• Owlfang-
    Owlfang leapt onto Wolfpaw. “The best training is CLAWS ON!” They snarled.
    Blossomfall defender

    • “Ahhh” wolfpaw yowled

      “Owlfang” echofox yowled. “A word!” She meowed pulling him off. “Don’t do that he thinks he’s in starclan you’ll ruin this!” She hissed quietly slashing at owl fangs nose. “Now go to your nest, or I’ll kill you!” She growled

      • (Pulling them off.)
        “You can’t kill me! I’m already dead,” Owlfang taunted.
        Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!

        • “Yes I can don’t you remember the great battle of the clans long ago they killed raggedstar when he was already dead!, you idiot peace of fox dung” she hissed furiously. “Ah look what you’ve done wolfpaw is awake now!”

          • Owlfang-
            “Probably didn’t need training from a fox-heart like you anyway,” Owlfang spat.
            Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!

            • She unsheathed her claws. “Want me to match your other eye with my claws!” She hissed. “Oh I remember a battle to the death and I hear you and leading for mercy!” She mocked circling him

              • Berrydapple-
                “Hey, hey. Cool it, Echofox.” Berrydapple meowed, bees eyes narrowed with annoyance.
                “I think we’ve had enough arguments for one day, don’t you?” bee mewed.
                Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!

                • She spat. “Am I the only true cat here, it’s like your all soft kittypets!” She spat

                • Owlfang-
                  “It’s like you’re a jerk. Oh wait, maybe because it is?” Owlfang taunted.
                  “Hey, don’t make things worse!” Berrydapple scolded Owlfang.
                  I’ll turn my back to you, both stars and blood.

                • Owlfang-
                  “It’s fine,” Owlfang hissed to their sibling.
                  You sit and weave your lies, like a fox trots through the night.

                • “The dark forest used to be great! It thanks to those good riden clan cats that killed our cats and drove us back into this wasteland!” She hissed. “If we should blame anyone for our struggles let it be the clans!” Echofox growled

                • Berrydapple-
                  Bees eyes showing sorrow, Berrydapple said, “The Shadow Woods have changed.”
                  You sit and weave your lies, like a fox trots through the night.

                • “Yes but we will get our revenge… I have a plan all of you select cats from each clan to train here, feed of their negative emotions and tragedy’s… we will rise once again” she growled in excitement at this plan

  • “What did I miss” turtlesway calmly walked up to them from the shadows.

    • Owlfang-
      “Nothing much. But we could always train, I suppose.” they said.

      You sit and weave your lies, like a fox trots through the night.

      • “Of course” he meowed swiftly charging in and slashing him his lithe body dodging blows and slipping through owlfang. His tail brushed his face and he gleamed coldly but the closest thing to happy in the shadow woods.

        • Owlfang-
          Owlfang hissed, but they started to attack Turtlesway.
          PoppyfrostXBriarlight forever!

            • Kestry? It really annoys me when you call Owlfang “he.” They don’t use those pronouns. They use they/them pronouns, and I’d really appreciate it if you remembered that from now on, or at least practiced until you do! Thank you 😀
              And He Runs

          • “Beaten that easily owly? I was just playing” turtle jeered smiling with no emotion behind it

            • Owlfang-
              “I will remind you,” snarled Owlfang, “that I was an elder when I died. I can’t fight as well as I used to!”
              WolfStar 4 Life

              • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

                (Wait, don´t you magically get converted to your best age when you die, even in the Shadow Woods?)

                • (No, that’s not really what happens.)
                  Fleur is amazing!

              • “Well I’m a bit old in my age Ian’s I can still kill a blackclan patrol if I wanted” he meowed sitting back down with his tail wrapped around his paws. “Is that all for tonight?”

                • Berrydapple-
                  Berrydapple approached Turtlesway. “I’ll train with you,” bee offered.
                  Lost In The Woods

                • He nodded turning towards bee. Then he darted behind (them in pronouns?) And raked his sharp edged claws down (their in pronouns used) back locking the blood off his lips.

                • Here’s how to use bee/bees pronouns!

                  Where you’d say he, say bee!

                  He is a painter. ——> Bee is a painter.

                  Where you’d say him, say bee!

                  I sometimes paint with him. ——> I sometimes paint with bee.

                  Where you’d say his, say bees!

                  He is proud of his paintings. ——> Bee is proud of bees paintings.

                  For himself, say beeself!

                  He taught himself how to paint. ——> Bee taught beeself how to paint.

                  I hope that helped! 😉
                  MothPool Shipper

                • Berrydapple-
                  Berrydapple winced in pain, but bee stood up shakily anyway, and snarled, “You can’t beat me that easily!”
                  MothPool Shipper

  • Jade glared at them all. “You all seem much too soft to be real warriors of the Shadow Woods.” The former kittypet hissed

    • Echofox shot up in rage and sliced open their muzzle before they could say mouse. She hissed ferocious and kept clawing at their belly.

      • (Jade dodged them) “I may have been a kittypet during my life but ive killed more than you ever could. Im more heartless than stone. You are BENEATH ME!”

    • Berrydapple-
      “Jade is right. What happened to the cruel-hearted warriors we used to be?” Berrydapple asked, a sharp edge to bees voice.
      WolfStar 4 Life

      • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

        ¨I don´t know about you, but when I think of you measly lot, I don´t think of cruel-hearted warriors. We need more warriors. And we need more training. Why don´t we make some large clearings by raking out the dead weeds and bushes, recruit more warriors, make more moves, and fight harder?¨ Ravenfrost commented.

        • Berrydapple-
          “That’s actually a really good idea.” mewed Berrydapple. Bee was impressed.
          Fleur is amazing!

          • “I guess so” she meowed “but no messing around” she growled waving her tail to clear out the weeds. “Berrydapple, do you mind recruiting another warrior? Maybe smallfoot and his brother they seem pretty evil” she meowed not waiting for a response

  • “You all act like KITS! You may have a plan to get strong but with the way u act it will NEVER happen!” Jade slashed her claws on Turtlesway’s nose too swiftly for them to dodge. She left only a small scratch on purpose

    • “Is that all you got” he teased swiftly swerving in front of them and doubling back onto their back landing a swift blow to the back then leaped off smiling calmly but menacingly.

      • “I did it on purpose as to not kill you” she rounded on him and bit his neck and sat on him. “You want me to actually kill you?”

  • Jade stared at them all. “If your plan did end up working and not falling apart, then who would I train and feed off of?” She glared at them all as though they had forgotten what she had done during life

    • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

      ¨She has a point,¨ Ravenfrost adressed them. ¨You´re stupid to think you can just take over. Living cats are strong, some stronger than you. And they have more allies. Namely, almost every Clan cat who has died since the time of the Clans began. We may have thousands, but the Clans have more. Not enough cats are bad these days.¨ Several cats nodded.

  • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

    (Hey guys! So I´m hoping, though mae´s young, because of mair incredible fighting skills, Ravenfrost can be a senior warrior here, helping with the mentoring. However, mae´s like Ivypool was when she realized they were bad, a good person who come for training and to spy for mair Clan. Mainly for battle training. Mae loves that. It´s one of mair favorite things, aside from mair WaterClan mate Boulderheart. Mae´s LightningClan, in case you wanted to know.)

      • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

        (Yay! Thanks Turtle!)

  • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

    ¨Hey, Owlfang! Training?¨”Ravenfrost called in their direction.

    • Owlfang-
      “Sure.” meowed Owlfang. Ravenfrost was better to train with than Echofox, they thought.
      Fleur is amazing!

      • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

        Ravenfrost smiled. She pounced on Owlfang, biting their scruff, then leaped away to avoid their next attack.

        • Owlfang-
          Owlfang scrambled to their paws, and they circled Ravenfrost. When the time was right, they pounced on her, pinning her to the ground.
          Squirrelflight lover

          • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

            Ravenfrost screeched, caught off guard by the fact that someone could best her. But she recovered quickly, snarling and flashing a paw at his throat.

            • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

              *THEIR* throat, so sorry Turtle!

              • It’s alright 🙂 I’m glad you corrected the pronouns <3
                Lost In The Woods

            • Owlfang-
              “You’re a good fighter,” commented Owlfang, leaping onto their feet.
              Lost In The Woods

              • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

                Ravenfrost acknowledged them with a curt nod. “Thanks. So are you.” She leaped at them, dodged their paw, and knocked them onto their belly.

                • Owlfang-
                  Owlfang kicked their legs, hoping to make Ravenfrost lose her balance.
                  MothPool Shipper

                • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

                  Ravenfrost kept her balance, however, and quickly dropped to ground level, rolled away, and jumped back into her fighting stance, waiting for Owlfang to make a move.

                • Owlfang-
                  Owlfang raised their paw, and slashed it across Ravenfrost’s face. If their claws had been out, they’d have left a nasty scar.
                  🎵Why do you write like you’re running out of time?🎵

                • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

                  Ravenfrost was quick, but not quick enough, and recieved a rough blow, though she dodged enough to make it sting less. She practiced one of the only TreeClan moves she knew, springing up and landing on Owlfang’s back. As this was the Shadow Woods and she, as a trainee, was supposed to be ruthless, she clawed their back. She winced as they yowled. That had to hurt.

                • Owlfang-
                  Owlfang hissed in pain.
                  Burr is my fave Hamilton character!

                • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

                  Ravenfrost leaped off. ¨Can we call this a draw? I think I´m waking up.¨ she asked, as her body began to fade.

                • Owlfang nodded, watching Ravenfrost fade.
                  Alexander Hamilton

  • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

    [spoiler title=”Boulderheart has joined the chat (as Ravenfrost’s new recruit)”]
    “Hey guys! I’m back! And I brought a recruit!” Ravenfrost crooned, stepping over a branch.
    Boulderheart carefully followed. “”Why is it so dark, Ravenfrost? Where are you taking me?”
    “Calm down, Boulderheart. This is the Shadow Woods.” Don’t worry, I’m still good,” she mouthed at him.
    “What did you say?” hissed a dead cat.
    “I told him we’re starting our training today. He’ll be my apprentice. Now let us practice the death blow.” She led him away.
    Once they were away, Ravenfrost hissed in his ear, “Stay alert. And be careful. I will try not to hurt you badly, but we have to train with claws. They could kill us both if we don’t.”
    “Nice people you work for,” he joked.
    “I know. But we learn moves I wouldn’t know before and we get to help keep the Clan safe. I want to be the best fighter in the Clans and every move counts. I can figure out their 20 next moves and I know each countermove. The only cats who can best me are here. And the more moves I learn, the better I get. I’m agile and nimble and fast, but that will change if I slack it off. And I’m going to have our kits soon. I need to be in the best shape of my life.”
    Boulderheart sighed. “Fair enough.”
    “Then let’s go!” Ravenfrost jumped into a fighting stance. He ran at her, aiming to pin her down, but she craftily leaped aside, and he landed in a pile of moss. She pounced on him and pinned him to the ground.
    Boulderheart hacked up some moss. “Can you teach me that move?”
    “Okay.” She drew a circle in the dirt and snatched a pebble. “Watch. This pebble tries to knock down the circle, but the circle-” -She scuffed the circle and drew a new one to the side- “-Moves to the side. The pebble crashes into the dirt and the circle jumps on top.”
    Boulderheart smiled. “Cool. Try it on me again, but go slower.”
    Ravenfrost jumped aside again and pounced on him.
    “Get it? Now try it on me.”
    “But- our kits!” Boulderheart protested.
    “Ugh! Pigeonflight said the same thing!” Ravenfrost growled angrily. “No Ravenfrost, you don’t get to do anything by yourself because you’re having kits! Even though it’s only been a week! You can attack me, Boulderheart! I’m not a flower!” she fumed.
    “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.” Boulderheart bowed his head in shame. “I’m just afraid. I don’t want to hurt you, but especially when you’re carrying our kits. You mean the world to me.”
    Ravenfrost smiled. “You mean the same to me.”
    They sat there for a moment.
    “Now let’s go train. After that move, can you get up fast enough?”
    Boulderheart smiled. “Wanna bet?” [/spoiler]

    • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

      “Oh, hello! Have you come to be a better warrior?” Ravenfrost meowed, stepping out of the shadows. “Oh, don’t be scared.” Ravenfrost told them, noticing their fluffed-up fur. “It’s dark, I know, but you’ll soon find yourself at home. Let me introduce you to the others! Boulderheart, there’s a new recruit!” Ravenfrost called out.
      (Wait, both of their tails?)

        • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

          “This is the Shadow Woods! It sounds scary, but we come here to be better warriors and learn new fighting moves! If you stay, you will be the best fighter in the Clans! Imagine all the glory! And not just for fighting, but hunting! We know moves your mentor never will! Speaking of which, all you’ll need here is a mentor and to visit us regularly in your dreams. You could be my apprentice for a while, but I’m having kits soon so I won’t come often until they’re born. Please, will you join us?”
          “He has two tails.” Boulderheart commented.
          “And I have six claws on my front feet.” Ravenfrost defended the apprentice, sounding annoyed.
          She turned to the apprentice. “So, will you join us?”
          (Are you gonna be evil or just misguided?)

  • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

    “Everyone gather around!” Ravenfrost yowled, leaping onto a tall rock. “We need all the fighting moves we can get if we want to be strong. Will some of you step up and teach us some new moves?”

    • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

      Ravenfrost growled. “Fine. If none of you nitwits will, I’ll show you one. This should be mastered by the spirits first because it’s dangerous to the living, so all living except senior warriors and my first apprentice, stay out of the way!”
      Ravenfrost beckoned Boulderheart forward with her tail. “Come on, you,” she grumbled, but there was a gleam of love in her eyes, after all, he was her mate.
      Boulderheart stepped up. Ravenfrost whispered something in his ear and he took up a fighting stance.
      Ravenfrost walked a couple paces back. “Watch. This move is hard to do without spraining your shoulder, though.”
      She ran full on at him, claws unsheathed. One of the spirits scoffed. Sprinting in head-on was a pretty stupid move for a fully trained trained warrior.
      Boulderheart smiled confidently and raised a paw to defend himself as she came at him. Suddenly, Ravenfrost paused for a fraction of a second in front of his face, then expertly guided her flexible body into a drop onto her right shoulder as she swung her right front paw out at the same time. The force of the blow as her upside-down paw connected with his standing leg knocked Boulderheart onto the ground. He yelped as he hit the dirt next to her, with her barely escaping him falling on her, though that seemed to be the plan, and Ravenfrost finished the roll to stand next to his sprawled form. She leaped on top of him.
      “The key here is, you have to be fast and time it right,” Ravenfrost explained, hopping off of Boulderheart. “Time the shoulder roll perfectly, and don’t give them a chance to react. You also have to be flexible, and get a good angle so you don’t break your shoulder. And getting up fast enough and pausing for the shortest second possible and about three inchworms from their face, to ensure if you’re a bit too slow they don’t fall on you, and to not miss the strike, is important too. It took me 7 moons to master, but it always catches the enemy by surprise. To add a finishing move, you can slash their face. Don’t do that here though, we need to keep our eyesight if we have a chance at remaining strong. Need me to redemonstrate?”

      • Berrydapple-
        Berrydapple nodded in approval. “Very impressive!” bee said.
        🎵Why do you write like you’re running out of time?🎵

  • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

    (Nothing has happened for a couple days so…)
    “I’m leaving, everyone.” Ravenfrost announced.
    Hisses and screeches errupted around.
    “Kill her!”
    “Weak Clan cat!”
    “Hush!” Ravenfrost screeched as the jabbering continued. “It’s not like that. I’m pregnant. You may say that I shouldn’t skip training, and that’s true, but if I keep training, my kits might be malformed or scarred. And when they’re apprentices, you can train them. I’m taking a short break, not leaving permanently. Boulderheart will still be here.”
    A couple of cats still grumbled, but most of them realized she wasn’t a traitor.
    Which she was. She fought for the Clans only. Here she learned battle moves and was a vicious rogue, but in camp, she was regular old Ravenfrost, just with more scars and fighting knowledge.
    But whatever. At least most of them were quiet.

    • Owlfang-
      Owlfang dipped their head. “I understand,” they mewed. “Good luck with your kits.”
      🎵Why do you write like you’re running out of time?🎵

  • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

    (Well, now that Ravenfrost is gone, who wants to be my mentor? Remember, Ravenfrost may be gone, but I still have Boulderheart.)

    • Berrydapple could be your mentor, if you like.
      🎵Why do you write like you’re running out of time?🎵

      • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

        Okay! Thanks! 🙂

  • 💖I ship Poppyfrost X Briarlight so much 💖 I just think that they would be adorable together 🥰 I don’t care what anybody else says, this ship is my absolute BABY and it’s awesome 😎 (Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢) says:

    Owlfang drew in the dirt with their claw, making circles. They looked up when their sibling, Berrydapple, approached them.
    “Owlfang. What are you doing?” Berrydapple asked.

    “Just thinking.” Owlfang murmured.

    Continuing to watch bees sibling, Berrydapple thought to beeself, Sometimes I wonder what goes on inside Owlfang’s head. They can be so mysterious!

    Farmer Refuted

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