “It is time to leave for the Gathering.” Said Awesomestar. Destinypaw jumped up. “Yay I’m so excited!” Destinypaw squealed. She followed Awesomestar, Evilsoul, Coolsong, BetterthanyourOCheart, Braveheart, and Prettypaw to the Gathering. A DJ was there playing pop music. Destinypaw danced and sang along. “It is time for the Gathering to start!” Awesomestar announced. When she was sitting down, she saw a cute IdkClan tom. “Hello.” He said. “My name is Emopaw. What’s yours?” “D-D-Destinypaw.” Said Destinypaw. “You are very beautiful.’ Said Emopaw. “Thank you!” Destinypaw blushed. “Quiet!” Yelled the leaders. “I will meet you tomorrow.” Said Emopaw. “Okay!” Said Destinypaw. The leaders sat down and talked about random stuff, but Destinypaw blushed to herself. “I think I’m in love!” She whispered.

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