• 💛Turtles loves ‘Your Obedient Servant’ from Hamilton💛 (Turtlepaw🐢🐢🐢) says:

      Looking up, Berrydapple commented, “Hey, Hawkpaw.”
      Right Hand Man

    • 🐅🌟Tigerpaw/shine (Tiger Dashing Under Shining Sun/Tiger Shine/Tiger) (mae/mim/mair/mairself, rav/rae/raven/ravenself, she/her/her/herself)🐅🌟 says:

      “Hawkpaw! Good to see you!” Boulderheart mewed, dipping his head.

  • Rainbow Turtle That Waves Pride Flag 🐢🐢🐢🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 says:

    My dearest fellow role players:
    I am shutting this role play down. It was so much fun while it lasted, but these days, it’s been bringing me nothing but stress. I feel like I would be much happier if I shut it down.

    The only one of my four role plays I am keeping is my Light And Dark role play- it’s fun, and I don’t feel stressed out at all about it.

    But my Survivors Dogs role play, my Seekers Bears role play, my Clan life role play?

    I’m shutting those down.

    Feel free to write stories or draw art of your role play characters from those role plays- they are your characters, after all.

    I herby declare this secret page… UNCLAIMED.

    Stay Alive

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